On the outskirts of Harbin, in the ice and snow, the huge Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane landed in a flat snowfield amid the roar.

This is not a forced landing, but the Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft’s field tactical landing capability, which is a successful emergency landing.

With strategic transport capabilities and tactical transport aircraft take-off and landing capabilities, this is the most advanced place for the Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft.

Even if there is no light guidance on the ground, with various advanced landing technologies on the fuselage, let alone snow, even in the desert, it can land.

What’s more, the snow underground, in fact, is a grassland covered by ice and snow, which is completely in line with the tactical landing capability of the Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft.

The Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft successfully taxied and braked, and the tail hatch opened quickly.

One by one, Dongfeng Mengshi, who had already been prepared, drove out of the cabin.

Equipped with snow chains, the Dongfeng fierce man galloped through the snow.

On the first car, Ye Ming went straight to the target according to the global positioning guidance on the system map.

Soon the convoy stopped under a snow-covered wood.

Everyone can’t get off.

The people who followed Ye Ming this time, in addition to the guard squad, also had two other special assault detachments led by Duan Peng.

Sixty top special forces in full armor spread out silently and approached the target.

Soon, a huge factory appeared in front of Ye Ming and others, and at the gate of the factory, it was written the epidemic prevention water supply station.

That’s right, this is where the secrets of the core research laboratory of Unit 71 and the virus production plant are.

More than half a month has passed since the bombing of Tokyo.

After a large number of intelligence officers searched and investigated, the place was finally locked.

When Ye Ming saw the photos taken by the intelligence officers, he determined this place.

As soon as possible, the troops were summoned and set off, and they took the Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane and went straight to this 731 Demon Cave.

It’s just that after Ye Ming’s fuss before, the current epidemic prevention water supply station has long been closely protected by the Kwantung Army.

Although nothing could be seen outside, on the system map, Ye Ming saw a large number of little devils densely packed in the entire epidemic prevention water supply station, looking like there had been an ambush for a long time.

On the map, Ye Ming did not find any traces of civilians.

The map has clear friend or foe recognition capabilities, and any enemy will be displayed in red.

If it is a Huaxia civilian, it will appear green.

Allies or their own people are all displayed in blue.

Now, in the entire epidemic prevention water supply station, there are six red dots, according to the information Ye Ming got from the mouth of the two little devil virus researchers before.

In this epidemic prevention water supply station, the number of troops has always been, plus the researchers, in fact, there are only more than 1,000 people.

Obviously, at least one wing is stationed in the current epidemic prevention water station.

It is estimated that the little devil also considered that it was possible to be attacked by the special forces of the Eighth Route Army, so it was possible to transfer the living test subjects inside.

Or simply destroy all the living test bodies.

As for the existence of the special forces of the Eighth Route Army, Ye Ming believes that now the entire devil high-level knows about it, after all, the first army already knows, and Yoshio Shinozuka will inevitably report it.

Of course, this is just Ye Ming’s guess.

Facing the epidemic prevention water supply station protected by the little devil, Ye Ming felt that this was a normal thing.

Although he also came with two special assault detachments, it was not that they were just attacking alone.

Modern special operations are also more of a systematic operation.

Special forces are only one link in the entire combat system, and special forces cannot really fight the world.

Ye Ming turned on radio communication, switched to the channel connecting the H-20 strategic bomber, and called:

“The wolf head calls the eagle, the wolf head calls the eagle, please call back when you receive it.”

“The eagle received, the wolf head please speak.”

“Implement Plan No. 2.”


Without letting Ye Mingjiu wait, two H-2 strategic bombers that had dropped to an altitude of less than five thousand meters appeared in the night sky.

With a piercing scream, the entire epidemic prevention water supply station suddenly became a mess.

Just when they sounded the air defense siren, a super ground-penetrating bomb weighing twelve tons landed on the center point of the epidemic prevention water supply station.

The terrifying impact force made this bomb like a bullet penetrating tofu, directly drilling into a depth of hundreds of meters underground, accompanied by a deafening explosion, even Ye Ming and others lurking five hundred meters away, could feel that the entire ground was trembling madly.

Within a few kilometers, the snow on all the canopies was shaking.

In the epidemic prevention water supply station, accompanied by a terrible shock wave, a large number of buildings collapsed instantly, and tens of centimeters of snow were swept away.

Ye Ming, who was staring at the map, clearly saw that the twelve-ton penetration bomb easily penetrated the basements below the little devil’s epidemic prevention water supply station, and instantly destroyed these basements directly.

And this is just the beginning, the second penetration bomb of the same model fell.

This time, under the guidance of the precise guidance of the H-20 strategic bomber in the sky, the bomb directly hit the building complex on the left side of the epidemic prevention water supply station.

Once again, it went underground and blew up a large number of laboratories underground and the buildings on the ground.

There was no need for Ye Ming and the others to do anything, and the bombs fell one by one.

Eight in front and back, all the epidemic prevention water supply stations were leveled to the ground, or more appropriately, the entire epidemic prevention water supply station was completely turned into a basin.

Originally, there were six or seven thousand red dots on the map, but now there are only a few hundred left.

And every second, there are little red dots disappearing.

This is total destruction, and the penetrating bomb has the ability to destroy all fortresses, let alone such a secret laboratory.

And with the destruction of the laboratory, a large number of toxic substances will also poison all the surviving little devils in the ruins.

However, Ye Ming naturally could not watch the virus spread at will, even if a large number of people had migrated away because of the existence of this demon cave nearby, but in the end it was in the land of Huaxia.

A Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane flew over at an ultra-low altitude and sprinkled a large amount of disinfectant water over the epidemic prevention water supply station, which soon became the epidemic prevention water supply station in the basin, and was covered by the foam formed by the disinfectant water.

While this won’t wipe out all viruses, it will at least contain the spread of toxic gases. _

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