Bright Era

Chapter 398: Powerful enemy

Next to the huge pool, Xuanlan raised his hands high, and each finger's nail gap was inlaid with a brilliant wand.

Ten magic wands of ice and snow attributes, this was the spoils of Lin Qi's scouring of the 360 ​​gods in the entire Black Abyss God Prison. Of those sacred realm powers imprisoned in the prison, four of them practiced frost magic, and they naturally had the best ice wands in their hands.

In the other sacred realms, they are also rich and wealthy to the extreme. Among their collections, there are also a large number of the best wands. Lin Qi searched all of them and gathered ten ice and snow wands above the Heavenly Rank level, which was naturally easy.

Xuanlan is perhaps the most extravagant ice magician in the history of the Western Continent, using ten ice and snow magic wands at once, and only the frost giant with almost infinite magic power and almost abnormal physical energy can do such a thing.

An ordinary archmage uses a superb staff, and needs all the magic power to control the staff. Only a frost giant with a huge body and hundreds of times more magical power than a human mage of the same level can use ten magic wands at the same time in a battle.

The blue magic lines under the dark blue-gray skin flickered rapidly, and huge magic power whizzed out from his heart and eyebrows, and the terrifying frost and cold air swept all over. The huge magic power rushed into the ten staffs, and ten dazzling white cold air rushed out from the black fingers, like ten angry dragons that rolled up all the water in the entire pool.

Hundreds of tons of water in the pool was wrapped in terrifying force, rushing upward along the gap where the thick layer of ice was shaken out of the tunnel. The ice cubes shattered, and the pool water swept up, instantly filling the entire passageway with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of 2,000 meters up and down. Xuanlan let out a triumphant howl, and with a strong wave of his palm, ten cold air rushed up, and the entire passage instantly froze.

The sound of "Ka Ka" was endless, and Xuan Lan suddenly laughed wildly: "Frost Realm• Fury Blade Kills!"

The profound ice that had sealed the entire passage suddenly disintegrated, and they turned into countless extremely sharp wolf-toothed serrated swords, cutting in all directions in a mess. The fanatics who were frozen in the passage screamed, their bodies were torn into countless thin pieces of meat in an instant.

Only three powerful anomalous division commanders shouted the name of the **** of punishment. They were tumbling with dazzling golden light, and behind them, the gods of the sword of punishment, Tianping, appeared. Countless ice swords hit them fiercely, the ice swords disintegrated, but the golden light on them was not damaged.

"Here's evil power, shatter!" The three screamed at the same time, and they simultaneously waved their right fists, shouting at the punishment instructions of the **** of punishment, and slammed their right fists downward. Three golden hurricanes blasted through the entire passage, and all the profound ice along the way was evaporated into hot steam. The golden torrent hit the bottom of the dry pool fiercely, and the entire Heiyuan Divine Prison trembled amid the loud noise.

The ground below the pool spouted a large swath of golden light. This was the opening of the defense prohibition of the Black Abyss God Prison. They barely withstood the impact of the golden hurricane, and did not allow these three powerful believers to cause too much to the Black Abyss God Prison. damage.

Lin Qi and Xuanlan were swept by the overflowing golden hurricane, and the two were blasted away tens of meters away in embarrassment. Lin Qi's chest was choking for a while, almost vomiting blood. Xuan Lan stabilized his body, but his body leaned heavily on a stone pillar, smashing the huge stone pillar into two pieces, and countless huge stones collapsed suddenly, hitting Xuan Lan's body with sparks splashing.

Xuanlan is too big, he will not be able to re-launch the attack for a while, but Lin Qi's reaction is extremely fast, he immediately bounced up as soon as he landed, as if a swallow in the wind penetrated the golden hurricane and rushed straight to it. Right below the channel.

The three world rings in the left hand • The soul group attack magic in the fakes was activated, and the sharp howling sound rose into the sky, and the light blue light pattern visible to the naked eye swept out above the passage in circles. The heads of the three fanatic divisions were startled, and a large amount of blood spurted from their seven orifices at the same time.

The narrow passage is the best environment for soul magic to exert its destructive power. The rushing light blue ripples rolled up and rushed out along the passage. More than 30,000 fanatics gathered here were hit by this group of soul attack magic at the same time. Their bodies shook. More than 10,000 fanatics let out a miserable cry. Their souls collapsed and their bodies fell silently. On the ground.

The remaining 20,000 mad believers also squirted blood from the seven orifices, pinching their necks with their hands and hissing miserably.

This is the horror of soul magic, he doesn't care how strong your body, how strong your fighting spirit and mana are, as long as your soul is not strong enough, he can ignore all defenses and directly obliterate your soul. If it weren't for these fanatics' faith to be firm, their souls were much more condensed than ordinary people, and this soul shock would be enough to kill these 30,000 fanatics at the same time.

