Bright Era

Chapter 691: confession

The four brothers knocking bones, sucking marrow, cramping and peeling skin shook their heads and climbed up.

When Hu Xinzhu ordered his subordinates to run away on their own, the four brothers stayed where they were. It's not that they are not afraid of death, nor that they want to live and die with Hu Xinzhu, but that they have no way to run-they are top masters in torture, but their personal strength is so bad that they can run and escape. Can't drop.

So they stayed there wisely, and when Lin Po sucked Rocky back with a tiger roar, they were also stunned. But after all, their minds were much stronger than ordinary people, and they were in a coma for a while, they were very tenaciously awakened from the coma, and got up from the ground with difficulty.

Lin Po, who was pulling Lin Qi and asking questions, asked him about his daily life in the Black Abyss God Prison, raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Oh? Are these four little guys good? Originally estimated that they could faint for a quarter of an hour. Unexpectedly, I woke up so soon?"

He slapped Lin Qi hard and slapped Lin Qi under his knees again. Lin Qi shook his head helplessly, and pulled out his legs with a wry smile. His boots and pants were turned into fragments, and his two white legs were exposed. Facing such an outrageous ancestor like Lin Po, Lin Qi could only look up to the sky and sigh helplessly.

Hu Xinzhu walked quickly, lowered her voice and said solemnly to the four brothers: "You don't need to ask more, don't say too much when you go back, control your mouth! Put King Yaoshan into two punches and let him return to the city. Wake up again!"

The four brothers quickly glanced at the majestic and robust Lin Po, quickly bowed to Hu Xinzhu, and then they leaned to Yingqin's side, and without any mercy, made a heavy patch on the back of Yingqin's head. Glancing at the twin sisters next to Yingqin, the four brothers didn't feel like pitying Yuxiang, and they made two punches in their heads neatly.

The one-horned crystal leopard on the side blinked, and stood up surreptitiously, trying to sneak away. Lin Po nodded and snorted at it. This one had clearly stepped into the holy realm, belonging to the one-horned super monster. The corner of Crystal Leopard's mouth suddenly turned up, revealing a flattering smile, and his long steel-whip-like tail swayed twice as affectionately as a dog, and then lay obediently on the ground.

Lin Qi glanced at the crystal leopard speechlessly, this **** humiliation for Super Monster!

Walking quickly to the unconscious Ya Wuyuan, Lin Qi stretched his hand to the center of his forehead, and a mental shock awakened him leisurely. The awakened Ya Wuyuan took a deep breath and exclaimed in surprise: "Spiriter!"

Lin Qi sneered and slapped him fiercely: "Your spiritual master has been chopped into pieces. Ya Wuyuan, tell the person behind you, I will fulfill your wish and let the whole People from Ninghou Mansion will bury you."

Ya Wuyuan obviously couldn't accept Lin Qi's words, and he yelled in horror: "Impossible, the spiritualist has boundless mana and supernatural powers, he..."

Lin Poluo smiled and walked to Ya Wuyuan's side. He slammed his rough foot on Ya Wuyuan's head and interrupted Ya Wuyuan's call. With one foot on the cliff's head, Lin Po bent down and sneered: "Immortal power? Divine power? Ah! The little **** doll just now? He is at most a mid-level priest of the Blue Temple, who is running errands outside. Dare to call it supernatural power?"

Turning his head and looking at Lin Qi, Lin Po sneered: "What's the matter? How did this kid fall into your hands?"

Lin Qi quickly told about the matter between himself and Ya Wuyuan, Lin Po's ugly face suddenly added a layer of terrifying killing intent, and he said grimly: "Hey, you dare Send someone to do something to my good grandson? Hey, hey, there is a kind!"

Looking up and down the cliff for a while, Lin Poyin said: "Isn't it the secret technique of the Nine Deaths, Nine Deaths, Nine Lives, and Ten Thousand Tribulations of the Pure Lotus Flower? This technique is indeed magical, but you have not cultivated to the Mahayana state. As long as you know where your door is, isn’t it easy to break your secret skills?"

The four eyeballs of the Knock-Bone Sucking Brothers beside Hu Xinzhu suddenly lit up, and they rushed to Lin Po's side quickly, and respectfully bowed their hands to Lin Po and said: "Please also ask seniors for advice. It's so evil, the boys really can't do anything to them!"

Lin Po grinned and laughed, he said triumphantly: "Where is this technique as magical as you think? Isn't it an outer technique that refines the flesh and gains magical powers with the flesh? Among the many secret techniques of the Mirage Sect, it ranks outside the tenth place. It is not the top secret technique at all. It is a first-class method for torture, and it is of little use other than that!"

With a wave of his arms, Lin Po's arms twisted strangely like a poisonous python, and his sturdy arm suddenly grew three feet longer, and his palm became two feet square, looking terrifying to the extreme. . Lin Po said triumphantly: "Four hundred years ago, Lao Tzu killed the high priest of the founding temple, and from him he obtained the two secret methods and three secret techniques of the Miroku Sect. Hey, Lin Qi, go back and take these strange things. Pass all the weird things to you!"

