
Chapter 101 Possessed by Shadow Demon

Something special!

Hearing what Gu Jianuo said, Xu Le's breathing suddenly stagnated. Did she discover some secrets about herself?

The tree of souls? Mother tree world? Or a forbidden warlock?

Xu Le decided to ask clearly:

"What do you mean, Miss Gu?"

"Did Xu Le really not notice it? I thought you were always very sharp."

Hearing what Gu Jianuo said, Xu Le immediately realized that she had not discovered a secret on her body, but that there was something on her body.

Gujiano's nose is particularly sensitive.

This level of sensitivity has exceeded Gu Yinduo's vision in some places when it comes to detecting enemies.

There is something on my body, something unclean!

There is a high probability... that it is the shadow demon that has not been killed before.

Shadow Demon has the ability to kill its host, so it cannot panic or be exposed.

Activate your ethereal state and remain calm.

Xu Le tilted his head and showed a puzzled expression:

"I think Miss Gu must have seen it wrong."

Gu Jianuo was stunned and wanted to remind her, but she immediately realized that there was something wrong with Xu Le's words.

Is it a mistake to see it, not to hear it wrong?

Judging from Xu Le's observation skills, he shouldn't have made such a language error. It seems that he has noticed it.

"Okay, maybe I really saw it wrong. I'm really sorry."

Gu Jianuo felt that Xu Le was a talent. She also had the task of observing Xu Le when she came out this time, so she naturally wanted to remind Xu Le.

Xu Le is very grateful for Gu Jianuo’s reminder:

"It doesn't matter, Miss Gujiano also has good intentions."

The conversation between the two was very strange. Wang Shu on the side began to feel confused again. Why did this feeling feel like the Riddler's state just now?


Xu Le didn't go to explain to Wang Shu, and he didn't have time to explain.

He slowly walked to the window and looked at his shadow in the sunlight.

Under the observation of Gu Yinduo's vision, the originally normal oblique shadow gradually lengthened, and the constantly distorted pixel shadow began to become stable, and finally turned into a slightly scary smiling face, and it was staring at him.

"Are you looking for me? Mr. Xu Le." Shadow said to Xu Le.

Xu Le was silent for a moment. He first used his ethereal state to clarify his thoughts.

What should you do when you encounter a ghost?

The first is not to panic, and the second is to determine its purpose.

Finally, we can't let it run away anymore.

Find its weakness and kill it without giving it any chance to kill it.

Judging from Gu Beichen's performance just now, the Shadow Demon has the ability to kill its host. Unfortunately, he did not ask Gu Beichen in detail what the Shadow Demon's specific abilities were.

For example, whether one can hear the voice of one's heart, and what is the effect of collecting one's soul.

Everything has to be judged by yourself.

When the information intake is insufficient, he will try to obtain information in the first sentence he speaks.

So, Xu Le said silently in his heart:

"You were injured so badly, but you're not dead yet?"

After Xu Le said these words, Shadow Demon did not react, but continued to tease Xu Le:

"Why don't you say anything? Will Mr. Xu Le be afraid? You were very smart before."

Seeing that Shadow Demon answered the question incorrectly, Xu Le felt relieved.

Very good, the first thing to make sure is that Shadow Demon cannot listen to the voice of the heart. This is a very important point.

At least it won't know what it's thinking all the time, and then even the chance of a comeback will be slim.

Xu Le repeated the question just now. This time, he said it in a low voice.

"You were injured so badly, but you're not dead yet?"

Shadow Demon was also stagnant, as if he did not expect that Xu Le did not shrink or give in under his threat.

"Although I am very weak now, there are so many powerful souls here for me to collect. It will only be a matter of time before I regain my strength."

"Sooner or later? The difference between late and early is huge."

Xu Le acted very calm and showed no fear. This was actually a test to see how much power the Shadow Demon had left.

But as soon as he finished thinking about it, a suffocating feeling soon wrapped around his heart.

