Bright Era

Chapter 544: Lin Qi's sneak attack

The terrifying divine flame fireball roared, like countless meteors flying down the earth, the power of each divine flame fireball was enough to compare with the full blow of a lower-level saint master. But when these glaring fireballs were about to touch Columba's body, all the fireballs disappeared at the same time.

The scabbard in Columba's hand disappeared, and a **** sword light in his right hand continuously released a deep chill. In his left hand, a lightweight round shield with countless hollow patterns exquisitely gorgeous and unusually protected his body. This seemingly thin round shield, like cicada wings, is entirely purple, and those hollow patterns are intertwined on the shield to form two naked women with wings on their backs.

The two women were just like the two on the hilt of the Blood Sin Sword. They hugged each other tightly, and the evil eyes were emitting a faint light of blood. It was this faint light of blood that surrounded Columba's body, causing all the divine flame fireballs to disappear without a trace.

Turning his body to look at Du Wen, who was dumbfounded, Columba licked the corners of his mouth with a red tongue that was more dazzling than blood.

"The sword of blood sin has the power of original sin that penetrates all defenses. Unless it is absolutely pure and innocent, it can resist its defense. And this shield of blood sin, oh, sorry, this shield shouldn’t be there. My body. But why did it appear? What happened? Why did the natal shield belonging to that immortal king appear on my body?"

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently, Columba stuck out his tongue and made a grimace: "Well, like the sword of blood sin, only completely pure and without the slightest sin can penetrate the shield of blood sin. This is a paradox. It stands to reason. Said that the sword of blood sin should be able to penetrate this shield, but it absolutely cannot penetrate this shield!"

Slowly raising the sword, Columba greedily glanced at Du Wen's slender neck.

"Then guess what, if I use the sword of blood sin to slash the shield of blood sin, will I be able to pierce it or not? It's really a headache...but obviously, I don't care about it. Question. Now there are more important things worthy of my attention!"

"Your blood, dear little one! I can feel the delicious blood cheering in your veins. They can't wait to be a part of me. A powerful'disciple', your blood is very useful to me, It should be able to repair my heart core a little bit! Although it is a little bit, it is better than nothing!"

Du Wen took a deep breath, and was called a little guy by an old monster who didn't know how old he was. Du Wen didn't find it ridiculous, but felt his heart palpitations. The sword of blood sin that can penetrate everything has made him chill, and the so-called shield of blood sin that can only be pierced unless it is an absolutely holy object makes him feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

One sword, one shield, one attack and one defense. These are powerful magic tools inherited from the ancient times. Du Wen doesn’t know whether they should be called divine tools, but since the emperors of the blood sin clan can hold these magic tools and gods. Fight, then how are they different from artifacts?

Slowly raising the scepter, Du Wen glanced around, he said in a low voice: "The glory of the gods envelops me, and evil cannot hurt..."

Before he could say anything, Corumba's body flashed suddenly. The sword of blood sin lightly passed through Du Wen's bodyguard light, and gently circled his face, shaved the beard of his face and jaw, revealing a pure white. Skin and flesh.

Columba seemed to be standing still, but in fact he had already connected dozens of swords in an instant, licking his lips gently.

"The hair on your face is not cute. As a container of delicious blood, you should tidy up your appearance. As a gentleman, I always pay more attention to meals when I eat. The so-called gourmet food, your blood So sweet and beautiful, then you should make yourself clean and look better!"

Columba commented on Du Wen's appearance from the perspective of a **** sinner, and cold sweat on Du Wen's forehead kept coming out. Before the terrible piercing power of the sword of blood sin, his protective light was basically useless. He couldn't even see Columba's speed, his speed was so terrible, Du Wen had never seen such a fast movement in his life.

Taking a deep breath, the corner of Du Wen's eyes began to shuttle around, he wanted to escape. A donkey was so weird that Du Wen was nearly killed by a brutal beating. Now there is another primordial evil existence, and Du Wen feels that he is not stupid enough to fight with such an primordial evil spirit.

As for Lin Qi's huge benefits, Du Wen felt that as long as he was still alive, there was still a way to think of.

The biggest problem now is how to leave safely!

That **** donkey, he spit out two coffins, one coffin jumped out of the apocalyptic gray knight, a columbine holding a sword and shield appeared in the coffin, next time if he spit out another coffin. . . If he spit out another coffin, what weird things would come out of it? Is it possible that a **** can jump out of it?

