Bright Era

Chapter 371: Blackmail

The small and exquisite bells shook lightly on Lin Qi's fingers, and the seven heavenly mages who had been stripped clean with only a pair of small pants all fell to the ground with a miserable cry, all convulsed. The ground rolled around. Lin Qi smiled, then shook the bell again, and then the rolling speed and twitching frequency of the seven people suddenly increased a lot.

In the dim cave, only large patches of mushrooms emit a faint fluorescent light to illuminate it. Lin Qi kept shaking the bell with a secret smile, and seven white tender but hairy bodies roared and howled on the ground, which looked a bit like a legendary **** demon torture a sinful soul.

These mages are well maintained, their skin is smooth and fair, but after they rolled on the rough ground for a full quarter of an hour, they have become bloody, and there are horrible scratches on their skin.

"No, don't do this! Forgive us!" Just now, he arrogantly cried out to Lin Qi, the pinnacle mage of the heavenly pinnacle: "Great Master Lin Qi, please forgive us for our sins. We do not I should offend you, we were wrong, we admit our mistakes, please..."

Lin Qi smiled and sat on the back of the centaur, and continued to gently shake the bell.

The miserable howling recurred, and the seven people seemed to have countless insects gnawing on their internal organs. The pain caused them to be convulsed into a ball, and the joints of their bodies were distorted and deformed. If the pain continues, they At least, I have to lie in bed for more than half a year because of joint bruises.

Arda stood aside with more than a hundred orc warriors, cold sweat on their foreheads.

Guzzling Corruption, this kind of evil thing that can't tell whether it is a spell or a secret medicine, this kind of pain was personally experienced by the orc warriors on the field except Arda. It is a kind of pain that makes people desperate, can hardly wish to commit suicide, but does not even have the strength to commit suicide. When Lin Qi gently shakes the bell, the person who is punished by Lin Qi will realize that life is worse than death. Survival cannot be the pain of death.

Victor howled sorrowfully: "My lord, what do you want to do? Forgive us!"

Lin Qi finally put the bell back into the ring. He squinted condescendingly and looked down at the seven newcomers covered in blood and embarrassed. He asked faintly: "Victor? The earth and wood elements at the pinnacle of heaven. Master? What crime did you commit that caused you to be thrown here?"

Victor raised his head panting, he barely moved his deformed joints, and wailed a few steps forward.

The seven Victors are like-minded friends. The so-called like-minded people mean that they all like luxury, wine and beauty, and power. So they established a small religious religion somewhere in the deserted little principality somewhere in the Abis Mountains, the easternmost part of the Western Continent. They absorbed believers, used various methods to brainwash believers, and turned their money into their money; they turned their houses and fields into their houses and fields; they turned their beautiful wives and daughters into theirs Wife and goddaughter.

In short, they did a lot of evil, and even the archbishop who established the church in the only church in that small principality brought down the water. The church also has an attached ascetic monastery, in which hundreds of devout female priests practice asceticism throughout the year. But with the efforts of the seven Victors, they turned that sacred ascetic into a meeting place where they gathered for an open meeting.

Hundreds of devout ascetic priests became their slave girls.

The next thing is quite logical. The Knights of Punishment suddenly came, and the people of the lesser part of the principality were slaughtered. The cult of the Seven Victors was completely destroyed. The seven of them were supposed to be sent to the fire. But after Victor presented a piece of strange metal obtained from an ancient ruin to the Knights of Retribution, seven of them were thrown into the Black Abyss God Prison.

Because the seven weakest of them were all mid-level mages, even if Victor and the others were thrown into the black abyss, they would still be arrogant and think that Lao Tzu is number one in the world. So when they saw Lin Qi, they instinctively regarded Lin Qi as a hapless person who could be bullied at will, but who knew that Lin Qi was now the uncrowned king of the Black Abyss Market and Chaos Cavern?

But they ran into Arda, who was walking around in the Black Abyss Market. This guy with the blood of the Moon Demon was not a good person. When the rocks were flying, the seven great mages were almost beaten to death by the rocks.

"You are so unfortunate!" Lin Qi smiled and glanced at Alda.

Alda smiled slyly, these hapless wizards.

"That's not nonsense. Just now Alda found a dozen space rings from you, but there is nothing good in them." Lin Qi frowned, "You have been the leader of the gods for so many years, you should The net worth is very rich, especially in the Abis Mountains, which are the main producing areas of all kinds of rare metals and magic crystals. Don’t you have anything valuable?"

