Bright Era

Chapter 565: Lin Qi's "failure"

With a flick of his finger, a strong crossbow suddenly appeared in his hand. Lin Qi raised the strong crossbow, aimed at Li and the others dozens of steps away, and pulled the trigger.

This powerful crossbow is a sharp weapon made by the Galan evil clan of the Abyss World. The Galan evil ghost is also the only race in the Abyss world that is proficient in forging. They have been hidden in the most mysterious and unpredictable eighteenth abyss world in the legend. , But occasionally a small amount of sophisticated equipment from their hands flows into the abyss world.

The "Thousand Bee Crossbow" in Lin Qi's hand is a sharp weapon produced by the evil ghost of Jialan.

Pulling the trigger, I heard three sounds like the crisp sound of a storm beating on banana leaves. Three waves of 1,800 strands are several times thinner than the hair. Only one inch long transparent needles are fast Projected. I saw a flash of cold light, the thin needle had torn the air and came to Li and the others.

Li subconsciously waved the golden wings behind him, and dozens of fine needles melted silently in the golden flames.

Arthur is cunning and sexual, and has suffered a lot from the black beard, so he has now developed an extremely cautious style. Just as Lin Qi raised the Thousand Bee Crossbow, Arthur had already shrunk and hid behind the rock Titan. The Rock Titan snorted, and with a wave of his hand, countless fist-sized stones on the ground flew up, forming a giant buckler with a diameter of four meters up and down in front of him, firmly protecting himself and Arthur. Behind.

Nearly a hundred fine needles hit the three-foot-thick stone buckler. The penetrating power of the fine needles is extremely strong, and they are deeply embedded in the shield for more than two feet and seven inches. This helplessly eliminates all the strength. . Rock Titan's arms moved slightly. Although these fine needles were extremely small, the force attached to them was amazing, and even his arm was shaken.

The miserable howling sounded endlessly, and the body of the 30 or so Arthur's subordinates facing Lin Qi suddenly flew up.

The armors and robes of these people were pierced through countless tiny holes. The fine needles fired by the Thousand Bee Crossbow are the tail thorns of a highly poisonous demon insect called the "Golden Tempering Demon Bee" in the abyss world. It is not only extremely hard, but also highly poisonous. Any wound hit by a fine needle is just a tiny black spot invisible to the naked eye at the entrance, but when it comes out of the body, the wound has turned into a fist-sized hole.

Arthur watched as he watched the 30 or so capable men who had used high-ranking officials to collect money in the past few years were knocked into the air, his mouth was shaking with anger. At the same time, he was so frightened that his heart beat violently. Fortunately, when he saw the opportunity, Lin Qi immediately hid behind the Rock Titan as soon as he moved. If not, he would have died on the spot just like these subordinates.

In the sound of ‘chi chi, those people hit by the fine needles fell heavily to the ground, their bodies melted like snow in the sun, and gradually turned into a puddle of pus that penetrated into the ground. The tail thorns of the Golden Quenched Demon wasp were extremely poisonous, and the pus from these human bodies melted the ground into a hole more than a foot deep, and it was still corroding downward.

Both Arthur and Li looked at Lin Qi with grim expressions. Li swung his sword and wanted to rush towards Lin Qi, but he quickly and wisely dispelled his impulse—the biggest crisis Li faces now. Not Lin Qi, but Arthur!

Arthur snorted coldly. He pointed to Lin Qi and shouted majesticly: "Kill them!"

More than fifty Heavenly Pinnacle warriors in heavy armor rushed towards Lin Qi and others under the leadership of six sacred warriors. Two Black Sun priests wearing black sun temple robes followed them with solemn expressions. Behind the soldier. A dazzling black ball of light spinning rapidly in the palm of Pastor Black Sun, their eyes fixed on the magical ball floating above Lin Qi's head.

Xiong Wanjin's eldest sister really spoiled him, his eldest sister secretly took out from his brother-in-law's warehouse and gave Xiong Wanjin the top grade magic ball. In the eastern empire that is many times larger than the entire western continent, it can be classified as a top-grade magic orb, a magic orb that can be treasured by a prince, and the magic sealed inside is the weakest and also a strong one. Forbidden spell!

The magic ball above Lin Qi's head flickered, and from time to time there were faint electric lights escaping from the surface of the magic ball. Obviously, the power of this magic ball was extremely powerful. How could the two black priests dare to underestimate the power of this magic ball? They are ready to respond.

But what surprised them was that Lin Qi retracted the magic ball into the space ring. He drew out an ordinary horse-cutting sword, yelled and brought Xiong Wanjin and others back towards them.

The two Black Sun priests glanced at Lin Qi with lunatic eyes, and then breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Stupid guy, don't use the life-saving baby, instead choose to fight them head-on, Lin Qi must be crazy! Maybe he thinks he can resist the joint attack of six holy warriors and two holy masters? Then he is really stupid.