With a move of Du Wen's left hand, a great teleportation charm of God's grace was already in his hand. He grinned and nodded to Columba: "Then, the noble Prince Columba, I remember you! In the place where the glory of the gods is shrouded, the existence of evil cannot be tolerated. I will predict your future, you Will be reduced to ashes in the anger of the gods, you... there is no way to escape!"

The left hand squeezed the Divine Grace Transmission Talisman to pieces, a group of strong light enveloped Du Wen, and he was about to break through the air.

Columba smiled. He licked his nose with the tip of his tongue, and said in a low voice, "Going back to the question just now, and using the sword of blood sin to pierce through all the blood sin shields, what will happen? Answer It's so fun!"

A light sword pierced the shield of blood sin, and a terrible light of blood roared out from the contact between the two. The divine light transformed by the great teleportation talisman beside Du Wen smashed, and Du Wen, who had just escaped into the void, shook his body and fell into the air a few meters away in embarrassment. Not only was the divine light transformed by the divine grace teleportation talisman shattered, Du Wen's protective divine light also collapsed suddenly, and the gorgeous set of temple robe on his body was also shattered with violent tearing sound.

"They can release the lovely'light of blood sin' by touching each other." Columba smiled and looked at the almost naked Du Wen: "As the name suggests, like the sword of blood sin and the shield of blood sin, the light of blood sin Only a pure existence without any guilt can be exempted. If you are not such a pure existence, then just like now, you cannot escape its harm!"

Du Wen raised the scepter in his right hand and shouted the name of the **** of dawn.

White light entangled in circles and went straight up into the sky, Du Wen was desperate. Although Columba's strength has been weakened to the extreme, and the strength of the lower-ranked saints, Du Wen can theoretically crush a lower-ranked saint to pieces with one finger. But in the face of Columba holding a blood sin sword and shield, Du Wen had no other choice but to desperately.

The corners of Columba's mouth curled up, revealing a strange grin.

"Are you going to pray to the gods you believe in for their power again? Then absorb their power to your heart's content! The more the power is filled, the more fragrant your blood will taste. It's a pity that your container is too unbeautiful. If it is a ten The next year's pure girl, with such a powerful power as you, what a wonderful meal!"

A soft and graceful voice came from high above, and a pair of translucent white wings gradually formed on Du Wen's head.

Wings of Morning Light, the secret magic of the Temple of Morning Light, can only be activated with the help of special holy artifacts and magic spells. The **** of dawn, who never knows where to hide, directly borrows his divine power and condenses into the wings of morning light with infinite divine power. The wearer will have power that is close to **** in a very short time.

Of course, as the price of launching such a powerful magical technique, the soul source of the caster will be taken away by half. Without sacrificing memory and other things, half of the soul's origin power is taken away. For a person who has worked so hard to cultivate to the realm of Du Wen, taking half of the soul origin may mean that the probability of him breaking through to the enlightenment is almost zero. Up.

Each breakthrough in the realm is the dual evolution of soul and body. The soul that had grown into a towering tree was suddenly cut off. Without an increase in lifespan, the possibility of subsequent advancement has basically been eliminated.

Du Wen was also forced to use a magical technique with great side effects like Wings of Morning Light. This is a truly desperate method, not being driven to a desperate situation, he would never do it. Donkey, Grey Knight, and Columba, the psychological pressure caused by their joint efforts really drives Du Wen crazy.

Lin Qi looked at Du Wen coldly, the guy who came here for some reason.

It was not until today that Lin Qi knew what was stored in the three large coffins in the treasure house of the Black Tiger family. He saw two of the coffins, and two primordial evil existences popped out of them, so the existence in the third mouth is definitely not something good for physical and mental health.

The heritage of the Black Tiger family is really true. . . Even Lin Qi couldn’t help beating his heart when he thought of the origins of the Grey Knights and the Blood Sins. This is really amazing. I really don’t know from which ruins the ancestors of the Black Tiger family dug out these ancient evils. .

What's more interesting is that the Black Tiger family dug up these things, and they can actually help them guard their treasure trove!

Cocked his mouth, Lin Qi couldn't help wondering what kind of abnormalities the ancestors of the Black Tiger family were. I really don't know how they dealt with the Grey Knight and this Columba.

After a few sneers, Lin Qi looked at the wings of morning light that was about to take shape, and sneaked out a one-foot-long black dagger from the ring of the world. The handle is a dagger with skull claws that exudes a deep chill, and a dozen green eyes looming on the twisted knife.

This is a magic weapon from the abyssal world, specifically for the ‘blade of the filthy soul’ cast by the clergy of the church.

Raising the dagger, Lin Qi aimed at the back of Du Wen and gently threw the dagger out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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