Bright Era

Chapter 804: Enter the room

The Bajiang Province in the southwest border of the Blood Qin Empire is the most important province among the hundreds of provinces in the southwestern border of the Blood Qin Empire.

Because the ancestral home of Father Xuexiang's family is here. Because the "Blood Xiang Battle City" of Father Xuexiang is here. Because across the border of the Bajiang Province, there is the sacred mountain where the Tianmiao resides. Opposite the abyss on the southwest side of the sacred mountain, it is the eastern subcontinent. It is the site of the Myra Sect. It is the complex tribal forces in the sky. Birthplace.

This area is as huge as three ordinary provinces. The province, named after eight torrents passing by, plunged into the southern ocean of the Eastern Continent from the southeast, is a land of a hundred battles in the true sense. There are three or five small frictions a year, a major chaos in ten years, and a full-scale war in 50 to 100 years. How many elite soldiers of the Blood Qin Empire have fallen here for thousands of years?

The blood line of the 2,000-year-old Xuexiang, the highest military and political governor of the eighteenth southwestern provinces, through this frequent battle, tempered a family of iron-blooded men, and tempered a family of jealous men. Tame iron-blooded man.

At this moment, outside a small hill at the core of the Battle City of Blood, hundreds of Yue family children in armor and armor stood solemnly, and dozens of old men silently inlaid various magic crystals on a huge circle in front of the small hill. Shi, while continuously pouring buckets of monster blood into several injection ports in the magic circle.

This hill is the place where Xue Xianggong practiced in retreat in the past dynasties. Except for Yuetu's father, the eighth generation of Xuexiang, who was killed by the first master of the Miluo Sect's Youlan Temple on the battlefield, the other generations of Xuexiang were retreating here after they were relieved of their duties.

The first generation of Duke Xuexiang Yueli started in the wilderness. He relied on an ancient fragment that he obtained accidentally to piece together the main practice technique of Duke Xuexiang's line-fighting on the battlefield, plundering his blood and improving himself quickly的修为. Because of this technique, Yue Li created a powerful family that lived in the southwestern part of Xueqin for two thousand years. It was also because of this technique that the bloodline of Duke Xuexiang was extremely embarrassed.

The cultivation technique is incomplete. After reaching the high-level cultivation level of the sage master, the blood in the body is burnt, and if one is wrong, the blood is burned and the internal organs are turned into ashes and die. Therefore, the descendants of the blood of Duke Xuexiang’s cultivation speed is extremely fast, but the power of the family is also very fast. Every Duke Xue and each generation of elders, as long as the cultivation base reaches the high level of the sage, they must retreat. breakthrough.

Breaking through to the semi-god state of the Enlightener, all hidden dangers disappear invisible. If you can't make a breakthrough, you are in danger of burning your body at any time. Therefore, the blood Xiang Gong of the past dynasties is not considered old in the Holy Realm Power, but they are all faster than one to pass on their position of duke to their descendants, and then practice together with the elders of the clan.

Today, on this hill, there have been more than 300 people from the past generations of Xue Xianggong and past family elders practicing in retreat.

The powerful combat power of more than three hundred sage masters from high-level to the peak of sage masters, if it were released to the Western Continent, would be enough to build a kingdom of a large scale. But in the Eastern Continent, with the background of more than three hundred saints, the Yue family can only be regarded as the upstart among the wealthy of the Blood Qin Empire.

The imperial imperial family, which also has the restrictions of the eighteenth level of iron and blood, does not mention that although the winners have more and more casualties, but after all, there are lucky people who have the luck to rush into the realm of the enlightenment before breaking Had an extremely long life. And the royal family of the Blood Qin Empire still has a group of loyal old ladies guarding them. Those old eunuchs who have not died for ten thousand years, God knows how many people in the realm of enlightenment are there?

Not to mention other wealthy families with thousands of years and thousands of years old, their techniques do not have such well-known weaknesses as the Yue family. Relying on a long time, huge resources, and exhausting human and material resources to accumulate, those wealthy families can have a large number of demigods.

However, there is no enlightenment in the Yue family, and this is where the Yue family's confidence is insufficient.

Therefore, as soon as the news of Shuangyang Red Dragon City came, it was said that Yue Tu had lost the duel to ten artifacts that could not be paid for obstructing Dongshun King Lin Qi's hiring gift. After being imprisoned by Ying Zheng, the Yue family immediately took action.

The servants in the yard were running around. They didn't know why, but under the scolding of their master, they quickly packed all kinds of gold, silver, soft and valuable things. The various resources in the Yue family treasury were quickly filled into large and small space magical instruments, and gathered in the hands of several elders in the family.

The other elders, along with the children of the direct line, awakened the first generation of Xuexiang Father Yue Li who was in retreat for the first time. After telling him the cause and effect, Yue Li made a decisive decision and hurried to Shuangyang Chilong City.

The emperor of the Blood Qin Empire died quickly. Because of the existence of the eighteen layers of iron and blood, the emperor of the Blood Qin Empire replaced one emperor every 100 years. Therefore, Yue Li, who made his fortune two thousand years ago, was actually a veteran of the 20th dynasty. According to Yue Li's idea, Ying Zheng could not give Yue Tu face, because Yue Tu was the title of Duke Xuexiang who took over after winning the throne.

