“If those people inside are ninjas, then they need the assistance of the high detachment.”

Speaking of this, President Wen also said to Fan Tianlei: “Tianlei, are there any personnel on your side who can be transferred immediately?” ”

Fan Tianlei nodded and said, “I will arrange it as soon as possible.” ”

The next task is much simpler, first of all, to further determine the personnel inside.

At this point, although they have a lot of information provided by Ye Ming, because Ye Ming avoids being too against the sky, he only said part of the information.

So if you want to get more detailed information inside, you need to investigate in more detail.

With the help of the surveillance information that the other party is stealing, a targeted investigation plan is formulated.

By one person, pretending to be pursued, and then panicking over the wall to enter the abandoned chemical plant, one is to take the opportunity to investigate the situation inside, and also let the troops have a reason to surround the abandoned chemical plant openly.

The plan was proposed by Ye Ming, and he also volunteered as the one being hunted.

Both President Wen and the high team looked at Fan Tianlei, and Fan Tianlei simply nodded to Ye Ming’s proposal.

For a person like Ye Ming, who can fight a draw with a great grandmaster like He Zhijun who exclaims invincibility, even if there are shadow-level ninjas who have little devils corresponding to grandmasters, it is not enough to look at.

And the little devil can’t send such a thing as a super shadow-level ninja to the Yanguo, after all, if it is discovered, the little devil is reluctant to have a super shadow-level ninja killed for stealing information.

Therefore, for Ye Ming, Fan Tianlei was also very relieved.

Ye Ming, who has the combat power of a great grandmaster, is there, and when necessary, even Ye Ming alone can easily eliminate the ninjas inside.

However, this is the home of President Wen and the Gao team, and Fan Tianlei has no intention of taking the lead.

And a master like Ye Ming naturally has to make use of it as much as possible.

Soon, once the action plan was developed, it was immediately started.

At the same time, inside the abandoned chemical plant, a group of heavily armed ninjas all stared at the monitor in front of them.

They are very concerned about this joint military-civilian exercise, which is a rare large-scale exercise in recent years.

The large number of surveillance footage intercepted from the security forces can give them a quick understanding of the reserve special forces selected by the Wolf Tooth Special Combat Brigade of the Southeast Theater, and at the same time, they can thoroughly understand the defense speed and linkage speed of the local security forces.

“The reaction speed of the Yanguo security forces is amazing, faster than the security forces of any country in the world.”

“When the alarm sounds, the security forces can be dispatched on a large scale within a minute, attacking and blocking and arresting in four ways, and there are many masters, many of whom have ninja-level cultivation.”

“If we find out, it won’t take two minutes to be surrounded here.”

“We’ve been lurking here for years, and if he had shown us, we would have been all broken.”

“Be careful, I’m worried that this habit may affect us.”


More than a dozen ninjas spoke back and forth, and at this time, a pitch-black figure appeared behind them, coughed lightly, and all the ninjas present bowed to him and said, “See you, adult.” ”

“Our previous operation failed, and the loss of four elite shinobi on the side of the second stronghold is very unfavorable for our next operation, so…”

Without waiting for the adult in the crowd to speak, a slightly panicked figure was secretly installed on the monitor around the abandoned chemical plant, and he was coming directly towards the abandoned chemical plant.

This man did not pass through the gate, but saw him quickly arrive at the edge of the chemical plant, and then gently turned over and entered the abandoned chemical plant.

And behind this person, a large number of security forces surrounded him.

This made the ninjas inside change color one after another.

“Don’t panic, this is the other party’s exercise, notify everyone outside, and evacuate to this safe house.”

This thing is too coincidental.

Although these people were a little skeptical, they quickly did not pay attention to it.

They’ve been here for so many years, and it wouldn’t be so sudden to be exposed.

This is just a coincidence, after all, in the past few years, there have been fugitives who really hid here, and finally came and arrested by the security forces.

Therefore, these ninjas were also quite calm, quickly returned to the safe house and closed the hidden cement wall door of the safe house.

This is a secret compartment inside a factory, and it is not yet on the design map of an abandoned chemical plant, plus the security guards outside, so they are here and never exposed.

And this safe house is also connected to the city defense tunnel below, and if something is wrong, they can directly evacuate.

Ye Ming, who entered the factory, found out through the map for the first time that the little devil ninjas inside had all gathered in that very secret room.

In the abandoned chemical plant, all kinds of invisible pinhole cameras also appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes.

Ye Ming knew very well that all the ninjas in the abandoned factory were staring at him now, but he didn’t care at all, as if he was a fugitive in a panic, looking for a place to hide in the factory.

Stumbling along the way, Ye Ming soon approached the safe house where the ninja was hiding, and there was a wall from the safe house.

Even, Ye Ming found a corner that avoided all sight as much as possible.

After all, he is an elite who receives the assessment of the special combat brigade, so he also shows superb concealment ability.

And the ninja safe house side is indeed able to hide itself well, and also hides in the dead corner of the monitor around the safe house.

The ninja in the safe house, silently looking at the guy who was hiding outside, only a wall away from him, said in his heart, this person can hide himself.

At this time, a large number of security forces, with the cooperation of mandatory security guards, had entered the abandoned chemical plant and began a comprehensive search.

The originally calm chemical plant was immediately broken by everyone.

Under the illumination of a large number of lights, most of the area in the chemical plant is as bright as day, and several drones are cooperating with the security forces to search and advance.

At the same time, the abandoned chemical plant was surrounded by security forces on the front and back sides. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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