
Chapter 110 Forbidden Warlock LV2-Destiny Master

Wang Shu stood on the outside of the lighthouse wall and said to the guard at the door:

"Detachment 6 of Night Watch Area B, with 8 people on duty, 5 people returning, and 1 researcher."

"Detachment 5 of Night Watch Area B, 10 people are on duty, 5 people have returned, and no outside members."

Speaking of which, Zhou Jie's team 5 was even more miserable than team 6. Being alive under such a mission is a special kind of luck.

Wang Shu tightened the knife in his hand and said calmly:

"Captain, we're going home."

Gujiano also jumped out of the car at this time. After showing a special ID in front of the guard, he walked to another passage.

Before leaving, she turned to Xu Le and Wang Shu and said:

"If Team 6 cannot survive, you two can come to me at Beacon University."

Wang Shu didn't look at her, but Xu Le shook his head and refused directly.

"I know you are feeling very heavy and depressed right now, but life must go on. In fact, after Bai Jing's death, Night Watchman B-6 no longer has a need to exist in the eyes of the superiors, so just take care of yourself."

Gu Jianuo left here after finishing speaking.

Gu Beichen waved his hands and said slightly unconvinced:

"She didn't invite me? What a blind guy."

During the battle with Bai Gui, Gu Beichen fainted very early, so he didn't know the strength Gu Jianuo showed at that time.

Xu Le and Wang Shu just remained silent, preparing for the treatment and examination they would face next.

Lying in the hospital, Xu Le looked at the doctor who was giving him stitches, dazed.

This kind of thing must be very painful. Why don't I feel anything until now? It's like being numb.

"Perhaps those things before were more painful than this."

After the medical staff left, Xu Le lay alone on the hospital bed.

Because this is an isolation ward, Xu Le is the only one. He is lying quietly on the bed, taking an IV drip, not knowing what to think.

Yes, Xu Le himself doesn't know what to think about now.

Two words stand out in my mind: blank.

Boom, boom, boom!

Xu Le was slightly startled when he heard the knocking on the window and looked out the window.

Because there were lights inside the house and it was dark outside, Xu Le could only see a pair of green eyes standing there.

"This guy... actually came over with a can in his mouth. Isn't he really a dog?"

Xu Le got out of bed with some difficulty, walked to the window and opened it.


Ding Ke threw the cat can aside, then jumped into Xu Le's arms with excitement, rubbing and scratching.

After Xu Le played with it for a while, he lay on the bed in silence again.

Ding Ke seemed to notice that he was not very interested, so he lay quietly in his arms.

Xu Le murmured while touching Ding Ke's head:

“Turgenev once said that a weak-willed person will never end things on his own, but will always wait for the end to come.

If we are always waiting for absolutely everything to fall into place, we will never get started.

Shouldn't I be so depressed? "


Although what Xu Le said sounded a little philosophical, what Ding Ke was thinking at this time was...who is Turgenev?

"Hey, why am I telling you this?"

Xu Le picked up the warlock's cane from the bedside.

At this time, the warlock's staff has returned to its original appearance.

【Night Fury's Approval】

Ancient Yinduo Relics-Living

The power of ancient sounds - light casting, night evil

Effect - Astonishing Weapon: This is a very, very special weapon.

Effect - Killing: Every time you kill a Guinduo heir, the cane will be strengthened by one point, and the current killing +1.

Effect - Beacon: Opens a door to the light-forged world.

Introduction 1: This is Lord Night Fury’s reward.

Introduction 2: It is alive.

The properties of the cane have not changed much, except that the number of kills has become +1.

Xu Le grasped the cane tightly and slowly injected Gu Yinduo's power into it, and the shape of the cane began to change.

Revolver, double-barreled shotgun, club, black sword, Night's Watch knife.

Various forms were displayed in Xu Le's hands. At this moment, Xu Le had barely mastered the use of this weapon.

The current form changes are just these. Xu Le doesn't know whether this is a copy or the embodiment of will.

But Black Cat Ding doesn't seem to like this black stick.

After Xu Le studied it for a while, he stopped playing with it.

Although he became a warlock for a short time, Xu Le already felt a kind of spiritual perfection after experiencing the battle and absorbing the residual energy of the ancient warlock.

