Bright Era

Chapter 656: transaction

Ying Qin stared fiercely at this complete Abyss Demon Dragon Skin that had no flaws, and his eyes were red.

With Yingqin's net worth, he can basically get everything he wants. But such a rare thing as the abyssal dragon skin, even if it is to win Qin, it is difficult to handle. The Eighteen Abyss World has no access to the Eastern Continent, and most of the passages are located in the Western Continent.

It is conceivable that the abyssal dragons, such powerful abyssal creatures, only occasionally appear in the western continent. But to slay this abyssal dragon, naturally only the Western mainland church has the opportunity. The abyssal dragon skin was so precious that it fell into the hands of the church, and even a piece of dragon scales could not even flow out.

Therefore, Yingqin had spent a lot of money to buy some rare and special products of the Western mainland, but this abyssal dragon skin has never even heard of it.

If such a mighty and domineering abyssal dragon skin can be spread on the main hall of one's own palace, it would be a faceless thing!

Ying Qin raised his head fiercely, and he said solemnly: "Brother Lin Qi gave Xiao Wang an unexpected surprise, hey, let's make a price!"

Lin Qi chose a recliner at random and sat down. He tilted Erlang's legs, folded his hands on his knees, and said slowly: "This, I travel thousands of miles, just for money. You have also seen me, ordinary gold and silver objects. There is no shortage of Lin. If this abyssal dragon skin is used well, it can at least create dozens of top-level sacred weapon-level defensive armor!"

Yingqin waved his hand vigorously: "Just ask the price, do Lin brothers think Xiao Wang can't afford it?"

Lin Qi squinted at Ying Qin and nodded gently. Sha Xinyue had already taken the people away, and Lin Qi had to find a concealed identity for herself-a secret merchant who brought a large number of specialties from the Western mainland to the east for business. This identity was very good.

With the background of the Blood Qin Empire, Lin Qi is not afraid of murder and robbery by the nobles of the Blood Qin Empire. The identity of a secret merchant is enough for Lin Qi to reasonably and reasonably contact some senior officials and nobles of the Blood Qin Empire, and the letters that Dragon City asked him to send will also have a chance to send out.

After groaning for a moment, Lin Qi made a gesture: "I need a batch of magic metal that you think is worth the value of this dragon skin. There are those produced in the Western Continent, and I don’t need it; there are those produced in the Abyss Continent, and I don’t want it either. ; I know that the Eastern Continent has many rare specialties, such as'Golden Ebony','Dragon Blood Secret Gold','Dry Dragon Breeze Stone', etc. You think a complete and flawless abyssal dragon skin of the peak strength of the Saint Master, How much is it worth?"

Lin Qi kicked the ball to Yingqin.

Yingqin frowned and looked at this dragon skin. As Lin Qi expected, as the Seventh Prince of the Blood Qin Empire, Yingqin did countless things about bullying men and women, and Yingqin did countless things that were violent and annihilated. After countless, his disposition is even more cruel and cruel. However, when the entire Blood Qin Empire faced outsiders, even a brutal prince like Ying Qin, it would always show a kind of "heavenly dynasty".

Ying Qin likes this abyssal dragon skin, so he will buy it at any cost.

But Lin Qi didn't make a price. Naturally, Win Qin would buy this leather at a high price that would never damage his face. Think about it, maybe this will be the only abyssal dragon skin in the entire Blood Qin Empire, which is a unique treasure that is not in the Blood Qin Emperor's Palace.

He squatted down and carefully stroked the smooth, hard, violent and evil leather of the Abyss Demon Dragon Skin, and Ying Qin said slowly: "I don't know how to make a price for strange goods. There is a collection of Oriental Oceans in the little mansion. There are three warehouses for special products and rare treasures. How about Brother Lin picking one at random?"

Lin Qi raised his brows, and Xiong Wanjin on the side took a heavy breath.

Only Xiong Wanjin knew the amazing value of a prince of the Blood Qin Empire and a warehouse of a sealed prince. Not to mention that Yingqin, the prince most favored by the Blood Qin Emperor, was the brother-in-law of Xiong Wanjin, the 18th prince Dinghai, who was sealed in Haicheng. His warehouse specializes in collecting various precious magical and magical instruments. Hundreds of powerful magic balls!

Xiong Qianjin jumped up suddenly, and he shouted: "Master, you are at a disadvantage, this is just a dragon skin, you..."

The group of Xiong Wanjin slammed into Xiong Qianjin, and slammed Xiong Qianjin's abdomen with a fist: "Fuck you, Brother Lin and the prince are talking about business, it's your ass? I want you to be here for the pickled goods Talking? Where did your uncle put the prince?"

Xiong Qianjin took a violent punch. Just now, he was kicked in the lower abdomen by a donkey hoof. He was so dizzy with pain. Now Xiong Wanjin punched him in the lower abdomen again, and Xiong Qianjin almost fainted in the darkness before his eyes. He howled hoarsely: "My uncle, isn't it your uncle? You fuck, you fuck! My uncle, I will let you fuck, there is a way you say this in front of your father!"

The two brothers slapped desperately and beat each other fiercely.

