“Come on!”

As soon as the two words came out, Ye Ming immediately closed his mouth. Ba, stomped his foot sharply.

I saw Ye Ming’s double. The legs bulged, carrying terrifying power, but the moment they stepped on the ground, there was no sound at all.

At this moment, he seemed to be as light as a swallow, but with a surging power like an elephant, he was wrapped in huge strength.

Even others who were more than a hundred meters away could feel the huge sense of oppression coming from Ye Ming’s body.

Instantly came to He Zhijun about a meter in front of him, with a huge impact, Ye Ming punched out, directly approaching He Zhijun’s Yuehun Mouth.

There is no weird change in this punch, and there is no move contained in it, an ordinary punch, but it is dignified, opening and closing straight to the goal.

Grabbing the center line, this is a hard and hard fight, although Ye Ming’s shot is still with the shadow of the Baji Fist, but it is already very light.

If Ye Ming could not have any shadow of boxing on his body one day, then he would have already stepped on the threshold of the Great Grandmaster with one foot.

And this punch can almost be said to be silent, but when the fist reached He Zhijun, it broke out like a thunderous noise, as if the thunder of Wan Jun exploded in his ears.

The surrounding area is even more fierce, swept up the sand and stones everywhere, and the air flow is rushing like ten thousand horses.

The extremely fast punch had already exceeded the speed of sound, and the terrifying impact was like a cannonball straight to the façade.

The wind was raging around He Zhijun, and his cuffs and collar were hunting.

In the face of this extremely strong punch, He Zhijun did not retreat a step, his palm formed into a fist, and he collided with Ye Ming’s fist hard.


It seems to be two colliding shells, whether it is Ye Ming or He Zhijun, the two of them. The legs were shaken a little, and the strength was removed, so as not to get his own double. Stuck in the dirt.

After all, this is the wild, not indoors. On hard ground.

But even if the two are standing, it is Jian. Hard cement floors, if not evenly removed, is enough to crack the cement floor.

And around the two people standing, the dust was flying, a large amount of sand and stones splashed high, and even many weeds were shaken up from the dirt.

This is definitely beyond the limit of normal human collisions, if we say the limit of normal humans, it is a thousand pounds of Tyson.

At that moment, the fist power that the two of them burst out was dozens of times that of Tyson, which was a terrifying power of more than 10,000 catties.

The existence of the Great Grandmaster level can already be called non-human.

In the confrontation, the two people each took a step back, and they saw uncertainly that He Zhijun’s step back was a little bigger.

It’s just that considering Ye Ming, who made a move, his strength also carried the rush of the body, and He Zhijun just punched in place, and the two were evenly matched.

He Zhijun also had to admit. He had made a full move, but he only repelled Ye Ming one step, and the young man in front of him was really terrifying.

And Ye Ming also felt the powerful strength of the great grandmaster.

Even if he has an incomparably powerful golden bell jar, it can already be said that he is invulnerable, but in front of He Zhijun’s strength, he still feels the sting in his fist.

“I won’t lose.”

At this moment, Ye Ming was extremely confident, because at the moment when the fists of the two sides collided, Ye Ming collected two points of strength.

Grandmaster Henglian was already extremely terrifying, not to mention that Ye Ming had five times the foundation of normal human physical fitness.

Whether it is a great grandmaster or a horizontal refining grandmaster, or even a horizontal refining grandmaster, the body is the most fundamental.

Just like the characters in the game, physical fitness is the basic attribute, and martial arts cultivation is the attribute increase.

For example, the martial arts cultivation of the grandmaster is a basic attribute that can increase by up to ten times, that is, to increase the original basic attribute of the body.

Other levels of cultivation are the same.

Because the increase of the Great Grandmaster of Gang Jin is larger than that of the Grandmaster, it is naturally more powerful.

And ordinary grandmasters or grandmasters, their physical fitness has basically reached the limit of human beings, or there are a little more than a little, but not much.

Grandmaster Henglian is beyond the limit of his body many times, because he still has the increase in strength on his body, coupled with the increase in the cultivation of the grandmaster, the two are superimposed to be able to compete with the great grandmaster.

Coupled with the strong physical defense of the Henglian Grandmaster, it can resist the strength of the general grandmaster, which is also the capital of the Henglian Grandmaster to resist the Great Grandmaster.

Ye Ming’s five-fold basic physical fitness, there is an increase in the horizontal refining grandmaster, and the increase in the grandmaster, the foundation is originally high, and the strength after the increase is naturally far beyond that of ordinary martial artists of the same level.

You know, the ultimate attack power of the grandmaster is ten thousand jin.

Even if it is a Henglian Grandmaster, the maximum attack power that can be exerted is about 30,000 jin.

More than ten thousand jin, that is already the level of a great grandmaster.

But the collision between the two just now almost reached the strength of 80,000 jin.

This is already almost a collision between invincible grandmasters.

Although He Zhijun was shocked by Ye Ming’s powerful power, he was a great grandmaster, and when he took a step back, his body was like a bow opening a full moon, and his fist was like an arrow off the string straight to Ye Ming’s façade.

At this moment, the sleeves of the camouflage combat uniform on He Zhijun’s arms were directly torn by his bulging arms, or it was more accurate to be torn by the strength on his arms.

And Ye Ming’s speed was not slow, and his fist swung sideways to the left. Twisting his body and splitting his wrist, he slashed at He Zhijun’s wrist without a single centimeter.

When the fist was still two inches away from Ye Ming’s face door, it was slashed to the side.

After a cross-cutting style, Ye Ming’s front steps were naturally vigorous.

The hind legs pedaled hard, the whole body violently advanced half a step, the shoulders protruded, and hit He Zhijun fiercely, but he actually hit with his body!

The iron mountain lean in the Bajiquan can only see a similar shadow on Ye Ming’s body, but it is even more terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Ming almost brought out all the characteristics of simplicity and fierceness, short and dangerous, sharp rise and hard fall, hard opening and hard fighting, and fierce abnormality.

At this moment, Ye Ming’s body was as mighty as a giant bear, full of impact, as if even if it was a tank in front of him, it would be knocked away.

In fact, it is similar, this time Ye Ming shot with all his might, and the power was not inferior to the impact of fifty tons, even if a main battle tank was placed in front of him, it would be overturned.

Truly like a humanoid tank. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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