In order to deal with the 4th Brigade of the Little Devils, the independent brigade concentrated all the artillery units.

The heavy artillery battalions directly under the three regiments of the independent brigade add up to a total of fifty-four 240-mm self-propelled howitzers, and forty-eight 155-mm field light howitzers of the heavy artillery regiment directly under the brigade.

The artillery batteries directly under the battalions of the independent brigade, all 105-mm field howitzers, and a combined artillery group of more than 100 guns, smashed into the 4th brigade of the little devil.

Originally, under the attack of anti-infantry mines, the 4th Brigade of the Little Devil had already killed and wounded many people, and the dense shells had fallen, and in the unobstructed open space, the casualties paid by the 4th Brigade rose rapidly and in a straight line.

Moreover, the shelling did not have the slightest need to stop, and the firepower of the heavy artillery was not inferior to the firepower of the heavy artillery brigades and regiments at all.

This made the lucky Sakai Umetaro face extremely livid, the enemy has such firepower, why does the intelligence department have no intelligence in advance.

Under such firepower, Umitaro Sakai could already predict that the surrounding area must be surrounded by the main forces of the Eighth Route Army.

On the other side, Kazuki Yamamoto hid in a crater to avoid the dense artillery fire, and at this moment he cursed all the people in the intelligence department.

This is a major intelligence mistake, when did the Eighth Route Army have such terrible firepower? From what sources did the artillery get it?

Without any relevant information in advance, the defeat of the 4th brigade is doomed at this moment.

Kazuki Yamamoto grabbed the signal soldier in the crater and ordered him: “Immediately send a telegram to General Yoshio Shinozuka and ask all units that can support him to immediately support the 4th Brigade.” ”

On the other side, Umitaro Sakai was also under shelling and gave the order to request tactical guidance.

The little devil began to call for help, and the heavy artillery fire continued.

At this moment, the little devils who survived in the shelling range fled outside the shelling range one after another, taking advantage of the gap where the shells fell.

However, the battle had just begun, and the little devils who had escaped the shelling range were shot and fell to the ground, and the fighters of the independent brigade, who had already been in ambush all around, emerged from the snow and shot holes, aimed at the approaching little devils, and opened fire one after another.

And at the same time, little devils fart. Behind the shares, a torrent of steel rolled in, and along with the extension of artillery fire, the little devils in the rear of the Fourth Brigade were shocked to see that the group of tanks rushing over was about to crush them.

However, the little devil of the fourth brigade can also be called the word elite, and the surviving officers began to command the soldiers around them, relying on the artillery pit to launch a blockade.

It’s just that little devil rifle bullets, and even surviving heavy machine gun bullets, hit the tank, and it can’t even be called tickling.

The tank’s coaxial machine gun and the rapid-fire gun on the BMP tank rendered the imps’ counterattack useless.

The surviving units in the rear of the 4th Brigade were gradually exposed by extended fire, but they were also quickly crushed by the oncoming tanks and armored vehicles.

In the headquarters under the General’s Temple, as the armored troops attacked Ye Ming, he took everyone in the headquarters and began to evacuate the General’s Temple.

As the only commanding height in the periphery, once the Fourth Brigade slows down from the shelling, it will inevitably seize this commanding height.

Ye Ming is also very simple, if the son wants, then give it to them.

After Ye Ming and the brigade headquarters all evacuated the General Temple, the shelling stopped completely.

At this moment, Umetaro Sakai and Kazuki Yamamoto, who survived, also saw the approaching tank units of the Eighth Route Army in the rear.

To say how do they know?

Didn’t you see the flag of the Eighth Route Army flying on the tank?

“Order the troops, alternate cover, seize the temple of the general.”

Umitaro Sakai did not have time to think about when the Eighth Route Army would have tanks, and in the face of enemy fire and tanks, he had to look for a place where he could hold out.

The main thing is that in this plain where they are staying now, it is simply impossible to build a position on the spot.

Solid. of frozen soil, which is under the shelling of people, is only partially loosened, and a large amount of rubble in the soil is extremely difficult to build trenches.

Looking at the Shogun Temple not far away, Umetaro Sakai decisively gave the order.

Soon the Fourth Brigade survived most of its soldiers, resisting the bullets coming to both sides while moving quickly towards the General Temple.

After searching the hill and making sure there were no enemies, the squad sent a signal for safety.

Soon a large number of little devils began to climb the mountain, but to the surprise of the little devils, the General Temple had been excavated from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

It’s just that you can’t see the shadow of a single enemy.

However, in the face of the enemy that had gradually surrounded, the Fourth Brigade had no choice, and entered the trenches one after another, and began to rely on the trenches to prepare to resist the attack of the Eighth Route Army.

Umetaro Sakai and Kazuki Yamamoto frowned and walked into the headquarters halfway up the shogun temple.

At a glance, I saw a note pasted on the wall of the headquarters that read: “Umitaro Sakai, this is a cemetery for you.” ”

“Baga, immediately order the troops to withdraw from the trenches!”

Umetaro Sakai is not a fool either, this side of the General Temple should have been a fortification prepared by the Eighth Route Army, but there was no one, which is obviously an extremely abnormal thing.

In the obvious headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the moment he saw this slogan, a strong sense of crisis made Umitaro Sakai unwilling to stay here for a second.

However, when the little devil entered the General’s Temple and used the trenches that Ye Ming left for them, everything was already doomed.

With a huge explosion that shook the mountain, the General Temple completely turned into a huge fireball from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of explosives, which had already been planted inside and outside the trenches, were detonated at the same time, and in an instant, the ground was shaken, and the General Mountain under this General’s Temple was almost blown up by most of the mountain.

Ye Ming and Li Yunlong, who saw this scene from a distance, all smiled.

Although the place of the General’s Temple is not a perfect ambush point, it is not a good defense point for the little devils.

The frozen soil makes it difficult for the little devil to effectively dig fortifications, and the only way to survive is to control the commanding heights of General Mountain.

As a result, General Mountain became a real cemetery for the burial of the 4th Brigade.

However, the fourth brigade was not killed just like that, at least the explosives placed by Ye Ming avoided the headquarters as much as possible, at least not to let Umetaro Sakai die easily.

In fact, although the amount of explosives was large, it was not enough to bury the owners of the 4th Brigade. _

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