Bright Era

Chapter 611: Additional conditions

The red light sprayed from the huge cylindrical hall gradually dimmed, and Lin Qi's low gasp became the only sound in this huge space. The red and white light emitted from his body has become the only light source here.

Countless extremely thin red lights shot out from Lin Qi's pores, and quickly swept across the walls of the hall like aurora flying electricity. Where the red light passed, the complex magical runes and divine texts on the wall showed a faint light one by one, and an extremely magnificent breath was oppressed from all directions, faintly starting to swell with Lin Qi as the core.

Sha Xinyue's face flushed red, she stared at Lin Qi stubbornly, gritted her teeth and muttered: "Girl, why don't I have such good luck! Divinity, people with divinity can get this desert God's heart. Although it is in tatters, it is the heart of a **** after all!"

Yang Tian gave a long sigh, and Sha Xinyue shook her head helplessly.

The **** of the desert is a very unfortunate god. In history, he also left several demigods who mixed with humans and other races. But in the War of the Ancients, all of his demigod descendants died, not even a single **** descended. Therefore, there is no **** descendant in the desert temple, and there is no person with godliness to inherit the magnificent power of the **** source pool.

For countless years, only the extremely important core figures of the desert temple, and the geniuses valued by those in charge of the desert temple, have had the opportunity to enter the pool of the source of the gods, be refined by the power of the source of gods, and thus quickly improve their strength. .

Sha Xinyue was able to possess the power of the peak of the saint at the age of only 21, because of the pool of the gods.

This is also the biggest reason why the desert temple can stand upright. Although there is no support from the **** family, but with the pool of gods, the desert temple does not lack elite masters of the young and strong faction. For so many years, the Desert Temple has survived despite the blows and suppression of the churches in the Western Mainland, and the pool of the gods is the greatest hero.

But today, Lin Qi, who is full of divine nature, came here, and what he possessed was the divine nature of fire which was completely consistent with the **** of desert. The broken heart of the **** of deserts immediately merged with Lin Qi, which completely made Lin Qi.

A broken heart will not change Lin Qi’s essence as a human being, but this heart can give Lin Qi the characteristics of inhumane—long vitality, huge vitality, and inhuman recovery ability. , All of these are benefits brought to Lin Qi by this divine heart.

"I'm afraid it's not just the benefit of a broken heart!" The donkey raised his head, looking at the hall wall that continuously spews dazzling light from bottom to top, and muttered: "The shape of this thing is very familiar. It seems... What is the natal artifact of the Desert God? This temple is not a part of his natal artifact, but... This is the bracelet on the left hand of the Desert God!"

A faint light flashed in the donkey’s eyes. Some memories that had been disintegrated from his brain for some special reason were suddenly pieced together, and he subconsciously muttered: "This is a'desert bracelet', with manipulation. A desert bracelet with destructive power such as storms, sand, flames, and black storms of death! Although it is only a low-grade artifact, it is after all an artifact!"

While the donkey was muttering to himself, the walls of the hall suddenly cracked with countless huge gaps. The donkey rolled his eyes and bulged loudly: "Well, I will take back what I said. This thing has become like this, and the standard of this thing is at best a sacred object of inferior quality! Only, the artifacts are all artifacts. A magical device with life, it seems that the artifact can be repaired? But what is the way to repair it?"

The donkey banged his forehead with his hoof angrily. He just remembered the origin of the temple in front of him, but he had forgotten many related things. This kind of unprovoked blankness in memory made the donkey very uncomfortable, but after so many years, he had been used to it, so after giving himself a hoof, he shook his tail and walked towards Lin Qi.

"If you don't want to die, get closer to Lin Qi. This space is the time and space of the desert **** bracelet. In fact, we are all in a small bracelet. The desert **** bracelet has been hit hard, and it can still rely on the heart of the desert **** Reluctant to maintain the power of the lower-grade artifact, now the desert heart is absorbed by Lin Qi, and the desert bracelet is about to disintegrate...It can at most maintain the power of the lower-grade artifact, it is impossible to hold up such a large space. !"

Sha Xinyue's face turned sullen. She didn't care that Lin Qi was sitting there naked and crossed her body. She hurriedly rushed to Lin Qi's side and grabbed Lin Qi's arm. She is well aware of the terrible disintegration of space, and right now, only by Lin Qi's side is the safest, because it seems that Lin Qi is passively conquering the desert bracelet, and only Lin Qi's side is safe.

Bilibili turned into a plume of black smoke and shrank behind Lin Qi. Arda and the barrel hurriedly picked up Xiong Wanjin and rushed to Lin Qi's side. Then the entire space collapsed, and a large swath of red light rolled out, a tattered one. The light red wide-bangle bracelet appeared silently in Lin Qi's hand, and then everyone sank and was suddenly swept in by a cloud of red light.

