Bright Era

Chapter 378: Meet old friends

In front of the hunting team's city, Lin Qi showed off his muscles.

The huge brazier is full of animal oil from the fat of warcraft, and the wick made of thick grass fiber in the thigh burns in the brazier. A hundred of these braziers are lit at the same time, illuminating the huge cave with bright lights and air. They were all burned hot by the huge flames, and there was a feeling of running wildly in the desert with their bodies in the sun.

The air was filled with the rich and wild smell of the beast's grease. Two hundred celestial warriors of the hunting team in heavy rune armor stood in front of the city gate, staring fiercely at Gawu and the evil spirits of Bart.

These heavenly warriors are all guards of honor carefully selected by Lin Qi, all of whom are two meters tall, and all of them are the main battle race among the orcs. Elephants, Lions, Bears, Tigers, Werewolves, Leopards, and the heights of warriors of the same race are all the same. They stand in front of the door in pairs. The majestic and murderous empires in the Western Continent It is impossible to find such a powerful honor guard in China.

The armors on their bodies are all top-notch goods, and they are all donated by Alda's father, Altute, for free. As the contemporary pope of the Soul Cult, Altut didn't know how many unreasonable things he had done. There were dozens of great nobles destroyed in his hands, so would his savings be less? These two hundred sets of rune armors are the best of the best, with amazing defenses and extremely powerful auxiliary functions. Any heavenly warrior wearing this kind of armor can easily deal with three warriors of the same strength. Siege.

On the city wall, a thousand soldiers of the long-range team, armed with all strong bows and crossbows, locked Bart and other evil spirits remotely.

The faces of those evil spirits have changed. They are all young elites of the evil spirit family, but facing the threat of a thousand strong bows and hard crossbows, they are not sure that they can escape from these terrible things. If it's in the empty wasteland, that's all, relying on strong physical combat power they can have room to dodge.

But here is the Black Abyss Cave, and there is not much room for them to dodge and move. If all the crossbows on the city head are fired at the same time, at least half of them will be hit by the crossbow arrows. Look at the hideous three-sided spiked armor-piercing arrows on the crossbow arrows, the harsh and insidious barbs on the arrows, and the weird green and dark blue colors on the arrows, you know that once these arrows are penetrated Body, that would definitely kill people.

Because Gawul was captured by Lin Qi, Bart and other evil spirits who had no choice but to succumb to Lin Qi's prestige forced their anger on their hearts, and at the same time they also became a little nervous. Heiyuan Divine Prison, this is the place where the church detains heretical felons. Why is there such an elite army?

Those armors, those bows and crossbows, are all rare and excellent goods that the devils and evil spirits of the abyss see.

Except for the confidant guards of the demon king of the demon clan and the high lord of the evil ghost clan, they have not seen such sophisticated equipment among others. You know that the only people in the abyss who are good at forging weapons and equipment are Hell black dwarves, but those dwarves are more greedy than their close relatives on the ground, and it is not easy to get something good from them.

In the open city gate, the fat bear who had completely turned into a horizontal rugby swayed out to greet him. He laughed'quack' and waved his arm hard to Lin Qi: "Lin Qi, where did you catch such a bunch of ugly guys? Hey, I have never seen such an ugly prey in my life! Tsk, Do you want me to eat them?"

It must be admitted that because of Lin Qi's strong rise, because of his hard work and conscientious hunting under his coolie team, Fat Bear has changed from a barely qualified hunting captain to an outright parasite! He ate, slept, and ate every day, and occasionally when he was free, he communicated with the little fairies around him about their experiences and perceptions about the reproduction of offspring.

Now the fat bear's brain was replaced by fat. He saw Jiawu and others brought back by Lin Qi, his only thought was to eat them.

It can be said that Lin Qi did not use any force, he has successfully disintegrated the original high-level hunting team. Now Lin Qi's will is the highest will of the hunting team and the only will of the hunting team.

He walked up with a smile and touched the fat bear with each other. This is the only etiquette that Lin Qi can show affection to the fat bear today. The waist of the fat bear is too outrageous. His belly can make anyone who wants to get close to him. One had to stop two meters away. Therefore, two meters apart, Lin Qi tried his best to give a warm hug to Fat Bear.

Now the fat bear can only show his affection by bumping his belly! Other people do the same with fat bears.

However, this is also in line with some ancient and uncommon traditions of the ogre family-strange ogres collide with each other's belly, making the other person feel that they have just eaten, which represents their own goodwill, because they are full. Ogres don't have any desire to attack.