But Ying Zheng will definitely give him face as a veteran of the country, after all, he is a veteran of the 20 emperors!

Even if Yue Tu did something extraordinary and bizarre, as long as Yue Li dropped this old face and knelt outside the imperial city, presumably the emperor wouldn't make any outrageous actions towards Duke Xue Xiang's family. After all, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If the Yue family is ruined because of this ‘trivial matter’, what would the other powerful ministers think?

Therefore, Yue Li usually rushed to the imperial capital by burning his butt, and the children of the Yue family, in order to prevent something unfortunate from happening, are still here according to the pre-arranged means, using the most appropriate method to wake up the ancestors in the clan. Because the Yue family's cultivation methods have great flaws, it is really not easy to wake up these closed-door ancestors.

The essence and blood of high-level monsters are poured into the magic circle in buckets by buckets. This is to allow the ancestors to absorb enough refined blood pressure to control their own blood qi when they wake up, so as not to temporarily interrupt the operation of the practice. Some bad consequences.

The magic spar that is constantly pressed into the magic circle is to provide huge energy for the ancestors to unlock the complex and lethal defensive restrictions in the hill. This hill is the fundamental place of the Yue Family. The defenses here are extremely tight. It is blessed to withstand the attacks of a million-man regular army, and it can even withstand the attacks of the powerful presence of the Saint Master Peak for three consecutive days and three nights.

With such a huge and complex defensive ban, each retreat Dongfu has a separate small defensive array. To open or close all these defensive circles, the consumption of magic spar is an astronomical number.

So everything had to be done slowly, before Yue Li was awakened, it took the Yue family half an hour. This is why it took Yue Li so long to rush to Shuangyang Chilong City, and the news that he had left the customs was found by the spies of the Myra Sect, so that Elysium accurately intercepted him at the gate of the Acropolis.

When many elders were busy, Yue Tu's eldest son Yue Lengfei sighed in a deliberation hall in the middle of the Yue family residence: "The big ship to go to sea is ready? How about food? Drinking water? Enough for the safety of the family. Arrived in the Undead Continent?"

A group of chief executives of the Yue family quickly reported various news to Yue Lengfei, and the whole family of the Yue family was ready to immediately abandon the foundation and flee if something went wrong. After all, the Xueqin Empire has harsh criminal laws. If the title of Lord Xuexiang is really cut off, the military power of the eighteen provinces will really be taken over. What awaits the Yue family is definitely the end of the liquidator's ruin.

The men of the Yue family were all soldiers killed in the **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain. They were not afraid of death, but were they female relatives in the family?

Thinking that they might be sent to brothel prostitutes and suffered all kinds of unspeakable abuse, how dare the Yue family be negligent?

A gray-haired old housekeeper said solemnly: "Grandpa, the teleportation circle leading to the family's secret port is ready. As a definitive solution, please also ask the grandpa to make an idea to transfer the old and weak women and children in the family first. Go on board the ship in the past! In case the old man has the face and saves today’s disaster, it will not be too late to let them come back. In case..."

Yue Lengfei's face suddenly blue, he stomped his feet fiercely, and cursed in a low voice: "Yue Lengtu, you are the disaster star of the funeral. Do you dare to disturb the marriage of the royal family? His father is also faint, so he is single-minded. Spoiling that mourning star, how dare he do it in the imperial city and other princes?"

"It's so stupid. I really thought that my position in the Blood Qin Empire would be unshakable while I inherited my blood for two thousand years?" Yue Lengfei roared angrily: "Those wealthy families who have passed on for thousands of years do not say anything. I was annihilated. It only took a few days? Why did I forget the emperor’s iron and blood methods?"

With a vigorous wave of his hand, Yue Lengfei shouted sternly: "Quickly transfer all the young and old in the clan. Don't forget those servants, don't notify them. You...Anyone who has served in my Yue family for more than three generations, yours. The family members also leave with them!"

Those old stewards were overjoyed when they heard the words, they happily bowed down to Yue Lengfei a few times, and then quickly ran to the main entrance of the hall.

But just a few steps after they walked out, there was a clearly perceptible spatial fluctuation in the air.

Yue Lengfei was furious, and at the same time he was frightened pale: "What's the matter? Haven't I already ordered the closure of all teleportation circles in the fort? This, this..."

An old man cried out in horror: "Grand Prince, this is, this is not the teleportation circle in the fort, but our own teleportation circle opened."

In the backyard of the Yue family, outside a heavily guarded teleportation array, dozens of elite guards in iron armor drew out their weapons expressionlessly, and stabbed them into the weakness of their companions cleanly. A blow was successful, blood flowed immediately outside the teleportation array, and all the iron guards loyal to the Yue family were beheaded.

Afterwards, the remaining guards quickly squeezed several void magic crystals that had been prepared outside the teleportation circle into the circle, and opened the circle with the fastest speed.

Then several figures appeared in the strong light surging in the circle, and these guards knelt down at the same time.

"Disciples, wait, and welcome the goddess." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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