Bright Era

Chapter 638: The Comfortable Life of the Governor

At 8 o'clock tonight, Dutou will go to chat, channel 2935, everyone will see or leave!

I just got home and there are no manuscripts left. Dutou is working hard, so stay tuned!


Xidi City, the Xidi Capital of the Blood Qin Empire.

This is a small city located on a sprawling desert. The walls less than ten miles long and wide are riddled with wind and sand, and there is a scent of desolation everywhere. Just like the soldiers on the city’s head in old sheepskin jackets full of oily smell, the city feels tattered, tattered, rundown, and dirty.

The small city of Xidi has a resident population of less than 50,000 people, but the number of resident soldiers exceeds 200,000.

Except for the military camps in Xidi City, there are hundreds of beacon towers and guard towers outside the city. Each beacon tower can be stationed with hundreds to 500 people, and each guard tower can be stationed with thousands to five thousand people. There are dense camel sorrows between Xidi City and these beacon towers and guard towers.

The so-called camel sorrow is an old thorn that can grow to a height of more than ten meters. The thorns on this old thorn are the shortest and have a palm length, and the longest can be one foot away. The sharp thorns can pierce ordinary iron armor, even Camels, the nemesis of all the plants in the desert, dare not speak to them, so they are also called camel sorrow.

Since a few years ago, the governor of the Xidi Duhufu of the immortal took office, the new governor ordered the seeds of camel sorrow to be sprinkled everywhere. In just a few years, the densely packed camel sorrow has connected Xidi City and all nearby beacon towers and guard towers into a dense sea of ​​thorns. Even the most brutal and brave warriors of nomadic tribes cannot rush through this. A moat of desperate stings.

The new governor even ordered the seeds of camel sorrow to be sprinkled along the western border of Xidi, artificially made a line stretching from south to north for thousands of miles, from east to west, there is a vast sea of ​​thorns hundreds of miles wide. , Just an east-west walkway left near Xidi City.

Since then, an extremely interesting situation has been formed in the Xidi Duhu Mansion-no matter business travelers, who want to pass the Xidi Duhu Mansion to enter the Continental Bridge or enter the Eastern Continent, they must leave from the Xidi Duhu Mansion. This is the only channel for entry and exit, and tax is paid according to the tax set by the Governor of the Togo Prefecture.

The only regret is that since the giant sea ships using the magic furnace have been widely used in the ocean, the former golden business road of the Continental Bridge has declined by ninety-nine percent, and the merchants who choose land are more and more. The less.

When the sky was dark, a shed cock-fighting hoarsely stood on the roof of the Duhu Mansion in Xidi City and wailed. The face of the cockfighting was flushed red, and the few feathers on his body were erected one by one, and the sharp and hoarse roars of the chickens made curses from every room in the Governor's Mansion covering less than one acre. The buttocks curled up, leaving a mass of chicken **** on the roof, and then flung his buttocks off the roof to search for food.

The Governor's Mansion of the Xidi Duhu Mansion may be the most shabby and dilapidated Governor's Mansion in the entire Blood Qin Empire.

The huge Xidi protective mansion has a radius of tens of thousands of miles. In order to prevent the invasion of nomadic tribes on the Continental Bridge and the snow bear men, snow wolf men, and snow leopard men of the Northern Snow Federation, the Xidi protective mansion maintains a hundred Garrison of 10,000 people. However, in contrast to the huge number of troops stationed, there are less than 600,000 registered civilians living in the entire Xidi Duhu Mansion.

With fewer civilians, fewer taxes can be collected. In addition to the decline of land trade routes, taxation from the business travelers passing by is also a big pie in the air. Therefore, the income of the Xidi Duhu Mansion is very small. It is already very difficult to feed a million army only with the military expenses allocated by the court. It's not easy, let alone build a luxurious house for the Governor.

The Governor’s Mansion is the same as the ordinary houses in the city. There are only three or five houses in the mansion less than one acre. The big house in the middle is the residence of the Governor. The cockfighting just now sprinkled a fresh bubble on the roof. Morning.

When the cockfight jumped off the roof, Longcheng, who was sleeping on the big boxwood bed in the big house, opened his eyes lazily. He wiped the two **** of mung bean eye feces at the corners of his eyes vigorously, and then turned his head to look at four. The tall and magnificent woman lying on her back.

This is a typical snow bear woman, she is even a head taller than Dragon City. Although she has fair skin, the woman's skin is extremely rough, and she has a full body of white and beautiful body hair, and she feels just like sandpaper.

He has long, faint hair, and a huge chest that is slumped softly to the sides. It is not exquisite, but it can only be regarded as a human face with a strange blush. The huge scarlet mouth is smeared with poor quality Red rouge, how do you look at it, this is just an ordinary young woman, and it has nothing to do with words such as beauty and beauty.

Longcheng sat up quietly, he gently stroked the woman's fat chest, and suddenly sighed quietly: "It really is a stunning beauty...Thanks to these little boys, he took this captive. Come, the woman, the first one to remember me!"

