“Congratulations to the host for completing the mission check-in and receiving the ultimate reward – five Y-20 Kunpeng transport planes.”

“Congratulations to the host for completing the additional check-in and obtaining the high-level check-in success, and the reward – enhanced erosive mustard poison gas (King of Poison Gas: 100 times the lethal effect).”

“Open a new mission check-in, ask the host to destroy the 731 Demon Cave, and complete the check-in.”

The appearance of the Y-0 Kunpeng transport plane made Ye Ming’s mood even better.

This transport aircraft, which has been appearing over itself since the beginning of the system airdrop, is used to appear in the airport in an open manner.

The price of the Y-0 Kunpeng transport aircraft is not high, 500 points per plane, and the price is only one-tenth of the H-20 strategic bomber, which is also a big fuel consumer.

Looking at the five transport planes that were reduced in personal space, Ye Ming proudly purchased another twenty Y-20 Kunpeng transport planes.

Four H-20 strategic bombers were also purchased.

After spending 30,000 points at once, Ye Ming was not distressed at all.

During the trip to Tokyo, Ye Ming had an unexpected gain, bombing Tokyo brought him more than 50,000 points, and his points in the system mall suddenly increased to 150,000.

The points came unexpectedly, and Ye Ming had no idea that bombing Tokyo would have such a gain.

The latter is the system explanation that the source of points is not only obtained on the battlefield, but also points after destroying the enemy’s important to achieve the deterrent effect.

Although Ye Ming didn’t know how the more than 50,000 points were calculated, he vaguely felt that it should be related to the death toll under the bombing.

Although most of the dead were civilians, Ye Ming did not have much psychological burden, this was a full-scale war between the two sides, not charity.

If the enemy does not die, then more compatriots will die from this.

Of course, Ye Ming is not an emotionless butcher.


The two H-20 strategic bombers that gave people a great visual shock landed smoothly at the Liujiapu Field Air Base.

A trailer that had already been prepared tow two bombers into the hangar.

When Ye Ming and the others stepped off the plane, they saw at a glance Vice President Peng, Mr. Zhu and others waiting for them under the hangar.


Accompanied by Mr. Zhu’s salute, the people present raised their hands to Ye Ming and the others at the same time to salute.

This made Ye Ming suddenly feel flattered, and quickly returned the military salute and said, “Bosses, bother me.” ”

“Comrade Ye Ming, you deserve this salute.”

Mr. Zhu stepped forward, patted Ye Ming on the shoulder, and said with deep affection: Xia has you, it is really a great fortune for the nation. ”

Vice President Peng also stepped forward to express his gratitude to Ye Ming.

After all the affectionate words were spoken, the general manager’s face became serious and said: “An hour ago, one of our radio stations received a telegram from the headquarters of the North China Front, saying that Tada Hayao hoped that we could stop bombing Tokyo, on the condition that all Japanese troops on the battlefield in China would stop all actions against civilians from now on. ”

Hearing Vice President Peng’s words, Ye Ming did not hurry to speak, but said to everyone: “Bosses, please go outside.” ”

The bosses nodded and followed Ye Ming to the outside of the hangar.

At this moment, a huge fleet of aircraft in the distance is arriving one after another, and the first H-2 strategic bomber landed in the field airfield and taxied to the side tarmac.

Then the second H-20 bomber also landed, followed by the third and fourth H-20 strategic bombers.

Together with the two that have just returned from a bombing mission, the number of H-20 strategic bombers possessed at Liujiabao Field Airport has reached six.

But the matter was not over, after all the bombers had landed, one Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane also landed one after another.

And still two two landed.

Liujiapu Field Airport is not small in scale, with two main runways more than two kilometers long.

It can meet the take-off and landing of two large transport aircraft or bombers at the same time.

There are also many hangars, and the tarmac can accommodate a large number of aircraft.

Although many facilities are not available, the scale of a large air base has long taken shape.

Under the shocked eyes of the bosses, accompanied by four huge strategic bombers, 26 Y-20 Kunpeng transport planes landed.

For Y-20 Kunpeng transportation, every CEO present is no stranger.

After all, they all saw the Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane drop materials with their own eyes, but today was the first time they really saw the body of the Y-20 transport plane up close and glided in front of their eyes.

However, with the last Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane the transport plane landed and stopped on the take-off runway.

The pilots on bombers and transport planes all ran down.

Ye Ming didn’t know any of them, but these pilots quickly assembled in front of Ye Ming, gave a military salute, and then lined up and walked towards the last Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane.

The rear door of the Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane opened, and one pilot after another boarded the plane, and the rear hatch was all open.

Then the Y-20 transport plane began to maneuver, directly on the runway began to reverse, until it was about to reverse to the end of the runway, then began to taxi and take off, pulling all the pilots, disappearing into the sky.

“Comrade Ye Ming, why don’t you let them take a break, and leave when they come!” Mr. Zhu stepped forward and asked Ye Ming.

Ye Mingxin said, where did I know, this is obviously made by the system.

The last time Ye Ming took out two bombers, it was the same.

There was an inexplicable pilot, sent two bombers, and a large number of bombs, and left in the Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane.

It’s the same now.

It’s just that there are too many planes at once, and the last transport plane pulled the pilot and ran.

And Ye Ming just bought these planes and then took them out, and the rest was made out of the system.

Therefore, Ye Ming didn’t know at all whether to let the people who came out of these systems stay and eat.

“They still have their own business.” Ye Ming can only say this, otherwise it is not good to explain to these bosses.

However, Ye Ming also thought more, and Mr. Zhu was just polite, after all, those pilots seemed to be members of the Overseas National Salvation Organization, and naturally Ye Ming arranged it himself. _

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