Bright Era

Chapter 648: Xiong Wanjin's dull energy

It’s Chapter 6, and today’s word count is definitely over 19,000 words!

Rest, rest, eat, eat!


In the early morning of the next morning, just before the dawn, the east gate of Xidi City opened suddenly.

Longcheng stood on the low and broken city gate, quietly watching Lin Qi and his party leave Xidi City on a sand camel. He rubbed the beard scum on his chin, and smiled badly.

"Lin Qi, I'm not a brother I cheated you! What a pity to waste all your good skills in that wild land? Of course you don't have my brilliance, majesty, and majestic hair, but you can be considered a great man, so, The Blood Qin Empire is where you show off!"

"Hey, that stinky girl named Sha Xinyue was born well, but how did she get in touch with the Desert Temple? But, it’s not bad! Not those stinky nomadic women who can practice the Supreme Divine Art of the Desert Temple , Proving that she has a deep background in the desert temple."

"Very good, very good! If the Desert Temple is also mixed in, it will be too interesting."

Raising his hands vigorously, Longcheng roared towards the sunrise in the east: "A man, a man, can't open up the land and spread his glory forever, that will cause harm to the country and the people, and stinks for thousands of years! Ah, it's really **** unlucky, of course I Those who have gone against me are absolutely stinky for thousands of years, and they are inaudible. When they die, they will all be soaked in the pit!"

Lin Qi and his group are riding a sand camel towards the east. Their mounts are all of the blood of beasts, and they are the hybrid descendants of the beasts and sand camels, so they run extremely fast and are extremely stable without fear of quicksand storms. They are the best in the desert. Transportation. The descendants of these mixed sand camels can walk thousands of miles a day and a night, and drive from Xidi City to the nearest province in just two or three days.

Everyone put on cloaks and covered their faces with veils. The sand camel ran swiftly, and the wind and sand on its face made the veil crackle. The red sun is rising in the distance, the stars in the sky are gradually dimming, and the sand dunes in the distance are like undulating carcasses of dead people, reflecting the **** light under the shining sun.

Not far away, there was a group of ragged abandoned people walking towards Xidi City with bloodstains all over them. This was obviously a small tribe, with only more than 300 people, old and young. They all had wounds, and blood dripped from them continuously.

But these abandoned people didn't seem to feel the pain in their bodies. They yelled in excitement and walked vigorously towards a small black spot in the distance. There, there is Dragon City who has issued a conscription order, where they will change the destiny of themselves and their children.

Lin Qi looked at these excited abandoned people and nodded slowly.

These days he has seen more of these happy people, and Lin Qi feels a strong vitality in these humble ants who are alive. Lin Qi couldn't describe what kind of feeling this was, but his intuition told him that this kind of feeling was extremely good for him.

His soul, as well as some wonderful things in his body, seem to be slowly awakening under the stimulation of this kind of perception!

Living as tough as weeds, these abandoned people live so tough in this desert that is regarded as a restricted area of ​​life by ordinary people!

Along the way, countless abandoned people are gathering in the direction of Xidi City. Lin Qi met many such people. These abandoned people are like burning weeds, releasing breathtaking breath of life.

They are humble, they are small, but they are alive!

Three days later, Lin Qi and others entered the mountain area, where they entered the territory of the Western Qiang Capital. Xiqiang Duhu Mansion, an eight character province that was established about three hundred years earlier than Xidi Duhu Mansion, has over 10 million registered citizens. Within the Xiqiang Prefecture, 30% of the desert, 20% of the Gobi, 40% of the grassland, and 10% of the mountains, the people here are sturdy and the customs are comparable to those of the nomads on the Continental Bridge.

Because of this, although the Protectorate of Xiqiang has only tens of millions of people, as long as the Governor of Xiqiang mobilizes all the men and women who can fight, the tens of thousands of people can arm at least three million people who control strings. Therefore, Xiong Wanjin is not optimistic about Longcheng's crazy behavior. The population of Xidi Duhu Mansion is too small and too poor, and he has no resources for rebellion.

A Xiqiang protective mansion can destroy everything in the Xidi protective mansion with a powerful force of thunder!

The sand camel ran extremely fast. After running for two hours in this small mountain ridge, everyone left the mountain and came to a small grassland in the east. Then everyone reined at the same time and stopped the rushing mount.

This place is like a Shura slaughterhouse. More than 20,000 dead men and women in various costumes lie on the grassland. The blood accumulates on the grass into small streams, which are continuously poured into a small river flowing through the grassland. The river water turned blood.

Large swarms of vultures and crows hovered high in the sky, making sharp and unpleasant "quack" calls. Thousands of warriors in black leather armor were walking among these corpses, and occasionally they found someone still breathing, and they beheaded and killed without hesitation.

The ‘pouch’ sound of the long knife cutting off the head came from time to time, and there was a sharp woman crying in the distance. At least five hundred young women were stripped naked and pressed down on the grassland. Nearly a thousand black-armored warriors were surrounding them, and some sturdy bodies were pressing on those women, undulating violently.

Do not ask to know what is happening here and what is happening here.

