Bright Era

Chapter 614: Reappearance

"The brilliance of my **** covers thousands of miles of desert. The place covered by the mighty power is the kingdom of my god!"

The great witch sacrifices of the four desert temples, this is also the only power to support the saint Yin Qingyue among the twelve principals of the desert temple. Each of them has the strength of a sage. If they fight alone, they are not the opponents of the three brothers Yun Haitian, but they are on the bridge of the continent. When they call the name of the **** of the desert and mobilize the **** of the desert , Their strength is not something ordinary people can resist.

With the praise of the four great witch sacrifices, there was a sudden flash of lightning and thunder in the sky, and a large flaming black cloud rolled out of thin air. From the dark clouds that covered a hundred li, a red light fell slowly, and in the red light, a small piece of heaven and earth could be seen faintly. It was a desert world without grass, and a large number of volcanoes spewed flames in the desert. , The violent wind swept up the sandstorm, black and red storms swept the earth, and even the hill-like stones were lifted up wherever they passed.

This is the most powerful magic of the desert temple-the kingdom of the desert. At least three powerful existences above the great witch sacrifice, at the expense of their own soul power, asked the **** of the desert to drop their huge divine power to form such a kingdom of God.

In this desert **** kingdom, only the clergy of the desert temple can use the magic arts, and the magic arts of other gods will be completely blocked. The clergy of the desert temple can exert more than ten times the power in the kingdom of God, and their enemies will be weakened to the limit, the saints will be weakened into the saints, the saints will be weakened into the saints, and the saints will Will be directly knocked down as a status existence.

The three brothers Yun Haitian yelled badly, but before they could make any response, the desert **** kingdom whizzed down and swept them and the four great witch festivals at the same time. The red light enveloped everything, and no one could see what was going on inside.

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and opened the dust cover that protects them.

"The rest has nothing to do with us, let's leave here! These four great witch sacrifices used the power of the soul origin to sacrifice the desert gods. Even if they kill these people of the Yun family, their strength will be weakened by most. Sha Xinyue won't let them go, this scene, so far, nothing good!"

Lin Qi took a deep look at the flickering desert kingdom in the sky. After this battle, the potential power of the Shahu family in the desert temple skyrocketed. After Sha Xinyue leaves, even if the elders of the Desert Temple return, the administrative power of the Desert Temple will also fall into the hands of the Shahu family.

With this strength in control of the desert temple, Lin Qi couldn't help but shook his head secretly. The Shahu family was really terrifying to the extreme. Lin Qi couldn't help but become curious. The Shahu clan has such a huge potential, what about his tiger clan? What is the sight of the Lin Tiger Clan?

The Duner-Kee line of the Western Continent is only a branch of the Lin Tiger clan. Although it is the core clan with the purest blood, it is only a branch of the clan. According to the donkey, in other continents, in other parts of the world, the Lin's Tiger tribe of all branches and lines are developing rapidly, only this tribe of Dunerke is the most miserable, so Blackbeard He was transferred back by the elders of the clan, and he was scolded and punished to face the wall and think for twenty years.

I really want to see what Lin's tiger family is like.

Lin Qi pursed his mouth, shook his fist vigorously at the high-altitude desert kingdom, and then led everyone into the darkness with strides.

The surrounding area was covered by the giant sacred array laid down by the clergy of the desert temple, but Lin Qi and others showed the holy order issued by Sha Xinyue, no one dared to stop them, allowing them to cross the sacred array freely.

There was a high-pitched scream of killing in the divine formation, and a large number of archers and warriors brought by the three Yun Haitian brothers were being besieged by the wild clergy. The nomads on the Continental Bridge are fierce and fierce. These clergymen have even more religious fanaticism. They are fierce and fearless when fighting. They are a hundred times more fierce than ordinary nomads. The Acacia family sent here are all the elite of the clan, but facing the full strangulation of the desert temple, they are unlikely to survive.

The group of people got on the prearranged monster mount, and rushed to the direction of Shuangshen Mountain at the fastest speed.

Sha Xinyue is waiting outside the **** array with her iron confidant. She wants to catch all the four great witch offerings that support Yin Qingyue. These four great witch offerings are also among the twelve great witch offerings of the Desert Temple, except for the current lord. A clergyman who remains loyal to the **** of desert.

After killing them, Sha Xinyue will also take advantage of this incident to hang out, and everything will become seamless.

After the elders of the Desert Temple return from the Titan Ice Field in the south, the current Lord will become the scapegoat for all. After the current Lord of the Palace was dealt with, the Desert Temple had completely fallen into the hands of the Shahu family and became a powerful **** of the Shahu family.

The Western Continent has strict surveillance by the church, and the Shahu family in the Western Continent does not dare to behave like this. However, in this desert temple where all the gods who believed in it had almost fallen, the various methods of the Shahu clan came together, and a huge temple was unexpectedly picked up easily during Sha Xinyue's adult experience.

