Bright Era

Chapter 819: Princess

But before the beautiful woman in red rushed out of the wedding room, a tall and almost inhuman body had already stopped at the door of the wedding room.

"The former patron saint Galina? Brother, isn't this the girl you hooked up? Didn't you say that the body was purified with some magical flame? Hey, I thought she burned herself into a plume of smoke. Now, I didn’t expect to be alive? Goodbye, don’t run away! Our big brother is mighty and tough. Although you are a bit reluctant to match him, you can barely make do with your small appearance."

The man who was more than 2.5 meters tall and almost completely blocked the door slapped it and heard a loud noise. The beautiful woman in red, Galina, was knocked over with a slap in the face without any resistance. Then, two big feet stepped heavily on her back, the two handles were shining with dazzling light, and there were countless runes entangled in the semi-artifact sword and axe on her neck.

Lin Po, dressed in black, stepped on Galina to death, and said with an urn sound: "You Mira Sect knows that you are breathing wildly, aren't you alive? It is rumored that you use magical flames to purify your body and say How dirty I look like! Seeing you are alive and kicking now, I am so relieved!"

Kneeling down, Lin Po looked at Galina, who was terrified and trembling, and touched her cheek heavily: "Hey, it's still as tender and moist as before. Tsk, it's done, it's a fate. It’s our fate to come to meet. Don’t go back to the Mila Sect, and be a concubine for Lao Tzu. Wouldn’t it be easier than going to the Milo Sect to be a stick?"

The beautiful woman in red looked at Lin Po in panic, and she shivered and cried: "Why are you? How could it be you? Back then, I just wanted to transfer you into the patron saint and become my patron saint. The protector of the gods respects the king, the result, the result..."

Two rows of crystal teardrops slowly descended, Lin Po scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, and smiled dryly: "Why is it not me? Lin Qi is my gray grandson. This time he is married and married to a princess. The two brothers happened to be near the eastern subcontinent, so came to support Lin Qi, didn't they?"

The lights in the room suddenly dimmed, and the big man blocking the door bent over and walked in. Since he came in, the space of the originally spacious wedding room seemed half narrow. This is a lot taller than Lin Po. The boxy guy who is as majestic as a dwarf sniffed his nose and murmured cursingly: "These guys of the Milo Cult don't do good things. Look, how great. My wedding room, it’s just made bloody! If I upset Lao Tzu, I will rush to kill some of their **** like the altar master."

Lin Po chuckled, he took out a thick iron chain to tie Galina firmly, and then struck her abdomen with a heavy punch, hitting Galina on the spot, rolling her eyes and knocking her All of his resistance was crushed in one fell swoop. The rough movements, violent boxing, and the thunderous noise from the collision of the fists and the lower abdomen made Lin Qi and the black beard and the group of people who came over after hearing the sound changed.

Poor Galina, such a delicate beauty, was treated so rudely by Lin Po. It was really unlucky for the ill-fated.

Carrying Galina on his shoulders, Lin Po pointed at the tall and burly man and said in a deep voice: "Lin Qi, this is Lin Yu, the brother of Lao Tzu and a mother. Torture is the tyrannical and cruel abuse. As the name implies, you I know what this guy is! From now on, he will sit in Shuangyang Chilong City all year round. If anyone dares to touch our house, let him take action."

Glancing at Lin Yan, Lin Po cursed: "This guy is a lunatic, you just leave him alone."

Lin Yu smiled strangely, tilted his head and looked at Lin Qi for a while, then slapped Lin Qi's shoulder with a heavy palm. With a loud bang, Lin Qi's body shook, and a cloud of smoke puffed up under his feet, but he stood still on the spot.

Lin Po glanced at Lin Qi in amazement, glanced at the unchanging floor tiles under Lin Qi's feet in amazement, and couldn't help but nod repeatedly. Compared with Lin Qi in the barren mountains that day, Lin Qi now seems to be much stronger than then? When Lin Po slapped Lin Qi with a slap, half of Lin Qi's body would sink into the ground, but now that Lin Yu took such a slap, Lin Qi's body remained motionless, proving that Lin Qi could easily withstand Lin Yu's heavy blow. .

Lin Yu nodded happily, and said: "Good boy, it's worth your eldest brother likes you so much. Hmph, it's just that Galina is here, Lin Qi, your daughter-in-law is still killed! It's not a good way to count. , Lao Tzu smashed her with an axe for you, saving you trouble in the back home!"

Lin Qi's heart twitched, and he remembered what Elysium had said. Princess Qingli was the creation goddess of the founding temple. She was also planted into the gods. Her loyalty to the founding temple was beyond the reach of external forces. Shaken.

Looking at his own **** wedding room, Lin Qi was also annoyed. Looking at Galina, whose face was blue and her beautiful lips were spurting blood, Lin Qi's heart became more and more angry-if it hadn't been for Lin Po and Lin Yu to arrive, with Galina's demigod cultivation. What happened today is still unclear.

