Bright Era

Chapter 801: Su Mingzi who vomits blood

Su Mingzi deserves to be the first master of the Blood Qin Empire. After Lin Qi’s space teleportation circle was processed and transformed on the spot, it changed from dozens of large and small magic circles to 1,080. Magic array. And each array disk is inlaid with a huge void spirit crystal, which has a powerful force to open up the void and open the space channel.

More than a thousand magic circle disks three meters in diameter were suspended above the water pool. Su Mingzi looked at his work and smiled triumphantly: "Just use the magic circle disk of King Dongshun to know the other side's space. Coordinates, in fact, it is not complicated to make a new spatial array. It is nothing more than considering some spatial positioning and spatial stability factors. This is just a trail."

Lin Qi had a toothache looking at the more than 1,000 magical array plates that exuded powerful spatial fluctuations, and he had the most intuitive understanding of Su Mingzi's array method. Su Mingzi’s formation method is absolutely above the green old man. There are 1,080 magic array plates. The magic patterns on each of them are extremely complicated, and they combine the magic patterns of the Eastern Continent and the magic of the Western Continent. The magic pattern, compared to the magic arrays Lin Qi knew, the magic array produced by Su Mingzi was far too advanced.

The first master of the Blood Qin Empire, this is really not exaggerated.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qi smiled and nodded to Su Mingzi: "Master Su, this formation is still up to you. This king hasn't sent a message there for a long time. I'm afraid it's the king's subordinates. Worried."

Su Mingzi smiled self-consciously: "Alright, your majesty, the minister hasn't seen what evil ghosts look like, but we will be able to see and see with our own eyes later."

Ying Zheng also nodded in excitement. He looked at this huge magic circle and said solemnly: "How many people can be teleported at once?"

Su Mingzi smiled triumphantly: "This place is indeed too far away from the abyssal world, but according to Chen's estimation, this teleportation array set by Chen should be more than a hundred times more powerful than the magic array of King Dongshun. Although it is far away from here, it is extremely easy to send a hundred people here at once."

Ying Zheng smiled and said to Lin Qi: "So, that's great! King Dongshun, just tell me a hundred evil spirits, let me open my eyes! Hey, talk about the power of evil spirits. Far beyond ordinary people, I don’t know if this is the case."

Lin Qi nodded. He took out a piece of parchment paper, quickly wrote a paragraph on it with a charcoal pencil, and then threw it on a formation plate: "Master Su can do it, as long as the king's subordinates watch If they get to that sheepskin, they will come. Master Su, are you sure that you can send a hundred people at a time?"

Lin Qi is really worried. The stability of spatial transmission and spatial channels is very important. If it is in the Western Continent, it is not a problem to transmit hundreds of thousands of people at a time, but the Eastern Continent is tens of thousands of miles away from the Western Continent. , But it's really hard to say. Lin Qi valued those subordinates in Abyss World very much. After all, everyone had shared joys and sorrows, and they all had feelings.

Su Mingzi nodded confidently, and said with restraint: "Within a hundred people, there is absolutely no problem. Even if there is a problem, if the old man sits in person, there will be no problem!"

Ten thousand years of freezing is equivalent to ten thousand years of hard cultivation. Su Mingzi's personal strength has also stepped into the high-level realm of enlightenment, and he can be regarded as a very strong figure among the demigods. With a small space law formation, even if some problems occur occasionally with space shocks, with Su Mingzi's personal strength, he can also eliminate space shocks invisible.

Lin Qi didn't speak at the moment, but Su Mingzi informed Ying Zheng and officially opened the circle.

The strong spatial fluctuations spread in all directions, and the powerful spatial force tore the countless maple leaves in the huge garden, and the large red maple leaves flew high in the sky, and the night sky turned blood.

The parchment disappeared without a trace in a strong light, and soon after, within a dozen breaths, a dim figure appeared in the circle. Su Mingzi smiled and said: "It's not that the old man brags, this space magic circle seems unpredictable to ordinary people, but in the eyes of the old man, this space transmission magic circle is actually simple and easy. To really talk about the space magic circle Among them, folding, tearing, twisting, cutting, etc. are the most difficult ones, only space transmission..."

Su Mingzi was about to express his comprehension of the space teleportation array, when the huge three-dimensional array suddenly trembled violently. Su Mingzi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Impossible. There are only a hundred people. How can such a huge spatial shock occur? This, this, this, even if the evil ghost is taller than an ordinary person, it is only a small amount. A hundred people, how is it possible..."

Although it was impossible, the magic circle was indeed trembling violently, the originally stable magic radiated all over the place, and the low roar sounded continuously from the circle. Su Mingzi didn't care about so much, he hurriedly jumped into the circle, holding a circle with both hands, and quickly input his huge magic power into the circle.

With the magic blessing of Su Mingzi, the powerful force forcibly stabilized the circle. But soon the formation trembled violently again, as if a rhinoceros was suddenly hung on a thin steel wire. The overwhelmed appearance made Lin Qi and the others worried.