Arda and Bilibili followed Lin Qi and rushed out. Although they also didn't understand why Lin Qi did this, Lin Qi controlled their souls. When Lin Qi moved, they had to follow suit.

Yun Xiaojun looked around with a trembling, he cowered and wanted to escape. But soon he saw Jun Li standing in the crowd opposite! Jun Xiaojun's eyes suddenly chilled, he tightened the halberd in his hand, and after a long whistle, he also brought a cyan cold light to the opponent.

Although the opponent has six sacred fighters and two sacred masters, there are also three sacred fighters on his side! Especially Yun Xiaojun still has a supreme sacred weapon in his hand, Yun Xiaojun doesn't think he will lose this game!

At this time, Yun Xiaojun no longer regards Lin Qi as an enemy—his real enemy is Yun Lijun. As long as he can kill Yun Lijun, Yun Xiaojun will even cooperate with Lin Qi! This dude, who has been spoiled in every way since he was a child, doesn't care about family interests and other things, anyway, as long as he hurts his own interests, he is his enemy!

Comparing family interests with personal interests, Jun Xiao felt that his personal interests were far more important than family interests!

Lin Qi pretended to slash the sword at the front of the heavy armored Saint Realm warrior.

The other party snorted coldly, a three-headed Lengga hammer in his hand swung randomly, and three fist-sized steel spike **** smashed the long sword in Lin Qi's hand. The opponent's left hand took advantage of the flow and hit Lin Qi's chest heavily. Lin Qi let out a miserable cry, opened his mouth and spouted a splendid and colorful blood, and his body flew lightly like a flimsy scarecrow. He flew back several tens of meters with a three-point and seven-point coquettish, and then fell down. The ground convulsed desperately.

Arda and Bilibili were in a daze. The two cunning demons glanced at each other, and then they were ‘badly injured’ by each other at the same time!

Arda was hit by a magical technique performed by a priest of the black sun. A black flame ignited on his body. Arda screamed and ran around for a while, bounced and fell to Lin Qi's side, vomiting After a puff of smoke, he fainted.

Bilibili was even more straightforward. He ran to a celestial warrior, slashed the opponent's thigh with a vicious knife, and then three celestial knights struck him at the same time. Bilibili did not know where he took out a small shield to withstand the stab of the opponent's joint hands, also sprayed blood and whirled back dozens of steps, and sat down on Arda's body. Also immobile.

Xiong Wanjin didn't charge at all, he only dared to charge with status and strength.

And Xiong Wanjin is not stupid. When he saw the Lin Qi and the three people being "smashed and rotten" by each other in just one breath, Xiong Wanjin stretched out his hand and dug out the wounds on his body that had been pierced by the crossbow bolts. A large amount of blood spurted out from his body.

After quickly taking a few tonics that nourished the blood and filled the essence, Xiong Wanjin cruelly bit through the tip of his tongue, staggering backwards embarrassedly. As he stepped back, he cried loudly: "Help, help, a lot of blood, a lot of blood! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

With a loud'boom', Xiong Wanjin landed on one foot, and turned 360 degrees lightly on the ground. He saw the direction and fell heavily to the ground-this guy was afraid that he would fall too painful, so All his huge body hit Alda's body.

Arda fell on the ground'unconsciously' and his eyes widened suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched for a while, and he moaned helplessly, then closed his eyes again and fell into a state of'unconsciousness'.

A large amount of blood slowly flowed out of Xiong Wanjin's body, and the scarlet plasma spattered Lin Qi and others' faces. It seemed that they were all seriously injured and awaiting death.

Only Yun Xiaojun, only Yun Xiaojun, the youngest child Yun Xiaojun did not notice the weird changes around him, he waved his halberd and charged forward, cursing Yun Lijun’s bloodline and his mother loudly. He was extremely brave. It rushed into the siege of six sacred fighters, two sacred mages, and more than fifty heavenly peak fighters.

The brave and fearless Lord Yunxiao waved his halberd, and blue dragon shadows hovered around him. The magic weapons in the hands of the two holy warriors were shaken by the sacred equipment halberd. The halberd lightly penetrated the opponent's body and flew two unarmed holy fighters dozens of meters away.

At the same time, the four magic epee slashed at Jun Xiaojun's body fiercely, and several bones on Jun Xiaojun's back were chopped into pieces in the sound of a ‘click’. But Jun Xiaojun has fallen into an invincible state of fighting on the battlefield without fear of death. He can't care about the severe pain on his body at all. His body rises into the air, and the halberds fly around his body quickly, turning into a huge The sharp-toothed dragon head swallowed all the enemies.

The two priests of Hei Sun took action, and they lowly praised the name of the **** of dawn, and spread a large black light covering the surroundings.

Arthur glanced here, and when he saw that Yun Xiaojun was the only one resisting, he completely relieved his heart.

Graceful and majestic pointed to Li, and Arthur said in a low voice: "Li, my brother, please go to my mansion as a guest!"

"I think, when Yin loses your news, she will be happy to go to my house to find me!"

"I have been thinking of her all these years!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation .)

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