Bright Era

Chapter 654: Such a city

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Sha Xinyue arrogantly but not rudely refused Yingqin's banquet, and brought his followers into Shuangyang Chilong City.

Before leaving, she winked at Lin Qi and gently waved her small fist. That's a grandmother and you are endless, brat you are waiting to see. Lin Qi didn't take any notice of this. When Sha Xinyue left temporarily, he would only feel at ease and would never miss this woman.

Lin Qi never dreamed that Sha Xinyue's family had managed such a big business in the Blood Qin Empire. Because of this, Lin Qi hated Sha Xinyue even more. She had such a family background in the Blood Qin Empire, and she didn't say anything about it, which was too interesting.

If it hadn’t been for Yingqin, if it hadn’t been for Yingqin to use power to suppress Sha Xinyue and want something to happen to her, Lin Qi would bet that Sha Xinyue would pretend to be confused and would not let Lin Qi at all. Knowing what kind of wealth she has in the Blood Qin Empire.

"Now do you understand how annoying this nest of foxes is?" The donkey didn't know when he approached Lin Qi and muttered to him in a low voice that Lin Qi could hear: "Anyway, they are all a nest. Grandson, an annoying grandson!"

The donkey hopped and followed Lin Qi and his group towards the gate of Chilong City. Surrounded by the brigade's golden guard guards, Ying Qin's car was not far away from them. Lin Qi and others followed Yingqin on their horses, as if they were Yingqin's guards. This feeling made Lin Qi very uncomfortable.

It can be seen that Ying Qin's so-called picking up the dust for Lin Qi must have his purpose. In fact, he did not regard Lin Qi as a thing. Maybe he just invited Lin Qi just for Sha Xinyue? Lin Qi squinted his eyes, carefully calculating the intention of Yingqin.

In Lin Qi's contemplation, they came to the gate of Chilong City.

Shuangyang Chilong City, the imperial capital of the Blood Qin Empire, the most majestic city, the richest city in the Eastern Continent, the most romantic, most civilized and most brilliant city. While the Western Continent was still in the dark period and many city-states were still fighting each other, Shuangyang Chilong City had already risen from the ruins of the previous dynasty. After thousands of years of uninterrupted expansion and repair, it finally took shape. It looks like today.

The outer wall of the city is six hundred miles long and wide, and the one hundred and fifty meters high wall stands like a hill on the ground.

Each brick on the iron-black city wall is densely covered with countless runes and runes. These runes and runes are connected together to form the legendary ‘Secret Array of Heavens Do Not Break the Precipice’. This is an ancient formation that has been handed down since the time of the War of the Primordial Gods. It is said that as long as it can provide enough energy, even a full blow from the gods will not be able to break the defenses of this city.

Although the secret formation of Shuangyang Chilong City that does not break the cliff is not complete, it probably only got about 70% of the entire formation, but relying on the huge national strength of the Blood Qin Empire, this city defense still has a desperate defense. Unless it is a god, mortals cannot break this city.

After one mile of city gate corridor, Lin Qi and others formally entered the outer city of Shuangyang Chilong City.

The capital of the Eastern Continent's most powerful empire is divided into five parts: outer city, inner city, official city, palace city, and imperial city.

Ordinary people live in the outer city, wealthy merchants and celebrities live in the inner city, officials above a certain level live in the official city, and the top state ministers and imperial children live in Miyagi. The city is the core of the entire Shuangyang Chilong City, where the emperor of the Blood Qin Empire lives and handles the affairs of the court.

As soon as Lin Qi and the others entered the outer city, they were shocked by the majestic posture of this imperial capital.

In the Western Continent, tall buildings of three to five stories are popular, but Lin Qi and others have just walked out of the city gate. The three hundred meters wide street stands on both sides of the street. There are two columns with a height of nearly 100 meters and more than ten stories. The majestic pavilion. Look at the guise raised high in front of the pavilion. The two columns of pavilions are nothing but restaurants, restaurants, carts and horses.

These pavilions are a mixture of wood and stone. The lower floors are mostly built with huge stones, while the upper floors are built with huge wood. Each floor of the pavilion is a flying eaves, and the exaggerated eaves jump out obliquely like the wings of a fierce bird. The entire pavilion gives people the illusion that they may fly away with the wind at any time.

Between the pavilions, there is a spacious stone slab street. Someone has just sprinkled water on the street and wiped it with a mop. Therefore, the huge stone slabs are spotless and shining in the sun. Between the street and the pavilion is a flowerbed, and behind the flowerbed is an open channel, which is 20 meters wide enough to accommodate a large ship passing by.

On both sides of the open channel, towering old trees are planted, the big trees are shaded, and the trees are in full bloom, setting off the exquisite pavilions like a picture.

