155 mm field light howitzer, light two words, but not to say, the shell is relatively light.

The lethality is exactly the same as the shells of the more modern 155-mm howitzer.

Compared with the artillery of the same caliber equipped by various countries in this era, because of the upgrading of modern explosive compression technology from generation to generation, the radius of damage of shells of the same caliber is more than doubled.

As for the word light, it refers to the weight of the full combat weight of artillery.

The 155mm field light howitzer produced by the system has a full combat weight, only a staggering 2.5 tons.

You must know that this weight is a ton lighter and faster than a hundred caliber guns of the little devil.

And the little devil’s 150-mm howitzer generally weighs about seven tons, and even the latest 150-mm howitzer weighs more than seven tons in combat.

This makes the little devil’s heavy artillery difficult to use in most parts of China.

Huaxia is not Europe, there is not such a sound road network, let alone highways, so the little devils prefer to use light mountain artillery and infantry artillery.

The 155 mm light howitzer, although it is equipped with twelve trucks for towing as standard, can actually be towed by pack horses to move in the middle of the mountain road, which is why Ye Ming finally took out these twelve guns to equip.

If it is a gun of more than three tons, then even if Ye Ming takes it out, it will be difficult to come in handy for a while.

The great power of heavy artillery was fully experienced at this moment.

What’s even more terrifying is that the modified artillery has an astonishing hit rate, almost twelve shells, all of which fell on the ranks of the Little Devil’s Heavy Wing.

The twelve shells that fell scattered instantly blew the little devil’s marching team out of a gap of hundreds of meters.

Almost all the little devils within the explosion range were gone, and the huge shock wave also tore the little devils and horses on the side to pieces, and the little devils farther away were also overturned by the waves.

For a time, the entire team of little devils was already on their backs.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, or more like observing the headquarters.

Seeing this, Master Liu immediately took a deep breath, pointed at Li Yunlong and said: “Good you Li Yunlong, you still hide such a good thing, tell your boy, next time I want artillery support, you kid don’t pick and search with me.” ”

Hearing that the old chief was so much, Li Yunlong immediately stood up and said: “Old chief, you don’t know who I Li Yunlong is, there is nothing to say, as long as you open your mouth, the shell tube is enough.” ”

Everyone knows that what Division Commander Liu said was a joke, the new regiment originally belonged to the 129th Division, and wherever there was artillery support, an order was given to let the new regiment fight wherever it hit.

However, the commander of the 120th Division on the side, Chen Dai, immediately said: “I said Li Yunlong, your division commander has an artillery regiment composed of all 105mm howitzers, and I see that my 115th Division only has one artillery battalion, so you can give me artillery support when the time comes!” ”

As soon as the words of Division Commander Chen fell, everyone else also spoke, and suddenly within the entire commander, you said everything I said, which made Li Yunlong feel quite honored, but it was more of a headache.

The lethality of the modernized 155-mm howitzer was so amazing that every chief present had a fire in his heart. Hot.

With such artillery fire, it is no problem to attack Taiyuan.

Behind it, Vice President Peng couldn’t take it anymore, and said loudly: “What does each one look like, or the appearance of the division and brigade commander?” Comrade Ye Ming has long said that equipment will be sent in a steady stream in the future, why are you anxious! ”

Vice General Peng was originally grumpy, and no one in the entire Eighth Route Army was afraid, and for a while, the commanders of various divisions and brigades immediately thanked Ye Ming again.

This also made Ye Ming feel a little flattered, after all, these people are heroes and legends in the minds of modern people.

And the words of these division and brigade commanders just now also sounded quite cordial to Ye Ming.

In fact, not to mention the Eighth Route Army, even the little devils have never seen such a powerful 155-mm gun, and the gaffe is normal.

And Ye Ming also clearly saw that Vice President Peng also had a strong look of longing on his face.

It’s just that Ye Ming is also quite helpless, after all, this thing is obtained by signing in, and the weapons and equipment rewarded by random materials in the system are almost the equipment of the late World War II or the Cold War.

To obtain such a modern artillery, it is really difficult.

What’s more, modern shells, one shot is one less, although there is a huge number of a hundred bases, if it is lost, then it will really be lost, because shells of the same caliber of this era are not compatible at all.

Therefore, Ye Ming can only look forward to the upgrade of the system to solve this unsustainable trouble.

However, Ye Ming also knew very well that for the Eighth Route Army, the firepower of the artillery in service in various countries was already quite strong.

The more advanced something is, the higher the requirements for use, and it is not too practical.

It is as if the heavy artillery regiment of the 129th Division is equipped with forty-eight 105-mm howitzers, which is already a very strong fire strike force, and it can have a evenly matched artillery battle with the field heavy artillery wing of the little devil.

If every main division of the Eighth Route Army had such an artillery unit, it would be impossible for the little devil to bully the Eighth Route Army in terms of firepower as before.

And Ye Ming had long told Vice President Peng very clearly that the materials to support the Eighth Route Army would be given priority to the troops under his command in the future, and in this regard, Vice President Peng naturally supported 100%, not to mention that the Northwest Headquarters could repeatedly let Vice President Peng and Ye Ming have a good relationship, so he naturally wanted to give Ye Ming a platform.

Especially when Ye Ming took out more and more resources to the Eighth Route Army, Vice President Peng had already established good relations with Ye Ming and rose to the highest political task.

After all, an organization that can come up with so many weapons and equipment is really too important for the Eighth Route Army.

The Eighth Route Army must also cherish the friendship of the overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization represented by Ye Ming.

In the personal letter from the Grand Elder of the Northwest Headquarters to Vice President Peng, the Eighth Route Army needs Ye Ming, and the future of China needs Ye Ming even more.

In the 100 years since the Opium War, China has suffered great losses in science and technology backwardness in science and technology, and the overseas National Salvation Organization has shown that it has military science and technology that is not inferior to the developed countries of the West, and this is where the hope lies in building a strong China.

In the words of the Great Elder, the era in which Western powers could easily blast open the gates of China with cannons for a hundred years must be completely ended in our generation.

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