Bright Era

Chapter 580: Big Sheep

In the depression on the northwest side of the Iron Cliff War Fort, Abu Zheng, with his half-white hair and beard, had a gloomy face. He tore a piece of dried meat with his fingers like a hook, straightening his neck and swallowing a long strip of meat directly into his stomach like a vulture. in.

Dried meat is made from fine lamb meat that is dried and sprinkled with salt. For the people of nomadic tribes, this kind of food is a good delicacy. Especially for a powerful warrior leader like Abu, he grew up eating raw meat since he was a child. This kind of **** dried meat is most in line with his appetite.

"Axin, you idiot!" After swallowing a few pieces of dried meat, Abu suddenly grabbed a stone beside him and threw it heavily.

Asin, who was squatting on a boulder more than ten meters away to eat, was hit by the stone on his forehead. With a muffled sound, Asin's thin body was thrown out and rolled out more than ten meters in embarrassment. An angry roar came, and Asin's eyes turned crimson. He jumped to his feet, pulled out his scimitar, and marched viciously in Abu's direction.

Abu dropped the jerky in his hand, held the hilt of the saber with his backhand, and laughed mockingly: "Yeah, little eagle cub has his wings hard, dare to show his paws to his father! Ha, Axin, you dog Bastard, if you can kill me, all the property will be yours! Hey, my little wives are all your women, do you have the ability?"

The machete forged with snow flakes and Kucha steel screamed in the scabbard, and Abu looked fiercely at his most rebellious son Asin. If he dares to do something to himself as a father, then he must teach him a lesson. This little white-eyed wolf cub, even if he still needs to rely on him to support the door of the house in the future, how can he get him out of bed for six months this time.

Do you really think you don't know what he did secretly behind his back?

Abu became irritated at the thought of the little wife he had just bought two years ago for the child he had given birth. He really thought he was confused. Didn't he know that the little boy was from Asin? But nomadic tribes don't pay attention to this. Anyway, as long as they are males, they will be the best men in the future. There are multiple males in the family, and they will not suffer.

But Ah Xin must teach him a lesson, otherwise he will not know what to do in the future!

A Xin held a machete, slowly bent down, and turned around Abu like a hungry wolf looking for food. The scimitar in his hand swayed with his wrist like flowing water, and this guy was ready to make a move, ready to make a move against his biological father!

Abu showed a ferocious smile, this **** still couldn't help it! He can't wait to take over the family property?

But he has to understand how big a gap is between a high-ranking fighter and a mid-level fighter! Abu squinted at Asin's body, thinking about leaving multiple injuries on him to shock his family and people.

"Axin, you **** who only knows impulse bad things!" Abu sneered and sneered, "Five hundred fat beasts were paid to the **** tax official for your impulse! Five hundred fattened animals! The animals are enough to buy a hundred **** like you! Your mother, I bought them with only ten animals back then! You unexpectedly cost me five hundred!"

Abu is the leader of a medium-sized tribe among the large nomadic forces on the Continental Bridge. He has many wives and hundreds of children, and his family wealth is also very rich. This time, because he had to trade tens of thousands of animals in Iron Cliff Fort, Abu, who was stingy, greedy, and suspicious by nature, personally led his tribe to **** the livestock to Iron Cliff Fort.

But when he passed the tax card, his son Asin clashed with the tax official and gave them a clean cut. This knife killed 500 of his fattest animals. Why didn't Abu feel heartbroken?

So he wants to take the opportunity to teach Asin, he wants to let Asin understand that the newly grown little wolf cub is the little wolf cub, and if he wants to replace the position of the wolf king, he still has a long way to go.

With a roar of ‘haha’, Asin rushed towards Abu like a mad wolf. The sharp machete tore the air lightly and slashed towards Abu's neck. Asin's face quickly became bloodshot and his face became red. He screamed fanatically, dreaming about the beautiful scene of inheriting the family property after killing his father.

Except for his biological mother, all the women in Abu will become Asin's women. All wealth, all livestock, and the vast pastures of the tribe will become his personal property. Asin was trembling with excitement, and he put all his power into the knife.

Abu snorted coldly, his steady big hand drew out the scimitar, and lightly hit Asin's wrist with the hilt. A Xin let out a miserable howl, his wrist bone "click" dislocated, and the scimitar flew out a long way. Abu slashed at Asin's body with a knife. From his left shoulder to the right lower abdomen, the sharp scimitar cut through his old sheepskin coat, and cut a one-inch deep wound on Asin's body. .

The angle of the scimitar is extremely strange. The blade cuts into the body at a forty-five degree angle, so that the cross section of the wound is larger, the blood vessels and muscles are cut, and the recovery is slower. It is natural that the wounded can eat. The greater the suffering.

