Bright Era

Chapter 546: Unbeatable Yun Jun

Just to save Lin Qi and the others, who were invaded by the filthy air in their body and soul, the donkey could only take the initiative to absorb all the filthy air. Although the poor donkey is an inconceivable existence, his current strength has not been restored, and his flesh is much weaker than he should be.

So the donkey had a miserable diarrhea. . . Not only was it diarrhea, but he also had abdominal pain like cramping!

The donkey himself never dreamed that, a long time ago, because of a special reason, he made it out of the way, imitating the forging method of the soul weeping knife, and guessing indiscriminately that the filthy soul blade will release such a bad breath. ——It's so powerful that the instigator's self cannot withstand the terrible filthy power.

When the diarrhea was getting dark, a heavy fist hit him on the back, and then a meteor shower-like fist roared and hit every key point in his body, hitting him with blood spurting from his seven orifices, and howling was beaten out. Far away.

"A colorless true dragon! Ten thousand dragon split sky fist!" The donkey stood up from the ground trembling, and roared up to the sky: "Junior of the Yun family, do you want to violate the covenants of all races? You think. Can't you die?"

With a ‘pouch’, Columba was pierced in the lower abdomen by a cyan spear.

The cyan spear is like being carved from cyan crystal. The body of the spear with thick wrists is carved with nine entwined dragons flying in the clouds and water vapor. Longan is inlaid with purple orbs, shining dazzlingly in the sun.

Columba lowered his head, staring at the cyan spear, and then slashed at the spear.

With a crisp sound, it was like a kitchen knife cut through a section of lotus root, and the cyan spear was easily split into two sections. The nine blue dragons on the gun opened their mouths at the same time and let out a miserable howl. Their eyes cracked, and the rich cyan life aura continuously overflowed from the gun body. The ecstatic Columba hurriedly opened his mouth, and his mouth was cyan. The breath swallowed into his mouth.

"What a courage! Do you dare to hurt my ancestral artifact?" A cyan figure spit out blood and volleyed towards Columba.

But Columba opened his mouth wide, his mouth opened like a large python, which was three times bigger than his head. The breath of life in the cyan spear was swallowed cleanly by him, and then he covered the wound on his lower abdomen, turned into a **** light and escaped into his sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus was closed, and Columba’s elegant voice came from inside the sarcophagus: "Dear Sir, you attacked from behind first. Using this wonderful sacred weapon to hurt my body that was already going to collapse and has not been repaired for so many years. . So, this is your fault!"

"But your sacred weapon can't stop the attack of the sword of blood sin, so I absorbed all the life force inside. Very good, very good, I think my body has been greatly benefited. But I need time to digest these lives The benefits of strength!"

"So today I will not kill you because I have no strength to fight with you. But I remember your breath. After I absorb all the breath of life, I should be able to recover one-tenth of the strength of the year. I will come to you! Dear Sir, your blood, I booked it!"

The sarcophagus turned into a gloomy light and flew up, quickly fleeing towards the donkey.

The donkey opened his big mouth and swallowed the sarcophagus, and then he laughed strangely: "The Holy Dragon Court Empire has two secret artifacts, one is Dragon Slash and the other is Dragon Spear. Dragon Slash gave birth to Extinction and Extinction. The dragon spear has the power to absorb vitality! What a pity, what a pity, although the dragon spear is powerful, how can it be able to withstand the attack of the sword of blood sin?"

Jun Yun's figure suddenly condensed from the air, and with his appearance, hundreds of assassins in tights surrounded him from all directions. These assassins held either delicate magic crossbows or powerful magic scrolls, their eyes fixed on Lin Qi and Arda, and several holy realm assassins made threatening cuts to Lin Qi. After the neck gesture, he slowly escaped into the air.

Lin Qi's face became ugly. He is not afraid of the magic crossbows and magic scrolls in the hands of ordinary assassins, and these things don't necessarily do him anything. But those holy realm assassins who escaped into the air after deliberately showing up were a great threat to him.

The assassins in the holy realm all have the ability to leapfrog assassinations. Even if Lin Qi can resist them, Arda, Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili are dead.

Yun Jun smiled and glanced at Lin Qi, and he gently clapped his hands: "Don't move, I have laid a secret Eastern Yunting magic circle around, you can't rely on the great teleportation charm of God's grace. Leave, is your space ring...unless you have the same mental power as mine, you can't get anything out of it!"

He twitched the corner of his mouth proudly, and the strangely smiling Yun Jun said proudly: "Because the core of this Yunting Great Formation is me! I control this Great Formation. In this Great Formation, only mental power exceeds me. Only those who can use all kinds of space secrets and space props!"

