Bright Era

Chapter 586: Violent deterrence

Under the stars, in the night, the shadows are faint.

Countless hungry wolf-like figures leaped from the sand, screaming and screaming together. They are all wrapped in long cloaks, they are all holding scimitars, and they all carry the same mutton smell. No one knows how they distinguish between enemy and us in the night. They uttered a long whistling sound like wild beasts, and the scimitar tore the air, bringing with them a lot of cold light and countless blood.

There are even large groups of people holding bows and arrows rushing around, shooting arrows at the crowd that seem to be random.

The arrows split the wind, almost every arrow can always hit a target. The arrow makes a crisp sound through muscles and bones, and that sound can be a nightmare. In the pile of stone pillars, warriors from the Sand Camel race rushed out on their horses, and the scimitar screamed in the night breeze along with the horses. Although not many fighters rushed out, dozens of fighters on horseback were already a decisive force in this small-scale battle.

A line of cavalry roared and swept through the melee crowd. The soldiers riding on horses just leaned the machete diagonally against the saddle. With the momentum of the horse charging, they only need to adjust the horizontal angle of the machete slightly. Can easily cut off heads one after another.

In the sound of ‘pouch’, people’s heads rolled wildly, and dozens of cavalry rushed through the melee crowd like windswept clouds and chopped off hundreds of heads on the spot.

Lin Qi's mental power enveloped this chaotic Gobi Desert. He was surprised to find that these cavalry soldiers had cut off the heads of sand thieves, and did not accidentally injure even a warrior of the sand camel tribe. It's fine if Lin Qi has the mental power to monitor the surroundings. He can see everyone's every move, but these cavalry can accurately distinguish between enemy and friend in the dark. It can only be said that this is a talent that is close to beast instinct.

Abu had already roared and rushed out. He drew out the scimitar, screamed loudly, and kicked a woman by the way, berating them to find a safe place to escape.

Sand thief, this is the most brutal group of thugs on the Gobi Desert. Their identities are complicated. On weekdays, they are likely to be regular herders, or even the most generous and enthusiastic uncle of the tribe next door, the most bold and brave brother, and it is even possible that she is a shrewd and capable lady who can make a good milk tea. But when they were wrapped in cloaks and gathered together in response to the chief's call, they became a group of brutal, tyrannical, and frightening thugs.

The sand thief did not leave any grass wherever he went, all the goods were robbed, all the men were killed, and all the women were humiliated and then sold into slaves. As long as it is profitable, sand thief will **** it and dare to **** it. Caravans, tribal camps, and even a certain Han Dynasty king's camp camp, as long as they gather enough strength, they dare to rob unscrupulously.

The Shatuo tribe was once attacked by sand thieves. That time, the Shatuo tribe with 30,000 soldiers was attacked by more than 10,000 sand thieves. Tens of thousands of animals were stolen and suffered unprecedented heavy losses. Therefore, the Shatuo tribe hates the sand thief to their bones, but they also know from their bones how powerful and difficult the sand thief is!

No matter how small the sand thief is, if it is a big sand thief, then everyone will die here tonight.

"If we lose, you will kill yourself!" Abu rushed out, usually roaring loudly at the women.

In the hands of sand thieves, women may be trafficked into slaves, but more likely to be tortured to death in endless abuse. If the tribe led by Abu is defeated, the women in the team will be tortured by sand thieves outside. Thousands of sand thieves take turns to vent their animal desires. They may have become dead bodies before being trafficked into slaves.

A few women silently drew the dagger from the scabbard on the thigh, and the tip of the knife slammed into their hearts. They knew what it meant to fall into the hands of Sand Pirates. Instead of suffering such abuse and torture, it would be better to die quickly.

Lin Qi frowned, he jumped up and strode towards the fiercest part of the fighting.

The donkey’s long ears trembled, and he lay down by the bonfire uninterestedly, squinting at the women and muttering in a low voice: "If there are **** among them, the little thieves outside won’t be enough for me. Step on. Of course, if they don’t have big breasts, why should I save them? Although I am a pure and kind donkey, I have never been a helpful idiot!"

Arda nodded in agreement: "If they dedicate themselves to me now, I can protect them. If they are not my women, why should I go all out for a group of women who are not my women? You say yes, beep Beep?"

Bilibili had licked the blade of the dagger, and followed Lin Qi. Alda slapped his forehead vigorously, and he sighed helplessly: "Oh, the great master is about to make a move, then Uncle Alda must follow, otherwise I will be miserable!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Alda got up stubbornly, kicked the **** of the wine barrel fiercely, picked up the collar of the wine barrel and walked out. The wine barrel was dragged several tens of meters on the sand by Arda, only then vaguely awakened from his sleep. He shook his head, slowly took out a huge warhammer and a super heavy shield, swayed his sturdy body and slowly stood up.

