Bright Era

Chapter 373: High-level evil spirits

Walking along the dark cave passage, passing through a confluence cave that extends in all directions, turned into a small fork, and then walked forward for several hundred meters. On the edge of a narrow stone crack, Lin Qi saw Ayouli’s Dead body.

The delicate and beautiful face was pale and pale, with a wave of extreme consternation and fear. Her body was lying twisted on the ground, and a large swath of blood dripped from near her carotid artery and condensed into a large black congestion on the ground. Lin Qi walked to the corpse, knelt down and broke the thin wound on her neck with his fingers.

Yes, there are signs of corrosion near the wound. Lin Qi stood up, he made a gesture of Ayuli's height, and then judged where she was at the time of the attack from the direction where she fell, and then followed the direction of the wound to a stone wall. On the stone wall there was a trace that was one foot thinner than a strand of hair. Lin Qi leaned forward to the trace and sniffed, a very faint, evil and dark aura looming.

That's right, it's the dark bayonet, the high-level spell of the dark element, only if you can control the magic power to the extent that it can release such a fierce blow. The dark elf is the king of the night, the best scout and tracker, able to spot Ayouri's trace, and before she dodges, the opponent must be an extremely powerful existence.

Lin Qi waved his hand to the left and right. There were two narrow passages extending to areas that Lin Qi was not familiar with, so he let the few shadow demons who were accompanying him carefully explore the sides. Ayuli's presence here proves that Victor must have been here, the earth-type and wood-type dual-type Celestial Peak Grand Master, what is he doing here?

Before returning to Ayouli's body, Lin Qi put his finger on Ayouli's forehead.

The secret soul technique ‘Spirit Peeping’ learned from Altut was quietly activated, and then Lin Qi shook his head gently. Ayouli's body was empty. At the moment she was killed, someone forcibly took her soul away, so there was no trace of soul aura left in her body.

Opening Ayuli's eyelids, her eyeballs turned pale, and her pupils turned into two tiny black dots the size of a needle.

"Really cautious!" Lin Qi muttered angrily. The other party is a very experienced killer, and they didn't leave any clues. The soul mage can extract some of the pictures that Ayuli saw before death from the remaining soul breath, and the brilliant pupil master can extract the last picture she saw from the pupils of the corpse.

But the other party instantly drew away Ayouli's soul and destroyed her eyeballs with a secret method. Lin Qi couldn't find anything useful from Ayouli at all.

Looking around, Lin Qi got down on his body, got close to Ayouli's corpse and sniffed carefully.

After several physical enhancements, Lin Qi's sense of smell was many times more sensitive than the magic shark in the ocean, and he carefully distinguished the smell on the corpse. Ayuli is a rare beauty among the dark elves. Although life has left this body, her body still emits a faint natural fragrance. On Ayouli's chest, Lin Qi also smelled Alda's body odor.

Obviously, Alda has harassed Ayuri and violated Ayuri's chest.

In addition, Lin Qi smelled a faint smell of sulfur. The smell of sulfur mixed with blood, and the smell of sulfur with a dark and frantic aura of turmoil. Lin Qi frowned. This kind of smell doesn't exist in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, because the Black Abyss Divine Prison only has a large number of lava seas and lava lakes, and there are no such things as underground hot springs, so sulfur does not exist.

Standing up, Lin Qi frowned. Some powerful foreign existence killed Ayuri! And this person must also be a strong one who often haunts the dark, otherwise he would not be able to detect Ayuri's stalking. Such creatures, Lin Qi can roughly judge his origin, but how could they appear in the Black Abyss God Prison?

Tilting his head slightly, Lin Qi suddenly felt the change in the air behind him.

What the divine essence and dragon power essence bring to Lin Qi is the all-round enhancement of strength, agility, reaction, eyesight, hearing, etc., as well as the touch of his skin. His hair can feel the slightest fluctuations in the air, and he can detect certain things that other sense organs cannot touch.

Behind him, there was some kind of peculiar existence surreptitiously approaching.

No sound, no smell, no movement, just approaching him like a ghost. But his body is different from the Shadow Demon. When the Shadow Demon is demonized, there is no entity, and this creature has an entity. So he passed through the air at high speed, causing the air to fluctuate. The slight air ripple made Lin Qi's hair tremble slightly, and he noticed the man's arrival.

The right hand gently placed the index finger of the left hand. When the creature leaped more than a meter away behind him, Lin Qi swung around, and the three-foot straight knife from the Viper Warrior ripped the air silently. He severely slashed towards the creature behind him.

Lin Qi immediately saw what was attacking him.

