Bright Era

Chapter 537: Du Wen's raid

Du Wen was standing on the top of a barren mountain fifty miles away when the thunderbolt kept breaking down.

It's not that Du Wen didn't want to get closer, but within fifty miles of the area where the thunder fell, an evil spirit power turned into an invisible curtain covering everything. This mental power is extremely cold, but extremely hot; the darkness is deep, but it carries a strong light power; it is violent as fire, but quiet as ice; it seems to be spreading outward at any time, but at the same time it seems to be at any time Collapse inward.

This kind of evil spirit power Du Wen has never seen it before. He dared not come within fifty miles, lest the person who was given this spirit power discover his deeds. He stood quietly on the top of the mountain fifty miles away, watching the continuous fall of thunder with cold eyes.

"The Thunder Tribulation that normally breaks through the holy realm will not be so terrible. It should be that two idiots broke through the holy realm at the same time, making their Thunder Tribulation become one." Du Wen sneered, his right hand lightly Stroking the Fate Spindle floating around.

"When the Thunder Tribulation is over, regardless of the success or failure of the person who breaks through the Holy Realm, the creature that releases this spiritual power is the time when the vigilance is weakest. Launching a surprise attack at this time is the most beneficial to us."

With a deep sigh, Du Wen said confidently: "Of course, we have enough power to destroy all evil, but we can save a little power, so why not do it?"

Zafi, wearing golden armor, stood beside Du Wen and listened respectfully to Du Wen's lesson.

Behind Du Wen stood eighteen bishops wearing blood-colored robes and tattooed with the emblem of the Holy Cross in flames. Among them, six of them were hung on their chests with a flaming holy cross pendant made of blue gold. Obviously they were all priests of the church ruling.

Behind the bishops are a thousand guardian knights wearing golden armor and shining with a faint light. The guardian knights of these churches are named ‘Guardian’, and their equipment is quite different from the punishment knights. They are all equipped with heavy armors and tower shields, and the weapons they use are heavy warhammers hanging from their waists, rather than spears and swords that the punishment knight likes to use.

The mountain breeze blew through this vigorous army, and the blood-colored cloaks behind the guardian knights rose up, as if a river of blood was rolling.

After an unknown period of time, the distant thunderclouds slowly dispersed halfway, and then the thunder light of the thickness of the three water tanks whizzed down. The corners of the eyes of Du Wen and many bishops suddenly twitched. Du Wen murmured: "The evil heresy, this is the punishment of the gods. It's amazing, such a powerful thunder, when I break through the Holy Realm There is no such treatment either."

With a weird pursed smile, Du Wen said indifferently: "This also proves that the heretics who are entering the Holy Realm are extraordinarily powerful. We must eradicate them. We must eradicate them while they are still relatively weak. Otherwise, when they grow up, God People will be poisoned and hurt by them again!"

After taking a deep breath, Du Wen looked at Zafi: "The first time I used the space sacred instrument to block the void around me. Our old friend, the mysterious elder of the Assassins Guild warned us that this heresy can summon some powerful The evil exists, we don’t have to take risks!"

Zafi leaned slightly to indicate that everything was ready.

Du Wen smiled with satisfaction. He gently stroked the Destiny Spindle, and prayed in a low voice: "Under the eyes of God, there will be no disguise. Those stupid assassins could not find the target, of course, it will be in me. The brilliance of God was enveloped and exposed. The evil mental power began to dissipate. Let's go, let us punish the evil and reap the spoils!"

"My dear old friend, what kind of thing makes you tempted? You gave me that bargaining chip? The gods are on top, if you do not hesitate to support me to compete for the position of the pope for the things of that heresy, Then why don't I monopolize all the gains and compete by myself? you really consider me your pawn?"

The donkey stomped Arda's head firmly, and stomped his head into the mud and stomped again. He screamed: "Idiot, in front of me, you are not allowed to mention such words as great, perfect, and wise. These precious words can only be used to describe me! I **** your uncle, you..."

A white streamer shot down from a high altitude hit the donkey's body, the donkey snorted, and the small body was blown out by the streamer. The streamer flashed rapidly on the donkey's body, and a palm-sized holy cross emblem appeared on the donkey's skin, burning his black hair to sneer. The donkey yelled furiously: "The fury of the goddess of dawn, **** of the temple of dawn!"

A heavy warhammer whizzed in, and Zafi, wearing a gold armor, brought a trace of shadow to the donkey's side, and the heavy warhammer slapped the donkey's forehead heavily. There was a loud bang and sparks splashed in all directions. The donkey rolled his eyes and retreated a few steps. Zafi's warhammer suddenly bounced, and a bang hit Zafi's face with a bang.