Lin Qi followed Abu and had already come out of the battlefield.

Dozens of cavalry of the Shatuo clan are in conflict, and they can gain something every time. The warriors of the Sand Camel clan lit a fireball made of withered grass and threw it to the sand outside. The twinkling fire light illuminates the sand in a radius of several kilometers, exposing every move of the enemy.

At least three thousand sand thieves were rushing towards this side with howling, they let out a cry like a beast, and rushed over without fear of death. When Abu saw the waves of sand thieves coming, his face suddenly became extremely ugly. There were more than 3,000 Sand Pirates, but he brought only 1,000 tribesmen this time!

Moreover, in the first wave of Sand Pirates' raid just now, his tribe has killed and injured hundreds of people!

The Shatuo tribe people are in big trouble this time! Sand pirates never mind their own losses, because no matter how many people are killed or injured, sand pirates can always find an endless supply of manpower. There are too many nomads who love to work and have a sinful nature in their souls, so they don't worry about having no place to replenish their troops.

But the Shatuo tribe can’t do it. These thousand warriors are all tribe’s citizens and **** tribesmen. One of the deaths and injuries is to tear off a piece of meat from Abu’s heart. The wolf pups who killed their father and replaced them are different. These tribal fighters are loyal to Abu, because Abu is not their biological father, so they are loyal to Abu!

"Formation, formation, archer, bow and arrow ready!" Abu roared loudly.

But before Abu's words fell, the sound of thunderous horseshoes was heard in the distance. At least five hundred sand thief riding war horses were making sharp wolves howling, holding short bows and arrows, and rushing towards this side with scimitars hanging from their waists. They pierced across the flanks of the battle group like a gust of wind, and more than five hundred two-foot-long special arrows shot out like raindrops, when the sand camel soldiers on the battlefield were about to be shot down.

Abu's body shivered suddenly, and he groaned in despair: "It's over, it's over!"

The thousand soldiers brought out are finished, and even if Abu can escape back to the tribe, his prestige will also plummet. The large quantities of grain, grass, salt, and other necessary living materials on the grassland in exchange for more than 10,000 animals are all gone! This is a great loss to the Shatuo tribe! Even the dozens of women who traveled with the caravan are all beauties of the clan. Abu specially selected the women who served him on the way for fun, and they were all over!

Lin Qi sighed heavily. He slapped Abu **** Abu's shoulder, and almost didn't slap Abu on the ground.

Lin Qi squinted and sighed deeply: "So it seems, Patriarch Abu, you have to pay us! These sand thieves... okay!"

Looking back, Lin Qi pointed to the barrel.

The barrel stayed in a daze, then grinned and grinned. He muttered in a low voice, "Master Xuanlan is not here, it's a pity that this meat!"

‘Hey’ laughed a little strangely, the wine barrel did not know where he grabbed a large barrel of spirits and poured a few sips, and then his body about two meters high began to swell rapidly. In the sound of'Kaka', the body of the wine barrel swelled to the size of ten meters. A hot breath spread from his body. The sand and stones on the surrounding Gobi Desert quickly flew towards his body. These small stones have not yet Close to his body, the heat melted into magma.

A layer of half-meter thick magma armor covered the barrel, and the flames on the barrel rushed up to more than three meters high, and he became a lava demon in hell! The huge warhammer and the super-giant tower shield hit each other heavily, and the barrel let out a crazy roar, and then the body suddenly jumped to a height of more than 100 meters!

The barrel of the Dwarf King at the pinnacle of heaven fell from a high altitude like a meteor, and accurately jumped into the cavalry team composed of more than 500 sand thieves.

There was a loud bang, and a circle of fire waves swept around over a hundred meters away. Wherever the crimson fire waves passed, the sand thieves and horses were burned into coke at the same time, just one blow Half of the sand thieves were wiped out.

The barrel laughed frantically, his warhammer hit the ground heavily, and with a'boom', the ground trembled violently. The ground cracked numerous cracks, and the thick cracks swallowed more than a hundred sand thieves. . Afterwards, countless sharp stone spears and soil thorns spurted out of these cracks, and the remaining sand pirate cavalry howled miserably and were beaten to the ground, blood dripping all over the ground.

Abu looked at the barrel of wanton killing like a nightmare. He remembered his temptation on the wine barrel in the restaurant during the day. Didn't he lightly slap the wine barrel, and the wine barrel staggered back several steps? Why did such a weak barrel at that time have such terrible power?

Lin Qi smiled ‘haha’, he reached out and picked up a lot of stones from the ground. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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