Bright Era

Chapter 909: offend? killed!

Lin Qi stood up on the steps of the entrance of the Master Tower, looking condescendingly at the church people coming closer and closer.

Du Wen is obviously old. On that day, he led people to encircle and hunt Lin Qi and his group. He was severely injured by the joint efforts of Cologne 18, Prince Columba, and Lianlian. He was finally forced to use the ultimate magical technique, dedicated most of his soul origin, and invited divine power to bless him. He wanted to annihilate Lin Qi and others, but finally fled.

The soul is damaged, which is almost irreversible damage. Du Wen was originally extremely strong, but now, he actually only has the strength of a Saint Intermediate! Moreover, Lin Qi could feel that his spirit and energy were constantly dissipating, his life aura was weakening every minute and every second, and there would be at most one hundred years before his life would come to an end naturally.

No wonder he was deprived of his position in New Dunelker and was rushed to Viashamn.

In this copper-smelly city, the influence of the church here is minimal. The people here worship the goddess of wealth, as well as several subordinate gods of the goddess of wealth, such as the **** of commerce and the **** of contracts. The gods of many temples in the church are not popular here. The church here is simply the temple of the goddess of wealth.

In Vias Port, the status of the dignified archbishop is not even as good as that of an ordinary businessman with a wealth of millions.

Seeing Du Wen's old, decayed, lifeless face, Lin Qi's mood suddenly became very good. Seeing Du Wen's bad life, every pore on Lin Qi's body was full of chills, so comfortable and comfortable, I don't know how to describe it.

After laughing a few times, Lin Qi waved his cigar and said loudly: "Archmage Escor, Archmage Farlan, are we going to leave? Don't clean up the odds and ends in the mage tower that are not very important. For example, magic For things like melting pots and magic cauldrons, I will purchase a batch of top-notch goodies for everyone, isn't it just a matter of spending some gold coins?"

Esko and Farlan's eyes suddenly lit up, and Lin Qi was willing to spend money to equip them with brand-new magic experiment equipment. This is a good thing! You should know that there are so many mages in the Mage Tower, and those exquisite magic experiment equipment are expensive, but not every mage can have a set of handy experiment equipment.

The two old masters immediately grabbed Lin Qi's hand. They didn't even look at Du Wen's team. As if chanting, they quickly reported to Lin Qi the names of a long list of experimental equipment.

Lin Qi couldn't help but see a cold sweat on his forehead. These two old guys really can climb along the pole. The equipment they reported is really not cheap—including one of 30,000 gold coins, using the purest snow mountain white. Two hundred measuring cups made of crystal!

Damn it, this kind of high-quality snow mountain white crystal measuring cup with high purity is only used when the top secret medicine masters refine the top secret medicine, in order to ensure the success rate of the medicine. . These two can really speak up, two hundred in one breath!

The production of this kind of measuring cup is all held in the hands of the Snow Mountain dwarves. This is a branch of the dwarves. They have a weird temper and are extremely difficult to talk. More than twenty!

But Lin Qi had already spoken in a big way, even if this condition was a bit excessive, Lin Qi still fully agreed to the requirements of the two old masters. A whole hundred sets of magic experiment equipment, all using the top goods on the mainland, from furnaces, crucibles to other odds and ends, the total value of these hundred sets of equipment exceeds 100 million gold coins!

Esko and Farlan smiled contentedly, they squeezed their eyes at each other, they really found a good master.

Lin Qi sighed heavily, took a few sips of the cigar in his mouth, and a lot of smoke burst out.

Du Wen's car had come to the gate of the mage tower, Du Wen's face was very gloomy. He greeted Esko and Fallan just now, but the two old mages ignored him-they didn't even look at Du Wen! All their attention was placed on Lin Qi, on this flashy middle-aged man who looked in his thirties and forties, with blond and blue eyes and a frivolous aura.

Due to the damage to his strength, Du Wen, whose status within the church was declining, was twitching violently. He felt that he was ignored, he was mercilessly despised, and his sensitive self-esteem was greatly hurt.

Du Wen stared at Lin Qi sullenly, and asked word by word: "Esco, Fallan, who is this gentleman of yours? Seeing how respectful you are to him, is it possible that he is you? ...Father?"

A vicious smile flashed across Du Wen's face, he narrowed his triangular eyes and smiled sadly. When he was engraved in New Duner, Du Wen was such a kind-hearted, hypocritical old man. Although hypocritical, his temperament was extremely good. But since his soul was damaged, his strength quickly weakened, and his position within the church plummeted, Du Wen had restored his nature.

Sinister, mean, vicious, and ruthless, this is Du Wen!

