Watch all the rookies get shot out.

Having seen Ye Ming’s violent side of full combat power, he was able to make a great grandmaster like He Zhijun fly out continuously, like a human tank.

And today, Fan Tianlei saw Ye Ming’s round and wishful thinking, and the power was not triggered by the subtle level of power control.

Not only the rookies are curious, but in fact, Fan Tianlei and Chen Shanming and others are also very curious.

At what age did this Ye Ming become a grandmaster?

Therefore, this matter was not recorded in Ye Ming’s information, and no one really asked Ye Ming.

Because for many people, at the age of eighteen, Ye Ming had already shown his grandmaster-level cultivation, and no matter how old he broke through to the grandmaster, he was destined to be a super genius for a hundred years.

All the rookies who were beaten out were a little confused, but they also reacted quickly, if it weren’t for the mercy of their subordinates, they would have been cold already.

Song Kaifei couldn’t help but ask, “Sir, how old did you become a grandmaster?” ”

“I became a grandmaster at the age of fifteen.” Ye Ming said lightly.

As if stuck, Ye Ming felt the heartbreaking voice of the rookies in front of him, as well as Chen Shanming and others beside him.

Fifteen-year-old grandmaster, Ye Ming did not deceive them, this is what he knew when he traveled over and obtained memories, his body was indeed a grandmaster in the year he became the champion of the college entrance examination.

Of course, this may also be because Ye Ming had originally received the cultivation relationship of the Eight Extremes Grandmaster, in short, his body, that is, occasionally learning martial arts, his cultivation is rising.

Fan Tianlei put away the shock on his face, the fifteen-year-old grandmaster, I am afraid that no one has come after.

He walked up to this group of rookies and asked loudly: “Rookie Gate, are you convinced, let alone you, even us people, there is not a single one who is not convinced.” ”


There is nothing to say, Song Kaifei shouted the loudest, fifteen-year-old grandmaster, no matter where it is, it is a terrifying existence.

Not to mention fifteen years old, even if it is a fifty-year-old grandmaster, it is already very remarkable.

“So don’t be all bullish, what do you have to do, in this world, there are a lot of people of the same age and stronger than you.”

Hearing Fan Tianlei’s words, all the rookies present quickly stood up, and although their feet were still painful, no one dared to shout tired now.


Looking at the upright rookies, Fan said a word, and then turned to Chen Shanming and said: “Next, the rookies are handed over to you, I don’t want to see them comfortable for a minute, if there is, I will make you uncomfortable for a month.” ”

“Guaranteed to get the job done.” Chen Shan stood upright, came to the rookie’s, and ordered loudly: “Listen to my orders, the distance between the left and right arms, the distance between the front and rear arms, all.” ”

Ordering Chen Shanming to take over the training, Fan Tianlei took Ye Ming and walked towards the tent on the side.

“Are there any of these rookies who are satisfied?” Fan Tianlei asked Ye Ming.

“He Chenguang and the three of them, as well as that Song Kaifei and Xu Tianlong, train well, they are materials that can be created, and as for the others, they all need to be tested.”

Ye Ming thought about it and said, not that others are inferior, but in terms of will, as well as Fan Tianlei’s tests of these people again and again in the plot, only these five people passed in the end.

Therefore, although other people’s potential is also good, but their thoughts and consciousness have not kept up, it is all in vain.

And now that the training has just begun, Fan Tianlei doesn’t know how many can stay, so he can’t say well to the five people Ye Ming said now.

Although he also saw He Chenguang and these three people, no one knew whether these three people could stay in the end.

And the next training can be called hellish.

Ye Ming had also done similar training in Liangjian, but at that time there was a training card, which could allow soldiers to grow up quickly.

Now, there is no training card, so everything requires the talent and effort of these rookies themselves.

And only those who passed the final test, Ye Ming could also use the pulp washing solution to cultivate them.

After all, to cultivate a grandmaster-level master, it would take thousands of points.

Ye Ming now only has more than 30,000 points, and cultivating five grandmasters is basically the same.

Returning to his independent tent where he rested, Ye Ming also collapsed on the bed, he has not slept since yesterday when he was tested.

However, before going to bed, Ye Ming also completed the check-in task he had just completed.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the task check-in and getting the reward – Perfect Transfiguration.”

“Open a new task to sign in, ask the host to catch or kill the scorpion that came to rob the law field alive, and complete the check-in.”

Perfect transfiguration, the ability to perfectly transfigurate or even disguise as another person.

The disguise of the transfiguration performed by the perfect transfiguration will not be recognized, and the most perfect effect can be achieved by using various transfiguration materials sold in the system mall.

Even as long as Ye Ming does not remove his disguise, whether it is a sea of sword mountains and fire, or extreme deep diving, in the face of violent storms, the disguise will not fall off or be exposed.

The Perfect Transfiguration Technique also includes a set of martial arts similar to bone reduction skills, which only grandmasters can master.

Unlike the Grandmaster or Grand Master who exerts his power to change the size of the body, this is a set of martial arts that can perfectly control the blood, muscles, and bones of the body after use, and can change your body shape and height within the allowable range.

You can even directly make your own figure into a woman’s figure.

And this change, even if it is X-ray, will not find any abnormalities, as if it has grown naturally.

And Ye Ming can also freely change his voice, as well as Adam’s apple.

In addition, the Henglian Grandmaster can also control the hair of his body.

After fully understanding all the abilities of the perfect transfiguration technique, and then went to the system mall to take a look at the various transfiguration equipment on sale, Ye Ming found that the transfiguration technique of the system is really too powerful.

“Hello sir.” Ye Ming controlled this own voice and made a very pleasant and beautiful female voice, which made Ye Ming’s eyes suddenly brighten, and experimented with various sounds, from little loli to royal sister, the voice of the old man and the old lady, all of which can be perfectly mastered.

And the change of the body, he can also complete it easily, gently moved, is a big beautiful figure with a bulge in front and upturned back.

PS: As always, ten more, never stopped, code words are not easy, ask for flowers and evaluation votes, thank you! _

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