Lin Qi communicated with the ring of the world with a sullen face. Wherever his mental power went, countless small clouds of smoke suddenly appeared in the air and wrapped his left hand. The Yunting Array, thousands of miles of clouds, thousands of miles, this Secret Array from the East really has the special effect of isolating all space forces.

The donkey spit out blood and moved his body slowly. There was a weird sound of bones rubbing against each other from his body, and it was obvious that Yun Jun's punches had caused great damage to his body just now. The donkey drooped his ears and sighed heavily, "You... should be Jun Yun, right? Emperor Yun's twin brother?"

Jun Yun smiled and nodded to the donkey: "Do you know me?"

The donkey spit on the ground, rolled his eyes and sneered: "Back when the Tigers rescued the sacred Longting Empire, the uncle I led the team. The uncle saw that Emperor Yun was fairly honest, so he brought someone to rescue him. But you kid, uncle, I took a look at you from a distance, and I thought you were not a gadget, so I didn't take anyone to save you. I thought you had been burned to ashes to make fertilizer, but I didn't expect to kill you for thousands of years! "

Jun Jun's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes suddenly turned bloody.

"What did you say? You deliberately didn't save me?"

The donkey slowly stood up, hugged his hooves on his chest, and laughed disdainfully: "Fuck your uncle, I will save whoever I want to save your uncle! You are not a big breasted woman, Why should I save you? Your kid was not very old at that time, but he was already looking at the wolf, and his whole body was very angry. Obviously it is not a good thing. Why should I save you?"

He pointed his hoof to his face fiercely, and the donkey howled loudly: "Although your uncle I am just a donkey, but the donkey is also principled-if you don't like it, let him die, I I'm too lazy to save you! So although there are four white beards around you crying and crying to resist the attack of a group of gods, but I just don't save you, you can't bite me?"

Jun Yun's face flushed with anger, and he vomited another mouthful of blood.

Just now Columba cut off the Dragon Spear and swallowed all the breath of life in the Dragon Spear. Jun Yun and the Dragon Spear were connected with flesh and blood, and the Dragon Spear was almost a part of his body, so he spat out blood. However, with his cultivation base, the sacred artifacts of the mind and spirit were destroyed, and the blood was not harmful to the body.

But the words of this **** donkey made Jun Yun excited, and he spouted his blood.

Heart blood is different from ordinary blood. When heart blood is spurted, both mind and soul will be traumatized. Jun Jun's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said with grief: "Four Taifu, you died so badly! You, you die, die..."

Lin Qi glanced at the donkey. The donkey was smiling meanly. He smiled triumphantly: "Oh? Those four little white-bearded guys are dead? Tsk tsk, are they desperate to send you out? I feel weird. I didn't call anyone to save you. How can you live until now? All four white beards in the relationship are dead?"

Jun Yun clenched fists with both hands and hovered in the air. He stared at the donkey with a grinning smile and said, "A thousand years of blood feud! Today..."

The donkey interrupted Jun Yun's words: "I'm going to **** your uncle today! Don't think that your sneak attack seriously injured uncle me, and you also beat Columba into the coffin. What will happen to your uncle! Tut, are you here? Did you **** Lin Qi's baby? If Cai is not revealed, how did this idiot kid provoke a grandson like you? I said, grandson, are you really going to kill someone today?"

Yun Jun was so angry that he vomited another mouthful of blood. He finally calmed his mind and watched the donkey sneer again and again: "Today, here, you all have to die! Although the dragon spear of the ancestral artifact was destroyed, today I will gain more than I will lose! I am more able to avenge the four masters. How good is this?"

The donkey shook his head. He walked slowly to Lin Qi and his party and sighed heavily.

"But I said, do you really dare to kill Lin Qi? Although I don't know much about this matter, I know that the Tiger Clan, Yunlong Clan and several other families have signed the covenant. Between their children, they are not allowed Fight against each other. Aren't you afraid?"

Jun Jun narrowed his eyes: "What am I afraid of? What kind of covenant can bind me?"

A weird smile, Yun Jun's body vacated a large cyan cloud, and then the cyan cloud suddenly turned into a nine-color cloud haze. In that dense cloud, nine looming Jiao Fitness shadows are exuding a huge breath of suffocation.

"There is no need to talk about the gossip. I came here today, one to kill and one to win treasure! I just didn't expect that the harvest was far beyond my expectations."

After taking a deep breath, Jun Yun raised his hands to the sky without any qualms: "Du Wen's **** was not able to clean up you, but it doesn't matter. I personally feel even more happy when I act."

A triumphant glance at the silent Lin Qi and others, Yun Jun laughed hysterically.

"You are wounded, weak and weak, you are not dead today, who will die?"

"This is God's refuge, allowing me to get so many good things! The Gray Knight, the blood sinner, plus your donkey, and the countless treasures on Lin Qi... I am orthodox, I am... To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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