Even through divination training, his ancient sound multi-spiritual power has no longer increased.

Next, you need to consider promotion matters.

He took out his wallet from the bedside table. It was still stained with blood, but most of it was still clean.

He took out a small notebook and slowly opened it. It recorded the promotion method that Gan had told him.

[Red Moon Warlock-LV2-Psychologist, promotion, ritual method. 】

Condition 1 - The psychic beast completely surrenders to you.

Condition 2 - The spiritual power has been improved to the perfect state of LV1 stage, and the symbol is that it can be used for divination three times a day.

Condition 3 - At 12 o'clock on the first lunar month, perform a moon night ritual. Elevate an emotion to the extreme and abandon it when it reaches the extreme.

Condition 4 - Provide 7 psychological suggestions to a person in a completely unexpected state.

Condition 5- Make this person believe something that he would never accept.

Looking at this promotion method, Xu Le felt speechless.

First of all, the first one is to let your psychic beast surrender to you. This one is very strange.

His psychic beasts are all weird, although every one he summons doesn't look very smart.

But there is absolutely no problem with their obedience.

It's like he is their master.

Then there is the third item. If you abandon an emotion, this item will be even more unnecessary.

He can grow fruits by absorbing emotions. The fruit has extremely high use value. Even if it cannot be used up, it can be sacrificed and nourished.

Giving up an emotion is tantamount to reducing a channel for your own growth.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are weakening yourself.

Xu Le, who had no clue, looked at Ding Ke. Logically speaking, this guy guided him to become a forbidden warlock, so he should be responsible for himself now.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Meow meow meow! ~

Ding Ke tilted his head, then rolled in front of Xu Le, exposing his belly.

Xu Le grabbed it a few times and sighed again.

"Can you really not transform?"

Meow! ~

Ding Ke started to get a little annoyed, and Xu Le could only give up.

At this time, Xu Le picked up the Guyinduo card at hand, and a strange feeling arose in his heart. He accidentally injected Guyinduo's psychic energy into the card.

Later, Xu Le did something that Gan once said and he had thought about, but should not do.

Give yourself a fortune telling.

"Guyinduo World Tree, what is my destiny?"

The clock rang at 12 midnight, and Xu Le also drew a card at the same time.

It was like some kind of premonition in his heart, even if Xu Le didn't turn over the card, he seemed to already know which card it was.

"Black Sheep Girl, I guess."

Xu Le was suddenly stunned after turning over the cards. The card in his hand was indeed the black card, but it didn't seem to be the black sheep girl.

Nor was it any card he had ever seen before.

Maybe this card borrows from Black Sheep Girl?

The center of the card is like a flowing vortex.

When Xu Le looked at the vortex in the center of this card, his whole spirit and will were sucked into it.

Ding Ke tilted his head and looked at Xu Le, as if he had expected all this.

She quietly ran to Xu Le's bedside table and began to eat the dinner that the nurse had brought long ago but that Xu Le had not eaten.

Meow meow! Ding Ke smiled happily while eating Yu Nana's lunch box.

In a boundless space, the red moon in the sky shines on the earth, and everything turns red.

The only giant tree that breaks through the sky is a different deep blue.

Needless to say, you should know that this is Hongyue and Guyinduo.

The Red Moon is very close to this area, but from Xu Le's perspective, the Ancient Yinduo Tree seems to be bigger than the entire Red Moon.

Xu Le stood between the tree and the moon. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he discovered that there were countless thin lines here.

Every line corresponds to his own destiny.

Unlike other people who have one or several threads of destiny, his destiny is mottled and somewhat unimaginable.

Xu Le felt that there should be a reason why he was able to come here.

So, this should be fate?

Carefully selecting the threads of fate in front of him, in fact, in Xu Le's eyes, these threads are all exactly the same.

Xu Le kept scanning, and suddenly in the corner of his eye, he seemed to see a certain thread flickering.


He immediately turned around and looked for the one that made him feel something among the many threads of fate.

Just when he thought he had found nothing, a silk thread had unknowingly wrapped around his finger.

Xu Le pinched the thread and slowly closed his eyes.