The woman was groped a few times by Longcheng, and opened her eyes with a hum. Seeing the handsome and undiminished Dragon City back then, the woman grinned-this smile revealed her mouth full of sharp yellow teeth like a small dagger, and two thick black muscles inlaid in the socket of the die .

A weird taste hit his face, Longcheng held his breath, and then flicked a finger on the woman's forehead, knocking her out. Frowning and standing up from the bed, Longcheng jumped out of the bed and let out a dejected sigh.

Slowly walking to a bronze mirror hung on the wall, Longcheng stared blankly at his haggard face in the mirror and the sparse beard on his face, he sighed deeply again. Tilting his head and staring at himself in the mirror for a long time, Longcheng pulled out a sharp Bailian dagger from the drawer of the small square table under the mirror, and slowly shaved his beard.

In the crisp sound of ‘Kacha Kacha’, the dagger slowly shaved Longcheng's wire-like beard clean, revealing his handsome face that was a little more mature than six or seven years ago.

It's just that when I met Lin Qi, Dragon City was so arrogant and arrogant. Today's Dragon City is like an underwhelming prostitute who opens a door to welcome guests and suffers from wind and rain, with a smell of tiredness and numbness all over his body.

With a loud bang, Longcheng’s door was kicked open by a rough man in iron armor. This majestic man like an iron tower rushed in and said with a loud laugh, "Master, master, last night How about that girl? Hey, I'm happy to hear you call the bed. Hey, my brothers helped you get a beauty here this time, so why don't you have to pay a few pennies!"

The naked Longcheng's face suddenly drooped, he threw the dagger back into the drawer, then frowned and walked to the corner of the room, and slapped a secret door on the wall with a palm of his hand. Inside the door is a secret room with a radius of several meters, in which more than a dozen yellow wooden boxes are placed horizontally and vertically.

The two walked into the secret room together, staring at the open boxes for a long while, then the armored man sighed heavily and looked at Longcheng helplessly: "Master, his mother is out of money! When will the army pay next time be paid? We can't go on like this anymore. My brothers don't have any oil and water now. His mother's Guardian Guardsmen are almost turning into horse thieves and sand thieves!"

The box was empty, only a few small silver ingots were sparsely left in the box.

Longcheng wrapped his hands around his chest, squinted his eyes and muttered in a low voice: "No way...As long as Taifu's old mess is stuck in our necks, our Xidi Protectorate will not want to get enough military expenses. Where can I change? Go for the silver?"

While talking, the tall snow bear woman on the bed outside got into the secret room with a smile on her face, and then hugged Longcheng.

"Oh, dear lord, you are the strongest man I have ever met! I am willing to be your maid, the salary I need..."

Long Cheng's face suddenly twitched, and he slammed the woman's forehead with a backhand, knocking her out again.

"Salary?" Long Cheng screamed, jumping and scolding: "Master, I am short of money, who would dare to talk to me about salary? Bastard, where did I get this woman back from? I'm happy to ask for a salary. ... Where do I have the money? Send away, hurry, send away!"

Long Cheng cursed and recruited his own soldiers, and wrapped the woman in a mat indiscriminately.

With a long sigh, Longcheng walked out of the door so smoothly, standing in the small courtyard and shouting to the sky: "Damn Snow Bear Man, I can only stun her for a while with my finger? Damn it! Fu Lao Za Mao, sooner or later I will get all your daughters and granddaughters on the hook! And the Seventh Prince. When Lao Tzu has money, I will rebel and kill your whole family!"

A large group of ragged soldiers constricted their heads and poked their necks from all directions, then shook their heads and retracted their heads.

"Master is silly again!"

"Yeah, now my brothers are so hungry that they have no energy to play with girls. Where can I rebel?"

"Poor young master, General Yingyang, who was so romantic and suave in the past, the pretty **** the pink picture in the capital is not a virgin who is too lazy to patronize, and now they are hungry to hook up with the snow bear woman!"

"Don’t talk about Master, how pitiful we are? The old guard house is so poor. My knife is a saw. When can I replace a machete? Now I am embarrassed to carry this stuff and go out. , Even if you go to robbery, people will laugh alive. Have you ever seen a horse thief who used a saw to robbery?"

Bare ass, Longcheng slowly raised his hands towards the sky: "Sooner or later, Uncle Longcheng, sooner or later, I will one day... When my father dies, I will revolt! Seven princes, isn't your mother just one? Concubine? I **** your mother!"

Before the words were over, a soldier sneaked in and asked from a distance, "Master, the owner of the Shayang Restaurant came to collect the debt from last year. Are we giving money or the old rules?"

Long Cheng rolled his eyes and glared at the soldiers.

The soldier immediately jumped out and screamed: "The Shayang Restaurant is suspected of colluding with the Snow Plains Federation and is a detective of the Snow Plains Federation... The governor ordered to take down the Shayang Restaurant and pay a fine. Only to release people!"

There was a loud ‘clanging’ sound, at least thousands of soldiers from the Governor’s Mansion drew their swords and rushed out from all directions, firmly surrounding the owner of the Shayang Restaurant and the two men.

The owner of the poor Shayang Restaurant rolled his eyes and fainted with fright. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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