Bright Era

Chapter 548: Escape

The light from all around flew away, and countless tragic green rays of light like shooting stars enveloped Lin Qi and his group.

The thin bamboo pole grabbed Lin Qi with one hand, and with the other hand Alda flew forward in the streamer. A gloomy green fire spewed out of his eyes, and the sound of ‘click’ like the ice of the ocean spread rapidly, burning through the overlapping voids in front of him.

The donkey opened his mouth wide, holding the belts of Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili, ticking his saliva and flying along with the thin bamboo pole. The donkey's hoof spouted a large black smoke and red fire, driving his body to fly forward like a stream of light. If it hadn't been for the thin bamboo pole to open up the transmission channel in the void, the thin bamboo pole must be allowed to go in front. The flying speed of the donkey would have thrown the thin bamboo pole off for a long time.

Thin Zhugan glanced at the donkey, focusing on the saliva dripping from the donkey's mouth and dripping on Xiong Wanjin's body.

The donkey looked at the thin bamboo pole helplessly, and a helpless voice came from his belly: "This little fat guy is too fat and tender, **** him, if it wasn't for Lin Qi’s acquaintance, I really want to swallow it. He. Look at his skin and tender meat, it looks delicious!"

Before the donkey's words fell, the jade piece thrown by Jun Yun suddenly appeared on the top of their heads.

Without waiting for the two to react, the jade block suddenly exploded, and a cloud of strong light burst out. Lin Qi and Arda screamed in unison, and a faint blue smoke came out of their eyes, and their eyes were almost burnt by the strong light from the jade block. The two hurriedly closed their eyes and used all their strength to protect themselves.

Lin Qi sprayed a group of golden-red flames, and the tumbling flames were filled with an awe-inspiring majesty. This is the unique coercion of the gods, and it is the breath of the gods that Lin Qi obtained after absorbing and fusing the two divine natures. A thick and ruled flame firmly covered Lin Qi's body, and the divine fire light shone in all directions, barely resisting the continued attack of the strong light in the jade block.

Arda sprayed a thick black gas of demon flame covering his body. But his demon power was obviously restrained by the strong light in the jade block. The strong light shone on him, easily penetrated his black magic flame, and burned thumb-sized dense blisters on his skin.

Arda hissed in pain, Lin Qi was shocked, and he hurriedly sprayed out a ball of fire that enveloped Arda. The flames that Lin Qi sprayed were also full of spirits, but the color of the flames was black and red. This was the breath of dragons that Lin Qi sprayed—the breath of dragons mixed with spirits. Under Lin Qi's precise control, his breath wrapped Alda's body, but he didn't hurt a single hair.

The donkey and the thin bamboo pole responded at the same time. The donkey's mouth opened, and a large ball of saliva spewed out, which quickly turned into a cloud of mist covering everyone. The thin bamboo pole snorted coldly, and the green cremation in his eyes turned into countless thumb-sized skulls, flying around the crowd with the tragic laughter of'Jie Jie', firmly blocking the bright light emitted from the jade block. Out.

But what followed the bright light was a desperate explosion.

A little black and white light spurted from the disappearance of the jade block, and there was a loud noise. Two blood arrows spurted from the ears of the donkey, Lin Qi and others at the same time—the loud noise shattered their eardrums and removed the thin bamboo poles. It seemed that it was completely unaffected, and everyone else snorted.

Lin Qi only felt severe pain in his ears, and his eyes were black and there were countless golden lights flickering. He was stunned by the loud noise, and his internal organs were rolling violently. Wuzhu Juli spewed out from the rapidly expanding black and white light, the green fire skull spouted out of the thin bamboo pole and the water curtain made by the saliva spurted out of the donkey collapsed at the same time, and the flames on Lin Qi went out with a whirr. , The terrifying huge force hit him heavily, Lin Qi's bones made a mess, and numerous cracks suddenly cracked on his skin.

The blood was splashing, and there was still a large burst of fire in the blood. Lin Qi groaned several times in pain. He breathed deeply, barely supporting his body without breaking the bones in his body. The fate wheel was brilliant and splendid, emitting a strong blood and light all over Lin Qi. His blood gas was quickly mobilized and controlled, the wound on his body healed quickly, and no blood flowed out.

The powerful life breath is evenly distributed throughout the body under the command of the mobilization of the life wheel, and the white tiger fighting spirit protects the internal organs from being severely damaged by the huge force.

The thin bamboo pole exclaimed: "It's miserable... I can't help it!"

The terrifying explosive force spread one after another, and the space transmission channel opened by the thin bamboo pole quickly collapsed. Alda, whose skin and flesh were lifted by the explosive force, wailed: "It's dead! Space turbulence, we are dead!"

The donkey snorted coldly, and gritted his teeth: "Nigger, do your best! However, the **** your uncle, I'm the only one who is desperate. You are a dead ghost at all. Where do you have the qualifications to work hard?"