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi dropped the topic of Princess Qingli, but solemnly bowed to Lin Po and Lin Yu: "Two ancestors, the ancestor Lin Po did not dare to enter Shuangyang Chilong City a few days ago. , Why did the two ancestors arrive at the same time today?"

Lin Po "quack" laughed, and he pulled open his collar, revealing a delicate pendant with a faint light. He smiled triumphantly: "It's not the magic metal that my good grandson sent last time. Except for the two'fascinating pendants' that can hide the breath, as long as we are not stupid enough to fight, we are in and out of Shuangyang Chilong City. It's not a problem anymore."

Lin Yu-urn said angrily: "As for whether we happened to be here, it is because we have been following Lin Hu! The fiefs of the three provinces are related to our family's plan to return to roots in the Eastern Continent. Our two brothers are in the East. Near the subcontinent, naturally you have to come nearby, don’t you? The people in my family still have some days to come. Before they arrive, anyway, there is Lao Tzu sitting here, who dares to ask for wildfires and put them out."

With a wave of the big axe, Lin Yu was about to swing the big axe towards Princess Qingli.

Lin Qi hurriedly stopped Lin Yan, and he said solemnly: "Old Ancestor, it's all about letting Princess Qingli speak before you do it. After all, today is Lin Qi's wedding day, it has been so **** and bloody, it is already very It's not lucky, is it because the ancestors you still want to kill Lin Qi's bride on the wedding day?"

Lin Yu was stunned, and then grabbed his forehead forcefully: "Yeah, it seems to be the truth? Hey? Big brother, we shouldn't make a move? But how can this lady come out to make trouble? Isn't that justified?"

Lin Qi and Blackbeard looked at Lin Yu, who had no idea what was wrong, and shook their heads helplessly. It can be seen that Lin Mao is the kind of professional thugs who have been trained wholeheartedly by the tiger clan, and he is completely powerless to the world.

Lin Qi drew back Alda and the others who were standing in front of the door watching the excitement and ordered them to be on guard outside. Then he walked up to Princess Qingli and gently lifted her red hijab. Under the red brocade embroidered with hundreds of phoenix patterns, Princess Qingli was already in tears.

The red candles, the red clothes, the blood, the smell of blood, and the blood in the room all set off Princess Qingli’s peerless face, and the two rows of teardrops that gently rolled down. All of this is full of a cruel and strange Beauty.

Lin Qi sighed softly, then turned around and said, "She seems to be unable to move or speak."

Before Lin Po could speak, Lin Ma slapped Galina's face with a slap in the face: "I won't say a second sentence, lift the prohibition, or I will hack you! Man man, never talk nonsense what!"

Galina's body shivered and chanted a spell in a hurry. Obviously, Lin Po was like a demon in her heart. Although she had stepped into the realm of a demigod, under the mighty and powerful brothers Lin Po and Lin Yu, who were like demon gods, she was as good as a lamb. Lin Qi could see that her mind was almost frightened and confused. At this time, if someone could take advantage of the emptiness and use the soul secret technique to plant some restriction in the depths of her soul, Galina's life and death would be involuntary. She dominates herself.

With that curse, Princess Qingli's body suddenly trembled slightly, and then she stood up pretty happily, knelt down in front of Lin Qi, and bowed deeply to Lin Qi.

"Yingyun was originally a royal girl, but she was forced to grow into the gods when she was young, and she couldn't help her life and death since then."

"It's just that the founding shrine should not teach the art of winning the cloud and casting the spirit. If this method is practiced by ordinary people, it is no different. Only those who have been planted into the gods, if it is a coincidence, will integrate a ray of the gods into the cast spirit body , Then you can gradually restore your own mind."

"Nowadays, most of the souls of Yingyun are able to be autonomous, and only the younger half are still entangled by the gods."

"If the husband can protect the safety of Yingyun, in this life and this life, he will only follow the orders of the husband."

Lin Qi and others were dumbfounded by Lin Qi and the others, while Galina twisted almost frantically: "You traitor, it's no wonder that you have been supporting the people chosen by the shrine all these years, but you have pushed back three and four, even you The guardians around you have died a lot of inexplicably. You traitor, you will definitely be angry with the gods..."

"Fight to death!" Lin Qi pointed at Galina fiercely.

Lin Yu nodded with open eyes and smiled, picking up his big axe, and the handle of the axe hit Galina's face fiercely.

Galina vomited blood and couldn't speak, Princess Qingli raised her head in tears and looked at Lin Qi deeply.

Lin Qi looked at Princess Qingli, who was soft and soft like a willow in the wind, and suddenly felt shameless. But Lin Qi quickly discarded the idea of ​​feeling shameless. Instead, she looked at Princess Qingli very seriously and said, "My lady in the main room, someone has already chosen... You are the second one, no problem. Right?"

With a ‘clam,’ the big axe in Lin Yan’s hand fell heavily to the ground, and the black beard looked at Lin Qi with a weird face, muttering something like ‘blue is better than blue’.

Princess Qingli smiled quietly and nodded softly: "As long as these evil spirits don't get entangled with Yingyun again, all the husband's orders will be obeyed!"

Princess Qingli's eyes were as clear as water, without any impurities. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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