Barrett appeared, completely giving the soldiers of the independent brigade a terrifying attack power that terrified the enemy.

When the sharpshooters of one company after another, carrying Barrett on their backs and carrying bullet boxes, returned to the positions of various companies, every company commander and every soldier looked envious when they saw Barrett.

This is special equipment belonging to sharpshooters, and independent brigades have strict requirements in this regard, and no one is allowed to borrow them, and even if they want to touch it, they need the consent of the sharpshooter himself.

Previously, when Zhao Gang was preparing to train a group of snipers intensively, the whole brigade also conducted a comprehensive competition, and the 1,500 people with the best marksmanship received sniper training organized by Zhao Gang.

Although these fifteen hundred people did not receive sniper rifles, they basically understood how to use sniper rifles, how to calculate ballistics, and the role of snipers in field troops.

And now Ye Ming gave them the top sniper training card they used, which will also invisibly let them get started using Barrett faster.

The sharpshooters who returned to the position all couldn’t wait to set up Barrett and pressed the magazine into the chamber.

Pulling the bolt, one by one, sharpshooters began to aim at the little devils on the city wall.

Soon accompanied by a crisp gunshot, dense gunshots were heard all around Ping’an County, and for a while, patches of blood mist were splashed on the city wall.

For an independent brigade sharpshooter who gets a sniper rifle for the first time, there is nothing more worth looking forward to than testing the gun with the enemy’s body.

But some people hit, and some people just hit it.

Especially those troops who are far from the city wall, the distance is too far, and they are only getting sniper rifles for the first time, so they can rarely be hit directly with one shot.

After all, sharpshooters are just sharpshooters, and they are not real snipers yet.

However, with the attack of a gun, under the effect of the training card, the accuracy of sharpshooters soon improved rapidly.

It’s just that the little devils and puppets on the city wall don’t dare to show their heads.

Because in just a few minutes, the four city walls, unsuspecting little devils and pseudo-troops, have been killed by thousands of people.

The bullet of Barrett’s sniper rifle, once it hits the body, it is either missing arms or legs, and if it hits the head, the whole head is not much different from a smashed watermelon.

The lucky ones were not hit in the body and head, but the wailing on the city wall with their arms broken was scary enough.

The main thing is that there are really many people who have been hit.

Especially those machine gunners, basically all of them have their heads knocked out, and blood and brain pulp are sprayed everywhere.

This scene also scared Miyano Kubo and Yamamoto Kazuki

At first, the two were frightened by the figure of the Y-20 kunji.

Especially after the Y-20 Kunming transport plane dropped several large boxes on the position of the Eighth Route Army, the two immediately realized that this matter was not simple.

After all, both of them are also well-informed, and the huge fuselage of the Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft is comparable to no other aircraft in the world.

And the two also thought almost at the same time that the source of the Eighth Route Army’s weapons and equipment may be directly related to this transport aircraft.

In fact, when Ye Ming directly called the Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane on the battlefield, he didn’t care if it was seen by the little devil.

The Y-0 Kunpeng transport is a means used by the system to realize the reward, and it does not matter if the little devil knows it, and it is impossible for the little devil to find the source of the Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft.

What’s more, on the side of the Eighth Route Army, many people also saw the Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane, which was news that could not be blocked early and late.

Therefore, there is no need for secrecy at all.

And this move can also mislead the little devil’s intelligence investigation.

A few minutes earlier, Miyano Kubo and Kazuki Yamamoto were still discussing the Y-20 Kunpeng transport when they heard gunshots, and while the two were hidden on the castle tower, they also saw the gruesome corpses on the battlements.

“Damn, is the Eighth Route Army also armed with a large number of anti-tank rifles?”

Kazuki Yamamoto, who heard the gunshot, saw the appearance of the corpse and immediately said depressed.

Anti-tank rifles, Dongying is also equipped, but because there are no tanks in China, they are rarely used on the battlefield.

Twenty-millimeter anti-tank rifles, hitting people’s bodies, were basically the same as the corpses they saw now.

Kazuki Yamamoto, who had seen it once, remembered the kind of lethal rifle with terrifying lethality.

It’s just that he didn’t expect to be able to see similar rifle injuries on the Huaxia battlefield, and he used the Eighth Route Army, which has always been the most backward in equipment.

As the brigade commander of the 9th Field Infantry Brigade, Miyano Kubo naturally knew about this anti-tank rifle, and even in the heavy artillery wing of the 9th Brigade, there were four such rifles.

However, most of the devil’s anti-tank weapons were concentrated in the hands of the Kwantung Army, which was constantly threatened by Soviet armored forces.

He also did not expect that the Eighth Route Army even had such equipment, and it could be used to fight infantry, which made him less and less confident in this battle.

Not to mention the little devils and puppet troops in the city, the morale suddenly dropped sharply, and in the forward headquarters of the independent brigade outside the city, along the observation hole, Zhao Gang also set up a Barrett.

The eight or eight snipers used by Barrett and the special forces are completely different sniper rifles, and the effective range alone is more than half of the eight or eight snipers.

Although Barrett is not suitable for special operations use, on such a battlefield, it can really be called an infantry artifact.

The little devils at the head of the city did not dare to show their heads, but this was difficult for Zhao Gang, and at Ye Ming’s suggestion, Zhao Gang directly aimed at the heavy machine gun that the little devil was mounted on the battlements.

The tail stabilized shell-piercing shell into the chamber, and Ye Ming held the telescope and served as an observer for Zhao Gang.

Accompanied by a huge gunshot, I saw that the heavy machine gun that Zhao Gang was aiming at was directly shot out, and the armor-piercing bullet directly hit the heavy machine gun, making a deep bullet hole, this heavy machine gun, scrapped.

This scene was also seen by Kazuki Yamamoto, and when he saw the red bullet holes on the fallen heavy machine gun, he exclaimed: “This is the weapon that used to fight the heavy machine gun of the ruined Sakata United, it is really terrible.” ”

When Miyano Kubo heard this, he immediately ordered everyone to quickly carry the heavy machine guns down the battlements for protection, and then take them out after the Eighth Route Army attacked.

Otherwise, the heavy artillery wing has already been lost, and there are no more heavy machine guns, then it will be a fart! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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