Esco and Farlan roared angrily. The fiery-tempered Farlan pulled out his own holy staff made of red dragon leg bones and fire phoenix feathers, and roared angrily. Said: "Du Wen, did your tongue just lick the toilet? Did you run out without brushing your teeth and embarrassing? Are you still the cardinal archbishop of the church?"

Du Wen slowly stood up from the open carriage, his face twitching violently, and his squinted triangular eyes stared at Farlan, exuding a cold and ruthless light like a poisonous snake: "Fallan , You must learn to respect a noble clergyman! You will bring disasters to you and your clerk, I swear, you will..."

Lin Qi dropped the cigar on the ground. He pointed to Du Wen and asked with a smile, "Who is this old mad dog? I'm sorry I used mad dog to describe him. Maybe I insulted the mad dog, but this kind of talk hurts as soon as I meet. Human choppy, my God, how could there be such a dregs among the clergy of the church? He must be a fake!"

Lin Qi shouted loudly: "Dare to pretend to be a priest of the church? The great goddess of wealth testifies, and I want to report your crimes to the verdict!"

With a ‘click’, the baffle of the carriage beside Du Wen was crushed by him. He gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qi, and after a long time he said cruelly: "What do you say I am? Little guy, what did you say I am? I swear, I will put you on the torture frame, I will definitely!"

Looking coldly at Du Wen, who was already a little out of control, Lin Qi shook his head repeatedly. He took out a thick stack of gold tickets and slapped his palms with the gold tickets. Lin Qi sneered, "Send me to the torture frame? I'll give you 10 million gold coins to buy your head! Old guy, in Via Si, ten million gold coins, how many times can you kill an old guy like you?"

Everyone closed their mouths, even Du Wen closed his mouth forcibly resisting his anger.

Vias Port City, an important stronghold of the Killing Hand Association, Assassin's Guild, and Thieves Guild, at least more than a thousand thugs who seek life in the dark world live here. They can kill an ordinary person ruthlessly for two or three gold coins; for twenty or thirty gold coins, they dare to rob a good girl in the street; give them two or three thousand gold coins, and they dare to attack a little nobleman; two Thirty thousand gold coins are enough for thousands of thugs to gather and wash a noble manor.

Ten million gold coins?

The elders of the Assassin's Guild, the Killer's Guild, and the Thieves' Guild could not help but personally take action and exchange Du Wen's head for this sky-high reward!

Even if Du Wen is the archbishop of the church, he is in front of the charm of money. . . The assassins and killers of Vias are very dedicated, they have professional ethics, as long as they are given enough money, they can even swing swords at the gods!

The pale-faced Du Wen took a few deep breaths. He pointed at Lin Qi fiercely, but never dared to argue with Lin Qi again.

In other countries on the mainland, no one dared to threaten the cardinal red-crowned archbishop of a church with 10 million gold coins, but in Vias. . . For hundreds of years, bishops and priests, big and small, who have died inexplicably, do not know where, Du Wen, who has lost most of his power and status within the church, dare to fight against ten million gold coins?

With a sullen face, Du Wen opened the door of the carriage, stepped out of the carriage, and walked toward the mage tower with his head down.

Among the thousand correction knights who escorted Du Wen to the mage tower, a correction knight at the top of the sky rushed out angrily. He sternly shouted: "Dare to blaspheme the gods and be disrespectful to the bishop. Raise your sword. , I want to fight you, let your blood wash away your sins!"

Lin Qi glanced at the disciplinary knight, and slowly selected a gold ticket with a denomination of 10,000 gold coins from the thick pile of gold tickets, and then threw it into the air: "Everyone said, Vias Port City is A magical place, I want to witness this magic with my own eyes!"

With a ‘swish’, the golden ticket with a denomination of ten thousand gold coins suddenly disappeared without a trace. A black shadow appeared behind the disciplinary knight at the peak of the day like a ghost, and then suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The action of the pinnacle disciplinary knight that day suddenly froze, and after three full breaths, a thin mist of blood spurted out of his neck. Then a burst of blood spurted, and the blood flew more than three feet high against the knight's head, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Du Wen raised his head fiercely and looked at Lin Qi, his triangular eyes flashed with spiteful anger.

Lin Qi yelled out of horror, horror, horror, and horror: "Great goddess of wealth, why did this happen? Who stole my golden ticket? Who killed this Honorable disciplinary knight? God, my goddess, what's going on?"

Esko and Farlan showed knowing smiles. This is Vias Port City, this is Vias Port City where the gold coin is supreme! A mere 10,000 gold coins, the life of a disciplinary knight at the pinnacle of heaven is just a mere 10,000 gold coins!

"I, remember you!" Du Wen muttered in a low voice.

Lin Qi just smiled and bowed deeply to Du Wen. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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