Bright Era

Chapter 678: Shock and instinct

A golden **** statue slowly fell from the roof of the flower hall.

This idol is purely condensed by pure and abnormal divine energy, and the idol sitting cross-legged has a very different style from those in the Western Continent. The idol sitting cross-legged is three meters tall, without a single hair on top of his head, his eyes are closed, but a vertical eye opens at the center of the eyebrows, and a faint white light comes out from the vertical eye, emitting a frightening forest. Han Ruiqi.

Lin Qi felt that the white light in the vertical eyes was similar in nature to that of a white tiger's fighting spirit, and it was made up of extremely powerful metallic natural elements. But compared to Lin Qi's current white tiger fighting spirit, this white light was condensed to a higher degree and more refined, and its lethality was far above Lin Qi's current white tiger fighting spirit.

The naked **** statue has five hearts facing the sky, and a triangular crystal is faintly visible on the chest. This statue of God gives people the feeling of being powerful, extremely powerful, and faintly sacred. Lin Qi, who merged the two gods and the heart of the desert god, vaguely sensed that there was a trace of spirit fluctuations in this idol.

This trace of the spirit of chaos and obscurity is obviously in a state of sleep, but this is after all a trace of spirit, even if it is a sleeping spirit, as long as it is activated with certain specific spells, it can explode with terrible power that mortals cannot guess.

There was a low chanting sound coming from the idol, and the chanting sound followed a unique frequency, slowly spitting out a single syllable. With the appearance of each syllable, a corresponding **** pattern composed of ancient gods will appear around the statue.

Lin Qi glanced at these divine texts. He knew these divine texts under the instruction of the young man, but when several divine texts were combined to form a divine pattern, he couldn't distinguish the meaning of these divine patterns. The magic system of the Western Continent is roughly the same as the magic system of the Eastern Continent, but there are very different differences. Lin Qi has a deep knowledge of Western magic, but appears shallow in Eastern magic.

The slowly descending idol enveloped the entire Dragon Yutu, and the aura exuded at most was no more than that of the lower-tier Long Yutu in the heavens. He looked at Lin Qi coldly and asked faintly: "Young Master Lin, If it is not clear, you can't leave here."

Lin Qi looked at Long Tuan with a smile, and couldn't think that Long Tuan's home had such a powerful formation lurking.

Lin Qi didn't feel the aura of divine power exuding during the day and the dark sky, nor did he feel any abnormality in their soul fluctuations. Obviously, those who Lin Qi stayed outside did not notice the changes in the Flower Hall. There must be a unique defensive array in the Long Family's mansion to isolate the atmosphere here.

Long Lian and Xing Tianyao have fallen softly to the ground. When the idols first appeared, the two gods struck their eyebrows and fainted them, and Lin Qi felt a faint soul flash. However, it is clear that their memories of today have also been erased.

Hu Xinzhu looked at Long Yitu unhappily, and said slowly, "Is Mr. Long going to kill someone? If the official dies here, the 13th room outside the house where Mrs. Long is raised, and everyone of Mrs. Long. The brothers raised a total of 137 concubines, 395 outside chambers, and 585 illegitimate children. They all have to be buried together!"

Long Chentu's face twitched violently. He glanced at Hu Xinzhu in horror, and suddenly laughed: "Feng Wen Cheng deserves to be Feng Wen Cheng. The old man thought these things are really secret. Hey, even your Majesty, it won't Staring at the private secrets of many ministers, can't you think Feng Wen Cheng is actually interested in these activities?"

Hu Xinzhugan laughed a few times, and said lightly, "The old man’s outer room should be placed in a more secret place in the future. Otherwise, how would the lower officials know that the old man’s urine is yellow and red. Obviously he has been overwhelmed recently. So that the internal fire rises?"

Lin Qi smiled. This Hu Xinzhu really made the work. People Long Yutu dignified the dignity of a purple-green politician doctor, the chief think tank of Ying Yang, you actually went to look through other people's urine cans? Seeing Long Yitu's rapidly flushing old face, Lin Qi laughed unkindly: "Brother Xinzhu, hey, do you have to deal with people's pooping and peeing?"

Hu Xinzhu squinted at the ugly face of Long Yutu, and smiled slowly: "Well, that's not all? Old man and old tree blossomed. The illegitimate daughter Bai Yue, who was born twelve years ago, had just menarche three days ago. Congratulations to Mr. Long!"

Long Tuan jumped up with anger. He pointed to Hu Xinzhu and roared: "Hu Xinzhu, you are mean and shameless, you are shameless!"

It is strange that Long Quantu is not angry. Long Baiyue is the daughter born to him by Long Quantu's most beloved concubine. She has been spoiled and spoiled since childhood, and she has won the love of Long Quantu. Three days ago, Long Baiyue had menarche. His concubine had secretly told him about this. The purpose was nothing more than to ask Long Quan to find a good family for Long Baiyue to be engaged in marriage.

In the past two days, Long Yutu hadn't bothered to worry about this, but he didn't expect that all this would fall into Hu Xinzhu's eyes. This made Long Yutu not only shocked, but also anxious and embarrassed to the extreme! The little girl I love the most is being stared at by people like this physical secretiveness. As a father, can you feel good?