When Lin Qi and his party rushed out of the mountains, a group of black armored soldiers had already spotted them. With a sharp whistle, a team of more than 300 cavalry rushed from not far away, and quickly rushed to Lin Qi and the others. A young general with a pale complexion and an abnormal pink in his eyes, who looked a little radiantly radiant, carried a small, lightweight flower gun, and slowly rode forward a few steps with a cold smile.

"The black armored wolves of the Protector of the West Qiang Capital are riding on the governor's order to kill the rebellion. Are you here, are you the ones to meet them?"

With a strange laugh, the young general frivolously pointed the small flower spear to Sha Xinyue: "Woman? Take off the veil. Eight hundred maids in the Governor's Mansion were taken away by rebellion. We suspect that you are... The captive maid!"

The black armored cavalry all laughed, and the sharp and crazy howls of the women in the distance seemed to be making the best comments for the words and deeds of this young general. The black armored fighters who were making up their swords in the dead pile also walked over slowly. More than two thousand fighters formed a circle, trapping Lin Qi and his group in the middle.

Lin Qi sighed heavily, and he slapped Sha Xinyue with a gesture of "please please feel free": "This is for you. I think the agreement we reached did not say that I need to solve everything for you. Trouble, please!"

Sha Xinyue's face was ugly, she yelled softly, "Is it funny to insult a woman?"

The pale young general smiled weirdly: "Interesting and boring, don't you know when I will stab you with a gun?"

Following the nasty words, the little flower gun that was less than six feet long in this guy's hand stabbed Sha Xinyue twice.

Sha Xinyue groaned for a while, and then sighed heavily: "The Protector of the Western Qiang Capital has a teleportation circle that reaches the imperial capital, right?"

The general was stunned, and then he suddenly smiled: "You want to go to the imperial capital? But, you are the maid who escaped from the governor's mansion, you can't go anywhere! This general is talented, and I can tell from your voice. You are a stunning woman, and the Governor's Mansion has been taken into captivity this time... No, the leader of the maid who took the initiative to escape is the stunning woman who was born exactly like you!"

A greedily glance at Sha Xinyue, the general laughed in a low voice: "I am the Young Master Yuezi Owl of the Yuezi Clan of the Xiqiang Capital Protectorate, and the main general of the Xuanjia Riding Wolf, Xiqiang Governor Beigong Your lord, is the foster father of this general. If the girl is willing to have a good time with this general, hehe, this general can give you a lot of benefits!"

Sha Xinyue rolled her eyes, she was really not interested in this Moon Wolf!

She was really not interested in caring about such a fool, and even less interested in killing him. For such a standard dull waste, Sha Xinyue gave an order to kill tens of thousands at will when she was in the desert temple. She was not in the mood to care about this waste.

Sha Xinyue snorted coldly, and Sha Xinyue looked at Lin Qi: "Brother Lin Qi, do you really want my sister to send this person personally? Hey, a certain upstart seems to be your good brother? If your sister is in a bad mood , Help his opponent make suggestions and drop him by'Kcha', will you feel heartache?"

Lin Qi's face suddenly became pitch black. If Sha Xinyue went to calculate Dragon City, it is estimated that Long Cheng would really be played to death by Sha Xinyue! A huge force like the Desert Temple cannot withstand the calculations of the Shahu family, let alone the Dragon City?

With a light cough, Lin Qi looked at Xiong Wanjin: "Brother Xiong, this is the Blood Qin Empire. Is this your territory?"

Xiong Wanjin nodded vigorously. He patted the sand camel sitting down, panting and sweating, and shook his four hooves, slowly approaching Yuezi Owl. Before Yuezi Owl returned to his senses, Xiong Wanjin had already taken out a glazed clear dragon carving token, and then slapped Yuezi Owl's face with a slap in the face.

"A lieutenant commanding ten thousand people, you **** dare to be presumptuous in front of Young Master Xiong Wu!"

"Asshole, today Young Master Xiong Wu gave you a bad lesson. You don't know what it means to be superior and inferior!"

"Do you know who my brother-in-law is? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? Your adoptive father is just a **** and eight-character governor of the province, and your **** dare to be in Young Master Xiong Wu... Presumptuous in front of you?"

After Xiong Wanjin was reformed by the pool of the gods, although his vindictive cultivation base had not improved much, his body fat was all made up of the power of the gods, and his brute force had increased a lot. With a slap in the face as hard as he could, the head of Moonz Owl tilted, and three big teeth spurted out on the spot.

Xiong Wanjin heavily inserted the Dragon Carving Token into Yuezi Owl's mouth, then grabbed his neck and slapped him frantically.

"Idiot, trash, bastard, you **** dare to slander Mr. Xiong's friend as the maid of the Governor's Mansion? You **** want to rebel?"

"What kind of shit, the Yuezi family, all go to be slaves, you grandson, I **** your uncle, your **** grandson!"

Xiong Wanjin had a good time playing, scolded happily, and the donkey beside him smiled charmingly.

"This fat man, it's a bit of my uncle!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation .)

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