Victor raised his head and looked at Lin Qi with tears in his eyes: "No, respectable lord, that is all our assets!"

Lin Qi took out the hooked rotten heart bell, shook the bell gently, and let out a slight bell. Victor and the others twitched, and their bones began to dislocation, the internal organs either swelled or shrank, their heartbeats were fast and slow for a while, and blood vessels all over their bodies were squirming under the skin like earthworms.

The indescribable pain caused the seven people to twitch and jump on the ground at the same time. They throbbed and twitched violently like a frog being peeled off their skin, their **** bodies hit the ground, making a crisp ‘pop’.

Lin Qi couldn't help but sneered looking at the people who were howling in pain.

He didn't believe that there was such a coincidence in the world. Just after he died a saint in the prison, seven great masters were sent to the black abyss. If this is a coincidence, then these seven guys are unlucky, they are not good people, and Lin Qi has no psychological pressure to abuse, torture, or even kill them.

If it wasn't a coincidence, then Lin Qike would have picked a big deal.

Perhaps this is an opportunity. Lin Qi squinted, his eyes gleaming with strange light. This will be an opportunity!

The seven people were convulsing, struggling, and howling miserably, their throats were torn, and the sound they made was as dry as a rusty saw sawing wood. But Lin Qi gently shook the bell without mercy, with a weird smile, torturing these people very gently.

The hook kiss is extremely vicious, and Lin Qi uses the most gentle method. If he was going to be cruel, just flick the bell, the Victor Seven would have exploded and died. Now they have only suffered some skin and flesh, and they haven't really tortured them yet.

The severe pain lasted for a full quarter of an hour, Victor's knee twisted, his calf bone dislocated and came out of his knee.

The joint cartilage rubs against each other violently, and the severe pain can make people crazy. Victor screamed sternly, spouted a **** arrow, and then screamed hoarsely: "You **** devil, me, me, I also hid something. This is our last possession. , Bastard, this is our last possession!"

Lin Qi stuffed the bell into the ring and looked at Victor coldly.

The seven people lay on the ground panting, and it took at least an hour before they recovered a little bit of strength.

Victor sat up embarrassedly. He gritted his teeth and looked at Alda: "Give me a dagger, or something."

Arda squinted, and he walked over to give Victor a kick. But Lin Qi stopped Alda: "Give him a dagger. He is just a mage, not a fighter. Give him a dagger, what can he do?"

Arda shrugged, took out a dagger polished with animal bones and threw it to Victor. Moon demons are the most cautious and treacherous race among high-level demons, and Arda undoubtedly inherited this trait from his mother's blood. The dagger polished by animal bones is really not lethal, to be honest, it is only a tool used by the people of the Black Abyss God Prison to cut long grass and strip fibers.

Victor sighed, he grabbed the dagger, and gently cut a circle on the skin of his chest, picking out a small pale green ring from the flesh. Lin Qi couldn't help blowing a whistle. The pale green spatial artifacts, coupled with the exquisite patterns, must be the product of the elves. Lin Qi couldn't help but think of the anklet he had given to Altut, which was also a product of Elf.

Throwing the **** ring on the ground, Victor said with a gloomy face: "These are our seven last possessions. We originally planned to escape from here and re-use the last possessions to develop the religion."

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows, and Arda laughed loudly: "Damn, escape here? Then re-use it to develop the gods? What do you think of the Heiyuan Hell? My father, the powerful soul gods The contemporary pope, he has also been imprisoned here for hundreds of years. Just you bastards, do you want to escape here too?"

Shaking his head gently, Lin Qi made a move, and the ring flew into his hand.

The mental power leaned into the ring, and Lin Qi could not help but nodded cheerfully.

The space capacity of the ring is not large, but it is filled with purified rare metal ingots, and the specifications of each piece are exactly the same, which is obviously produced by a serious national smelter. In addition to about one hundred thousand catties of rare metals, there are hundreds of boxes of good-quality magic crystals and magic gems. One box of magic gems is of extremely high quality, reaching the standard of the best magic gems. The market price of each one is 100,000 yuan. Above gold coins.

All the belongings in the ring were transferred to his own ring. Lin Qi looked at the green ring and threw it back to Victor.

"Okay, you can go. The hunting team doesn't raise waste, you mages will become waste sooner or later, so you... are free!"

Lin Qi shrugged, and led Alda and others to turn and leave.

Around the corner of the cave, Lin Qi lightly patted Alda's corner.

"Send a few dark elves and shadow demons to stare at them, no matter what they do, where they go, who they meet, feel free to report to me." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian) .com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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