Bright Era

Chapter 623: Keep going

In the shocked eyes of Lin Qi and others, Cologne XVIII dismantled twelve metal puppets.

The weird parts inside were piled together by Cologne 18. He sprayed a gray flame from the palm of his palm, melting these weird parts into a ball of colorful liquid, and then it was like drinking a thick potato beef. The soup was drunk with ease.

And the silver metal on the surface of the metal puppets was kneaded by Cologne XVIII into several muscles. In front of everyone, Cologne XVIII nonchalantly took off his clothes, and then tore a piece of skin on his left arm.

Under this gray skin, there are a lot of messy muscles. Muscle tissue that should have been neat and orderly was destroyed by external forces, and all muscle fibers were broken, rolled, or simply shattered into paste-like things and mixed together. Cologne XVIII frowned and shook his head, then grabbed a silver long sword used by the metal puppet, and cleanly cut his messy muscles from the skeletal tendons.


Cologne XVIII's muscles were extremely tough, and the high-frequency oscillating long sword made a sharp and unpleasant sound when cutting his muscles. Lin Qi and others couldn't help covering their ears at the same time. Sha Xinyue and the Elf sisters, and the small faces of the two life mages turned pale. They had never seen such an unbelievable hideous sight.

But Cologne XVIII used the knife on her body like this. Such a weird and hideous scene has an extremely evil attraction. Sha Xinyue and several other girls stared at Cologne XVIII's every move and refused to let go. Child details.

"Broken!" Cologne XVIII cut off a large muscle and threw it on the ground like waste. He muttered in a low voice: "God of lava... Damn god... There are not enough resources to completely repair it... Temporary replacements, it should restore my arm by three more combat power!"

Lin Qi saw the necrotic muscle on the left arm of Cologne XVIII. Only then did he know that the last time he beat the guardian knight brought by Archbishop Du Wen, he had such a serious injury. Such a serious injury has such a terrifying combat effectiveness. How powerful is the destructive power of the Cologne 18 in such a complete state?

Perhaps Cologne 18 in its complete state has the power to destroy this archaic relic!

After cutting off that large muscle, Cologne XVIII looked at the donkey and nodded: "There should be more things that are helpful to me. Continue to explore and plunder all materials that are helpful to me. I will participate in the war myself. , These puppets, huh!"

Shaking his fist vigorously, Cologne’s eighteen gray eyes revealed a trace of unruly pride: "The low-level humanoid combat weapon of the next three indiscriminates. Three abuses. But now, I have nothing to pick about!"

The donkey spread his hands out: "I don't count, I have to listen to Lin Qi now!"

Throwing a wink at Lin Qi, the donkey showed two white teeth: "We are all worshipped by the Black Tiger family. Now Lin Qi is the only core member of the Black Tiger family present, so we all listen to him. !"

Cologne XVIII turned his head and looked at Lin Qi. He grabbed the silver muscles on the ground and shoved them into the hollow in his arm: "Lin Qi! I need to continue to explore this ruin. I can feel that the energy core here is awakening. Before it can exert its maximum effect, if I can occupy it, according to my estimation, it should be able to supplement me with 10% of the power!"

Lin Qi's scalp was numb, and Sha Xinyue's eyes widened subconsciously!

The energy core of such an ancient relic can only add 10% of the power of Cologne 18? How strong was this freak in his heyday? Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the energy core of this archaic relic has been severely traumatized, but the words of Cologne 18 are also amazing!

After a moment of silence, Lin Qi nodded vigorously: "Go as deep as possible, but we won't risk it!"

Koeln XVIII nodded in satisfaction, his tendons moved like a snake, slowly fusing with the silver muscles he had processed. These silver muscles squirmed gently, and gradually merged with the body of Cologne XVIII. A gray viscous sap flowed from the blood of Cologne XVIII, slowly nourishing these silver muscles.

It should be because the grade of these silver muscles was too low. Soon these bright silver muscles were infested by the gray juice, and quickly turned into a dead gray without any anger.

Reaching out his hand to flatten the cut skin, Cologne XVIII put on the clothes, then grabbed the big muscle on the ground, frowned, opened his mouth and swallowed it. He muttered in a low voice: "How much can we add to the consumption, unless we can find the logistics warehouse of the headquarters, otherwise we will not get enough materials to repair... No resources can be wasted!"

The donkey’s pupils suddenly shrunk to the size of a needle. He turned his head and leaned on Lin Qi’s thigh: "This grandson, I finally found a grandson who is more ruthless than me! I just eat some living people, he even Eat all your own meat!"