Well, this wasn't a feeling, it was really suffocating, he couldn't breathe.

It's not that he can't breathe because he can't use his lungs, but he can't feel the air after he breathes.


"Xu Le? What's wrong with you?"

Gu Beichen asked from the side. He looked at Xu Le's slightly weird look and felt a little strange.

Xu Le could not speak and could only wave his hands, but he still did not compromise.

He lowered his head to prevent others from seeing his purple face.

Shadow Demon's voice followed:

"I know what you're thinking, and I know you're smart, but so what?

Are you trying to trick me out and shoot me again?

Everyone wants to get rid of their own shadow, but how many people can do it?

So to keep you and me safe... you'd better not talk to any other warlocks here, for your own good. "

After Shadow Demon's voice ended, the suffocating feeling gradually disappeared.

Xu Le touched his neck and chest and took a deep breath.

It feels so bad, damn.

Xu Le's face became much gloomier. His judgment was correct. It might have been a long time before he actually suffocated to death just now.

The other party won't really kill him.

Everything it does is to compromise itself.

Xu Le has never wanted to kill someone so much, oh, it's weird.

Most of his previous battles were passive defense, or duties.

But now the killing intention is simply to kill.

He wanted to kill Shadow Demon, absolutely, but the question was how to kill him absolutely?

The CD of Deathstroke is ready, so can I use Little Sun? Or after elementalization, just blow yourself up with a bomb?

These approaches are feasible, but not as good as the square now.

This was in the shadows, and he had no possibility of last-hitting, only one chance.

"Xu Le, are you okay? Why are you squatting? Aren't we going to investigate the second floor now?"

Gu Beichen asked again, he already felt something was wrong with Xu Le.

Even if he was not a Red Moon Warlock, he could feel the murderous intent that erupted from Xu Le just now.

Gu Beichen looked around and wondered:

"There's no one else here. Xu Le doesn't want to kill me, right?"

Xu Le glanced at Gu Beichen, and the prototype of a plan appeared in his mind.

However, the Shadow Demon did not allow him to actively talk to the Warlock, and he was also missing some important information.

"I'm a little uncomfortable. You can wander around by yourself. I'll find you later."

"Are you OK?"


"Okay then!~" Gu Beichen said in a long voice, looking a little helpless.

Although he didn't know what was going on with Xu Le, he still left according to Xu Le's request.

After Gu Beichen left, Xu Lecai continued to talk to Shadow Demon:

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"Mr. Xu Le is really calm. Aren't you afraid? It would be a pity to die at such a young age."

It seemed that Shadow Demon still hadn't given up on the idea of ​​making him surrender.

However, Xu Le also had no intention of compromising at this time.

He took a deep breath and began:

"Okay, I already know your idea of ​​​​cooperating with me."

As soon as he finished saying this, the suffocating feeling hit him again, but Xu Le said quickly:

"Before you take action, you'd better listen to what I have to say, otherwise I will be able to defeat you all."

Xu Le's voice was very decisive, but after he said these words, the suffocating feeling also disappeared.

"You really don't care about life. Mr. Xu Le, please tell me and see if you can convince me."

No matter how hard you convince me, I'll kill you sooner or later!

Xu Le took a few breaths and calmed himself down again:

"First of all, let's analyze it. You held my 2 anima bullets in the square before, countless shots to disperse the bullets, and Teacher Gan's anima blast.

Under such a blow, even if you still have strength, there shouldn't be much left, right?

Even if you can recover, the time now is definitely not enough, otherwise you wouldn't have talked nonsense with me for so long.

The person you possessed last time was Gu Beichen, and the person you possessed this time is me.

Is it possible to tell that you can only or must possess a warlock.

And they are warlocks who cannot be too strong, such as Gu Beichen, who is alone, and me at level 1. "

After confirming that Shadow Demon had no intention of refuting, Xu Le continued:

"Okay, I have finished analyzing your situation, now you can talk about your purpose.