[Forbidden Warlock - LV2 - Fortune Teller, promoted to ritual method. 】

Condition 1 - The spiritual power is upgraded to the perfect state of LV1 stage, and the branch of Guyin Duo-Shi extends from the mark position.

Condition 2 - Unlock 1 Guyin Duo Destiny card.

Condition 3 - Provide psychological suggestion to a person, stir up the thread of his fate, and give him the will to refute fate.

Condition 4 - Create a false thread of fate.

Condition 5 - Perform a moon ritual during the Red Moon Tribulation to allow an emotion to break through the limit level 2 and sublimate it.

The promotion is completed.

Xu Le loosened the thread of fate.

At this point, he finally confirmed one thing, that is, his profession was completely different from Gan.

Maybe there are some similarities in LV1.

But once they reach LV2, the two professional systems have almost moved in completely different directions.

From the name of the profession to the methods and conditions for promotion, everything has been completely changed.

Forbidden warlocks are warlocks who need to completely incorporate the spirit of the red moon into the ancient Yinduo system.

They...are different.

Closing his eyes, Xu Le let his will escape this boundless world. When he woke up again, the card in his hand had turned into a black sheep girl.

It was it when I first learned it, it was it when I was almost wiped out this time, and it was the method to get promoted to LV2.

This card that represents disaster... is really destined to him!

"What does it mean to unlock an ancient Yin Duo Destiny card?"

It has been a while since Xu Le came into contact with cards. Regarding the information and knowledge of each card, Xu Le asked himself that he had a certain level of knowledge.

Can you say unlocked? How to unlock? Where is the lock?

This seems to have nothing to do with cards!

As for the other promotion conditions, Xu Le could barely understand them.

For example, condition one is to extend the branch of Guyinduo-shi.

Xu Le immediately changed from a lying position to a sitting position, slowly focused his attention, and allowed the power on the Soul Tree to gradually materialize.

Then, there was a sound of bones twisting, and the substantive ancient sound was extended from Xu Le's seventh spine.

This should be the actual branch needed for condition one.

As for the others...

"Wait, what's this sound?"

Xu Le suddenly heard the sound of licking tongues and picking up rice, occasionally mixed with meowing sounds. He followed the sound and saw Ding Ke picking up his lunch box.

It looks delicious.

Xu Le grabbed the lunch box and found that the meat inside had been eaten, and the rice seemed to have been licked a few times.

Xu Le said angrily:

"Ding Ke!~

Look at how fat you have become. Cats cannot eat such greasy food. "

Xu Le arrested Ding Ke.

Originally, Ding Ke still wanted to struggle, but after fate grabbed her by the neck, she had no choice but to be honest.

Ding Ke looked at Xu Le pitifully.

A cat should eat cat food every day, but it is not a pure cat!

"From today on, you can't eat such greasy food, especially my food."

Meow meow meow! Ding Ke looked aggrieved.

In the following time, Xu Le rested in the hospital bed every day, and his injuries were quite serious.

Of course, compared to several others, this injury didn't seem that serious.

The Night Watch branch has already given out the news.

Because of the night watchman B-5, B-6 completed the very difficult pioneering mission of Block 53.

Special leave of 15 days, and no field work is required in the next 2 months.

During this period, Night Watch teams 5-6 need to replenish their personnel as soon as possible and recover from injuries. During this period, the personnel of the Night Watch branch will also provide certain support.

I don’t know if it’s verbal support.

Of course, internal support still needs to be carried out as usual.

During this period of time, Xu Le was studying the unlocking of Guyinduo cards while quietly waiting for the recovery of his injuries.

On the tenth day, Xu Le, wearing hospital clothes, got up from the bed and put cat food on the window. Unfortunately, the nurse saw him again.

"I told you that pets are not allowed in hospitals."

"If you leave it at home, no one will feed it."

The nurse looked at Xu Le, and finally just sighed and put a set of black clothes on the bed.

"These are the clothes you want. The doctor only gives you 8 hours. After 8 hours, you must come back."

"Thank you."

The service attitude of the nurses here is actually very poor, but they are very nice people.

This is probably Xu Le's personal experience living here.