Ying Zheng said in shock: "King Dongshun, how many people did you send over?"

Lin Qi blankly looked at the violently fluctuating teleportation array, and said bitterly: "One hundred people, I only want them to come one hundred people, and it has indicated that there are some evil spirits and other abyss-specific races inside. They always Wouldn't it be possible to ride the earth dragon mount? Even those earth dragons... it's over!"

Lin Qi suddenly exclaimed, he suddenly realized that he had ignored someone!

Ying Zheng looked at Lin Qi: "What's wrong? What did King Dongshun think of?"

Lin Qi looked at Ying Zheng bitterly. He patted his head vigorously and moaned helplessly: "Your Majesty, the minister has committed a very big mistake. The minister has forgotten one person, and he alone can be counted. A hundred people, he, he..."

Before he could say anything, Su Mingzi had already spurted blood from his seven orifices and was shocked by the violently fluctuating magical array a few steps back. The grim-faced Su Mingzi screamed, and shot into the magic circle again. He couldn't afford to lose his face. He just said that the magic circle was foolproof, but in the blink of an eye, the magic circle was about to disintegrate on the spot because of being overwhelmed. , Su Mingzi can't afford to lose this face!

Even if his vitality was exhausted, he had to suppress this weird teleportation magic circle and teleport one hundred of Lin Qi's subordinates.

Desperately, pure and full, the powerful mana of the demigod high-level poured into the array like a flood, Su Mingzi's eyes widened, and he recited an inexplicable spell in a low voice, forcibly controlling the rapid rotation of the magic array.

Amid the roar of ‘hum’, a group of figures suddenly emerged from the magic circle, and then ‘puff puff’ a few times, like a dumpling, dozens of figures fell into the pool in embarrassment. In addition, dozens of figures opened their huge dragon wings and hovered steadily in mid-air.

But the most eye-catching thing is a huge figure. He also fell into the pool, but the water from the pool only submerged his calves. Most of his body was still exposed out of the water. Now his eyes widened. Looking around curiously. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Lin Qi, Xuanlan is here! Haha, what is this place? It's very beautiful, much better than that gray abyss!"

Su Mingzi stared blankly at Xuanlan. The height was more than three hundred meters, and his body was covered with swollen muscle lumps. Such a giant weighed more than a thousand people alone. No wonder he could steadily transmit a magic circle of one hundred people. Almost shattered, can such a giant be considered a person?

Lin Qi was also taken aback by Xuanlan's soaring height. How long has it been since I saw him last time? Why did it rise to more than 300 meters?

"Haha!" Xuanlan laughed loudly. He found Lin Qi, bent over in front of Lin Qi very happily, and winked at Lin Qi with a smile: "Surprised? I'm growing up! I'm bored. , Followed the abyss channel and dived into the seventh abyss. It was an abyss world dedicated to giants. I found a dragon egg of the ancient frost dragon inside. I ate that dragon egg and it became like this!"

He patted his chest vigorously, and Xuanlan said triumphantly: "I have saved hundreds of years of growing up time. I am almost of adulthood. My strength, the frost giant at the peak of the Saint Master, is Xuan Lan very powerful?"

Ying Zheng and the others on the side were all dumbfounded. They were the founders of the Blood Qin Empire, but a legendary frost giant appeared in front of them so magnificently, the visual impact was too powerful.

Su Mingzi vomited a big mouthful of blood with a'pouch', he stared at Lin Qi very angrily and shouted: "King Dongshun... This is what you call a hundred subordinates? Just this one guy, top It's difficult to send a thousand people, you, you, you cheat the old man!"

Su Mingzi was almost mad. He said that this teleportation circle could withstand the ultra-long distance teleportation of a hundred people, but this giant, is this a human being?

Lin Qi looked at Su Mingzi who was vomiting blood in a very apologetic way. I was really sorry, sorry, the demigod powerhouse was tossed to vomit blood, Xuanlan's lethality was too powerful. Laughing and crying, Lin Qi patted Xuanlan's big face in front of him, and smiled at Ying Zheng, who stood aside dumbfounded: "Your Majesty, Xuanlan is the brother of the minister with life and death. He, um. He doesn’t have any other problems. He just likes to eat living people, preferably a strong and strong man. If you think the Blood Qin Empire has death row prisoners, you can send him a few more people to eat."

Ying Zheng swallowed hard and spit, eating alive? How many living people does it take to fill the **** belly?

At this moment, the figures floating in the air had already landed on the ground with their dragon wings flapping. These are thirty handsome dragons and demons who look like gods. They respectfully put away their wings and bowed to Lin Qi: "Master, answer your call, here we are!"

Those evil spirits that fell into the water pool also got up in a drag, a dozen ordinary evil spirits, followed by dozens of slaves such as goblins and dwarves. These slaves drew back cautiously, not daring to make a sound.

Ying Zheng looked at these evil spirits and felt the tyrannical aura on them, his eyes suddenly red. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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