Oh, by the way, let me talk about our purpose first. The team's mission is to complete the development of Baixia Town No. 53. If you want to stop the team, then I'm afraid I can't help you.

Have you seen that harmless level 3 female alchemist? Just the 1.5 meter one.

I guess her power can kill you instantly, what do you think? "

Faced with what Xu Le said so much, Shadow Demon was a little surprised, a little shocked and hesitant.

Many of Xu Le's analyzes were correct, which made him suddenly feel that possessing this level 1 warlock was not a very good choice.

"You said so much, don't you really want to get rid of me?"

Of course what Xu Le wants is not to get rid of him, but to kill him.

"I know you won't give me a chance. Let's talk about your purpose first."

Shadow Demon hesitated for a while, and finally began to agree with Xu Le's statement.

"Didn't Gu Beichen tell you before? I need you to help me find those five items, and then smash them in the mayor's office on the fifth floor, and I will let you go."

Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly. Does Shadow Demon's move have any substantive significance?

And looking for those items was what he was planning to do!

"who are you?"

Xu Le's sudden question made the shadow demon hesitate. It made some strange sounds, like some kind of overlapping emotions.

After a while, it spoke:

"My name is...Ed."

Ed? Shouldn't it be a shame?

Xu Le was getting more and more strange. He didn't feel any lie in Shadow Demon's tone, and the name Ed had never appeared before.

But Shadow Demon's first title is clearly a memory of Bai Gui.

Why can't I connect here?

Xu Le continued to ask:

"Who is Bai Gui?"

"Ashamed? I have never heard of this name."

Have not heard? How can it be?

Xu Le hesitated and asked another name:

"What about Wu Ping'an?"

When he heard this name, the aura conveyed by Shadow Demon also changed.

"You actually know this name. It seems you don't know anything about what's going on in this town."

Shadow Demon's voice trembled obviously.


The strong mental energy emitted by a strange one is just like the hatred of the Resentful Demon Orchid before.

At this time, the Shadow Demon also had strong hatred. It hated Wu Ping'an.

"I don't know much about this place, but I got some information about Wu's safety from the health center."

"Wu An'an, yes, Wu An'an is the culprit of everything. He must die here, he must."

Shadow Demon said through gritted teeth.

Is Wu Ping An the culprit? Shouldn't Wu Ping'an be the hero who tries to save Baixia Town? Although he didn't seem to succeed in the end.

It’s getting messy!

And Xu Le felt that something was not right about Shadow Demon's state, so he tentatively asked again:

"Isn't Wu Ping'an the mayor? How could he be the culprit?"

"He is the mayor. If it weren't for this mayor, we wouldn't be here."

us? came here?

When Xu Le heard this, his doubts deepened.

When they were at the health center before, Resentment Lan did say that Wu An'an was the mayor and a doctor.

But after arriving at the inner street, various signs made Xu Le think that Bai Gui was the mayor.

But now Shadow Demon told him that Wu An'an was the mayor?

When Shadow Demon talks about them, does he mean they are ashamed of themselves?

Are these people here because of the mayor Wu An'an?

What did Wu Ping'an do? Isn't it just to treat the people of Baixia Town?

"What did he do?"

"I can't remember."

Xu Le continued to ask slightly unwillingly:

"I know you have the ability to collect souls. Do you still have any souls left, such as those about Wu Ping'an?"

"You have too many questions. Since our goals are the same, just find the things honestly.

Find the things, smash them in the mayor's room, and everything will pass, and I will let you go naturally. "

At this point in the conversation, Xu Le understood that the Shadow Demon now had no patience.

The result was not bad, he gained a lot of information and temporarily made Shadow Demon trust him.

But if he wants to kill Shadow Demon, he still needs a suitable opportunity.

"I have one last question."

"Why do you have so many questions? Ask them."

"Are you an alchemist?"

The Shadow Demon hesitated again for a while, but this time it was not impatient, but entered a state of meditation and thinking.

