Bright Era

Chapter 551: Eastern Plain

The stars are shining, and in the barren mountains, beside a clear stream, the sound of insects comes from far away with the night breeze. A bonfire flickered, a big iron pot stood on the fire, a pot of fragrant ham, fish fillet and mushroom soup was gurgling, and the strong smell of meat drifted far away. Lin Qi and his party were sitting by the fire. Everyone was holding a large bowl, sipping soup, gnawing bread, and listening to the donkey telling the story of the three sarcophagi.

The origins of Prince Columba and the Gray Knight have been told, and the donkey is explaining the origin of the thin bamboo pole to Lin Qi.

The thin bamboo pole, that is, the mummy covered with black cloth strips, is an ancient necromantic monarch.

The undead clan, like the blood sin clan, are completely alien. In the ancient times, the undead clan also established a huge empire and fought **** wars with the gods. But the fortune of the undead clan is much stronger than that of the blood sin clan. Their sphere of influence is far from the overseas undead continent, while the blood sin clan's sphere of influence is mainly located in the western continent.

Therefore, as soon as the chaotic battle was over, the blood sin clan disappeared, but the undead clan retained its vitality, and the Undead Continent is still a forbidden place for living beings.

However, in the war that year, many powerful men of the undead clan urgently reinforced the blood sin clan and fought fiercely with the gods. The thin bamboo pole was seriously injured in the battle of the gods, and was buried in the ancient ruins that collapsed somewhere for countless years.

People of the Tiger tribe are extremely tenacious relying on their physical tyranny and vitality. They have the quirk of digging out various ancient relics and exploring treasure hunting. They excavated Columba from underground ruins, and so did the Grey Knight Cologne XVIII. The thin bamboo pole was also a certain ancestor of the Tiger tribe, and a group of tribesmen excavated it from an underground collapsed mountain.

As a tyrannical existence that can fight against the gods, although it has been buried in the underground ruins for countless years, its strength has been weakened to the extreme, and it has not been restored after a thousand years of cultivation, but the thin bamboo pole still maintains a strong mental power-more than Yunjun Strong mental power. That's why he could tear the magic circle of Jun Yun to isolate the void, allowing Lin Qi and others to escape.

It is precisely because the strength has not been restored, the thin bamboo pole's body is extremely weak, and this has been severely injured again in the broken void channel, and hastily returned to the sarcophagus to heal his injuries before he could explain anything.

As for how the thin bamboo poles lured the saintly lady of the church, and even made several pope-level figures hate, this is something the donkey does not know. Anyway, the face under the black cloth strips of thin bamboo poles is very handsome, as handsome as the characters in the painting, it should not be too difficult to seduce a saint of the church.

Only after Arda heard that Thin Bamboo was a necromantic monarch, he kept grinning strangely.

Lin Qi looked at Arda in surprise, wondering what this guy was laughing at. The donkey didn't have a good temper with Alda. He hiccuped and stared at Alda with slanted eyes and snorted coldly, "What are you laughing at?"

Arda approached Lin Qi incomparably obscenely, deliberately not looking at the long face of the donkey: "Great master, you are so wise, can you tell me, as an undead, that bamboo pole should have no blood in his body Right?"

Lin Qi blinked his eyes. He touched the little beard and scum that grew on his chin. He pondered this question very seriously for a while, and then he nodded in a very responsible way: "I got it from the old man. Learning, the undead do not have blood. Their blood vessels are shriveled. It can even be said that there is no such thing as blood vessels in the high-level undead."

As the inheritor of the enlightenment of the gods, and the student carefully taught by the young man, Lin Qi has a deep understanding of the structure of the human body. The undead clan, especially the high-level undead, do not have blood vessels. Their body organization is very different from that of human beings. Although they have a human appearance, the undead clan is a completely different race, and they and all living beings are different races.

Alda's smile became even more weird: "Since there is no blood, I am curious how the bamboo pole can... I mean, you know!"

Suddenly tore open his clothes, exposing his majestic chest and abdomen muscles, Arda held his head up, his bright eyes reflected the sky of stars, and suddenly a magical light flickered in Arda's eye sockets. He slowly said in a low and charming voice: "With my experience of entertaining thousands of beautiful women for so many years, I want to conquer a woman not only to conquer her soul, but to conquer her. Flesh! Use the most rude method to capture her, ravage her, satisfy her, make him want to die, and conquer her soul through her body, so that she can become your woman with all her heart!"

With a strange smile, Arda stretched out his hands and said triumphantly: “A man without blood in his body, unless a bone is born somewhere in his body, I can’t imagine how he can make a church’s promising future The woman followed him desperately!"

Lin Qi was at a loss, Bilibili was at a loss, Xiong Wanjin's mouth was twitching!