As the donkey screamed, his donkey skin suddenly ripped apart from his flesh and blood with a ‘click’. A black donkey belt quickly expanded with a serious evil spirit, and it turned into a black light curtain several kilometers around, covering everyone.

The thin bamboo pole screamed, his hands stretched out, countless small black cloth strips fell off his body, and quickly flew towards the black light curtain turned into donkey skin. These small black cloth strips are intertwined and entangled in the light curtain like living things, woven into another thick and tough protective layer in the light curtain.

Seventeen consecutive loud noises came from outside the light curtain, and Lin Qi's unimaginable huge explosive force tore the light curtain to pieces.

But the light curtain prevented the blast of the explosion for a short while. With the buffer of this finger, the thin bamboo pole let out a stern cry, and a large amount of thick and dark liquid the size of a soybean oozes from his body, which is like a meteor shower and shoots past the disintegrating space channel.

A miraculous thing happened. These pitch-black viscous liquids hit the disintegrating space channel, and immediately turned into black air, bonding the shattered space piece by piece. Although the broken place continued to disintegrate slowly, the rate of disintegration was at least a hundred times slower than just now.

The thin bamboo pole squirted three consecutive mouthfuls of black air with a rich and delicate fragrance, and his thin figure was again shriveled. But the black air he spit was sucked by Lin Qi, Lin Qi suddenly felt refreshed, and the wounds on his body were relieved a lot. Obviously, the black air emitted by the thin bamboo pole is the essence of his life, which also means that the thin bamboo pole has paid a heavy price to repair the spatial passage.

The black light curtain collapsed suddenly, and the bright light mixed with countless poisonous python-like spaces rushed towards a group of people.

The thin bamboo pole let out an exclamation, and he sternly shouted: "I can't hold it anymore, just find a place to go out!"

Regardless of the three or seventy one, the thin bamboo pole's neck suddenly stretched to three meters in length, and his head was like a meteor hammer, slamming into the void ahead. With a loud noise, the space channel collapsed, and the group of people was sucked in by a whirlpool-like black space vortex.

The terrible high temperature, strong light mixed with a lot of spatial turbulence and dazzling electric light slashed from behind everyone.

The thin bamboo pole uttered a sharp howl, and a slender, tender, white hand with no flaws stretched out from the sarcophagus that had been hovering under the feet. With a charming sigh, the little hand patted the strong light from behind. There was only a crisp sound, and the white arms suddenly twisted strangely. Seeing the degree of the distortion, the arm bones were at least shattered into seven or eight segments.

The high temperature and fire light barely prevented a breathing time, and the other arm shot out from the sarcophagus, and with a sharp rebuke, it hit the thunder light on the face. There was another crisp sound, and the arm broke into several segments again.

The thin bamboo pole howled heartbrokenly: "Where do you want to do it? Why don't you hide it?"

All the black cloth strips on his body shined, and the real body of the thin bamboo pole was exposed. This is a young man with an unusually handsome face and an exquisite appearance like a work of art. His figure was tall and thin, and only a layer of white skin was left to cover his thin skeleton.

What shocked Lin Qi most was the breath of life and death emanating from this thin bamboo pole, neither life nor death, both life and death.

The law of heaven and earth, any creature is not alive or dead, but on the thin bamboo pole, this law is unreasonably destroyed. He is here, he exists, he is in front of Lin Qi, he is not a living person, nor is he a dead person, he just exists!

In line with this feeling, there is only one existence-undead! Let all the creatures fear the undead!

The strong light and high temperature immediately pressed down, and the entanglement of thunder and space turbulence became a desperate torrent of muddy torrents. The thin bamboo pole turned his head and glanced at the **** donkey whose donkey skin had completely disappeared. He roared with grinning anger, "Donkey, I'm your uncle!"

With the roar, the thin bamboo poles rushed toward the torrent of the roaring down.

There was a loud noise, black smoke burst into flames, the thin bamboo pole was blown into flesh and blood, dozens of bones also flew out of him in a mess.

The thin bamboo pole cried out and returned to the sarcophagus: "I can't manage this thing! This doesn't violate my promise! I can't manage it! I... I want to heal... My injury has not healed. … Damn donkey, I hope you won’t find a woman with **** in your life, and I hope you only have male creatures like you in your life!"

The torrent of terror whizzed down, but the power had weakened a lot. The thin bamboo pole spit out nine mouthfuls of black qi with rich fragrance, and then plunged into the sarcophagus. The donkey sighed, "Fuck your uncle's mother", then opened his mouth and swallowed the sarcophagus!

Faced with the destructive torrents roaring down from above, the donkey's eyes shed big tears: "I... It's a bitter life! I was a carefree and unrestrained little donkey... Why should I do such a desperate thing?"

In the sound of crying, the donkey's muscles suddenly screamed and exploded, and countless muscle fibers rose into the air, woven into a large net on the heads of Lin Qi and others.

There was a loud ‘crack’, the big net was smashed, and the donkey spewed blood and a strong black gas, leading Lin Qi and others into a small hill with dense black pine forests. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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