Bright Era

Chapter 684: Torture

Lin Qi slayed all the disciplinary knights. After capturing the cliff, a magnificent purple-golden light enveloped the entire Ninghou Mansion.

Astonished, Lin Qi raised his head. Above his head were twelve purple-gold metal discs floating steadily in the sky above the ground. The diameter of the twelve metal discs was about 100 meters, and the shape was magnificent and peculiar, and the whole body was carved. Intricate ancient characters, more or less people in black or blood were standing on the slowly rotating metal disk.

These people were all expressionless, all of them put their hands in the sleeves of their robes, squinted gloomily and looked at the sea of ​​blood below the dead mountain, no one made a sound. The pressure like a mountain faintly spread from these people. Lin Qi only felt choking in his heart. More than two hundred people in black or blood standing on these twelve huge metal discs made Lin Qi feel A great threat was reached—a threat that could crush him to pieces at any time.

Perhaps Lin Qi would not be afraid of any single individual among them, but when so many people appeared in front of Lin Qi at the same time, if so many people were confronted at the same time, Lin Qi could only escape in embarrassment, and there was no chance of luck.

A few old eunuchs in python robes walked into the courtyard quietly. They randomly glanced at the messy corpse in the courtyard, and then bowed to Lin Qi at the same time: "Master Lin, you have work. Have such a strong cultivation base."

Lin Qi smiled and nodded friendly to these old eunuchs. He shook his hand on the uncolored Ya Wuyuan, and said coldly: "Ya Wuyuan has been captured alive by me. Please also ask some father-in-laws to arrange it. A reliable person, ask his confession."

While she was talking, a woman's cry came, and Ying Qin triumphantly walked in with two twin girls who were born as beautiful and lovely as fairy dew pearls, and looked exactly the same. The two girls seemed to be in their early fourteen years old, and their clothes were torn to pieces, exposing large patches of snow-white skin.

Yingqin clung to the embarrassment of the two women with both hands, and walked into the courtyard proudly under the guard of countless eunuchs.

To say that the golden armor guards of the Blood Qin Empire are just face-saving, the real and reliable guards of the royal family members are those who have grown up in the deep palace since childhood, have undergone cruel **** training, and are as loyal to the royal family members. The **** of degree. These eunuchs are not weak in strength, and they are also the elites who fight in the blood of the corpse mountain, and they are also the best guards because of their physical disabilities.

Surrounded by hundreds of eunuchs, Ying Qin walked into the yard "brave and fearless". He saw the corpses on the ground and the broken bodies of the punishment knight who had been violently destroyed by Lin Qi. Ying Qin turned over. He rolled his eyes and threw up fiercely.

The punishment knights that Lin Qi killed were really miserable. When Ying Qin walked into the yard, she happened to step on a large intestine. Rao Yingqin is cruel and cruel by nature, but he is just like that. He has not really seen what the so-called flesh and blood slaughterhouse is like. Stimulated by this hell-like scene, he just vomited and was not in a coma, which has proved his courage.

"Lord, Ya Wuyuan was captured alive by me, and I would like to ask the prince to talk about what to do here!" Lin Qi waited for Yingqin to vomit, and there was nothing left to vomit, and then he took Yawu in his hand. Shaking away, then glanced at the twelve huge odd-shaped metal discs in the sky.

This kind of thing, there are similar things in the church, the magic flywheel, which is a magic tool that can carry people to the sky. However, the diameter of the magic flywheel owned by the church is only three meters, and the diameter of these metal discs here is more than 100 meters. It can be seen that the Xueqin Empire has already surpassed the church by a large amount in the research of the Primordial Magic Device!

However, perhaps in fact the church also has the corresponding technology, it is nothing more than financial resources, unable to create such a big guy. After all, the Blood Qin Empire is too powerful, and the national power is too strong. Even if the ordinary forces have that technology, they must have the financial resources to complete such a huge flying magic device!

Yingqin raised his head and glanced at the men in black and blood who stood silently in the sky, his face convulsed involuntarily.

After being silent for a while, Ying Qin took out the token representing her identity and shook it to those people: "This king Ying Qin, holding the Dazai torture cold ink warrant to hunt down the suspect, disturbed you adults, please forgive me!"

Lin Qi glanced at Yingqin in surprise. It is the first time he has seen Yingqin have such a humble attitude since he met this guy. It can be seen that the identities of the people on these metal discs are extraordinary, and even the prince who is so favored by Yingqin dare not show the slightest prestige to them.

A feminine man dressed in blood and embroidered with three four-clawed one-horned dragons on his robe slowly nodded, tugging at the corners of his mouth without a smile, and said faintly: "Then, please come later. The prince went to the imperial city to tell his majesty about the matter, and we will not interfere in the matter here."

