During the confrontation between the Independent Brigade and the 20th Division, inside the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Daxia Bay.

Almost every hour, several good news arrive.

The hundreds of regiments of the Eighth Route Army, which is waging an all-out war in northern China, are turning the whole of northern China upside down.

Every moment, a large number of little devils are destroyed, especially in Shanxi, where the Eighth Route Army has recovered almost one-third of the areas controlled by little devils.

A large number of puppet troops and traitors became prisoners, and most of the northwestern Jin and southeastern Jin were recovered.

The Tongpu Railway and the Pinghan Railway were damaged for hundreds of kilometers, and a large number of artillery towers and strongholds were destroyed.

In just three days, the little devil has paid more than 50,000 casualties.

Although 20,000 of them were eliminated by the independent brigade, the elimination of 50,000 little devils in one breath still made everyone in the headquarters extremely excited.

You must know that it has been almost a year since the Battle of Changsha was fought today, and the total number of little devils eliminated is not 50,000.

This is a very proud achievement, and it is also the greatest victory won by the Eighth Route Army since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

And this figure is far beyond the expectations of the headquarters before the war.

You know, in history, the battle of a hundred regiments lasted for many months, and the total number of enemies annihilated was only more than 20,000.

And now, in three days, it has exceeded 50,000, and there is no puppet army moisture in it.

In the words of Mr. Zhu, this is a great victory for the Eighth Route Army and for the entire Chinese nation.

The main thing is that this battle has just begun, maybe in the end, it can really destroy a hundred thousand little devils, and that is the real victory.

Everyone in the headquarters is very confident in this.

However, in the excitement, most people thought of the independent brigade and thought of Ye Ming.

The Eighth Route Army had such a record, and Ye Ming played the greatest role.

A large number of weapons and ammunition, and the artillery for attacking fortifications, were all provided by Ye Ming.

This makes the artillery stronghold of the Eighth Route Army dealing with the little devils do not need to be slowly filled with human lives, and only need to set up artillery, which can be easily destroyed.

And the same is true of the attack on the station and along the railway, and the machine-gun fire that the Eighth Route Army now has is able to knock the little devil out every time.

The recovery of the county town is even more inseparable from the help of artillery.

Therefore, almost every good report sent to the headquarters mentioned that we should thank Ye Ming well and thank him for the advanced weapons and equipment he provided.

All the more because of this series of battles. The losses of the road army themselves were also far lower than previously expected.

The Eighth Route Army is becoming a powerful force capable of threatening the whole of North China.

“I don’t know that Ye Ming’s independent brigade didn’t fight with the 20th Division.”

Vice President Peng, who was excited, thought of the independent brigade again.

In the past few days, the independent brigade has given great surprises to the headquarters side again and again.

Easily annihilated the independent mixed 4th brigade, and on the third day it took out the 9th brigade.

After running for three days with the 20th Division, it can be said that all the achievements of the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi are the merits of the independent brigade.

Otherwise, with two more brigades and one twenty divisions, the battle in Shanxi will definitely not be so easy.

You know, among all the good news at this moment, the place where the enemy is destroyed the most is the battle in Shanxi.

The independent brigade can be said to have made great contributions.

“We all underestimated the independent brigade before, underestimated Ye Ming, relying on themselves alone, two independent mixed brigades, saying that they will be destroyed is really domineering.” Mr. Zhu couldn’t help but sigh:

“Now in the face of the most elite permanent division of the little devil, it is not weak in momentum, and it is stunned that the 20th division of the little devil does not dare to attack casually, which is a real prestige.”

When Vice President Peng heard this, he nodded with deep understanding and said, “If the independent brigade now has a strength of 50,000 troops, I dare to take Taiyuan and drive the little devil out of Shanxi.” ”

“Don’t worry, the independent brigade has grown very fast, I believe that after this big war, after the independent brigade grows again, it is not us who are just talking about driving the little devil out of Shanxi.” Mr. Zhu said confidently.

“However, I am worried now that Ye Ming will and the hard steel of the 20th Division, and I am afraid that the loss of the independent brigade will be too great at that time.” Vice President Peng said with some concern.

“I think you can rest assured that judging from every battle commanded by Ye Ming, he is definitely not a person who fights in waves.”

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhu smiled slightly and said: “Old Peng, have you found out, Ye Ming’s command style is very sharp, every shot will inevitably cause the little devil to suffer heavy losses, its speed is like the wind, its Xu is like a forest, the invasion is like fire, and it is not moving like a mountain.” If you don’t move, you will definitely kill with one blow. ”

When Vice President Peng heard this, he said with some surprise: “There are really not many people who can get such praise from your Mr. Zhu. ”

“It seems that Mr. Zhu is also optimistic about the independent brigade!” The left chief of staff on the side asked.

“It can only be said that I have confidence in Ye Ming and the independent brigade.” Mr. Zhu said.

“That is a man with miracles in himself, and Huaxia and our Eighth Route Army need his miracles.” Zuo Quan sighed.


On the side of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the left chief of staff called Ye Ming a miracle, and in Chu Yunfei’s eyes, the independent brigade was also a miracle.

Blocking a wing of little devils coming out of Yangquan, the 358th Regiment can be regarded as a victory, and during the three-day battle, the little devil infantry wing that came out of Yangquan was stunned that it did not penetrate the defensive position of the 358th Regiment, and finally faded. Go.

When Chu Yunfei summed up the victory at the regiment headquarters, after hearing that the independent brigade had completely annihilated the two brigades of the devil alone, Chu Yunfei was also speechless for a long time.

The new regiment was expanded into an independent brigade, which was also the side of the Jinsui army, which had just received information not long ago.

Originally, Chu Yunfei also planned to wrestle with Xintuan, but he didn’t have this mind at the moment.

Especially when it was just reported that the Independent Brigade had intercepted the path of the 20th Division and asked the 20th Division to treat it cautiously, Chu Yunfei couldn’t help but sigh even more:

“The Independent Brigade seems to have become a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the whole of North China, and it is really a miracle for my Chinese nation!”

“The regimental seat, in the intelligence department sent information, also disclosed that all the new equipment of the Eighth Route Army was provided by Ye Ming, commander of the independent brigade.” Fang Ligong said on the side.

“Ye Ming, who is it?” Chu Yunfei wondered.

“According to the information sent by the headquarters, Ye Ming is the leader of the National Salvation Organization composed of overseas Chinese…”

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