The contents of the secret computer in this abandoned factory are basically military secrets.

It not only includes a lot of exercise data content, but also station information in the Southeast Theater, the performance of the troops, and even the character thinking and command habits of decision makers.

This is not a work that starts in one or two days, and from the dates shown in the log file above, this has been going on for several years.

Thinking that he had taken He Chenguang and the three of them before and killed those four little devil ninjas, Ye Ming was basically sure that they were the same group.

Looking at the above information copy, Ye Ming found that the other party seemed to be very confident that all the data was placed in the computer’s encrypted hard disk and had not been transferred.

Ye Ming quickly wrote a virus program to lurk in the core of this secret computer.

As long as someone wants to copy this information, or send this information through the network, the virus will be activated immediately, although it will not completely remove the information content, but it will also make the content completely garbled.

After getting the computer in this abandoned factory, Ye Ming took action.

It was already early in the morning, he walked out of the hotel, called a taxi, and started heading towards the edge of the abandoned factory.

The system map quickly searched all inside and outside the abandoned factory, and Ye Ming seriously found that this was obviously the other party’s lair, and there were twenty or thirty red dots alone.

And in the abandoned factory, sniper positions were also set up to monitor the entrances and exits of all factories.

Thoroughly searching inside and outside the factory, Ye Ming also found that inside the factory, there was also an excavated tunnel that led to the original underground city defense tunnel, which extended in all directions.

You must know that there is such a sentence, if you add up all the city defense tunnels under the East China Sea, you can circle the earth twice.

It can be seen how many urban defense tunnels there are below, and a large number of urban defense tunnels have actually been closed and blocked.

However, some of them have been opened, and many are old city defense structures that do not even have drawings on the Donghai City side.

Although many of the tunnels are blocked, in fact, for a group of criminals, it is simply easy to open the blocked city defense tunnel.

And the city defense tunnel below is simply a super maze, and ordinary people will even be trapped alive in it when they walk in.

This tunnel is not only a retreat for these people in the factory, but may even be a channel for them to communicate with the outside world.

Because many tunnels are connected together, you can go directly out of the city.

There are even tunnels that are most likely connected by subway lines, and the other party enters and exits, which is simply unknowing.

Moreover, the other party is well-armed, and the surrounding secret supervisors are very sophisticated.

The darts found on these people were often used by Ichisai, and Ye Ming could further determine that these guys were all made up of ninjas of little devils.

Even if it is not a ninja nest, it is a very important stronghold.

However, Ye Ming did not startle the snake, he chose to go directly to the hotel, and after retiring the room, he went straight to the warehouse where Fan Tianlei and others were hiding.

No one was found here, and apparently, the other side did not have the audacity to monitor the headquarters of a special forces.

Even if the other party has passed through the network, you can basically lock the location of this warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, Fan Tianlei and others were watching the picture of rookies being arrested or escaped.

However, Fan Tianlei was obviously not paying attention to these rookies, he cared about what was going on on Ye Ming’s side.

Chen Shanming was restrained, and then Ye Ming disappeared silently, and the security forces of the entire city over there moved, using big data to compare and search, but they never saw even Ye Ming’s shadow.

“Where the hell did that guy run?” Fan Tianlei tried his best to find Ye Ming, scratching his head depressedly.

“Chief of Staff, are you looking for me?”

Ye Ming, who entered the warehouse, just heard Fan Tianlei’s muttering, and he spoke.

Everyone in the headquarters looked at Ye Ming, all with shocked faces.

The official test of Ye Ming began, and less than six hours before and after, people traveled thousands of kilometers and appeared in front of their eyes.

And even when the other party is completely unaware of the location of this meeting point.

I saw Ye Ming take out a pistol and magazine from his pocket, as well as 10,000 cash, and a large number of passports, put them in front of Fan Tianlei, and said: “Chief of Staff, Ye Ming officially reports to you.” ”

Fan Tianlei looked at Ye Ming in shock and asked, “How did you come over?” ”

“Makeup behind enemy lines, it’s as simple as that.” Ye Ming said.

“I want to listen to people.” Fan Tianlei said speechlessly.

Ye Ming didn’t hide anything, put the temporary identity certificate in his pocket and the ticket in Fan Tianlei’s hand, and said, “That’s how I came.” ”

Seeing these two things in Ye Ming’s hand, Fan Tianlei was completely speechless, which was also too showy.

There’s being rounded up all over the city, all kinds of big data searches, but you swaggered out on a plane, this…

Fan Tianlei, who was completely speechless, looked at the temporary identity certificate issued by the slave station in his hand, and he said with some curiosity: “What’s going on here?” ”

A fake ID card, let alone by plane, even if it is taken by other means of transportation, is absolutely impossible.

Looking at the headless photo on the temporary identity certificate, Fan Tianlei can be sure that this is the person who Ye Ming made up, but such a false identity can actually issue a temporary identity certificate, and even take a plane.

Then there is only one reason, this identity is true.

In other words, this is a legal identity that can be queried in the citizen information database of the Yan country.

Ye Ming did not hide himself, because this kind of thing, if Fan Tianlei’s side wanted to investigate, he would soon be able to investigate clearly.

He can get an identity and join the Yanguo citizen information database, but there is no way to make everyone else in the address on the ID card know him.

Such so-called legitimate information is completely undetectable.

Moreover, such a military exercise must write a detailed report afterwards, of course, Ye Ming has no intention of concealing it, and directly explained in detail how he came over and how he found this place.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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