Zafi's eyes dangled twice and sat down on the ground. He tried his best to make a sneak attack and failed to kill the donkey, but he was smashed into darkness by the rebounding force. His towering forehead collapsed more than an inch high, and blood mixed with brains was dripping from his nostrils.

As a powerful warrior at the pinnacle of Saints, Zafi has terrifying power. But in the face of the donkey, an extremely strange creature, Zafi at the Peak of Saints lost his combat effectiveness just as soon as he took the shot.

"I~ fuck~ you~ you~ all~ there are~ people~ big~ lord!"

The donkey's black hair stood up one by one, and a circle of thick black gas poured out of him, and the white light burning wildly on him quickly extinguished. The donkey roared word by word: "I hate people hitting me in the face! My pure and cute face has been disfigured by you, how can I seduce a girl with big breasts!"

With an awful roar, the donkey came to Zafi in a flash like a ghost, and opened his mouth to bite at Zafi.

"Existence of evil, leave the servant of God!" The six church priests of the adjudication office flashed past Zafi, and they raised their right hands at the same time. In their palms, a roll of pale gold scrolls burst. Circles of spatial ripples visible to the naked eye swept across in all directions, and the donkey's body was pushed by the spatial ripples, suddenly skewed outwards by seven or eight meters.

A big mouth suddenly emerged from Zafi's side, and the big mouth closed with a loud bang, and a large piece of ground was swallowed by the big mouth. Zafi shivered and shivered. He wiped the blood plasma and brain pulp dripping from his nostrils, and swayed to stand up.

At the moment the donkey was beaten into the air, Lin Qi had already summoned dozens of formations. The flying circles formed a three-dimensional magic circle around him, and huge magical aura spewed out from the magic circle, and circles of magic light patterns quickly spread around.

At this moment, the golden scrolls in the hands of the six church priests exploded, and scattered spatial ripples swept over a dozen miles of space. Lin Qi's body swayed, the newly formed magic circle suddenly scattered, and the magical aura stopped abruptly.

Lin Qi was shocked, he exclaimed: "Alda, help me stabilize the magic circle!"

Arda, whose head had been stepped into the ground more than two feet deep, raised his head fiercely. He yelled and rushed to Lin Qi with a few afterimages. He was chanting the spell, and the huge magic power quickly spread around. The scattered magic circle quickly stabilized under the joint hands of Arda and Lin Qi, and magic aura gushed out of the magic circle again.

But there was a roar in the void, and in the golden light jetted by the scrolls offered by the six church priests, a strange sacred artifact slowly tore through the void and hovered over everyone's heads. The void around him suddenly condensed, Lin Qi had an illusion, as if the void was shattered and reunited together, his magic circle suddenly disappeared, and he could no longer exert any effect.

Suspended above the head is a single-sided curved circle with a diameter of about one meter and a mysterious halo all over the body!

‘Crown of Mobius’, this is the famous artifact of the **** of space enshrined by the church. The Crown of Mobius in front of me is just a projection of a real artifact, but it also has the power of a pinnacle holy artifact, at least confining the surrounding space and making all space props unusable is enough.

Lin Qi frowned. Although he didn't know what this thing was, the powerful spatial power it radiated was beyond doubt. He wanted to take out some life-saving items from the world ring, but he was surprised to find that his mental power could not get in touch with the world ring. A thin layer of space barrier appeared on the outside of the World Ring. Lin Qi clearly felt that if he had enough power, he could penetrate this barrier, but he couldn't do this with his power.

Du Wen was tumbling with a strong white divine light, slowly falling from the sky like a small sun. Behind him, twelve cardinals surrounded him, and a thousand guardian knights formed an arc moon array. Xiang Lin Qi and others gradually approached.

With a bright smile on his face, Du Wen sang loudly: "Here, fallen sinners, in the name of the gods, I will sentence you to death..."

Cocked his mouth playfully, Du Wen squinted his eyes and smiled: "Execute now, we don't have to waste time!"

The donkey tilted his head and looked at Du Wen, and then he suddenly laughed strangely.

"Fuck your uncle, how many years have you seen this kind of second-hand magic stick? Every time I think I will win, every time I make my face blush as if I had just orgasm, and I get **** every time I have to cry and cry, every time I leave the subordinates first to escape!"

A heavy sputum spit on the ground, the donkey looked at Du Wen and shouted: "Grandson, hello, grandson, look here, grandpa called you. Grandson, do you know grandpa, don't you? I said I **** you, grandpa, why are you No reaction at all?"

Du Wen's face was distorted, he stared at the donkey, and howled hysterically: "Catch it alive, I want to put it in the pot!"

The donkey smiled weirdly, then opened his mouth and spit out a huge exquisite stone coffin!

"The grandson in the coffin, got up, there is a grandson outside who wants to **** you, uncle, me, hurry up and kill someone!"

The donkey yelled joyfully. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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