He punched the donkey heavily, threw him to Xiong Wanjin and let him lie on Xiong Wanjin's shoulders. Lin Qi and his party straightened out their shape, then left the corridor, preparing to continue exploring the corridor in the middle.

This time, Cologne XVIII walked in the forefront. He held the huge long sword and walked in the forefront of all. There is a circle of complicated magic patterns flickering under his feet, and the gray magic patterns reveal a breath of death and wickedness. Even the metal floors that have not decayed for countless years quickly gave birth to thick rust. trace.

"Apocalyptic gray knight, representing the ancient evil spirits of death and withering!" Sha Xinyue leaned close to Lin Qi and sighed in a low voice: "I know that those old people in your family rely on their thick skin and thick flesh and are in various ruins I got a lot of good things. But I never dreamed that the Tiger Clan still hides such a good baby!"

Sha Xinyue squinted her elbow and said with a smile: "Little brother Lin Qi, for the sake of her pure and lovely sister, how about giving him to me? Hehe, I would even like to Xiang Xu!"

When she said these words, Sha Xinyue's eyes gurgled quickly. Lin Qi turned his head, stared at Sha Xinyue silently for a long time, and then slowly said: "I will give you a cologne 18 hair for one night, how about?"

Sha Xinyue's smiling face suddenly drooped, rolling his eyes and returning to Tucker's protection.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and muttered in a low voice: "Say you call yourself the eldest sister, but are you really older than me?"

Sha Xinyue, who was drooping and sulking, became happy again. She raised her brows triumphantly and smiled: "Is this a problem... The physiological age doesn't mean anything, but the important thing is the mentality, the mentality! I think I have completed it. I'm an adult! But what about you? You haven't completed the tiger race's adult experience, so you are not an adult! Little brother Lin Qi, you still have to call my sister obediently!"

Lin Qi dropped his hand and was too lazy to talk to Sha Xinyue.

Since he was a child, he has never spoken to a woman so sly and crookedly, he has no experience with this! And following the style of the Black Abyss God Prison, it is best to ignore the inexperienced things, this is the safest way.

Köln XVIII, who was exploring the road ahead, suddenly roared: "Be careful, this ruin has been completely destroyed, but it seems that someone has repaired some of the primary defense systems here... We have entered the opponent's defense area! "

The silver light in the corridor in front became a large area, and dozens of silver-white metal puppets rushed towards this side.

Cologne XVIII smiled with satisfaction: "Do you send me supplies? If there are 10,000 such low-level puppets, I should be able to repair several important damaged areas. Unfortunately, you can't have so many here!"

Dozens of gray tentacles with the thickness of thumbs shot out from the back of Cologne 18. These gray tentacles ripped the air and shot out, accurately piercing the eyebrows of all the puppets in front. These metal puppets stiffened in place at the same time, the flashes on their bodies quickly dimmed, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Cologne took eighteen strides, still unloading these metal puppets in the same old way. The internal parts were melted and swallowed by him, while the silver metal on the outside was processed into muscles and nerves by him, and the damaged parts of the body were quickly replaced.

After obtaining the energy and materials of these metal puppets, the dark gray light in Cologne's eighteenth eyeballs became brighter and brighter, and he whispered enthusiastically: "This is an ancient relic that was once destroyed but repaired by itself. Very good, I can feel that its core area has restored some basic functions, so we will definitely find good things in it!"

Lin Qi and Sha Xinyue's eyes suddenly brightened, and the core area of ​​this ancient ruin has restored a certain function? In other words, the value of this ancient relic is far greater than when they came. No matter what is in the core part of this ruin, as long as they can get the items in that core area, they will make a lot of money this trip.

Originally, Lin Qi and Sha Xinyue were still wary of entering the middle tunnel, but after the emergence of Cologne 18, they inexplicably had 100% confidence in Cologne 18. This ancient evil spirit that was excavated from the ruins by the ancestors of the Tiger tribe, depending on his condition and certain items in the ruins is incomparable, maybe he can easily unlock the defense system of the ruins and take them Enter the core area.

Under the leadership of Cologne XVIII, the group speeded up their pace and quickly moved forward along the corridor.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of attacks from metal puppets, but the puppets that appeared in the back were weaker and weaker. In the last wave, the puppets were only superior to Mich, and their strength was only slightly stronger than ordinary people. Obviously these puppets were made in a hurry. It was impossible to stop Lin Qi and others from advancing.

After rushing forward along the corridor for dozens of miles, Cologne XVIII suddenly stopped. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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