But their belly was too big. They stood face to face, their slaps couldn't touch each other's face, so Xiong Wanjin spit out the first thick phlegm, and shot into the wildly roaring Xiong Qianjin. Big mouth. Xiong Qianjin was stunned, and then he screamed and ran out holding his belly, vomiting frantically outside the hall.

Xiong Wanjin looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his body trembled with fat, and he laughed happily.

Ying Qin was so angry that the flesh on his face was trembling, and he shouted hoarsely: "You wait, be brave! If you dare to be foolish, all cut!"

Xiong Wanjin closed his mouth immediately, and even Xiong Qianjin who was throwing up outside suddenly stopped her voice.

Without the two brothers, Ying Qin smiled proudly: "It's just a treasure of the ocean in a small warehouse. As the king, it's not as much as you want! But this abyssal dragon skin is the whole A rare and unique thing in the Blood Qin Empire, even at a higher price, it is worth it!"

Lin Qi applauded gently. He smiled and exclaimed to Yingqin: "If the prince is not a prince, but if he is going to do business, I am afraid that we will not have our share. Wonderful goods can be lived in, this unique treasure, whether it is You should get it at any cost!"

Ying Qin smiled self-consciously. Lin Qi's welcome made him feel very happy, and he faintly felt that if he really went into business, it would really be nothing to Lin Qi. But in a blink of an eye, Ying Qin felt that these words were not right. He dignified the blood of Emperor Yaoshan of the Qin Empire. Why did he go to do business all right?

After a few dry laughs, Yingqin invited an old **** who was serving behind him, lowered his voice and muttered to him. The old **** silently bowed to Yingqin, then walked straight to the Nuanyu Wenxiang Pavilion, jumped out of the tower, and quickly flew towards Miyagi in a faint black air.

In just one cup of tea time, the old **** flew back again, and handed a shining spatial ring to Yingqin.

Yingqin touched the ring, laughed and handed it to Lin Qi: "Brother Lin, this transaction is complete. Look, the baby in it is definitely worthy of this dragon. skin!"

Lin Qi took the space ring and swept inward with his mental power. With Lin Qi's knowledge in the Fifth Abyss and his fortune in the Fifth Abyss, he was shocked by the dazzling array of treasures in the ring. .

The volume of this space ring is not very large, but it is a space that is a hundred meters long and several meters high, which is completely incomparable with Lin Qi's world ring. However, this space ring is filled with special treasures from the Eastern Continent and the Eastern Ocean. These things are placed in the Western Continent. Any one can be considered invaluable!

For example, there is a human head-sized'Clear Water Soft Crystal' in the ring of this space. Although this thing is considered a treasure in the Eastern Continent, many nobles simply use this clear water soft crystal to make daily utensils such as wine bowls, kettles, and teapots. use.

But in the Western Continent, for example, the Church’s Temple of Fire, when they forged top-level fire-attribute sacred artifacts, if they could add a small piece of clear water and soft crystal, the power of that fire-attributed sacred artifact could increase by 50%, and Become more tough!

And a top sacred artifact is worth a province in the Western Continent!

This shows the value of Clear Water Soft Crystal in the Western Continent, and the various materials in this ring are specialty products of the Eastern Continent and the Eastern Ocean, and these unique materials are basically not found in other continents.

Lin Qi happily played with the ring for a while, put it in his sleeve at random, and then smiled and patted the palm of his hand with Yingqin three times. Even if the transaction was completed, no one could turn back!

Anyway, Lin Qi will never go back. The Abyssal Dragon, although it is rare in the Abyssal World, it is not uncommon. With Lin Qi’s current power, killing several Abyssal Dragons peeling skins is extremely easy, he Does not value this dragon skin. Even Lin Qi's Ring of the World contains dozens of pieces of leather from the Abyssal Demon Dragon, Abyssal Poisonous Dragon, and Abyssal Shadow Dragon, all of which are the dragons' relics that have been scoured by the ancestors of the Oscillation for countless years.

Ying Qin will never return, he has already begun to fantasize about spreading this huge dragon skin on his palace hall, and then they have shocked expressions when they invite the many wealthy and important princes of the imperial capital to a banquet. The Abyssal Demon Dragon Skin, this is the only one in the entire Blood Qin Empire. Whoever sees this dragon skin can't cast envy and jealous eyes on Yingqin?

Thinking of his pride, Ying Qin also smiled. He smiled and put the dragon skin into his personal space ring, and then laughed loudly: "Come on, have a banquet, this king wants to have a good drink with Brother Lin. Hehe, call Wen Ruyu's lady and her disciples to this king, let them perform a dance of the heavenly demon for this king, to make it clear to them, if you can't make Xiaowang's Lin brothers satisfied, hehe... ."

Ying Qin's face suddenly became extremely gloomy: "They are just waiting to be thrown into death row, and they will be played to death by those death row prisoners!"

Lin Qi raised his brows and smiled without saying a word.

Wen Ruyu, Lin Qi seemed to have heard the name from Longcheng's mouth. Longcheng seemed to have brought up this name occasionally while showing off his romantic feats to Alda. Even Lin Qi still remembered that Longcheng said that he took Wen Ruyu's virgin body.

How did Wen Ruyu, a well-known talented brothel in Shuangyang Chilong City, fall to this point? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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