“I fully recognize your strength, and the special operations literacy you have shown is almost impeccable, but I still hope that you can strengthen your studies and replenish your inferiority.”

In the past, you fought alone, and in the future you will have to bring up a squad, and I hope you can bring out the fourth ace unit of our special operations brigade. ”

When He Zhijun said this, he paused before asking, “Do you have any personal requirements?” ”

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: “Wolf head, I only have one request, I hope you can allow me to set up an independent medical research laboratory, you know, I have a lot of research projects over there, so…”

Before Ye Ming finished speaking, He Zhijun said with a smile: “Ye Ming, do you know? Even if you don’t say it, we won’t waste your talent, any of your research, I can assure you that the entire special operations brigade will fully support you, ask for funds for funds, for people, for venues, for equipment. ”

The war zone knew all kinds of information about Ye Ming very well, and before Ye Ming was a soldier, before he was a young grandmaster with great grandmaster’s combat effectiveness, they did not forget that Ye Ming was still a top scholar.

Ye Ming is at the National University of Defense Technology, and he has his own scientific research projects.

And Ye Ming also assisted in completing many key scientific research projects, and even the National University of Defense Technology was helping Ye Ming apply for the title of vice academician.

If it weren’t for Ye Ming’s single soldier, the Science and Technology Institute would all plan to recruit Ye Ming.

Even after learning that Ye Ming was a big soldier, the Science and Technology Institute called someone in the war zone.

Regarding Ye Ming’s possible request to build a scientific research laboratory, the theater side has already issued official documents, and the wolf tooth special operations base side must unconditionally support.

Ye Ming, who could be called by the Yan Kingdom Supreme Science and Technology Institute to ask for it, definitely had a certain ability, so Ye Ming’s skills could not be wasted.

That’s why He Zhijun is so crisp.

“Do you have any other requirements besides this condition?” He Zhijun asked again.

“Wolf head, my conditions are not cheap, if you build a laboratory according to my requirements, it will require at least tens of millions of equipment, which are the world’s top equipment, you must be prepared.” Ye Ming said solemnly.

“Don’t worry, make a list of what you need, and I promise a week to show you a lab you need.” He Zhijun said vigorously.

“Wolf head, then I will not be polite.” When Ye Ming heard this, he didn’t have anything to say, and immediately listed the equipment he needed.

Pulp washing solution, the sooner this thing comes out, the better, but although it is produced by the system, if it is not the use of system medicinal materials, the prepared pulp washing solution still needs many trials and tests to achieve the best possible effect, so it needs to be tested again and again.

Subsequently, under the arrangement of He Zhijun, Ye Mingxianlei’s selection training ground.

These rookies have just undergone a baptism of welcome ceremony, and they are currently soaking in the fine pool.

When Ye Ming came in, he happened to see them wailing in the alcohol pool one by one.

These rookies, wearing a lot of leather mountain roads during the day, the soles of their feet were frayed, and they also walked barefoot on gravel roads, and a lot of blood was shed under their feet.

Thrown in the alcohol pool, alcohol has a strong irritation to people’s skin, plus the wounds on the feet, it is strange that they do not scream.

Even Ye Ming himself may not be able to stand it, so let himself not call out.

But that’s also when it’s going to wear out like that’s under his feet.

And those welcome programs prepared by Fan Tianlei really did not have any pressure on him.

But Ye Ming, who had already seen all the training outlines, really didn’t feel any pressure.

Looking at Ye Ming standing on the edge of the alcohol pool, He Chenguang and the three people were also a little envious in the midst of wailing, the difference between this person and people is so big.

They are all the same recruits, and everyone is already a captain.

The same selection, he is still being tested, and people have already skipped the selection and joined the special operations brigade.

And now, I am soaking in the pool, but people are leisurely watching from above.

Ye Ming looked at it for a moment, gave He Chenguang and the three people a cheering look, and left.

He needs to go to Fan Tianlei, the laboratory will take a week, and he will have to do it himself earlier this week.

When he found Fan Tianlei, Fan Tianlei was also having a headache about arranging Ye Ming.

According to Fan Tianlei’s meaning, Ye Ming simply went to be an instructor, at least in terms of sniper tactics, Ye Ming’s ability, no one in the entire special combat brigade can compare.

But the hellish first month of training, there was no sniper tactics course at all.

Because this month’s training is a comprehensive physical squeeze for rookies, eliminating those who are not firm in willpower.

After a month, various tactical training and study will be carried out to learn more advanced special operations skills.

Seeing Ye Ming coming over, Fan Tianlei simply threw this difficult problem to Ye Ming and asked, “Do you have any ideas for yourself next?” ”

In fact, Ye Ming also wants to personally train these rookies, after all, He Chenguang and those people may be members of his team in the future.

However, he only has one week now, not to mention that the training syllabus formulated by Fan Tianlei is also very good, even if Ye Ming wants to strengthen training, he can wait until the commando team is established.

At that time, cooperate with the use of pulp washing solution to comprehensively improve the strength of He Chenguang and others.

“I don’t have any ideas, follow orders.” Ye Ming said.

“In that case, you join the instructor team and help us train this group of rookies.” Fan Tianlei said.

Ye Ming nodded and officially joined the instructor’s team.

After all, the personnel trained by this group of rookies will also be his subordinates in the future, and it is very good to familiarize yourself with them first.

However, Ye Ming obviously thought a little wrong, although he joined the team of instructors, it was completely different from what he imagined.

When all the rookies came out of the alcohol pool, they were pulled to the training ground and assembled.

Fan Tianlei took Ye Ming and the others to the front of this rookie team, and said in the first sentence: “This Captain Ye Ming is a recruit who only joined the army this year, and he was originally a rookie who was trained with you. ”

As soon as this sentence came out, all the rookies were in an uproar.

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