Bright Era

Chapter 358: Stripping

For three consecutive days, Lin Qi was struggling in the sea of ​​questions in anguish. It seemed that he was going to do a general survey of Lin Qi's academic performance a few days ago. The young man and Yun came up with various strange questions to test him. The problem of the young man is nothing but the demeanor of everyone. As long as you follow the right path, there is no big problem.

But the questions that came out of the cloud made Lin Qi almost vomit blood.

For example, let Lin Qi write a sonnet that misses his lover, a prose that misses his friends, a long poem that expresses his youth no longer, or simply ask him to make up a narrative about a knight and a lady. Poems and the like. Or let Lin Qi carve a piece of stone into something, and use dozens of different fonts, such as swashes, orthodics, and prints to transcribe the prayers and spells of various races to the gods.

The tricky and weird test questions caused Lin Qi to flash the Venus in front of him, and he almost had a nervous breakdown several times.

But it’s strange to say that there are clouds here to mix things up randomly. He didn’t make much of the questions on Yun, but he completed the test questions for the young man with ease. Moreover, when the young man explained the test questions, he quoted widely. He also remembered those allusions clearly.

Lin Qi always feels that Yun is just a juicer. He is desperately squeezing Lin Qi's last potential, and then turning this potential into the ability to learn. The young man was very pleased that Yun was able to cooperate with him in teaching Lin Qi the duckling style, and he completely regarded Yun's mischief as ignorance.

The three days of hell-like training finally passed, and Lin Qi managed to complete these incredible questions.

When the young man finally recognized that Lin Qi had passed the exam, Lin Qi could not help but exhale heavily. He suddenly felt that he had improved a lot in both his temperament and his realm. He was able to complete a stage of learning from the hands of the two abnormal guys, the young man and Yun, whose IQ and knowledge were beyond mortal. Lin Qi felt that he It's really amazing.

This kind of training can't overwhelm oneself, so what is there to be afraid of in the future?

Under the bright light, the green old man looked at Lin Qi's test paper written in gorgeous handwriting with an aura of extravagance, and couldn't help laughing ‘haha’. He squinted at Lin Qi, and suddenly patted the thick test paper heavily.

"Lin Qi, I learned so many things, but we just forced you to fill them with ducks. However, these things are actually very useful." The young man looked at Lin with a weird sneer, with a strange smile. Qi: "Why don't we verify it on you?"

Lin Qi, lying on the ground stretching backwards, straightened up in surprise. He frowned and asked, "How to confirm?"

The young man squinted at Yun, then smiled and said, "For example, why did you come here?"

Lin Qi frowned, and then he spread his hands helplessly: "The ungrateful **** adopted by my father was killed!"

The old man stretched out his right index finger and shook it slowly to Lin Qi. He laughed loudly: "I have taught you so many things. Although it is very superficial, it is enough. We start from the relationship between the church and the countries in the mainland, and the disputes in the major temples within the church, plus your father. Let’s analyze the status of his adopted son and the special status of his patron in the temple!"

Yun's interest came up, he took out the paper and pen, and looked at Lin Qi with a smile: "Come on, Lin Qi, tell me the causes and consequences of your being locked here! In fact, I always feel that you are locked here. More than one force is working hard behind it!"

Lin Qi glanced at Yun in surprise. He closed his eyes and pondered for a while, but he didn't notice anything wrong.

It was Arthur who had colluded with the church and received strong support in the temple of punishment, so he pitted Lin Qi into the Heiyuan God Prison. Isn't that the case? That guy Arthur had a perverted nominal son. That guy named Gerdas could be regarded as a person who punishes the ancestors of the temple. It is too easy for the temple to discipline himself.

After a long silence, Lin Qi slowly began to tell the abridged version of his imprisonment in the Dark Abyss God Prison.

"As you know, I'm at the Fifth University. Well, I'm a waiter for Master Kecha, a master of secret medicine. Then, he suddenly left the Master Tower!"

"You lied!" Yun smiled and looked at Lin Qi: "When you speak, your eyes are looking to your upper right, your pupils are also shrinking, and your hand movements are very restricted, so you are lying! Master Cha, he left the Master Tower?"

The green old man smiled and patted Lin Qi on the shoulder: "To be honest, little guy, what else can you say? Huh? We are all imprisoned in the Dark Abyss God Prison, you What can't you say?"

Helplessly spread his hands, Lin Qi looked at the young man: "To tell the truth?"

Yun jumped up, and he danced and smiled: "Of course I have to tell the truth, I like to listen to stories! Of course, the false is not counted!"

Lin Qi gritted his teeth and squinted for a while. He felt the surging breath of Sanhai inside his body and nodded resolutely: "Then, well, that **** Master Kecha's real name is Ge Hancha, he is He is a descendant of the line of Master Altyn, the Enlightenment of the Gods. He did not leave the Master Tower, but... the potion backlash, he is done! I survived!"

