Inside the quiet Little Devil City Defense Headquarters, the pseudo-army squad leader paced back and forth a little anxiously.

The comrade who brought in, what task did it carry out and how did it take so long.

This made the puppet army squad leader suddenly feel deeply uneasy.

Because he has to go out immediately, if he doesn’t go out again, it won’t be good to go out later.

Fortunately, this worry was superfluous, and just when the pseudo-army squad leader was anxious, Ye Ming, who stepped on the time, returned to the corner that had been separated before.

The pseudo-army squad leader immediately breathed a sigh of relief, took the team he had just brought back, and walked towards the gate, and Ye Ming smoothly joined the team on the way.

Soon the team came to the gate, and seeing that the puppet army patrol that had just entered not long ago came out again, and the little devil scout Cao who led the team had not yet spoken, the puppet army squad leader said flatteringly:

“Taijun, Watanabe Taijun asked us to patrol for him.”

When Jun Cao, who led the team, heard this, shook his head, and let him go directly.

This scene seems to be played out often, and the little devil at the door did not suspect at all, and directly let the puppet army patrol leave.

The puppet patrol that walked out of the city defense headquarters soon disappeared around the corner of the street.

Soon this patrol team quietly came to the secret traffic station and entered the traffic station.

At this time, the person in charge of the traffic station also officially issued a notice.

This puppet army patrol, which was originally a lurking underground comrade, all excitedly took off their puppet military uniforms and put on red scarves as a way to identify the enemy and me.

Ye Ming changed into his own weapons and equipment and left the secret traffic station with Monk Wei and Duan Peng.

Time is running out.

The other members of the special commando team had already lurked opposite the gate of the Little Devil City Defense Headquarters.

The time is approaching half-past eight.

At this moment, outside the county seat of Ping’an, the artillery commander of the new artillery regiment, which had already been prepared, had already raised the red flag in his hand.

When the time officially came to half past eight, accompanied by the sudden waving of red flags, all the artillery roared.

The sound of artillery suddenly resounded throughout Ping’an County and its surroundings, and with the roaring sound, shells fell on the west gate of Ping’an County City.

And at the same time that the shell exploded, before Hirata Jiro, who was shocked at the headquarters, had time to shout people, the time bomb that Ye Ming had placed in the telegraph room exploded with a bang.

Ye Ming had prepared a large amount of explosives in his personal space as early as possible, and at least five hundred kilograms of high explosives were placed in the little devil’s telegraph room.

Detonated by a timed detonator, five hundred kilograms of explosives instantly blew up the entire headquarters.

The officers in the little devil’s headquarters, together with the telegraph room, were instantly blown up into the sky.

The little devils and puppets in the barracks of the city defense headquarters rushed out one after another, but they didn’t wait for them to figure out what was going on.

At the same time, the shells of the heavy artillery battery of the synthetic battalion roared with precision.

For a time, the entire little devil’s city defense headquarters was immediately engulfed by a continuous explosion.

This time the heavy artillery battery stopped without firing a single shot, but launched rapid fire.

Twelve shells fall every ten seconds, leaving the Little Devil City Defense Command without even a place to stay.

Although the area of the Little Devil City Defense Command is not small, the attack of twelve heavy artillery is enough to drown the entire Little Devil Command.

If it weren’t for the inability to guarantee that the first shot would kill the little devil’s headquarters, and he was worried that the little devil would send out a telegram for help, Ye Ming would not need to infiltrate the little devil’s headquarters additionally.

As for those puppet troops in the city defense headquarters, Ye Ming naturally didn’t care about it, but fortunately, there were not many puppet troops in the city defense headquarters, and they were more concentrated on the four city gates and patrols in the city.

Although the shelling was fierce, many little devils still ran out of the city defense headquarters.

They were greeted by a dense barrage of bullets, however.

As early as when the explosion appeared, the special commando team that was already lurking opposite the gate of the city defense headquarters had already killed all the little devils at the gate.

Dozens of little devils who ran out in embarrassment, did not even see the shadow of the enemy, and the dense bullets had already penetrated their heads.

More shells fell, and the entire city wall on the periphery of the Little Devil City Defense Headquarters collapsed one after another under the explosion.

In just five minutes before and after, the city defense headquarters in the flames had already been completely leveled by hundreds of shells.

At the end of the five-minute shelling, the heavy artillery company also adjusted its firing elements and launched an artillery attack on the west gate.

At this moment, the little devils patrolling in the county town are all in chaos.

Some rushed towards the city defense headquarters, and some went to the west gate to support.

Ye Ming led the special commando team to kill several waves of patrolling little devils along the way, and controlled the intersection of the main road near the west gate.

On the main road leading to the west gate, a blocking line was established.

And the comrades of the underground transportation station in the city also rushed to help, and the sandbags that had already been quietly prepared formed one barricade after another, and the real eight general-purpose machine guns were erected, making it almost difficult for the gathered little devils and puppet troops to advance.

At the same time, on the west gate of the county seat, a devil squad defending the city gate and a company of the puppet army could not raise their heads at all under the attack of the artillery battalion of the new regiment.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the composite battalion in charge of the attack, relying on the mobility of tanks and armored vehicles, quickly rushed to the gate of the county seat of Ping’an.

The 105 mm tank main gun of the Type 59 tank easily blew open the gate of Ping’an County, and when the artillery gradually stopped, the little devil who returned to the city tower again was shocked to find that enemy tanks had entered the city.

The low body of the Type 59 tank, the seamless round turret, and the thick barrel easily crushed through the broken city gate and rushed into the county seat.

The city gate troops, who had already suffered heavy losses under the shelling, all looked desperate.

The sudden appearance of tanks made them even more helpless.

However, the little devil on the city wall did not have time to think about how to deal with the tanks, because of the intensive offensive fire, it fell on the city wall again.

By the time tanks and armored vehicles rushed into the county, the battle had become no longer suspenseful.

Because a large number of effective troops have been eliminated in the city defense headquarters.

There is less than one squadron of patrolling little devils, and even if there are other three city gate defenders, they are unable to return to the sky.

This night, for the county seat of Ping’an, is destined to be a restless night.

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