Bright Era

Chapter 682: Hot hand

The disciplinary knights of the disciplinary knights consist of twelve members, and their armors have extremely unique emblems. They all have their own unique inheritance, and the power of the twelve people complements each other, and can form an extremely powerful combination of war gods. Twelve disciplinary knights of status can join forces and can even contend with mid-level fighters in a short time, which shows the power of disciplinary knights.

And the 30 or so disciplinary knights here are obviously elites of the disciplinary knights, and more than 300 people are all low-level and even mid-level fighters. When they performed unique inheritance magic skills, When twelve men were fighting together as a team, the golden armor guards around Yingqin were obviously a little overwhelmed.

These golden armored guards were nicknamed "General Splendid" in the Blood Qin Empire, which means they boast that they are good in figure, handsome in appearance, and the clothes and armor are the best choices. All in all, they look very majestic and decent. .

In fact, to put it plainly, this also proves that these golden armor guards are a group of goods, they are guards of honor, they are all face goods, they are used to show off the imperial majesty of the blood Qin Empire. Of course, their personal strength is very good, but they have never been on the battlefield, and they have serious lack of actual combat experience. It is good that 100% of their personal strength can show 70%.

As for the Knights of Retribution, they wiped out all kinds of heretics everywhere in the Western Continent, and from time to time they would fight the aliens in the abyssal world, and occasionally the guards and wizards of the Odin Temple that came across the sea. A disciplinary knight grew up in a **** storm.

A group of veterans on the battlefield beat a group of recruits, and the result was what Lin Qi saw before his eyes.

A team of punishment knights shouted the name of the **** of punishment and swooped forward. The Taurus knight who charged at the forefront swung a huge warhammer with both hands, and smashed several golden guard guards like thunder. The guards and their armors were smashed to pieces, blood and minced meat scattered all around, scared the surrounding golden guards back in a hurry.

But they had not withdrawn two steps yet, the Scorpio knight on the side waved a long soft whip, and the silver soft whip densely covered with barbeds shook countless dazzling arcs, and quickly wrapped around the necks of these golden armor guards. The Scorpio knight shouted the name of the **** of punishment. With a strong hand, a dozen heads flew high, and the blood sprayed from his neck rushed several meters high like a fountain, spilling all over the ground.

After all, a team of golden armor guards took out a strong crossbow and shot a storm-like arrow at the team of disciplinary knights. But this team of disciplinary knights shrank to the middle, they shouted the instructional deities of the God of Retribution, and the divine power of the twelve people was united, and a thick golden mask was spread around them.

Amidst the loud noise of'Dang Cang', the crossbow bolts exploded into shatters, and the heavy golden mask waved violently, and instantly became thinner by half. But a sharp crack in the air sounded, and the Aries knight hidden in the golden mask pulled a strange-shaped longbow, and the dense rain of light shot out from the longbow, and the storm-like light arrows sent the group of golden guards. Beat into a sieve.

This was a one-sided slaughter. There were many heavenly warriors in the Golden Armor Guards present, but they were fighting each other, and their formations were completely chaotic. No matter how hard they tried to kill, they could never defeat these disciplinary knights. Their defenses couldn't resist their fierce counterattack like a poisonous snake.

In just a few breaths, about thirty teams of disciplinary knights killed more than 400 people in the Golden Armor Guards. Blood was spilled all over the ground, stumps and broken arms continued to fly, and the entire courtyard changed. Become a Shura field.

Seeing that the Golden Armor Guards were about to collapse completely, the shouts rang, and the reinforcements transferred by Yingqin arrived. The new guards took out their crossbows without saying a word, and shot an overwhelming dense rain of arrows at the correction knights who were chasing down their colleagues.

However, all the disciplinary knights retreated sharply at the same time. More than three hundred disciplinary knights gathered together. A golden round shield the size of a palm flew up, emitting a dazzling light, and turned into a huge shield with a radius of hundreds of meters. In front of these disciplinary knights.

This is a sacred artifact-level shield. Looking at the strong divine power fluctuations it emits, it is at least a sacred artifact above the middle grade.

The middle-grade holy artifacts correspond to the saints, and only saints can freely urge and use the middle-grade holy artifacts. However, these more than three hundred disciplinary knights joined forces, and unexpectedly, in a short time, stimulated the power of this divine shield, and blocked all the arrows outside.

Nearly a thousand guards activated heavy crossbows at the same time, one crossbow with twelve arrows, and more than ten thousand crossbow arrows smashed into pieces in front of the huge light shield. The Golden Armor guards screamed and were rushed to the ground with a burst of gas. The corpses, discarded armors, and weapons were blasted into the air. At least two hundred guards were pierced by the flying weapons. On the spot, nearly a hundred of the most unlucky guards were pierced and killed.

