The appearance of Boom-0, for Ming, is more like a kind of satisfaction of his emotions by the system.

The little devil’s poison gas bomb made Ye Ming extremely angry at the same time, but he was also distressed, how to give the little devil an unforgettable lesson.

The system signed in and gave Ye Ming two H-20s.

In the mall, the H-20 is also on the shelves at the same time, the price is very expensive, 5,000 points a plane, can be said to be the most expensive weapons and equipment.

However, the H-20 is worthy of an astonishing price, especially with a variety of precision-guided navigation shells, the combat effectiveness of the H-20 will become extremely terrifying.

The H-20 exclusive precision guided navigation bomb sold in the system mall, together with the laser guidance system on the H-20 fuselage, can allow the H-20 to accurately guide and hit ground targets at an altitude of five kilometers.

Although attacking moving targets on the ground or at sea, this precision-guided missile still depends on the face.

However, if it is to attack a fixed target on the ground, even if the guided missile is a little off, with the lethality of the aerial bomb, it can basically be called which to hit.

It’s just that Ye Ming has some regrets that the types of special aviation bombs sold by the system are only sub-mother bombs, ground-penetrating aerial bombs and cloud explosive bombs.

And with the fuel consumption of the H-20, if you take off to Tokyo, you need to consume at least 500 points.

And these five hundred points are the cost of buying aviation fuel for the H-20.

Coupled with the price of aviation bombs, if you want to fill the entire H-20, and drop 80 tons of bombs over Tokyo, then Ye Ming will spend at least a thousand points.

Although Ye Ming now has nearly 100,000 points, he can’t withstand a big consumer like H20.

You know, all the fuel consumption of the independent brigade in the heart is all purchased by Ye Ming from the mall.

After all, the Eighth Route Army did not have so much fuel for the independent brigades.

Coupled with the consumption of battle, 100,000 points must be prepared for the next stage of troop expansion and consumption, and it cannot be wasted casually.

Otherwise, Ye Ming really planned to buy a few more H-20 bombers.

However, after calculating the consumption of the bomb-20, Ye Ming found that he could not afford to raise more bomb-20.

After all, the enemy is not so easy to destroy, and all kinds of fuel and ammunition consumption at one dispatch are enough for Ye Ming to form an infantry battalion and train to have strong combat effectiveness.

However, strategic bombers are inherently a strategic deterrent weapon, something that is used in important battles or to deter the enemy.

Using strategic weapons as conventional weapons is too extravagant for Ye Ming and even the entire Eighth Route Army.

The next morning, Ye Ming took the police to Anhua County and sent two little devil gas bomb researchers to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, there is also a personal letter from Ye Ming to the headquarters.

When Vice President Peng and Mr. Zhu saw Ye Ming’s personal letter, and also saw the two little devil gas bomb researchers with handcuffs and leg irons, they were all shocked.

What they were shocked about was not that Ye Ming actually destroyed a heavy artillery brigade of the little devil, but also that Ye Ming’s clear attitude now, that is, to make the little devil pay the price.

In Ye Ming’s handwriting, Ye Ming, in the name of the leader of the Overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization, hoped that the Eighth Route Army would issue a statement to the outside world.

The content of the statement is very simple, one is to tell the overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization, when destroying the devil heavy artillery brigade in the Anqiu railway station, it found more than a dozen tons of mustard gas that the devil was about to transport to the front.

Also attached are the confessions of two devil gas bomb researchers, as well as photos and identity information of the two men.

The Overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization will give Dongying one day to close down all secret research institutions of poison gas, disband all gas bomb researchers, and promise not to use any virus and bacteriological weapons against the Chinese.

Otherwise, the overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization will take comprehensive retaliation against Dongying itself, and will also release mustard gas captured from the Japanese army into Tokyo.

All the consequences caused will also be borne by Dongying Zhengaxe.

This statement, with very harsh words, can almost be said to be an ultimatum to Dongying Zhengxe.

For Vice President Peng and Mr. Zhu, Ye Ming, as the leader of the Overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization, wrote to the two of them, not as the commander of the independent brigade, and it was also the first time to do so.

The meaning is very clear, this matter does not require the Eighth Route Army to bear any responsibility, all responsibility lies with the overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization.

Because it can be predicted how many people will die if a dozen tons of gas bombs are really dropped on Tokyo.

Even on both sides of the war, this responsibility may evolve into a historical responsibility.

So Ye Ming simply took it upon himself.

Of course, Ye Ming’s move is also telling Vice President Peng and Mr. Zhu, even if you don’t agree with this matter, I will do it.

Because I am not only the commander of the Independent Brigade, but also the leader of the Overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization.

I am the commander of an independent brigade and I need to obey orders.

But I am also the leader of the Overseas Chinese National Salvation Organization, and I have no subordinate relationship with the Eighth Route Army, and I do not need to obey all the decisions and orders of the Eighth Route Army.

How could Vice President Peng and Mr. Zhu not understand this meaning, but because of this, the two of them were even more moved by what Ye Ming did.

“This favor, we have to help.” Mr. Zhu clapped very crisply.

Vice President Peng was originally grumpy, and when he thought of more than a dozen tons of mustard gas to be thrown on the Eighth Route Army, he had already held his stomach fire.

In particular, the two also knew from the mouths of the two little devil gas researchers that they were using a large number of prisoners of war and Chinese people to conduct live gas experiments.

The anger in Vice President Peng’s eyes quickly turned into substance.

“Bullish little devil, really him. Fucking a bunch of brutes, all fucking damn to kill…”

Vice President Peng of the artillery directly smashed his beloved chess, gritting his teeth and scolding the little devil.

If it weren’t for Mr. Zhu pulling, they would all want to go out and personally kill the gas bomb researchers of the two devils.

“Support, must support, his mother, the devil’s group of beasts are too bullying, hundreds of thousands of compatriots in Jinling, and now they are taking our brothers and sisters for live gas experiments, really…”

The angry Vice President Peng cursed and cursed, but the tears in his eyes couldn’t stop flowing out.

Even the always elegant Chief of Staff of the Left shouted: “We must take revenge, we can no longer let the little devil do whatever he wants in our compatriots…”

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