If only the place where he entered the city gate was such a beautiful sight, Lin Qi would still feel that Shuangyang Chilong City was doing face-saving effort. But standing on this spacious street, looking at it, there are such huge, majestic and indescribable pavilions spreading out one after another, one after another.

In the farther places, there are hundreds of meters high round towers and square towers standing proudly. Countless golden bells and silver bells are hung on these tall pagodas. The strong wind blows, and the bells and bells go far away. , The bells on these towers can be heard throughout the city.

There are busy streets on the street, and the pedestrians who pass by are mostly dressed in silk and brocade. Everyone is jeweled. Even if the second person guarding the counter in the roadside shop, they will have a few gold and silver ornaments on them, which is a little extravagant. Yes, they will wear gem bracelets and beautiful jade pendants on their hands.

These pedestrians are strong and handsome men, and they are as rich as jade, and their speech and demeanor are inferior to that of the royal family and aristocrats of the Western mainland. Those women are enchanting and beautiful, even ordinary maids and maids are delicate and beautiful, revealing a touch of agile elegance.

Even the steeds pulling carts and the pack beasts carrying heavy cargoes were washed clean, and even the animals showed a spirit that was not found elsewhere.

With a sound of'Dang Cang', the wooden wine barrel in the hand of the wine barrel crashed to the ground. He stared blankly at the city that looked like a dream under the clouds, and shouted loudly: "Great God of Casting, this Is it the place where the legendary gods live? This is the city of the gods. How can mortals have such a city in such a place!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath and clenched his fists hard.

The Eastern Continent, where he is connected by blood. The Blood Qin Empire almost ruled the most powerful empire in the entire eastern continent. This city is the capital of the Blood Qin Empire, the entire Eastern Continent, and even the core of this world!

There was a large shadow flying high in the sky. It was a few golden-winged birds with a wingspan of more than one hundred meters and hundreds of brightly armored guards patrolling the city slowly passing by. The guards who patrolled the city stood on the back of such a huge demon bird, and their armor reflected the sunlight and emitted a dazzling golden light. They were exactly like the legendary gods.

Lin Qi looked far away. Wherever he could see, there were hundreds of such golden-winged birds. They hovered high in the sky, and they carried tens of thousands of guards. In the city guard, from time to time, the holy realm fluctuations spread.

Roughly estimate, every golden-winged bird has more than ten celestial positions and hundreds of positions on its back, and the leader of the group is surprisingly an elementary and intermediate saint's holy realm power. There are hundreds of people in the holy realm just patrolling at high altitude. Lin Qi only felt stiff, as if a violent wind whizzed out of his body, blowing his pores open, blowing his flesh and blood, and blowing him. Soul Linger didn't know where he flew.

A long, long time ago, the ancestors who inherited Lin Qi's blood, they were born between this world!

Lin Qi finally understood why Dragon City was always barbaric and barbaric when he was in the West.

Compared with this incredible big city in front of me, the most majestic city of Berrely in the Western Continent, the richest city of Vias, the most beautiful capital city of the Harran Empire, Hermyatdam, are all like garbage dumps. local.

Alda and Bilibili looked dumbfounded.

When they left the abyssal world, when they saw the majestic cities on the ground world for the first time, they all felt that it was the dwelling place of the gods. Such extravagance and beauty were beyond their dreams.

But when they saw Shuangyang Chilong City, when they saw the buildings here, the residents here, the soldiers here, the local customs and the city scenes, they suddenly felt that if they could live forever Here, there is really no regret in life!

They instantly forgot the many cities in the Western Continent that had impressed them so deeply. Their souls were all occupied by the big city in front of them. They couldn't understand, couldn't imagine, let alone believe that such a city could actually be built by humans?

Lin Qi swallowed hard and spit, staring blankly at the city like the kingdom of God.

Yingqin looked at the performance of Lin Qi and others with satisfaction, and then sneered in a low voice: "Sure enough, he is a native of the Western Continent, a barbarian, what kind of world he has seen? That's good, they are not weak and can Bring them in, maybe... Then Hu Xinyue, hey, hey, the woman that this king looks after can only be used to crying for mercy under the king's crotch. Hutu and Huye can save you?"

With a triumphant smile, Ying Qin said loudly: "Brother Lin Qi, with these eyes, Scarlet Dragon City, can you still get the eye?"

Lin Qi glanced at Yingqin and exhaled heavily. He nodded without saying a word, and then greedily raised his head to look at the towering city wall. Lin Qi could no longer describe such a city, such a city. At this moment, Lin Qi had nothing to say.

Ying Qin smiled with satisfaction. He pretended not to care and said, "This is just the outer city, which is not a big weather. The essence of Shuangyang Chilong City must be in the inner city, the official city, and the palace city. Come, Clear the way, go directly to Nuanyu Pavilion!"

The brigade guard yelled and cleared the way, and the brigade marched toward the inner city violently. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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