
Chapter 130 The Art of Playing with Fate


Wang Shu and Gu Beichen glanced at each other. Not only them, but also the other guards here, including Wang Yueqin and others from Team 2, also looked confused at this time.

Just now Gu Jianuo said he wanted to show the power of the Light here, so why did he turn around and leave?

What was the eye contact between her and Xu Le?

Gujiano didn't explain much about leaving now.

What she came here for and where she was going now didn't need to be explained to anyone.

The warriors who turned into golden tree men slowly gathered around Gu Jianuo.

This scene made Xu Le a little worried, worried that another wave of high-level weirdness would suddenly hit his face.

However, Gu Jianuo was obviously aware of this problem. She actually let the golden tree guards go first and walked towards the city.

And she said to Ruan Di who stayed behind:

"Ruan Di, I'm sorry."

At this time, Colonel Ruan Di was already a little confused, and Xu Le could feel it, whether it was the power of light or the energy of Gu Yinduo.

They were constantly corroding his body. Xu Le felt that if a period of time passed or Ruan Di's injury would be more serious.

Then he will be unable to suppress these two forces, causing them to lose balance and eventually become truly weird.

However, Ruan Di was still awake at this time. From the conversation between Gu Jianuo and Xu Le just now, he had already thought of something.

Especially when the living corpse dragon rushed towards him, he also felt the killing intent.

But there was no regret or regret in Ruan Di's eyes. As a soldier, he had already regarded death as a destination.

"You don't need to say that, Master Gu. You are someone we recognize, and we will be responsible for everything you do."

"Guard here." Gu Jianuo said.

Ruan Di, who had completely transformed into a golden tree man, nodded to Gu Jianuo.

"As a warrior, you should die on the battlefield without being wrapped in horse leather. Please feel free to leave, Mr. Gu. We will fight to the death without retreating."

The tall tree man stood on the edge of the city wall, holding up the blood-stained golden branches on his body.

The surrounding guards immediately calmed down:

"Fight to the death and never retreat."

Night Watchmen Team 2 and Team 6 took a car to protect Gu Jianuo and began to rush into the city.

Twelve golden tree men were running on both sides of the steam vehicle, constantly attracting strange things that might harm Gu Jianuo.

Wang Yueqin and Wang Shu kicked open the car doors respectively, allowing themselves to hang half in the car in a more comfortable position.

Holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other.

Kill those flying monsters.

In the chaos, the steam car moved forward and gradually approached the moat of the upper city.

But at this moment, Gu Jianuo suddenly covered his chest.

She slid down from the car seat as if she couldn't breathe, and was very embarrassed.

"Miss Gu, what's wrong with you? Xu Le?" Wang Yueqin quickly looked at Xu Le.

Xu Le, who was sitting in front, was also stunned, looking at Gu Jianuo's inability to breathe and the frightened expression in his eyes.

He suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Stop, stop everyone."

Amidst Xu Le's shouts, the steam car slowly stopped.

Gu Jianuo immediately jumped out of the car, lay on the ground, and looked in one direction under the bloody night, at a somewhat dilapidated tall building?

Not sure whether it was because of pain or humiliation, her tears flowed down along with her nose.

But Xu Le, standing next to her, suddenly felt a hint of danger.

"Brother Shu, back off!"

"What?" Gu Beichen was still questioning, but Wang Shu directly pulled him away from Gu Jianuo.

At the same time, a red ring-shaped alchemy array began to spread outward with Gu Jianuo as the center.

Wang Yueqin and others also felt something was wrong, but it was too late to leave at this time.

Red light flashed, and the legs of many night watchmen were attached to a strong spiritual energy.

The legs also gradually turned to stone as the spiritual energy fluctuations were transmitted.

"Spell - Stone Formation Formation."

Gu Jiano slowly stood up from the ground, her expression changed from firm before to indifferent now.

The pain just now seemed to have completely disappeared.

Her eyes lost their original brilliance, leaving only numbness. This feeling was like surrendering to fate.

Xu Le looked at Gu Jianuo and asked:

"Did you finally choose to surrender?"

Gujiano didn't answer, she just slowly raised her arm, suddenly emitting a wave of mental energy.