A Xin screamed and retreated, but Abu grinned and caught up with him a few steps forward, reached out and grabbed the greasy messy hair on Asin's head, and pressed him to the ground heavily. A Xin's head was hammered fiercely on a stone, a large piece of skin was broken on his head, and the blood immediately dripped all over his face.

"Axin, remember you bastard!" Abu looked at Asin with a sullen face: "I'm not old yet, I'm not old enough to think about it! If you have the skills, you can start your own A family business! If you don’t have the skills...When I die, I will leave you a few lambs!"

A triumphant kick kicked Asin out, and Abu put the scimitar back into its sheath, smiled and nodded to the laughing clansmen around: "This kid, he wants to move my idea? Hahaha, unless he Strengthen to the next level, otherwise, when he is old and dead, I can continue to play women and kill people!"

The clansmen around all laughed loudly. Asin’s challenge to Abu seemed to them a joke. How could the old, cunning, vicious and cruel Abu casually let his son take advantage? Abu is now an intermediate-level strength, and Axin is only a high-level. If Axin can't practice hard to break through the heaven, his lifespan is less than half of Abu's, and it is very likely that he really can't beat Abu.

Lin Qi was wrapped in a dirty yellow cloth robe and slowly walked along the passage densely covered with animal dung to this depression. He happened to see Abu hacking his son vigorously, treating his own as if he was an enemy. The son kicked out.

Looking back in surprise, Lin Qi smiled to a skinny middle-aged man who was next to him: "I have heard about the customs of these nomads, but I really didn't expect that they would really kill their son. This knife is really neat!"

The skinny middle-aged man is an agent of the brokerage firm of the Iron Cliff Fortress, that is, a character like a local snake and a bag. Lin Qi found this middle-aged man and asked him to help him find a group of nomadic tribes with sufficient strength and strong background to do something.

Let Lin Qi and his party stand at the entrance of the mountain valley, and the middle-aged man walked towards the mountain valley in strides: "Abu, Father Abu, I brought you a good deal! Aha, a good deal you can’t think of. Big customers, real big customers."

Then the middle-aged man and Abu quickly communicated in the dialect of the nomads, and the two looked at Lin Qi from time to time.

Lin Qi squinted and didn't say a word. He just kept laughing inwardly. The middle-aged man introduced to Abu that Lin Qi and his party were ‘big sheep’, and jokingly asked Abu to share at least 30% of his profits after he got the benefits. Abu asked the middle-aged man about the background of Lin Qi and his group very carefully. The two spoke very fast, and they exchanged all information about Lin Qi in the most refined and concise language.

With a soft cough, Lin Qi walked forward slowly and said slowly: "Daddy Abu, hello. I have a batch of goods on hand, and I am going to trade on the grassland. But there are some on my way. Unexpectedly, my accompanying guard... So I need to find a group of strong and reputable people to **** me to your king's account."

Abu squinted his eyes, his deep-set eye sockets and amber eyes reminded Lin Qi of the preying vulture.

Licking his lips, Abu Guai laughed: "Oh, of course, my people are very powerful, and my credibility also resounds throughout the grasslands. There are thousands of grasslands, Gobi and deserts on the Continental Bridge, who doesn’t Know that my father Abu is the most credible person?"

He patted Lin Qi's shoulder hard, Abu's arm was hard. Lin Qi seemed to be unable to bear his slapping, staggering backwards a step. Abbott laughed with satisfaction. He laughed loudly, "Aha, can I see the goods you prepared? You don't carry a convoy, so, are your goods loaded with space rings?"

Lin Qi gave a light cough, and he shook his shoulder as if his shoulder was hurting. He wiped the space ring with his hand, and took out a good iron ingot bought in the Principality of Montenegro. The square iron ingots that have been tempered at least two hundred times are densely covered with water wave-like patterns. The black and white patterns represent that this is a top-grade good guy.

"Wow, this is a big deal!" Abu laughed excitedly, rubbing his hands vigorously: "Then, children, kill a cow, kill two sheep, get ready for wine, we welcome the distinguished guests! How much are you going to pay us? If I **** you to the king's account?"

Lin Qi thought for a while and nodded slowly: "One percent of my total profit, I think this is a very fair and reasonable price! You know, I only have a few people here, I just follow you. The team is only going back."

Abu flattened his mouth, he murmured ‘one percent’, and then nodded helplessly.

"Then, kids, prepare dinner, prepare wine and delicacies, and ask the ladies who follow to prepare to entertain VIPs! Well, we have to get rid of these animals as soon as possible!"

The people of Abu showed undisguised greedy eyes, and then they scattered away. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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