After a slight pause, the man said softly: "In Shuangyang Chilong City, there will be clergy from the Western Continent. Lord Lao will ask you about this matter. Your Majesty is waiting for a confession! Hey, your Majesty’s dictation, this No matter who is involved in the matter, it's always a matter of finding out! It's better to kill than to indulge!"

The twelve huge metal discs brought a dazzling purple-golden light, and quickly flew in all directions. In the blink of an eye, they sank into the high clouds and disappeared without a trace. Yingqin wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, exhaled heavily, then glanced at Lin Qi, and squeezed out a smirk: "Damn it, how can you alarm these monsters? This king was busy just now. Teach these two girls, I really didn't realize that they were actually there!"

Lin Qi was silent, and it was only a cup of tea after he and Ying Qin were separated. This guy actually found the twin daughters of Ning Hou. What was this guy thinking about? Besides money and women, does he think of anything else?

Taking a breath, Lin Qi was about to speak when a sudden rush of footsteps quickly approached here. Lin Qi and Yingqin looked out of the courtyard in surprise. After a few breaths, the embarrassed Hu Xinzhu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and rushed into the courtyard with a large number of secret spies and spies. Hu Xinzhu cursed angrily while walking quickly.

"Damn it, really hell, how did these **** get into Shuangyang Chilong City? The clergy of the Western Continent, his mother, or the disciplinary knight? It is actually the'templar knight' among the disciplinary knights? This is punishment. The elite of the Knights! What are they doing in Shuangyang Chilong City? Are they looking for death? Or those three **** who want to start a religious war?"

Lin Qi threw Ya Wuyuan to Hu Xinzhu: "Brother Xinzhu, here is the livelihood, see if you can ask something out of his mouth. Just this one livelihood, please take care of it anyway, don’t die. That's it."

Hu Xinzhu grabbed Ya Wuyuan, swiftly inserted more than 30 sharp silver needles into Ya Wuyuan's body, and then threw him to a secret spy leader behind him. Angrily Hu Xinzhu glanced at the terrible corpse of the discipline knight on the ground. He jumped and scolded: "Who did it? Who did the good thing? Can't you just leave a few more livelihoods? Hey, just one livelihood, can you ask? what?"

Lin Qi stretched out his hands helplessly. Just now, the blood in his body was burning, and the soaring power made him uncontrollable, especially when his white tiger fighting spirit had changed. The power of the newly born demigod power was beyond his expectation. It was terrifying, so he killed all the disciplinary knights with one punch. This was just an accident. In fact, Lin Qi wanted to keep a few more lively!

An annoyed glance at Lin Qi, Hu Xinzhu also figured it out. These corpses were extremely smooth, as if they were being cut by a sharp knife at a very high speed. There were no burrs on the edges of the wound. Among all the people present, Lin was the only one. Qi's white tiger fighting spirit can cause such an effect.

But the shock in Hu Xinzhu's heart is still unable to dissipate. Although the white tiger's fighting spirit is overbearing, it is impossible to tear the magic armor of these elite punishment knights so easily. The magic armor with amazing defense power is not a piece of paper. Even if Lin Qi can break their armor, it is impossible to break. So smooth and smooth, how did he do it?

It’s just that it’s not the time to discuss it. Just before the tea time, the emperor’s emissary rushed to Hu Xinzhu and yelled at Hu Xinzhu, so Hu Xinzhu couldn’t lift his head at all. He didn’t know at that time what happened in Shuangyang Chilong City. A large number of disciplinary knights appeared.

Undoubtedly, this kind of thing is a major negligence for Hu Xinzhu, who has mastered countless secret spy agents!

The top priority now is to quickly figure out how these damned punishment knights got into Shuangyang Chilong City!

Without time to think about Lin Qi's vindictiveness, Hu Xinzhu's face was twisted, pointing to the stiff and immobile Ya Wuyuan and grinning: "Knock the bones, **** the marrow, cramp, peel the skin, you four will go together and give him him I’ve been tortured for how many times I’ve wetted the bed since I was young! It’s here, at this time, everything I want him to know!"

The four were born very handsome, seem to be in their early twenties, and even a little shy young spy walked out.

Lin Qi looked at these four young people in surprise. They were born exactly the same, obviously the quadruplet brothers of the same mother! The quadruplets are already a rare miracle, but they still have such brutal and ruthless names like knocking the bones, sucking the marrow, cramping and peeling the skin. Lin Qi looked at them with interest, looked at them with a shy smile, and gently lifted Win Qin. Into a quiet room in the yard.

After a while, a low moan came from the quiet room.

It was an extremely depressing, extremely dull, extremely terrifying moan.

It seemed that someone had compressed all the pain in the world into that groan, and everyone who heard the sound was sweating in bursts of cold, and the whole body was aching.

Lin Qi's eyelids twitched, knocking bones, sucking bones, cramping, and peeling skin. The four brothers were really vicious.

Lin Qi's mental power penetrated into the quiet room, and what he saw was a scene far more cruel than hell. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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