At the same time, twelve golden tree men began to run towards them.

Their eyes have long lost the emotions that normal humans should have. At this time, they will only obey Gu Jianuo's order and kill everyone here.

"Zheng Wen!"

Xu Le grabbed the roommate standing in front of him, trying to save this guy who joined the Night Watch Team 6 because of him.

But no matter how hard he tried, Zheng Wen's legs would not move at all, as if they were stuck to the ground.

Looking at the golden tree man close at hand, Xu Le took out the black staff.

The black rod turned into a black gun.

Two bullets hit the golden tree man in the head instantly, but it was useless. His broken body was still moving.


The branches of the golden tree were already stabbing at it, and Xu Le had no choice but to avoid it.

But those who were fixed in place did not have such a good result.


Zheng Wen's body was pierced by a thick golden branch.

He looked at Xu Le, opened his mouth widely, and took a long breath. Zheng Wen seemed to have the slightest strength to speak. He smiled bitterly:

"Xu Le, I can be considered a night watchman, thank you."

Xu Le didn't have time to feel sad. He looked at Wu Shana not far away... She was not dead yet.

He immediately transformed into a black knife and slashed Wu Shana's legs.


The stone leg shattered, and Wu Shana was finally pulled out by Xu Le.

Her expression was very painful, but she seemed to be holding back the pain and not letting herself speak out.

It seems that even petrified beings have feelings.

"Senior, behind you..."

"I know."

Xu Le dragged Wu Shanna, seemingly wanting to take her outside the circle surrounded by golden tree people.

But all actions are in vain.

Three golden tree men were already standing in front of Xu Le.

Countless golden branches interspersed.

In despair, Xu Le could only transform his body into elements and barely dodge these attacks.

But some of the golden branches still stabbed him. The attack of this golden branch itself comes with light energy. Even if it is elementalized, it cannot avoid the damage.

When Xu Le rolled to the side, countless branches pierced Wu Shana who was lying on the ground.

Poof! Poof!

She slowly stretched out her hand towards Xu Le, and then her arm was nailed to the ground by a branch.

A silent death.

The situation was the same for Team 2 night watchman Wang Yueqin and others. When their bodies could not move, they were pierced by golden branches one by one.

Even with the strength of a warrior, he cannot withstand such an attack.

Killing blooms in the bloody night.

But the targets of the killing were not the weirdos, but those of them who fought for the lighthouse.

Xu Le looked at everything in front of him, a little confused.


Why is this so?

District Chief of District B, why do you want to kill all the people here?

Shouldn't both the Night Watchmen and Gu Jiano himself be Xiong Zemo's subordinates?

Why on earth do you want to kill all your subordinates?

"Xiong Zemo!"

Xu Le roared at the building Gu Jianuo was looking at before.

Wang Shu and Gu Beichen also looked in that direction.

District chief?

Because of Xu Le's previous reminder, the two of them managed to escape death.

After Gu Jianuo heard Xu Le's cry, his eyes that were already dead seemed to have a slight fluctuation.

But soon, the fluctuation died out again.

She clasped her hands together and dispelled the stone formation.

Then he also looked at the building where Xu Le shouted.


A tall figure instantly jumped from the roof and landed with a crash, bringing up a lot of dust.

Xu Le looked at the giant in front of him. Yes, Xiong Zemo was almost like a giant from his perspective.

In the dark ages, because everyone slept with the lights on, most humans did not grow very tall. It is said that this is because of melatonin.

Xu Le's height of 1.8 meters was already considered very tall in the dark ages.

But the guy in front of me is probably over 2.2 meters tall.

There is no problem in calling such a person a giant.

"A very keen young man can actually judge my existence based on so many clues. You are still only level 1, right?

It's a pity, if you can grow up, your potential will definitely not be weaker than Xiao Nuo's. "

Hearing Xiong Zemo's calm words, Xu Le let the tree of soul absorb his anger.

He had to remain calm in the face of such an enemy, whether it was useful or not, he had to remain calm.


Hearing Xu Le's question, Xiong Zemo shook his head slightly, seeming a little disappointed.

"If you had a broader perspective, maybe you wouldn't ask this. I thought you would ask something else."