If so, this elite army of fanatics also lost all their fighting power. Except for the more than 10,000 people who were killed, the remaining more than 20,000 people also fell to the ground. Their souls were in a state of extreme disorder. Even the physiology is in chaos, how can they have the strength to fight when they are incontinent?

After all, the three division leaders are powerful. They chant the instructions of the God of Punishment, and golden wings of light gush out from behind, descending from the passage quickly like a **** of heaven. They waved their fists, while vomiting blood, they launched a storm-like attack on Lin Qi.

Through years of hard self-abuse and perennial brainwashing self-hypnosis, the souls of the three division leaders are much stronger than ordinary people, and they have also condensed a lot. The group attack’s soul magic pays attention to film killing, and its attack power against a single body is still slightly worse, so the three of them still retain more than 70% of the combat power.

Lin Qi has already activated the soul impact of the group attack, and he must fill the ring with sufficiently powerful soul mana to activate this magic again. But there is another soul spell for group attacks on his ring-Howl of Death.

There was a dazzling bright light in his eyes, Lin Qi flicked his fingers, and a heart-piercing scream came out of nowhere. The ear can't hear this sound, but at the soul level, this howling sound is like countless demons and ghosts appearing at the same time, tearing everyone's souls to pieces.

The golden light on the three division leaders suddenly shattered, and they covered their ears with their hands, and screamed backwards.

Lin Qi's finger moved again, and the last single soul attacking the magic soul extraction was launched, and a green gloomy light shot from the tip of Lin Qi's middle finger, which happened to hit the center of the eyebrow of a division leader. In the blink of an eye, a distorted, tattered figure was drawn from the center of his eyebrows.

The figure made a horrible howl that only the soul could hear, and was directly drawn out of the body by the green gloom, and then a green flame swept through, and the soul of the division leader had been burned to ashes.

Lin Qi rushed up, and he rushed to the division commander closest to him. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the opponent's soul was seriously injured by the two group attack soul spells, he drew the Viper's straight knife and chopped off the opponent's head with a clean knife.

Blood was splashing, and at the same time a huge roar came from above his head.

The profound ice shattered by the fist of the three division leaders and the melted water crashed down from the sky. Lin Qi did not dare to bear the huge impact, and he quickly retreated to the pool. But a golden figure rushed over, and the last division leader who was spraying blood squinted his eyes, chanted the words of the **** of punishment with great determination, and slammed Lin Qi's chest with a fierce punch.

Lin Qi finally personally experienced the terrible fighting power of these fanatics!

With Lin Qi's abnormal physical strength, this punch directly blasted into his chest two inches deep, smashing his four ribs to pieces.

Lin Qi screamed in pain, he flew and kicked the enemy's abdomen. There was a loud noise, and the division leader's lower abdomen didn't move, but Lin Qi's knee hurt sharply, and his calf was almost dislocated by the opponent's lower abdomen.

The golden brilliance of divine power rolled over the head of this division, and he showed a grim smile, and his hands grabbed Lin Qi's neck like a hook.

Fanatics possessed by divine power are indeed the most powerful fighters in the world. Lin Qi is confident that if he fights fairly with the division leader of this mad believer, he can easily beat the opponent into meat sauce. But with the blessing of divine power, the opponent can easily crush Lin Qi! Years of self-harming and penance, these mad believers have accumulated too strong divine power in their bodies. When they fully use these powers, they will do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Staring at the opponent's hands that were like iron hooks, Lin Qi stepped back, backed sharply, and then he screamed wildly.

A black violent wind rushed over from the diagonal thorn, his eyes turned into a weird blue-red color, and the numb face of the penguin's wings flashed like a ghost. He hugged this outrageously powerful division leader, and then hugged him. He ran into the nearest rock wall at the fastest speed.

Amid the loud noise, the heads of the two slammed into the stone wall, and they were both beaten to blood and even the skulls of Bai Shengsheng were exposed.

The head of the fanatic division roared angrily: "Here, do you want to fight against the majesty of God?"

Lin Qi waved his hand vigorously: "Tangle him, kill him, and hold here! Xuanlan, seal the passage, use your strongest strength!"

Xuan Lan strode back to the pool, howling cold air shot out from his hand, and the vented Xuan ice and pool water roared up again. The biting cold was overflowing, and the huge passage was sealed again by the black blue. And this time Xuan Lan really poured out all the magic power in his body, and Xuan Bing was much stronger than before.

Tens of thousands of stiff figures appeared in the surrounding darkness. Zari and the ghost made a low and beast-like whistle, leading a group of subordinates to rush towards the fighting Wingfeng and the fanatic.

Lin Qi glanced at them coldly, then turned around with Xuanlan and a group of henchmen.

As he walked, he swallowed a bottle of healing potion at full speed. That mad believer's division leader, that punch was really strong! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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