This is the same as shaking hands with humans in ancient times. This means that neither side has weapons in their hands, and it represents a kind of simple goodwill.

"Boss, I brought a few... "Friends" back!" Lin Qi winked at Fat Xiong.

Although Fat Xiong's brain was replaced by grease, his natural shrewdness still remained. He blinked his eyes and slowly shook his head up and down—his neck was already filled with fat, and the nodding movement had no chance with him. He now indicated that he agreed with a certain opinion, only by gently Shake your head to achieve.

"Very well, it's a'good friend'! Hahaha! Handsome bear, handsome bear, you lazy guy, except for this great mage in black robes, all other good friends will entertain you. Hahaha, good wine, good The meat, um, let them eat and drink enough, but they are not allowed to run around, and those who dare to run around, all chopped it up and boiled it for me!"

After a heavy burp, the fat bear touched his belly helplessly: "I'm hungry again! Lin Qi, can you give me some fresh food?"

Lin Qi stretched out his hands helplessly, and then subtly looked at Barthes and other evil spirits. The so-called fresh food by Fat Bear is the food he has not eaten before. There is no doubt that he has never eaten high-level evil spirits, so Lin Qi reminded him that if these evil spirits make some misunderstanding actions, Fat Bear can eat them without hesitation!

The fat bear shook his fat belly knowingly, and then happily hosted Barthes and the others into the city.

A spacious stone house-this house is now the dining hall of the hunting team. Fat Xiong personally entertained Barthes and others to eat and drink, but outside the dining hall, there were two hundred heavenly soldiers and two thousand high-ranking soldiers.

Such tyrannical force made Barthes and a group of proud evil spirit elites completely blinded. They reluctantly sat in the dining hall and drank according to the Fat Bear's request. They could not do anything else. The huge force surrounding the dining hall is enough to easily destroy this group of evil spirits, and they have no interest in risking their lives.

Jiawu was surprised to see Lin Qi showing off to him with huge force. He took a deep breath and nodded to Lin Qi gently: "In this way, you are indeed qualified to have a good talk with me. . Damn it, why can such a huge force be organized in the Black Abyss?"

Lin Qi did not hesitate to tell Jiawu the truth: "Because Chaos Cave was also subdued by me. Altut is now mine... one of the teachers!"

Jiawu looked at Lin Qi in horror. As the former King of the Black Abyss, he certainly knew who Altut was, and knew how terrifying and evil the perverted mad soul master was. Lin Qi can actually become his student?

"It's not that hard to accept losing to you!" Gawu's rigid face finally showed a smile: "It's just that I still feel a little uncomfortable, because I did everything possible to arrange all of this, and I didn't expect you to meet by chance ."

Gawu still thought that Lin Qi's meeting with himself was just a coincidence. He felt that he was only unlucky enough to let Lin Qi catch his clues. This is also to blame for Victor and the others for not acting carefully, otherwise, how could they be followed by someone sent by Lin Qi?

But as soon as Gawu finished speaking, the green old man walked out of the cave with his hands behind his back.

The skinny smiled and twitched the corners of Jiawu's mouth. The green old man said indifferently, "Coincidentally? I don't think so. I have never really believed that you are dead. Now it seems that my suspicion is correct. It's so easy to die!"

Seeing more than half of the hair loss, the old green man who was already looking old and giving people a feeling of dying years, Jiawu's face became extremely serious: "Of course I remember you, Qing! I even thank you, you are seriously injured. It gave me the best excuse to feign death!"

The old man chuckled lightly, his body shook, he coughed heavily, and then reached out and pointed to the hole.

"Then, let's talk about it plainly. Don't mention the previous grievances, we have to look to the future!"

"I'm very curious, what do you want to do! If what you want to do is exactly the same as I guessed, I think we can cooperate."

Jiawu took a deep look at the old man: "Cooperation? I think if you can accept certain things, I can choose to cooperate with you!"

The green old man and Jiawu met their eyes, and both of them shook slightly, and then walked into the cave one after another.

Lin Qi smiled slightly, he was playing with a viper knife, almost walking forward close to Jiawu.

As long as this guy dares to change a little bit, Lin Qi will chop him into a hundred pieces without hesitation.

The straight knife slashed through the air silently, Jiawu quickly glanced at the straight knife that had danced into a ball of flowers in Lin Qi's hand, and exhaled heavily.

With his life in the hands of others, Gawul really wanted to talk to the young man and Lin Qi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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