Xu Le was not shaken by his words and continued to ask:


Xiong Zemo took out his watch and glanced at the time. It was already around 3:30 in the morning, and there was still nearly an hour before the Kuroshio ended.

Perhaps out of boredom, or perhaps like Gu Jiano, wanting to release some of his inner secrets, Xiong Zemo said:

"You can know the secret of the tower, and you can also know the formula of distortion, but you should not know the reasons for the dark tide.

There are too many secrets hidden in this world. If some things are made public, the lighthouse will cease to exist.

You are too young and your vision is not broad enough, so you are not aware of the problems here.

But those congressmen with God's perspective saw clearly that the secrets of the gods were untouchable.

Those who touch it can only be wiped out! "

The secret of the gods?


The person who betrayed was Luo Juya!

She warned herself not to talk nonsense, not because she was worried that she would be in danger, but because she didn't want more people to realize the problem?

Lost? not yet!

Xu Le looked at the tall Xiong Zemo in front of him. He knew that a powerful level 4 warlock could never be his opponent.

So, he needs extra strength.

“I see, it turns out that from the moment we discovered the secret of the tower, you already had murderous intentions.

The thing you protect turns out to be so fragile. Is that kind of thing worthy of being called a god? "

Xiong Zemo actually fell silent for a moment because of Xu Le's words, and then nodded.

“I also feel that that kind of thing is not worthy of being called a god, but its existence can at least maintain the continuation of the lighthouse.

The existence of the lighthouse is related to the existence of everyone.

So the gods...must be protected. "

Xu Le smiled and suddenly said:

"The arrangement of fate is so ridiculous. I originally hoped that you could give me some time..."

Behind him, Gu Jianuo's eyes flashed with luster again. This time, the luster was not extinguished, but brightened.

"Xiao Nuo, deal with them." Xiong Zemo gave the order.

After Gujiano nodded, he lay on the ground with his hands and bent his body.


The bones expanded instantly, and countless barbs and cones sprouted from his right arm. His left arm became wrapped in metal, and his spine protruded behind his back.

Gujiano dragged his long tail and suddenly rushed in!

But the target of her sudden attack was not Xu Le, but Xiong Zemo in front of Xu Le.

But Xiong Zemo didn't have much trouble because of Gu Jianuo's betrayal. He just said lightly:

"Xiao Nuo, you could have survived."

"Give me freedom or give me death!"

Gu Jianuo opened his huge mouth and bit Xiong Zemo, but Xiong Zemo just took out a puppet and shook it slightly.

Gu Jianuo interrupted his attacking action and fell heavily to the ground.

But she was not discouraged. Gu Beichen beside her released wildfire and sprayed it on Xiong Zemo.

Xiong Zemo released a gray screen, which blocked the flames and also interrupted the action of torturing the puppet.

Wang Shu suddenly attacked and waved the sword in his hand, forcing Xiong Zemo to retreat, while also giving Gu Jianuo a chance to breathe.

Gujiano opened his mouth, and the golden tree men around him raised their hands.

Pass the power of light in their mouths to Gu Jianuo's mouth.

"Art - Honkai Impact!"

After the energy quickly gathered, a golden wave flashed from Gu Jianuo's mouth. The golden energy instantly shattered Xiong Zemo's defense and released a violent explosion.


When the three of them joined forces to fight the enemy, Xu Le drew a formation on the ground with his own blood.

Ceremony of the Moon.

On the other side, Xiong Zemo slowly walked out of the broken ruins. The blow just now did hurt him, but he still had no extra expression.

Facing such a powerful enemy, the three of them were a little desperate.

"Xiao Nuo's strength has indeed improved!"

Xiong Zemo struck out suddenly. He took out a golden short stick from his sleeve and broke the sword that Bai Jing left for Wang Shu with one stroke.


Wang Shu was already very fast as a level 3 warrior, but Xiong Zemo was even faster, even several times faster.

His speed couldn't match his huge body.


Before Wang Shu could react, the head of the stick exploded through his chest like a heavy cannon.

Xiong Zemo slammed Wang Shu to the ground, and blood spattered everywhere.

After dealing with Wang Shu, he looked at Gu Beichen again.

"Little tree!"