The monster mount quickly rushed forward, and gradually the light and noise in the rear had gone. Lin Qi and others continued to rush forward for hundreds of miles. The sky was gradually brightening. Only the brightest stars in the sky were still shining. There were no clouds in the white and red sky, and it was red in the east. The light was gushing out, and the sun was coming out.

A sudden black light flashed, and the Beast Sand Beast under Lin Qi's howl was split into two pieces with a knife. The cold blade slashed towards Lin Qi's crotch. Lin Qi was horrified. Three seas and seven rounds in his body were running at the same time. The whole body rushed up into the sky like a ghost, and stopped slightly. His body was like a meteorite. He fell again and again, and slammed his head on the weird shadow.

With a sound of'pouch, Lin Qi's mount spewed blood from the sky and the internal organs flew far away. When Lin Qi's punch was as heavy as a mountain that was about to hit the black shadow, the black shadow suddenly disappeared without a trace. After that, he flashed from the side of Xiong Wanjin's mount in the next instant, and chopped off the head of Xiong Wanjin's mount with a single knife.

With blood shining everywhere, the chilly long knife smashed into Xiong Wanjin's body.

Lin Qi's heavy punch was too late, and he hit the sand with one punch. With a loud bang, the Gobi Desert with a radius of tens of meters collapsed, sinking into a depth of more than 20 meters. What's even more frightening is that in the middle of this sunken hole, a fist mark with the thickness of an arm pierced deeply into the ground. I don't know how deep it is, and there is a faint spray of water vapor, and soon there will be white water from the fist mark. Came out.

Lin Qi's punch penetrated the underground rock formations and penetrated the groundwater veins, causing groundwater to spurt out continuously.

The black shadow who slashed Xiong Wanjin with a knife looked at this side in amazement, and then his knife suddenly stagnated. The long knife ripped off Xiong Wanjin's robes and slashed on him, but the fat on Xiong Wanjin's body was as round as a ball. Deeply sunk, the long knife fell into Xiong Wanjin's fat, and was immobilized by a scorching breath.

No matter how hard Sombra tried to draw his sword, the long sword remained motionless. Xiong Wanjin, who was startled by the black shadow, roared, swinging his huge fist and slammed down at the black shadow.

The black shadow snorted coldly, released the hilt with both hands, and disappeared out of thin air still incomparably weird, and then appeared again from a distance.

There was a sharp sound of breaking through the air at the same time, and looming black shadows rushed over here quickly. Behind these dark shadows, a large group of dark magic wolves rushed silently.

Lin Qi exclaimed in surprise: "Void Hunter? Why are you here?"

The black shadow who had just attacked Lin Qi and Xiong Wanjin sneered: "Why can't we be here? The chief elder of the Eastern Bear family, Xiong Hubao, you have too many secrets. Our Great Temple invites you to go back to the Void Temple for a while!"

Lin Qi looked at these dark shadows with a weird expression. He glanced at Yun Haitian and the others where they were trapped, then coughed and laughed: "The grandson of the archbishop of the church's dark hall is under siege, don't you go to the rescue? Are you all, believers of God!"

Soi Ying smiled nonchalantly. He shook his head slightly and said faintly: "We are believers of the Void God. And the 36 archbishops of the dark hall, if they believe in the gods, they will only believe in wealth. Goddess? They are not loyal believers of the gods at all. They are just running dogs kept by our church. How many such running dogs are there, and how many casualties are there?"

Lin Qi's words so bluntly made Lin Qi speechless for a while, he sighed heavily, and then helplessly looked at the Void Hunter with at least five hundred people around him. These guys are extremely tricky. They are almost immune to all physical and magical attacks. Only soul magic can harm them. But last time in order to annihilate the three teams of Void Hunters, Lin Qi had already activated the core of the magic circle in the world ring. In the next few months, he will not be able to use the soul spells in the world ring.

So these five hundred Void Hunters are really a lot of trouble.

A group of enemies that can't be beaten and can't be beaten, this is more troublesome than catching fleas.

"Actually, I don't have any secrets at all!" Lin Qi helplessly spread out his hands: "I'm just a duty, a businessman from the East, I'm just assisting our young master, and want to run a business in the Western mainland Industry, but I didn't expect..."

Sombra shook his head slightly: "Do you think we will believe what you say? What is your relationship with Arthur of the Temple of Retribution? What happened between you and Lil? Why did you summon the creatures of the abyss to attack Lil Guard? Have you concluded some secret agreements? Why don't the people of the Archbishop of Dragon pursue you all the way! We all need a certain answer to all this!"

Lin Qi said with a sullen face, how can I tell you these things?

Alda on the side coughed softly and took a step forward slowly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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