Hu Xinzhu and the four brothers were all dumbfounded, and their eyes instantly turned red.

Mila Sect has extremely strict control over its own exercises, and it is impossible for any exercises to be spread outside. Lin Po's metamorphosis actually took away the two great secret methods and three great secrets of Miruo Sect. This, this. . .

It's just that Hu Xinzhu thought that Lin Po even hooked up with the saints of Milo Sect, and what was it to take away a few secrets from them?

The high priest of the founding temple, thanks to how Lin Po killed the opponent in the heavy pursuit.

Lin Qi couldn't help feeling ecstatic when he heard Lin Po's words. These techniques of the Myra Sect are weird and evil to the extreme, but there is no doubt that, based on Lin Qi's tyrannical body now, these secret methods of the Myra Sect can definitely greatly enhance Lin Qi's strength.

Seeing that Lin Po has cultivated the secret technique of purifying the lotus, nine deaths, nine lives, and ten thousand calamities, I know that even for Lin Po, the secret techniques of the Mirra Sect are extremely useful auxiliary methods, otherwise he can do this kind of cultivation. what? Moreover, Lin Qi had fought against Luo Jiyan just now. Lin Qi's heavy punch hit Luo Jiyan's arm, and his whole body strength was actually taken off 90%, which shows that these secret techniques are really useful.

Ya Wuyuan screamed hoarsely: "Nonsense, the secret method of the Mirra religion cannot be passed on!"

Lin Po squinted and looked at Ya Wuyuan, he said grimly: "Indeed, the secret method of the Mila Sect cannot be passed down. But the high priest who was killed by me back then was the high priest of the founding temple. You should Do you know what the high priest of transmission means?"

Ya Wuyuan's face turned blue and green for a while, he roared desperately, opened his mouth and bit his tongue hard. But his teeth hadn't touched his tongue, and two thick fingers had been pierced into his mouth. Ya Wuyuan bit on Lin Po's finger heavily, and he heard "Ka Ka" twice. Lin Po's finger scalp did not break a bit, but Ya Wuyuan's big teeth were completely shattered!

Lin Po's body has reached a level that is almost indestructible to a golden body. His fingers are almost diamonds. Where can the teeth of the cliff touch his fingers? With a weird grin, Lin Po retracted his fingers, lightly poke three inches below Yawuyuan's armpit, and then shook his fingers six times from side to side.

"Look at it clearly. The secret technique of the Miracle of Purifying Lotus, Nine Deaths, Nine Life, and Ten Thousand Tribulations, before the Mahayana, is the easiest place to break through the twelve gates. This is the easiest place to break. Break through the two small meridians nearby, you see, the effect is..."

The four brothers knocking bones, sucking the marrow, cramping and peeling the skin, shuddered like a climax. They were very excited to listen to the secret methods of Lin Po's instructions-these secret methods are too valuable to them. With these skills, those who will cultivate the pure lotus in the future The miraculous cultists who died nine deaths, nine lives, and ten thousand tribulations fell into their hands, and they all had to speak obediently!

But for Ya Wuyuan, Lin Po's lightly finger sent him to **** in an instant.

At least one hundred hidden small meridians were broken in his whole body, and his whole body was like a fire that caused him to flick, his internal organs were all involved and the pain was unbearable, Ya Wuyuan let out a miserable howl, and the corners of his mouth were slow. Slowly, blood spurted out.

Lin Po said indifferently: "Although this exercise is particularly unique, unless you have an incorruptible body like ours, the hardships and risks you have to take when practicing this exercise are too great. During the Mahayana period, this exercise is really meaningless!"

Lin Qi immediately understood a little bit of Lin Po's words-the tiger clan members have extremely powerful flesh, so they also practice this secret technique. These twelve gates are not lethal to the tiger clan people, after all. The human body of the Tiger tribe is already extremely powerful, and ordinary people cannot break through these twelve gates. But for people like Ya Wuyuan, their bodies are no different from ordinary people, and these twelve doors are really a fatal weakness.

Lin Po slowly pointed out the twelve doors on Ya Wuyuan's body, and explained to the four brothers one by one what methods should be used to destroy these doors. The four brothers were utterly intoxicated, and the saliva hung from the corners of their mouths without realizing it.

But Ya Wuyuan hissed miserably, and he moaned and wailed in pain, and finally he collapsed completely, and howled heartbreakingly.

"The Lord is a member of the royal family, I only know this! He deliberately colluded with the Church of Miró and the churches in the western continent to seek the throne!"

"I don't know who the Lord is, but the person who contacted me on weekdays was Father Fengbao Chengan Shun, who was ordered by the clan of Taigeo!"

With a miserable cry, Ya Wuyuan spouted a tall blood arrow from his mouth, and the secret technique of Purifying Lianhua's nine deaths, nine lives, and a thousand tribulations was completely destroyed by Lin Po. His body has become no different from ordinary people, and because of the secret technique Backlash, his body is more tattered and weak than ordinary people.

A cold light flashed in Hu Xinzhu's eyes: "Anshun? Hey, it's him!"

The four brothers quickly took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and quickly wrote a confession, and then asked Ya Wuyuan to postpone his handprint with blood. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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