Fan Tianlei really had some impatience.

Just like the original plot, Master Kong shouted out the words of who regrets and who is grandson.

Then Fan Tianlei took Ye Ming and Li Erniu with him. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing left the Iron Fist Regiment.

And Ye Ming, who has always paid attention to this matter, also saw Master Kang, although he was very reluctant to accept Ye Ming’s soldiers, but also silently sent his blessings.

Master Kong himself knew very well that the Iron Fist Regiment could not retain these few good soldiers who had been paid attention to by the theater headquarters.

Fan Tianlei came over, and he just happened to borrow the slope to get off the donkey.

When leaving the Iron Fist Regiment, the four people gave a military salute under the iron fist of the Iron Fist Regiment, and then got into the car and left with their rucksacks.

In the seven-seater off-road vehicle, Fan Tianlei, who was sitting on the co-pilot, asked the four people behind him when he left the Iron Fist Regiment station: “Do you bring civilian clothes?” ”

The four people all shook their heads, and Ye Ming also said that he didn’t bring anything.

“Is there any money with you?”

This time the three people shook their heads, and Ye Ming nodded.

Ye Ming had already prepared millions of cash in his personal space, and there were more than ten million deposits in his card.

Fan Tianlei was not surprised that Ye Ming was rich, but said: “Then let’s go shopping for clothes first.” ”

The three He Chenguang, who already knew that they were going to join the special forces, plus Ye Ming, were all at the mercy of Fan Tianlei.

After arriving at the mall and buying some clothes and shoes, Fan Tianlei sent He Chenguang and the three of them to the commander, gave each of them a ticket, and told them the rules, Fan Tianlei took Ye Ming out of the bus station.

The off-road vehicle left the bus station, and Fan Tianlei on the car said to Ye Ming: “You just heard that if you want to pass the first level of the assessment, you must go to the assembly point in Donghai City within forty-eight hours, and the city where the three of them go is two hundred kilometers away from Donghai City.”

But we know that two hundred kilometers for you is as simple as eating and drinking, so your assessment difficulty will be higher, are you willing to accept the challenge? ”

Ye Ming, who was familiar with the plot, knew very well that this was a joint exercise between the wolf tooth special combat brigade and the local security forces, which was an assessment of the spear and an assessment of defense.

Hearing Fan Tianlei’s answer, Ye Ming also knew that the other party was definitely going to toss himself, and he also felt that the test in the original plot was too simple.

“I can take on any challenge.” Ye Ming said calmly.

“Well, I like your temper. Ray smiled happily.

Then the car was quiet, and after about half an hour, it stopped outside the station.

Fan Tianlei in the co-pilot took out a ticket purchased with Ye Ming’s information, handed it to Ye Ming, and said: “This is your destination, after getting off the train, someone will connect with you, and you will know the content of your task.” ”

After taking the ticket, Ye Ming simply looked at the time, and it was less than five minutes before the train check.

Looking at Ye Ming who got off the train and walked towards the moving station, Fan Tianlei smiled slightly.

After the security check, Ye Ming, who entered the train station, also queued up to check the ticket.

The destination of the bullet ticket is to another big city thousands of kilometers away.

And if Ye Ming wants to participate in this test, he must arrive in that city and then find the connector to know his mission.

Ye Ming, who successfully passed the ticket inspection, soon boarded the train to thousands of kilometers away.

As the train slowly left the station, Ye Ming specially used the system map to check all the conditions on the train.

Sure enough, Ye Ming found that not far from him, there was an “acquaintance”

Ye Ming didn’t know what this acquaintance was called, but he had seen it on the map during the exercise, and although the two had never met each other, he could be sure that this person must be someone from the Wolf Tooth Special Combat Brigade.

Ye Ming remained silent, and he took out a mobile phone that had been prepared long ago from his personal space.

The mobile phone was originally bought by Ye Ming in his personal space for backup, and since he had the super god hacking technology, Ye Ming also prepared a large number of self-written programs in this mobile phone.

Taking out his mobile phone, Ye Ming avoided the monitoring system in the carriage, put on a hood, and pretended to be sleeping.

Ye Ming, on the other hand, took advantage of the fact that there was no one in the seat next to him, took out his mobile phone, and began to edit.

After connecting to the network, Ye Ming quickly locked the civil affairs server.

Although these servers in this era of network technology, the firewall can be said to be almost invulnerable, but in front of Ye Ming, it is really full of loopholes.

He silently hacked into the citizen information server, bypassed the administrative authority, set himself the identity of the highest administrator, further controlled the citizen information server, and then began to add a brand new citizen information.

This is a man named Wang Xiaodong, thirty years old, a freelance writer who likes to travel and create.

All of Wang Xiaodong’s information, from small to large, was quickly perfected under Ye Ming’s fingertips.

Even the bank card information, he added perfectly, and finally Ye Ming took a selfie of himself, and then began to modify himself on the picture, making himself mature, and at the same time becoming a little different from himself.

Finally, after entering all his information, Ye Ming completely cleared any records left by his operation, and then quietly slipped away through the back door of the server firewall.

Ye Ming took a look at Wang Xiaodong’s appearance, and after determining what he needed to disguise, he immediately contacted the backpackers in the city he was going to and bought all kinds of things he needed according to his requirements.

Backpacker is a convenient courier service in the city, backpackers on bicycles, shuttling around the city, providing a variety of services to those who need services.

Sending things is just the basics, and you can also help customers buy a variety of unpopular goods that are not sold in online stores according to their needs.

Ye Ming specially spent three hundred yuan to package a backpacker, asking him to buy what he needed according to the order he placed, and even specified what store to go to buy what things, he marked it clearly.

And the person who bought something, naturally Ye Ming first hit the backpacker’s APP, and the backpacker could directly use Ye Ming’s money to check out.

PS: Ten more, ask for flowers and evaluation votes!

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