Bright Era

Chapter 617: Brief Introduction

In the barren, browned valley, there was a sudden thunderous beating and an unusually horrible howl. The poisonous insects hiding in the crevices of the gravel retracted one after another, and no longer dared to stick out their heads desperately.

In the middle of the valley, that unusually strong man was lying on the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face, his two eyes were looking at the white-red sky in confusion. The donkey stood up, kicking hard at his fat buttocks.

"Ration? Grandson, your whole family is ration! Look at your size, you are the standard ration!"

"Grandson, let me tell you, you make me angry, uncle! I tell you, as long as I'm hungry, uncle, you are my ration!"

"No one can save you, whoever dares to save you, I will **** him! You are fated to order my rations, you are dead!"

The black hair of the donkey was beating all over, and some people would dare to say that he was prepared fresh rations. What an insult? He has been arrogant and domineering for so many years, but some people say he is a ration? Does this big guy think of him as the spiced donkey in the soup pot?

The donkey rushed forward and beat the sturdy young man beside Sha Xinyue. In just a short breath, the sturdy young man was thrown to the ground by the donkey. He didn't know he kicked and beat thousands of hooves. The people on the side were all dumbfounded. Everyone looked at the erupting donkey in a daze. The elf sisters in the distance had their fingers convulsed, and the two longbows fell to the ground with a scream.

Sha Xinyue moaned weakly and patted her forehead vigorously.

She should have expected such a thing to happen. This donkey's infamous reputation is spread far and wide, and it has long been against the wind among those who know his existence. As long as the donkey is present, all kinds of weird things will happen, she should have expected this a long time ago.

With a helpless sigh, Sha Xinyue bowed to the donkey aggrievedly: "It's Tucker's fault, please..."

The donkey rolled his eyes: "Call me uncle! Otherwise I will treat him as a ration now!"

Sha Xinyue’s pretty face turned red and white. She clenched her fists tightly, and then showed a very charming smile: "Respected Uncle Donkey, if you can forgive Tucker’s unintentional offense, wait for this time. After the matter is successful, I can introduce you to some girls with big breasts! I will ensure that the **** are fertile, which will definitely satisfy you!"

The corner of the donkey's mouth drooped, and then he quickly wiped the hoof off with his hoof, and retreated to Lin Qi with a smile: "I'm not an unforgiving person, hahaha, let's make sense! Although the little guy named Tucker has a bit stinky mouth, my grown-up has a lot of them, hahaha, he has a thick and thick skin, and the taste is not very good. Forget it, I will let him go!"

Sha Xinyue squinted at the donkey, then straightened up and exhaled heavily.

The two white-robed girls behind her quickly walked up, they stared at the donkey viciously, and then mumbled the spell. From their palms sprayed out blue and green magic light patterns respectively, slowly infiltrating Tucker's body. These two girls are obviously life-based mages, but the magic attributes they mastered are one that focuses on water attributes, and the other focuses on wood attributes, which are the most common attributes among life recovery wizards.

Lin Qi nodded slowly. He glanced at the weird-looking youths around him and couldn't help but smile: "This is just a misunderstanding. Let's discuss serious matters as soon as possible! For the last step of this experience, I hope I can Get all the information related to it."

Sha Xinyue made a graceful gesture: "Then, just follow me. Tucker, you can get up, your bones are not broken, with your defensive power, you can bear this blow!"

The tall Tucker Urn responded with an annoyance, and got up embarrassedly, clutching his swollen eye sockets. He glanced at the donkey in horror, then shook his head vigorously. He hadn't figured out how he was knocked down. He didn't even see the donkey's movements. He was knocked to the ground by countless heavy blows. Then came the continuous blows that made him unable to breathe like a storm. It was like a nightmare. experience.

This donkey, not much older than a dog, is he really a donkey?

Sha Xinyue beckoned to the others in the valley: "You don't need to be out on guard. All the poisonous insects in this valley have been controlled by me. They are our best sentry. Come over and listen to me this time. Expedition may be rich, but it may also have huge risks. Everyone must listen carefully to my introduction!"

Lin Qi and his party followed Sha Xinyue to the white tent in the middle of the valley.

This white tent is a rare space artifact. It looks like it is only three meters long and wide, but after walking in, it is a huge space with a radius of 100 meters, which is large enough to accommodate dozens of people living here. meeting.

The two elven twin sisters took out a jug carved from pale green wood, and poured a glass of pale green juice for each. This is the special drink of the elves that they collect from the dew on the petals of the flowers and mix them with wild honey and other natural materials. Lin Qi took a sip from the water glass, only to feel that the mouth was cool and smooth, with a refreshing sweet fragrance. Although the taste was lighter, it was indeed a very good drink.