In the next moment, the group returned to the secret hall of the desert temple.

Sha Xinyue threw away Lin Qi's hand for the first time, took out a few large robes and threw them on Lin Qi, Arda and the others.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, then exhaled a fiery breath, then grabbed the robe that Sha Xinyue had thrown and wrapped it around her body, and looked down at the broken bracelet on her wrist.

The half-foot-long bracelet held Lin Qi's wrist tightly. The bracelet seemed to be made of some kind of transparent red soft metal. The thin layer of the bracelet was very flexible and would not hinder Lin Qi's wrist at all. exercise. But the bracelet was densely packed with cracks like spider webs, revealing a scent of brokenness.

Lin Qi can perceive an extremely terrifying power in the bracelet, but this power is as weak as a hungry ghost who has been hungry for a thousand years. Although the body is extremely powerful, it is unable to exert any real power. After groaning for a while, Lin Qi penetrated a ray of spiritual power into the bracelet, and the bracelet gradually lit up with a faint light, and then as Lin Qi's mind changed from the luxurious and mysterious red to ordinary inconspicuous Black iron color.

Gently waved his hand, the bracelet faintly made a low wind howl. Lin Qi gently shook his left hand, and a small whirlwind composed of yellow sand, raging fire and strong wind spurted out of his palm. The whirlwind whizzed high and exuded a strong aura of destruction. This is what the **** of desert is best at The prototype of the black storm of death.

Lin Qi smiled. Although this desert bracelet is in a broken state, it is the old foundation of a low-grade artifact. Now it also has the power of a low-grade holy artifact. Lin Qi tried it a little bit. It can at least enhance Lin Qi's magic twice. Lethality, this is a terrible increase. Especially through him, Lin Qi can control forces such as storms and dust that he could not control, which is even more valuable to Lin Qi.

As long as the artifact doesn't completely die, there is a way to repair it, and all that needs to be paid is time and various rare materials. As long as he finds the right way, Lin Qi still has the opportunity to complete the restoration of the desert bracelet, think about it, this is a low-grade artifact!

If Lin Qi can really repair him, once he uses his most powerful divine power, Lin Qi can, like the **** of the desert, impose various natural disasters on his opponent within a thousand-mile radius. Think about it, throwing a giant black storm of death to the Holy Mountain, the headquarters of the church, what a spectacular sight!

Touching the desert **** bracelet with joy, Lin Qi smiled and nodded to Sha Xinyue: "I'm sorry, I will help you with everything I promised you!"

Sha Xinyue squinted and smiled. She looked at Lin Qi up and down for a while, and suddenly sighed: "You monster. You are from the Tiger Clan, how can you practice the Three Seas and Seven Wheels? The power of the source of the gods in the pool of source can at least create hundreds of high-end existences in the holy realm, but now you..."

Lin Qi moved his body, and the joints all over his body made a dull thunderous roar. He took a sigh of relief. At the same time, a sharp whistling sound erupted from the acupuncture points of the meridians, and the clanging clash of the white tiger's fighting spirit became more and more shocking. ear.

He nodded and said with satisfaction: "Most of the power of the source of the gods is used to strengthen the body and strengthen the foundation. So my current realm is only a high-ranking saint, but I have confidence...Hey, this source of gods The pond is good, does the Prairie Temple have it?"

Lin Qi is a little bit greedy after receiving such a big benefit from the desert temple.

Sha Xinyue squinted her eyes, and then shook her head gently: "The Prairie Temple has three great families of gods, and they don’t have a pool of gods. As far as I know, whether it’s the Western Continent or the Continental Bridge, it has The only treasure that inherits the treasure of the source of the gods is the desert temple. But now you have completely wiped out the source of gods, the desert temple is afraid that it will be over in less than a hundred years!"

Lin Qi and his group laughed disapprovingly at the same time, whether the Desert Temple is finished or do they care about them? You need to find Sha Xinyue to settle accounts, right?

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qi smiled to Sha Xinyue: "Although I have inherited your love, but want me to help you complete the last step of the experience, there is still a big joint... We are all attached to tarsus. Bone Maggot, if we don’t kill the chasers behind us, I don’t think we can help you at ease."

Sha Xinyue's face changed slightly, her eyes suddenly turned into a fiery red, and then she looked at Lin Qi and the others carefully for a while, and then roared angrily: "Why didn't you say it earlier? That's right, why should I ask you for help?"

Lin Qi spread out his hands lazily: "With additional conditions, use the power of the desert temple to help us kill the chasing soldiers, or we will leave now, you can figure it out!"

Sha Xinyue opened her mouth and did not recover for a long time.

Such a tired and shameless Lin Qi, is he really a descendant of the Tiger Clan? When did the tigers learn to dig pits and bury people with bargaining? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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