Lin Qi told Master Kecha and his facts about one hundred and fifty-one, but he deliberately concealed the real reason why he survived and Master Kecha died. The two divinities are shameful things. Lin Qi doesn't want to tell others about it - but he doesn't know that his idea has been completely cleaned up by the young man and Yun.

Lin Qixu talked about everything before and after his imprisonment, including his meeting with the leader of the Queshan Hermit Society, Mr. Mo.

Yun quickly wrote on the paper, and he recorded the names of all the forces and everyone involved in this matter.

The old man rubbed his hands, he smiled at Lin Qi and nodded, "Then, let's analyze it now!"

Gently drew a line between the temple of punishment and the church, the young man said indifferently: "In this incident, the temple of punishment is opposite to other temples. The simple truth is that Gerdas is the king of the army. The reincarnated person, he used his personal will to mobilize the power of the punishment temple to target you, a student in the small university town, but let Saint Louis XIII use it!"

"Perhaps the Gaul Empire is for economic or political benefits, or he really intends to use the church's army to train the imperial army. No matter what reason he used you as an excuse to provoke a conflict with the church, he succeeded, he Let all countries on the mainland stand with him!"

"The private actions of the Punishment Temple cost the entire church a huge economic benefit! So the Punishment Temple was isolated by the church in this matter!"

"Gerdas's existence cannot be known to other temples! The punishment temple might seize the power of the church through Gerdas? This is their plan, and this plan cannot be accommodated in other temples. So the law will warn. You, you are not allowed to tell the existence of Gerdas, so Gerdas cannot reveal his identity, and it is impossible to use all his power to kill you at all costs!"

"Because of the above reasons, when Cohen made a divine grace order to clear the crime with gold coins, you were already innocent! The punishment temple could not convict you at all. You didn't need to be here!"

Lin Qi squinted at the young man: "However, the Archbishop of Alpha Temple came with so many witnesses, and he made me irrefutable."

The old man smiled lightly, then shook his head.

"So, in the Gaul Empire, there are people who want you to die, or want you to close your mouth forever, so that you can no longer say something! But who is this person? It can't be your emperor, because of you Father saved his life. Saint Louis XIII is not a wise Lord, but among the emperors of the mainland today, he is also a top-notch person. He will at least not do ungrateful things!"

Lin Qi stared at the old man tightly: "So, who is it?"

The young man smiled lightly, he clapped his hands, and said calmly: "Then, who can use the Ministry of Legal Affairs to arrest your Iron Fist Brotherhood members one by one in a short time? Who can let Graham betray you? Who Can Grande testify against you at the expense of your fame? And who provided Alpha with a special potion that can identify the power of the gods in your blood?"

"This..." Lin Qi clenched his fists tightly, and a figure suddenly became clear in front of him.

"It is impossible for the church to produce potions for identifying the potions of the gods, and within the church, it is impossible to tolerate any knowledge of the gods from spreading. Even their pope dare not keep any relevant information. That bottle of potions , It can only be provided to Alpha by outsiders."

"It was also the person who provided the medicine, and stuffed a set of the enlightenment of the gods apprentice robe into the dark cabinet of your dormitory. But as far as I know, the making of the robe of the enlightenment of the gods is extremely complicated, unless it's Qi’s core high-level staff, otherwise they would not be able to take out a set of apprentice robes.

"And the people who mobilized the Imperial Ministry of Justice to capture your subordinates and threaten them to testify against you; capture Graham and let Graham betray you regardless of his three-year brotherhood; intimidate Grand, and let him accuse you of ruin ... This is a person who is extremely powerful in the Gaul Empire to do this kind of thing."

Lin Qi stared at the old man, gritted his teeth and said, "But, why is this?"

The green old man looked at Lin Qi, and he sighed faintly: "This is your own fault! You destroy the body and let Master Kocha disappear completely. Then, you can let him disappear completely. You don't need to do this for washing. Clear the suspect and send the medicine he refined to the logistics office."

Looking at the dumbfounded Lin Qi with cold eyes, the green old man said coldly: "The medicines that Master Kecha paid in the past were all refined by ordinary methods, which are very different from the methods of the gods. This can be concealed by others. Have been enlightened by the gods of the same background...Mr. Mo?"

"He, he, him!" Lin Qi roared angrily.

"He thinks that Master Kocha has discovered his existence, and you, the hapless person, is the person who Master Kocha sent to test him! So Mr. Mo can't wait to deal with you, just to give him the threat that he believes in his heart. One signal, one warning!"

Lin Qi looked at the old man dryly: "So I was thrown here!"

The young man was about to speak, suddenly there were countless shrill calls coming from afar, and then a low horn sounded, someone was attacking the hunting team's city. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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