Gu Beichen released the pyroblast angrily, but Xiong Zemo just opened his mouth casually.

A strong frost instantly covered Gu Beichen, and the flames of his spell were frozen in the air, turning him and himself into an ice sculpture.

Then, Xiong Zemo looked at Gu Jianuo, who was already running towards him.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a violent collision between the two.

Gu Jianuo's metal fist collided with Xiong Zemo's fist, and every time they collided, a strong wave of air would emit.

Their figures were like phantoms, constantly appearing, disappearing, reappearing, and disappearing in Xu Le's eyes.

In just one minute of fighting, the two had collided dozens of times.

Until Gu Jianuo let out a long roar at Xiong Zemo and pierced Xiong Zemo's chest with a claw.

Gu Jianuo, who had hurt Xiong Zemo, suddenly raised his head, and the original surprise in his eyes suddenly turned into despair.

Xiong Zemo grabbed Gu Jianuo's head and swung the golden stick in his hand more than ten times.

Click! Click!

After breaking almost all the bones in Gu Jianuo's body, he threw it out again.

In pain, Gujiano released his demon transformation state.

She slowly turned her head and looked at Xu Le.

"Is the time I bought you enough?"

Xu Le looked at the dying Gu Jianuo and finally nodded.

"That's enough, thanks."

Xiong Zemo did not stop because of the conversation between the two. He covered his injured chest and took out Gu Jianuo's control doll.

While holding the puppet with one hand and making Gu Jianuo scream, the other hand took out a golden bell and shook it slightly.


The 12 golden tree figures seemed to have sensed some kind of call. They walked towards Gu Jianuo and Xu Le silently.

That golden bell was actually able to control these golden tree people who originally belonged to Gu Jianuo.

Xiong Zemo's face was not very pretty. It seemed that Gu Jiano's attack was effective and he was injured.

Xu Le, who had been squatting on the ground, finally stood up.

“I originally thought it was sadness, after all, so many people died.

Later I thought it was anger because I was really angry.

In the end, I realized that those were not important, those were incidental emotions, my own emotions, emotions that were not strong enough and emotions that should be abandoned.

The emotion I should really choose is fear.

I should strike fear into everyone. "

[Forbidden Warlock - LV2 - Fortune Teller, promoted to ritual method. 】

Condition 1 - The spiritual power is upgraded to the perfect state of LV1 stage, which is marked by the extension of the branch of Guyinduo-shi.

Condition 2 - Unlock 1 Guyin Duo Destiny card.

Condition 3 - Give a hint to a person, stir his heart, and give him the will to refute fate.

Condition 4-Create a thread of destiny.

Condition 5 - During the Red Moon Tribulation, perform a moon ritual to allow an emotion to break through the limit level 2 and sublimate it.

"The ceremony is complete."

Under Xiong Zemo's gaze, he felt a red moon light falling on Xu Le.

Then, Xu Le burst out with energy that a normal warlock wouldn't have.

That's... Guyinduo!

Xu Le turned the black staff in his hand into a black sword.

Then, he pierced the black sword into the ground beneath his feet, and a strong wave of mental energy flowed along the ground and was transmitted to the 12 golden tree men around him.

The gold in the eyes of these golden tree men disappeared instantly, replaced by endless fear.

They burst out with all the branches on their bodies, and these branches entangled Xiong Zemo.


Then, they rushed towards Xiong Zemo. They were not helping Xu Le, but fearing Xu Le.

They believed that Xiong Zemo had become their last safe haven, so these golden trees ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Xu Le took out a card.

【White Brand-Four Leaf Clover】

Xu Le flew out the cards in his hand.

This card burned blue Guyinduo flames in the air, and finally fell on Xiong Zemo.

Xu Le pointed two fingers upward.

"The art of playing with fate - four-leaf clover.

Opposite: Fragile life. "

Yesterday during the day, I helped my wife go to the seller's house to deliver rice to her door.

I went out to pick strawberries with my child again. I didn’t spend much time with her recently, so I came back very late.

The update time has been postponed until now.

Usually I actually write on time, but today I actually wrote until almost 5 o'clock. . .

Mainly because I don’t want to disappoint everyone.

No more talking, please count the votes or something, thank you.

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