Without waiting for the remaining guards to regroup, a deep and powerful voice has slowly sounded.

"God said that heresy is evil, so God gives us the power to judge all evil."

"God said that heresy should not exist, so we have the fire of judgment given by God!"

"God said that all evil will be reduced to ashes in the fire of judgment, so you are doomed to annihilate!"

An old man wearing a red robe, holding a huge scepter, and wearing a golden crown dignifiedly walked out of a small building at the end of the yard. With his singing, a huge magic with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in the yard. Array. Circles of golden light continued to spread to the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, this magic circle expanded to cover the entire Ninghou Mansion.

The golden armor guards who stayed in the mansion made a miserable howl at the same time. Transparent golden flames burst out of their bodies. Every pore in their bodies was breathing fire, and the seven orifices sprayed out several meters long. Fire snake. The transparent flame burned silently, and the guards struggled painfully, but this terrible flame deprived them of their lives without mercy, depriving them of the essence of their lives and the power of their soul origin.

Lin Qi, who has practiced the secret method of the soul gods, can clearly perceive the powerful and abnormal soul power scattered in the courtyard. At least 1,300 golden guards were killed by this strange golden flame, their life essence and soul The power is forcibly extracted, and after being purified by the golden flame, it becomes a precious tonic that anyone can absorb and can quickly digest.

"God said it!" The old man holding the scepter smiled triumphantly, and the loud voice shook the entire courtyard trembling: "All souls are given by God, and all life is given by God. Therefore, the servant of God, You can harvest all heretical lives and souls!"

The corner of Lin Qi's eyes jumped. This passage is indeed the precept of a certain deity enshrined by the church to his believers, but this passage has never been recognized by the church—because this deity is called the **** of souls, The daily behavior of the clergy in his temple is no different from the spirit of the gods, except that the methods are slightly softer.

Killing the enemy, plundering the enemy's life essence and soul's original strength, and quickly improving one's strength is not recognized by the mainstream teachings of the church. Therefore, the clergy of the Soul Temple rarely show their faces. Lin Qi never dreamed that he could actually meet the cardinal red-robed divine-crowned archbishop of the Soul Temple in the Eastern Continent!

Moreover, this cardinal archbishop with a red crown actually carries nearly thirty teams of disciplinary knights, what are they doing?

But no matter what they want to do, all the essence of life and the pure energy of the soul origin of more than a thousand golden armor guards, when Lin Qi saw this old man open his mouth triumphantly, he wanted to swallow this When Lin Qi's eyebrows were filled with great power, a fiery purple light burst out suddenly.

Powerful, at least ten times more powerful than the existence of the same level, the mental power whizzed out. The originally invisible and colorless mental power has been condensed into a purple light thread visible to the naked eye because of Lin Qi's soul origin. Lin Qi's mental power turned into a big net, which firmly wrapped the pure energy of an invisible big ball over the yard.

"Bold heresy!" The old man looked in the direction of Lin Qi in anger and shock. He spent 90% of his body's supernatural power, and even gave up a small half of his soul, which borrowed part of the Soul God The divine power activated the vast divine technique just now and killed all the golden guards in Ninghou's mansion in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the gluttonous food is right in front of him, seeing that he can use this great power to step into the realm of the saint from the peak of the saint, and Lin Qi suddenly rushes to block the road and rob him. The old man's heart is bleeding from pain.

But Lin Qi's soul origin is so powerful, he has absorbed more than 80% of the soul power of the contemporary pope of the soul cult, Altut, and then intermittently absorbed the metamorphosis of the power of the soul of the strong.

Lin Qi swallowed that great pure energy in one gulp. A terrifying frenzy suddenly set off in his spirit sea, and the billowing heat quickly swept through his body from the spirit sea, and the lives of more than 1,300 golden armor guards. The magnificent energy purified from the essence rushed wildly in his body. Lin Qi's soul greedily swallowed the pure soul essence, and his body and soul were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

"No, **** heresy, give it back to me!" The old man was completely mad, and he pointed to Lin Qi angrily: "Kill him, kill him, I want to devour his soul, I want to devour his flesh and blood, I want to devour everything about him!"

The disciplinary knights hesitated for a moment, and an eastern youth wearing a black robe quickly walked out of the small building.

"Archbishop Harom, leave as soon as possible, things are already making a big deal, and if we delay, we will be all over!"

Harom was stunned. He was about to speak, and Lin Qi had already laughed aloud: "Go? Where are you going? You are Ya Wuyuan?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, a horrible purple light flashed across Lin Qi's eyebrows, and he launched a full blow to Harom.

Harom let out a miserable cry, and his head suddenly exploded like tofu. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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