The big sea bowl on the front hooves of the donkey fell to the ground with a bang. He tilted his head and looked at Alda with a look of worshipping the gods. After a long time, the donkey nodded slowly: "This is a genius idea. Your uncle, I have lived for so many years, and no one has ever thought about this problem-there is no blood in the blood sin clan, and there is no blood in the undead clan. It is really strange, how do they reproduce?"

The donkey looked up at the sky forty-five degrees, and the stars were reflected in his eyes. Arda also assumed the same posture as the donkey, and the two shook their heads gently at the same time and sighed: "It is profound and unpredictable! It is amazing!"

Lin Qi's face turned black, and his heart twitched! He suddenly had the urge to chop up the donkey and Alda and throw it down! Very good, very good. It is enough to have Alda beside him, and now he has another donkey!

The donkey and Arda got together, and they hooked their shoulders affectionately, and muttered all kinds of nasty words that couldn't be heard. They carefully analyzed the physiology of His Royal Highness Prince Corumba and His Royal Highness Slender Bamboo Sovereign, and wondered how hard they would work to revitalize a ‘male creature’s prestige’ and siege the city on certain special battlefields.

Lin Qi silently swept away the fish soup in the soup pot, and cleaned the soup bowl and soup pot with the clear water in the stream. Bilibili quickly splashed out the bonfire with stream water, Lin Qi shook his head and said hello, and the group continued to walk east along the mountain road.

Bilibili supported the panting Xiong Wanjin and ran forward, the donkey and Alda'joy and joking' walked at the end of the team, one by one, winking and discussing some bad ideas-for example, when it came to the next one with someone In the town, they should find a few big-breasted girls, and then summon Columba, let him perform on-the-spot the ability of the blood sin family to breed offspring.

As for the thin bamboo poles, because there is still a lotus in the sarcophagus, the two bad guys dare not do it for the time being. But the donkey swears by patting his chest, waiting for his donkey skin to grow out, waiting for his bones broken by Jun Yun to heal, waiting for the filthy evil spirits of the blade of the filthy soul absorbed by him to be digested, and waiting for him to recover a little With strength, he can suppress Kui Lian.

Then they will be able to get out the thin bamboo poles and let him communicate with the opposite side of Prince Columba's insights about the opposite sex!

As for the Grey Knight clone eighteen. . .

After a long period of discussion, the two **** finally came to the same conclusion-unless they can find a female Titan, ordinary women with **** cannot have some relationship beyond emotion with Clone XVIII. of.

Xiong Wanjin, who was constantly trembling with fat on his body, turned his head back and gritted his teeth and muttered, "Two beasts!"

The next moment Xiong Wanjin flew out, the donkey slapped his left eye socket with a hoof, and Arda hit his right eye socket with a punch. The two scum looked at each other, and then smiled proudly at the same time: "Fuck your uncle!"

Xiong Wanjin awkwardly got up from a bush, his fat body swayed for a while, he tremblingly took out a machete and looked at the donkey and Arda for a while, and then squeezed out a flattering face. With a smile, he hurriedly pushed the machete back into the space ring.

"Wait and see, when we are in Xueqin, when we are in my place, I will ask Brother Lin to enjoy the gentleness. Are you two beasts? Hey, hey!"

Xiong Wanjin was thinking about a little abacus with his belly, his eyes turned wildly and continued to rush forward with the help of Bilibili.

Obscene laughter kept floating in the silent mountains and forests at night, and the sleeping beasts and mountain birds were awakened by the laughter, twisting their bodies in the nest uneasy. But they didn't dare to make any noise, because along with the laughter, there was also Lin Qi's terrible mental pressure. Lin Qi stunned all the creatures passing by in the mountains and forests, not allowing them to make any changes.

All the way to the east, all the way for seven days and seven nights, Lin Qi and others moved forward extremely fast, when the sun rose on that day, they walked out of this mountain forest. Facing the red sun in the east, there is a vast plain in front of you. Standing on the mountainside, you can't see the end of the plain.

They have left the territory of the Caesar Empire, left the mountains in the central and western regions of the Western Continent, and came to the eastern plains of the Western Continent.

There are dozens of kingdoms and principalities on this plain. It is also the largest granary on the western continent.

For the Western Continent, this plain is the lifeblood of the entire continent. The food, poultry, and livestock produced here support most of the mainland's people. If there is any change here, the people's livelihood of the entire continent will collapse.

Therefore, whether it is the Gaul Empire or the Caesar Empire, and even the other major forces on the mainland, all intervene here. This is also the most complicated region in the entire continent. Even during the Hundred-Year Land-Island War, countries on this plain would occasionally have various frictions and disputes. Now that the Hundred-Year Land-Island War has ended for decades, this plain has been shrouded by a cloud of war.

Lin Qi and others left the forest and walked into the nearest Principality of "Perland", which is famous for its dairy cow production. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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