"No, I'm not an alchemist, I'm a Rune Warlock LV3-Puppet Controller."

Shadow Demon's original form was a puppet master? Is it one of the two warlocks?

"I see."

Xu Le nodded and walked towards the second floor lounge that was recorded in his notebook.

The shadow demon and the pillow mentioned in the notebook should be there.

Some team members were rummaging through various rooms on the second floor. Many old items broke when touched.

Therefore, flying smoke and dust often occur.

Xu Le fanned his hands to make the dust disperse faster.

But after walking a few steps, a scream appeared on the other side of the floor, and he subconsciously looked in that direction.

Several night watchmen from Team 5 hurriedly dragged out a person. Blood was flowing all over the floor. They didn't know what happened.

"Wang Dong, what are you doing? Why do you want to hurt yourself?"

"I didn't. I was with Fifth Brother just now. Fifth Brother can prove to me that we have never been separated."

"How is it possible? I saw it, it was you."

The members of Team 5 actually wanted to quarrel at this time, but in this environment, quarreling was simply the most meaningless thing.

"What happened over there?" Xu Le murmured.

At this time, Gu Beichen suddenly walked out of the room on the side and patted Xu Le on the shoulder.

"Some people in Team 5 are killing each other. I heard that someone died, but the specific circumstances are unknown."

Xu Le looked at Gu Beichen with some confusion:

"Why did you run over to Team 5?"

Gu Beichen smiled slightly:

"You have the nerve to ask me? You just stood there in a daze, and you didn't go with me even if I asked you to. I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Since you never came, I just wandered around here to see if there were any additional clues. "

Xu Le nodded after hearing what he said.

Gu Beichen was right. He asked him to wait for a while, but Xu Le always felt that something was wrong. What was wrong?

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, let's go. Captain Zhou Jie must handle the matter of Team 5. Let's go to the place we mentioned before and get that thing first."


Xu Legang wanted to nod, but felt that he had overlooked something.

What would a normal Gu Beichen look like? What will you say?

Xu Le felt that Gu Beichen's expression should be:

"What can I do if I am proud?"

What Gu Beichen said should be:

"You shouldn't waste a warlock's time talking to you, son of a bitch, look directly at me!"

Xu Le looked at Gu Beichen again, injecting more spiritual energy into Gu Yinduo's vision.

[Light Casting] No more.

The [Light Casting] on Gu Beichen disappeared.

Xu Le suddenly took out his pistol, pointed it at Gu Beichen's head and stepped back:

"Who does Brother Shu like?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Gu Beichen looked a little surprised, but Xu Le laughed at this time:

"You are too enthusiastic. If it were that guy, he must have said this when he saw me for taking me so long.

You bastard, look directly at me!

Also, I've been putting up with that idiot for a long time, and I just want to vent my anger on you. "

Xu Le suddenly raised his gun and shot Gu Beichen's head three times in front of him.

Bang bang bang!

The sudden gunfire startled everyone. They quickly turned around and raised their guns to look at Gu Beichen and Xu Le.

Suddenly, another Gu Beichen's voice came from the room at the end of the corridor:

"What's going on? That idiot upstairs shows up again?"

When Gu Beichen appeared, the atmosphere instantly became strange. Two identical people?

However, Gu Beichen, the man in front of Xu Le, touched his forehead. The bullet hole was still there, but there was no bleeding on his head.

"So sharp, boy."

"He's fake."

After he finished speaking, others realized something was wrong and started shooting.

There was a burst of gunfire in the corridor on the second floor.

The fake Gu Beichen was instantly beaten into pieces.

His skin slipped and fell crookedly on the ground, then gradually decayed and disappeared.

For a moment, Xu Le saw a slightly deformed person in Gu Yinduo's vision.

[Bai Gu's disguise, special, painted skin, level 3 weirdness, light cast polluter, awakening - human skin, awakening - escape]

"Another this the fourth one?"

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