It was an evil spirit with a densely scaly face that looked like a lizard, with sharp double horns on the head, and lumps on his body with dark green raised scales. This evil spirit was about six feet tall and thin, with crazy bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes. He wore sharp claws for assassins in both hands and stabbed Lin Qi's heart fiercely.

Lin Qi smiled. At the same time he showed a smile, the Viper slashed the evil spirit's body with a straight knife and cut him in the middle.

The customized equipment of the most elite Viper warrior of the Gaul Empire is extremely sharp and silent when swinging. In the dark, this straight knife is a murder weapon specially designed for killing. The lower half of the evil spirit fell heavily to the ground, but his upper body still maintained the last trace of vitality. He gritted his teeth and let out a screaming sound, and opened his mouth a black-red flame mixed with a strong sulfur smell, two The claws grabbed Lin Qi's body with all his strength.

Raising his left hand casually, Lin Qi sealed the flame against his face, then punched the evil spirit in the throat. With a loud bang, the devil's neck was snapped by Lin Qi with a fist, his paws were still an inch from Lin Qi's heart, and then the whole upper body quickly flew back, without touching Lin at all. Qi's half hair.

The black and red flames were extremely powerful, and the splashing flames burned blazingly on the ground, melting a small piece of stone.

But Lin Qi's hand did not hurt at all. In the past two years, he has soaked the plasma of more than 30 rock lizards, and he has absorbed all the dragon power essence. At this time, Lin Qi was basically a human-shaped dragon. He had already obtained the exclusive attributes of those dragons that Master Kecha dreamed of. The most important one was Lin Qi's curse on most magic and evil. immunity.

This stream of fire only made Lin Qi's palm feel warm, and his palm even sucked part of the essence from the stream of fire into his body and turned it into his own strength. His nails were not burnt.

"Funny kid!" A hoarse voice came from the darkness: "Looking at your method just now, you seem to be proficient in soul secrets and pupil skills?"

Lin Qi looked at where the voice came from: "Not proficient, just a little understanding!"

"Too hypocritical!" The voice laughed in a low voice: "No wonder the elders say that humans are the most hypocritical race in the world. Proficiency is proficiency, why use a little understanding to cover up? Or you? I'm a fool, I can't see what those actions you just mean?"

Two faint red flames emerged from the darkness, and then quickly turned into two bright lights.

It was a demon with a height of nearly three meters, four long horns, and countless scales on his body, and a long dragon tail behind his ass. Demons and evil spirits are both abyssal creatures, but they are two very different races.

Compared with the sinister, treacherous, cruel, and tyrannical demons, evil spirits are more orderly.

The demons often act in families, and countless demon families and family alliances constitute the main body of the demon world. The evil spirits form a relatively stable territory. They are governed by individual lords. They are similarly cruel and tyrannical, but their cruelty and tyranny are often aimed at outsiders, and they are rarely confronted by the same ruler. Neighbor seizures.

There are very few evil spirits in the Black Abyss God Prison, because evil spirits rarely run around, so the probability of them being teleported by the suppressed gods is very low. Like the evil spirit in front of Lin Qi that exudes a powerful aura and makes Lin Qi breathe a little bit unsmoothly, it has never appeared in the Black Abyss God Prison.

With a sound of ‘Dang Lang Lang’, the evil spirit dragged a heavy three-tooth fork from behind. This was a heavy weapon with a length of five meters and a handle with Lin Qi’s arm thick. Dozens of small iron rings hung on the three sharp teeth of the three-tooth fork, and the evil spirit shook the three-tooth fork fiercely, and kept making sharp and unpleasant crashing sounds.

"This beautiful little elf is yours?" The evil spirit looked at Lin Qi's black straight knife warily: "Your man, why did you come here? Is she tracking Our little friends?"

Lin Qi narrowed his eyes, "Our little friend", which proves that this powerful evil spirit is not alone.

Looking at this dark-skinned evil spirit, Lin Qi said solemnly: "You are not the natives of the Black Abyss God Prison, right? New arrival?"

The evil spirit squinted his eyes, and the strong light from his eyes suddenly reduced a lot.

"You seem to know a lot? That's unfortunate, I can only eat you! I can't bear to eat this beautiful little thing. But you, your muscles must be very chewy. The elders are Say, the muscles of a strong man are the most delicious food in the world!"

The three-tooth fork shook fiercely, and the evil spirit suddenly rushed forward like a storm, raised the long fork and stabbed Lin Qi's chest fiercely.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, he raised the straight knife straight, and greeted the evil spirit's weapon head-on. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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