With a soft cough, Lin Qi touched Hu Xinzhu's arm: "It's too much, be kind. Old man Long is our own, brother Xinzhu, don't be too much."

Long Yutu was taken aback, who is your own Lin Qi?

On the other hand, Hu Xinzhu smiled with a hippy smile, and threw his sleeves triumphantly. He slowly reached into his crotch, and after working hard for a long time, he finally took out a thin cigar, slowly dangling it. Mouth. With a flick of his finger, a strand of green smoke rose from the **** of the cigar, and Hu Xinzhu took a deep breath and exhaled a few smoke rings in satisfaction.

Shaking the cigar, Hu Xinzhu smiled and said, "The good stuff from the Elf Continent is in the Blood Qin Empire. The old folks think this stuff is decent, so no one among courtiers likes this baby. But I just like it. Something, how about one?"

Lin Qi looked at Hu Xinzhu's crotch, and then at the thin cigar emitting green smoke in his hand, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he turned his head to look at the green and red face of Long Yan. With a flick of his finger, a thick letter appeared out of nowhere. Lin Qi threw the letter forward, and Long Yutu hurriedly grabbed the letter in his hand.

Relying on the golden statue of the god, Long Yantu didn't carefully examine whether there was anything weird and mysterious in the envelope, so he tore open the envelope and took out the letter paper to read it carefully. It took a full quarter of an hour, and Long Yutu read the thick letter word by word, then he exhaled heavily and looked at Lin Qi with a complex expression.

"It turns out that Young Master Lin is actually that wicked friend of life and death, the old man is abrupt!"

An unpleasant glance at Hu Xinzhu, who was puffing up clouds and mist, Long Jitu's face changed slightly: "If Mr. Lin is here to deliver the letter, you can come alone. If you use Longlian as an excuse, no one will do anything different. Guess. Why did Young Master Lin bring Fengwencheng here?"

Hu Xinzhu hurriedly raised his hands: "Lord Long, we are our own people! Our own people! Hey, Lord Lin is my brother-in-law. He and Xinyue even gave birth to their children. My Hu family is standing firm. Young Master Lin's side. General Yingyang rebelled. Naturally, our Hu family can't brazenly wave their flags, but it's safe to put a force behind them."

Long Yintu looked at Hu Xinzhu blankly. It was because his Long family belonged to the Zanying family. Long Yintu had also been in the court for a long time, but he was still confused by Hu Xinzhu's words. For the sake of a brother-in-law, the big Hu family got involved in the rebellion in Dragon City, are you kidding me? According to Cha Ling and even Feng Wen Cheng, these are the most trusted and iron courtiers in Yingzhang. If you say that you rebel, you rebel. Are you fooling Long Chen to play?

After a long daze, Long Chentu's face slowly became extremely ugly. He glanced at Lin Qi and said faintly: "Master Lin must not be deceived by a rogue Hu Xinzhu, since he is in charge of Fengwen Cheng. Later, at least fifty wealthy and aristocratic families in the Blood Qin Empire were defeated by him. His approach to Young Master Lin must have been unkind. Today, the old man completely eradicated this sea of ​​flames!"

A white light flashed around the eyebrows of the idol of Long Yitu, and a strand of white light quickly wrapped around Hu Xinzhu's neck.

Lin Qi was shocked. He hurriedly stepped forward and blocked Hu Xinzhu. The white light flashed all over his body, and he severely chopped down at the white light. Long Yitu was taken aback. He hurriedly wanted to take back the white mansions, but his own cultivation level was not enough. This idol was a treasure given to him by a mysterious figure behind him. It was extremely powerful. Long Yitu couldn't control it at all.

With a loud bang, Lin Qi’s palm and the white mang touched hard, and the white mang retracted, the white light on Lin Qi’s palm shattered, and a shallow blood mark entered Lin Qi’s palm about a centimetre deep. .

Hu Xinzhu jumped up fiercely. He pointed to Long Tuantu and sternly shouted: "Long Tuantu, are you shameless? You dare to hurt Lin Qi, I'm endless with you! Isn't your son rebelling? Believe me or not Is this asking the emperor to raise the army and chop off your son?"

Long Yantu just took a breath, and looked at the insignificant bloodstain along Lin Qi's palm in shock.

Long Yitu once tested it. He once used this idol to slay a powerful master at the sage level with a single blow, and instantly smashed it into flesh. That saint master is still a penance man who specializes in physical training. He refines and tempers his physical body on the snowy mountains all the year round, and his muscles and bones are indestructible like a diamond. This is so, the ascetic who had faintly broken through to the upper level of the saint was still strangled by Long Yitu with a random blow.

But Lin Qi, the monster, with the same powerful blow, actually only cut a shallow blood mark on his palm!

What made Long Yantu even more shocked was that the blood mark did not even leak out, but was healing rapidly.

Lin Qi sighed, and he said solemnly: "Old Uncle Long will do it for now, listen to me slowly. Brother Xinzhu, he is indeed ours."

Unable to protect the existence of the Shahu clan and Linhu clan, Lin Qi could only deceive Long Yitu's trust with a lie.

Fortunately, being with Alda and Bilibili all the year round, lying is already an instinct for Lin Qi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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