When he came to the toilet, Xu Le briefly shaved himself with a dagger. He didn't bring a razor, so he had to make do with this kind of thing.

After tidying up his appearance, Xu Le began to change clothes.


Ding Ke barked, and after eating a few mouthfuls of cat food, he quietly waited for Xu Le to put on his uniform, as if he knew what Xu Le was going to do next.

After he changed into his uniform, Ding Ke jumped onto Xu Le's shoulders.

When he walked out of the room, Gu Beichen and Wang Shu were already waiting for him.

Gu Beichen, who was leaning against the wall, curled his lips:

"As a night watchman, why don't you have any perspective on time?"

Xu Le glanced at the time, 8:59.

"It's 8:59 now. You shouldn't be late, right?"

"Do you understand the rules of the workplace? If you don't arrive earlier than your boss, you are considered late. Do you understand?"

Xu Le looked at the words "Gu Yin Duo Heirs" on Gu Beichen's body and wondered whether he should kill him and strengthen his weapons again.


"Let's go." Wang Shu opened his mouth, and Gu Beichen and Xu Le also shut up.


Wang Shu and Gu Beichen both bought a bouquet of flowers, while Xu Le bought some yellow paper.

The three of them took a car to the Night Watchman Monument. In most cases, the lighthouse would not allow the dead night watchmen to leave their bodies.

After all, deformed extraordinary beings are more difficult to deal with than ordinary people.

However, in order to commemorate those night watchmen who died for the lighthouse, the lighthouse built a night watchman monument.

The night watchmen who died during the mission or during the black tide will be engraved on this stone tablet.

Bai Jing's name is at the end of this batch, and it is marked with gold paint, which means that she had many great achievements during her lifetime.

Wang Shu and Gu Beichen put down the flowers and bowed.

Xu Le burned some yellow paper money for Bai Jing.

"Captain, I'll burn some money for you, eat something good when you get down there, find a good man to marry in your next life, and stop being a night watchman."

"I can barely understand the burning of yellow paper, but where is the bottom part you mentioned?"

"Down there is a legendary place called the Realm of Ancient Sound - Naihe Bridge."

Seeing Xu Le's serious look, Gu Beichen was a little confused.

"Is there really such a place?"

"Yes, I heard that there is also Po Meng."

"Let's go, let him sit here for a while."

After paying homage to Bai Jing, Xu Le said to Gu Beichen that if it were normal days, Gu Beichen might still argue a few words.

But today he nodded in surprise, because he saw Wang Shu, who never drank alcohol, brought two bottles of wine here today, probably because he wanted to get drunk here.

"Okay, let's go."

After walking out of the monument, Xu Le looked at Gu Beichen:

"Where are you going?"

"At this time, of course we have to recruit people. There are currently five staff vacancies in the team. If we don't recruit people by ourselves, do you think the HR Department, who wears the same pants as Wang Yueqin, will fill us up?"

Xu Le frowned slightly, although Gu Beichen's way of speaking was a bit rough.

But it is undeniable that what he said makes sense.

The current 6 teams only have 5 people at full capacity, and even Niu Yuan has the possibility of leaving after Bai Jing's death.

Niu Yuan has a very good relationship with Bai Jing, but his relationship with Gan and young people like them is actually just an ordinary relationship between colleagues.

Now without Bai Jing's bond, Niu Yuan might leave.

But for recruiting people, does it have to be like holding up a sign in the school like company recruitment in the previous life?

Xu Le always felt something was wrong.

“Under normal circumstances, where do you go to recruit people?”

"You don't even know this. Fortunately, you are still a student of Beacon University. Of course, you are the extraordinary club of Beacon University.

This is the selection area for ordinary extraordinary people. Excellent talents will join the Night Watch system, and ordinary talents will flow into the guard system. Do you understand? "

"Lighthouse University?"

Xu Le was slightly hesitant. Because of Gu Jianuo's relationship, he now had some resistance to Beacon University.

"Go now?" Xu Le looked at Gu Beichen.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Let's go, we are also the leaders of Team 6 now."

Xu Le hesitated for a moment:

"Four leaders...and one team member who may leave?"

"Just say whether you want to go or not?"


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