Bright Era

Chapter 668: Thanks post!

Thanks to Sister Lagu and her brother-in-law for the map they made for Dutou!

To be precise, when I saw that map yesterday, the only thing Dutou felt was amazing!

Dutou himself did not expect to be able to achieve such an effect!

Thinking about the manuscript that Dutou provided to Sister Lagu and her brother-in-law, it was really embarrassing. That is, a few crooked and deformed butts piled on the drawing paper, there is no way to see it!

Everyone asked Zhutou a long time ago to provide a world map of the Bright Era, but Zhutou really couldn't provide it. This time, Sister Lagu and her brother-in-law helped us, and finally made a map that made Dutou impeccable. Dutou was grateful!

Everyone shouted: Lagulagu, dominate the world! Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, always enjoy Yan Fu!

PS: Because of the limitation of uploading pictures at the starting point, only a small picture of 900*800 pixels and no larger than 100K can be uploaded, so the pig head compressed the picture, which is very small and very fuzzy! If you want to see the clear original version of the map, go to the book friends group to see it, there is the original clear map in the sharing inside! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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