The little devil frantically sent all the reconnaissance planes in North China, even fighters, to look everywhere for the airfield of the Eighth Route Army.

But the result was just nothing.

Whether it is a secret air force training base or a field airfield in Liujiabao, the target is too small and very hidden for the little devil.

What’s more, the Eighth Route Army now also has some anti-aircraft weapons provided by Ye Ming, which makes the little devil’s plane not completely unscrupulous search.

This action of the little devil completely lasted until the next day.

To the ultimatum put forward by the Chinese side, the little devil never responded.

Therefore, early in the morning, Ye Ming boarded the prepared H-20 bomber.

The huge fuselage slowly left the hidden hangar.

The engine with super thrust slowly roared and taxied to the take-off runway, and the first bomber piloted by Ye Ming himself lifted off smoothly after sliding a distance of nearly 1,500 meters.

Subsequently, the second bomber also slowly took to the air.

Soon, two huge bombers began to climb at a large angle, and the climbing speed was simultaneously advanced to seventy-five meters per second.

The H-0’s incomparably excellent lifting performance allowed it to climb to an altitude of 15,000 meters in just about three minutes.

At this altitude, people below can basically not see the two bombers in the sky.

When the flight attitude changed from climbing to level flight, the two bombers also changed from manual piloting to automatic flight state, and the speed was also increased to subsonic speed, heading towards the mainland of Dongying, and entered the cruising flight state.

At this time, Ye Ming got up from the captain’s position and came to the rest area behind the driver’s position.

The H-0’s cab has an area, one is the driving area where the front and co-pilot are waiting, and behind it is the position of the weapon operator.

At the back is the lounge area, which has a small self-service bar with refrigerator, microwave, tea and drink area, and a toilet next to it.

At an altitude of 15,000 meters, the pressure in the cabin is very stable, and at the same time, it isolates the extreme cold outside.

Good oxygen supply, temperature control, and no air flow turbulence above the stratosphere make people in the plane basically do not feel that they are at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters from the ground.

At this moment, two huge bombers, not only four large stealth magazines, are full of bombs, but also all kinds of bombs are hung under the two huge wings.

Two bombers carried nearly a ton of bombs, this bomb load, throughout the history of human bomber development, no bomber can carry so many bombs.

In Ye Ming’s words, it is not easy to fly to the native land of the little devil, how to bring some gifts.

And the more than a dozen tons of mustard gas captured from the little devil, Ye Ming also hung on the plane together.

Ye Ming did what he said, saying that reporting was revenge.

Li Yunlong saw Ye Ming get up from the driver’s seat, and Li Yunlong also unbuckled his seatbelt from his seat and stood up.

Curiously, he walked back and forth in the cockpit and said, “It seems that I should also learn how to fly an airplane.” ”

Thinking of another plane, which Zhao Gang was piloting, Li Yunlong was a little envious.

“Then you old Li should study seriously.” Ye Ming didn’t mind giving Li Yunlong an ace pilot training place, but he needed Li Yunlong not to have three minutes of heat.

“Then it must be serious, when the time comes, our old Li will also fly the plane.” Li Yunlong said excitedly.

In fact, if it weren’t for Li Yunlong’s too many things, Ye Ming planned to give him a top special forces training place.

However, in the next stage, Ye Ming also plans to let all officers of the independent brigade conduct in-depth training card training.

The effects of training cards can be stacked.

Just like Ye Ming, he also used all the training cards for himself except the top sniper and elite infantry training cards.

The independent brigade is growing day by day, and various advanced weapons and equipment will appear in the future, which requires every officer of the independent brigade to quickly keep up with his knowledge.

The top special forces training card, although it is not for Li Yunlong to be a special soldier to charge, but the comprehensive growth of the top special forces training card is the highest, and various skills will be involved.

Although piloting aircraft, piloting ships, and using various missiles in the future are not very specialized, at least they all understand them comprehensively.

In the past, Ye Ming lacked points, and every point had to be saved and used.

Although there will be a lot of demand for points in the future, at least there is no need to crush every point to be used for use.

Cultivating a group of middle and senior officers and allowing them to grow up in an all-round way is also comprehensively enhancing the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Just like this bombing of the devil homeland, Ye Ming originally had the inheritance of a god-level soldier king, and piloting a modern aircraft was a matter of hand-to-hand.

However, after using the ace driver training card, more in-depth driving skills will be gradually strengthened.

Zhao Gang, who flew another fighter, too.

Although it is not as good as Ye Ming, but the top special forces, plus the role of the ace pilot training card, when driving the bomber, there is not the slightest jerky.

Otherwise, even if there is automatic driving, Ye Ming is a little uneasy, after all, it is heaven, if something happens, Ye Ming is not worried about the plane, he is worried about the safety of personnel.

Fortunately, the piloting of modern strategic bombers, in this era, does not need to learn so much.

This operation also does not require low-altitude precision-guided bomb delivery, so it will fly the aircraft.

However, Ye Ming also believes that if you give Zhao Gang and others a month, not to mention strategic bombers, even if you give them advanced fifth-generation stealth fighters, they can be perfectly controlled.

Whether it is a modern war or a war in any period, it is a war of people, and the importance of talent is often at the same level as the importance of the advanced degree of weapons and equipment.

Don’t look at the fact that the independent brigade now has only more than 10,000 combat personnel, but in fact, Ye Ming has never stopped the training of follow-up talents.

In the secret air force training base, a large number of pilots are learning and growing.

On the Xujia’ao side, a large number of engineering soldiers, coupled with the armored training cards that have just been issued, and the training of various technical arms with synthetic battalions, are constantly cultivating fresh blood.

As long as the weapons and equipment are further in place, the independent brigade can be rapidly expanded without reducing the overall combat effectiveness. _

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