She smiled and thanked the two elf sisters who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old. The elf sisters moved their long ears and squinted to the side, staring at her donkey in awe, and then silently. Acously sat behind Sha Xinyue.

Sha Xinyue gently pressed her hands and said lightly: "Before introducing the last step of my experience, I will introduce our team members this time."

The tall Tucker, a descendant of mixed-blood barbarians of the Earth Titan blood, possesses super defensive power, and is the best candidate for this team. But after Lin Qi appeared, Tucker could only retreat to the second place. After all, compared with the freak Lin Qi, Tucker could only be regarded as conventional force.

The elven sisters have extremely long and complicated names. Sha Xinyue only uses their abbreviations to introduce them, Qingye and Qingluo. They are a pair of extremely good archers and are also excellent scouts. Their archery skills are extremely outstanding. , Belongs to the category of archer in the elves. Sha Xinyue didn't introduce how they followed them, but I think there will be a very complicated story, because all the races in the world are clear about the xenophobia and pride of the elves.

Two thieves, they are a pair of cousins, Sha Xinyue introduced them as silver coins and copper coins!

Lin Qi's eyes brightened when they heard their code names. It was obvious that these two had the same hobbies as Lin Qi.

The three wizards all came from the desert temple, and they were the iron confidants of Sha Xinyue. They are not the local people of the Continental Bridge, but the followers that Sha Xinyue led into the temple. Elu, Hatu, Gals, Lin Qi listened to their names, and then looked at their appearance, they were a bit like the indigenous humans of the legendary elven continent. With two elven sisters and three natives from the elven continent, Lin Qi couldn't help but wonder how long Sha Xinyue's claws were.

The two heavy armored warriors are both the sanctuary guards of the desert temple, and the commander of Sha Xinyue's close guards. They are also not citizens of the Continental Bridge. Judging from their appearance, they are also from the elven continent. Their names are Rona and Garson, and they are two fanatical followers who serve Sha Xinyue as a god.

And the two life mages in white, Sha Xinyue briefly introduced them from the Prairie Temple. The one who mastered the vitality of water was Lan Yin, and the one who mastered the vitality of wood was Qinglan. Lin Qi rolled his eyes again, and the life mage of the Prairie Temple became Sha Xinyue's followers. Could it be that the Prairie Temple, like the Desert Temple, became the private land of the Shahu family?

If so, the potential of the Shahu family is really terrifying. If you can find a way to kill the elders of the two temples, aren't these two temples letting the people of Sha Xinyue do what they want?

Lin Qi coughed heavily and introduced everyone around him. Lin Qi’s introduction was very simple, the dwarf cask, the teenager Bilibili, the young Arda, the fat Xiong Wanjin, and an unnamed old donkey. As for himself, Lin Qi did not introduce much.

Tucker and the others couldn't help but roll their eyes like Lin Qi. Lin Qi's introduction was too moist, and he really wanted to be beaten by him. Everyone can't tell that the people around him are a dwarf, a teenager, a young man, and a fat man? But judging from the sudden power of the donkey, these guys around Lin Qi are all freaks!

Sha Xinyue stared at Lin Qi fiercely, then raised the water glass and drank the drink. She folded her legs, put her hands on her knees, lazily lifted her chin, and then lazily yawned.

"Then, let me introduce, the last step of my experience!"

Sha Xinyue's adult experience is very simple. She has mastered the actual administrative power of the Desert Temple in seven years, which is already qualified.

But she still lacks the last proof - with her personal charm and organizational ability, she can form a team with sufficient strength to enter an archaic relic at the core of Shuangshen Mountain and bring out any valuable item from it!

The Shahu clan's positioning of its own people is the ‘commander’, not the generals who charge into battle. So in Sha Xinyue's personal experience, this last step is particularly important. If the small team she formed cannot complete the test, it proves that she has not completed the experience, and she has to go back to the desert temple to continue recruiting and forming a stronger team.

"The ancient ruins we are going to enter this time are the lairs of ancient evil spirits that were destroyed by the gods of the desert and the grassland. There are endless dangers inside. For countless years, there have often been some strange and weird existences from the ruins. Going out in the middle, brought great trouble to the two temples."

"So this time, everyone must be careful! No matter how much benefit we get from it, I only keep one, and you will share the rest!"

Sha Xinyue's tone was unusually decisive, full of firm consciousness that he would become benevolent if he failed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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