Ye Ming had previously performed more than 3,000 meters to hit the mountain when the Iron Fist Regiment had just joined the Fourth Company of Sharpshooters.

But from that time to now, Gong Jian and the others have never seen Ye Ming hit the limit again.

And Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei and Wang Yanbing have only heard of it.

Therefore, hearing the words of the two commanders, the members of the red blood cell squad present were also very curious.

“Two commanders, what do you want to see?” Ye Ming asked.

“Sniper level.” Gao Shiwei and Tan Jing’an looked at each other and said.

“Okay, but also ask the two commanders to wait for a while, the target in the shooting range is a little close.” Ye Ming said.

Because the red blood cells have the presence of Ye Ming, which belongs to a highly confidential squad, this Gao Shiwei and the others did not bring too many people, just two people plus a few guards.

Ye Ming began to arrange targets, and Gao Shiwei and the others just waited quietly on the sidelines.

Ten minutes later, in the sky far away, a helicopter slowly flew from one side of the end of the range to the other.

“Two commanders, please see.”

Hearing Ye Ming’s words, Tan Jing’an and Gao Shiwei all picked up the telescope, and the members of the red blood cell team behind also picked up the telescope.

Following Ye Ming’s fingers, they all saw two dummies under the helicopter in the distance, even hanging in the air.

These two dummies, one is an obvious bandit attire, the other is a civilian attire.

It was obvious that the bandits were holding hostage targets, and it was also a helicopter highly mobile target.

When they all looked at the target, Ye Ming had already picked up the Type 10 sniper rifle that had already been prepared.

Ye Ming did not use the Barrett sniper rifle given by the system, he chose a very ordinary Type 10 sniper rifle.

Standing position with butt against shoulder.

Ye Ming began to aim.

“It’s four thousand meters!”

“Is the captain preparing to supergod?”

“How can this be hit?”

Seeing Ye Ming aiming like this, Song Kaifei exclaimed repeatedly.

Gao Shiwei and Tan Jing’an on the side were also a little uneasy, and the distance of the helicopter aimed at in the distance was clearly marked in the telescope between the two of them, which was indeed more than four thousand meters.

Plus the altitude movement of the helicopter, and the target that is swinging because of the air current.

Can Ye Ming really hit?

Just when everyone was a little incredulous, they heard a huge gunshot, aimed at Ye Ming, who had been aiming for less than three seconds, and shot.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes in the telescope were all focused on the high-speed moving target under the helicopter.

The bullet that flew for several seconds, in their shocking eyes, accurately hit the hanging target under the helicopter, and directly hit the center of the robber’s eyebrows, directly knocking the robber’s head in half.

Because the robber’s head is half exposed.

“What is the helicopter speed?” Gao Shiwei, who was very incredulous, asked loudly.

“Report to the commander, helicopter speed three hundred and nine.” A staff member of the shooting range reported on the side.

At this time, Gao Shiwei and Tan Jing’an put down the telescope in their hands in shock and looked at Ye Ming, who had already put down his sniper rifle on the side.

“This is the God of Guns, the real God of Guns.” Gao Shiwei didn’t know how to describe his mood at the moment.

The effective range of the Type 10 anti-materiel sniper rifle is only 1,500 meters, a distance of 4,000 meters, and the bullet must have a projectile arc to be able to hit that far.

Therefore, when Ye Ming shot, everyone saw Ye Ming’s muzzle shooting at an angle of almost forty-five degrees.

The bullet crossed a high arc in the sky, and then hit the target with precision.

In their words, Ye Ming is more powerful than the fire control computer.

And the red blood cell team that saw Ye Ming for the first time and was so super-divinely operated, they were speechless for a long time.

Four thousand meters, hitting a high-speed moving hostage target, what kind of fairy operation is this?

He Chenguang suddenly felt that the sniper level he was proud of, in front of Ye Ming, was simply the level of a primary school student.

In fact, even Ye Ming, who has a super god-level sniper level, has only one feeling at the moment, that is, luck is really good.

This shot just now, even if it was fired by Ye Ming, luck accounted for at least half.

But even if it’s a fifty percent probability, that’s pretty scary.

If Ye Ming’s shot is announced to the public, it will definitely shock the whole world.

“This shot, as far as I know, no one in the world can shoot, even if you give the best sniper in the world ten shots, it is almost impossible to hit.” Gao Shiwei was shocked, but also couldn’t help but sigh.

Tan Jing’an looked at the swaying canopy of the trees in the distance, nodded with deep understanding, and said: “All the snipers in my Yan Country combined are not as valuable as this shot. ”

Four thousand meters to take out a target with a speed of 300 kilometers per hour is simply an inhuman existence.

This completely means that as long as Ye Ming is willing, then there will be no one in the world that he cannot kill, and even if he is closely protected, it is impossible to absolutely control the range of four thousand meters.

Of course, this goal does not include God of War level masters.

After really seeing Ye Ming’s terrible marksmanship, Gao Shiwei and Tan Jing’an did not leave immediately.

This time, the two went down to various units, and they also needed to go to other units for review.

It’s just that they put the first stop on the side of the red blood cell squad.

Whether it was the performance of the red blood cell squad or Ye Ming’s marksmanship, the two were extremely satisfied.

However, for the two of them, although Ye Ming’s personal ability is precious, it is the most valuable place to be able to train the red blood cell squad to the point where it is now.

Taking Ye Ming aside, Gao Shiwei said: “The military game produced by the virtual reality technology you handed over has already been structured on a large scale of game content, and we have tested it, which is definitely a cross-era invention.” ”

“You may not know that this game has begun to be tested and used in the Supreme Staff, and the Strategic Command College of the National Defense University has also used this virtual reality game, and I am also representing the Yanguo military today, to ask, in addition to the money and honor you deserve, what kind of reward do you hope to get?”

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