
Chapter 143 A difficult monster to deal with

Xu Le has already guessed that this person is likely to be related to him, or even his relative.

The question now is, why can't he remember it at all?

The ethereal state was always on, and he had retrieved most of the original owner's memories in just a few seconds.

But the content about the person in front of me is not vague or unclear, but completely absent.

Did the original owner forget this person?

How does this work?

"Well, I'm back." Xu Le pretended to be serious.

There is no way, the other person knows him, but he does not know the other person.

In this case, awkward chatting is not possible, and there is a high chance that the conversation will lead to betrayal.

Although he didn't know the dangers of joining a gang, Xu Le felt that he didn't want to cause trouble.

"You guy." The man in front of him walked up and wanted to punch Xu Le.

But his fist was hanging in the air, and looking at Xu Le's slightly indifferent expression, he lowered his hand again.

"It's good to be back. It's good to be back. Hahaha. If you haven't come back, we all thought you..."

"Brother, who is it?"

Before the man could finish speaking, a woman wearing a law enforcer's uniform, with oil paint on her face and holding a big knife appeared on the opposite side.

When she saw Xu Le, her brows instantly furrowed.


Xu Le panicked when he heard the word brother.

"It's over, it's over, why do so many people know me?

Am I so famous in Zion?

Is returning to Zion the right choice?

Calm, calm analysis. "

The woman in front of me is somewhat similar to myself, but she is more similar to the man opposite.

She calls Fang brother, which means that the two of them may be brother and sister.

And the woman calls herself Brother Xu Le, which means that he shouldn't be her biological brother or something like that, but maybe a relative one or two floors away?

If it is a relative, will it be a cousin or a cousin?

"Ah hello."

Still pretending to be deep, Xu Le couldn't say much else.

Levis on the side also noticed the conversation between the two parties. Xu Le and the law enforcer actually knew each other. He looked at Xu Le in surprise.

"Do you know each other? Why don't you introduce me?"

"We know each other, but we're not familiar with each other." Xu Le could only say this.

The man opposite looked embarrassed, but he opened his mouth but did not refute Xu Le's statement.

"My name is Xu Lei, her name is Xu Ting, I am Xu Le's cousin, and she is my cousin."

There was a smile hidden in Xu Le's eyes. Don't you know that pretending to be serious is the best way to obtain information.

Levis nodded and looked at Xu Le.

"Cousins, don't you think we know each other well?"

At this time, Xu Le said slightly indifferently:

"It's been a long time since we've had any contact. I almost forgot about them."

"Brother Xu Le, why do you say that? We are all sad when you leave..."

Xu Le frowned slightly. It seemed that his cousins ​​were not very indifferent to his feelings, which was troublesome.

If it is the kind of very indifferent family relationship, it is actually the best to deal with it. The deeper the relationship, the more troublesome it will be to deal with it.

Regarding Xu Ting's statement, Xu Le just raised his head a little coldly and said nothing.

Levi felt that he had stabbed Lou Zi, so he quickly smoothed things over.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore."

At this time, Xu Lei saw that Xu Le had no intention of talking too much, so he lost the desire to continue talking.

Zion's current situation is special. It should be said that since the beginning of the previous two black tides, the four major city-states have become somewhat special, so he quickly returned to his original work.

"You two reported here to participate in the development mission as warlocks?"

Xu Le is completely uninterested in talking about family matters, but when it comes to outing missions, he is not vague.

He knew very well that personal matters and business matters should not be discussed together, although the two matters often got mixed up.

But the purpose of his trip itself was to conduct a pioneer mission and earn rewards.

Naturally, there can be no ambiguity in this regard.

"Yes, Mr. Levi and I both participated in the pioneer mission as level 2 warlocks. He is a level 2 rune warlock, and I am a level 2 red moon warlock."

Xu Lei and Xu Ting were surprised when they heard Xu Le's self-introduction.

Unexpectedly, in less than three years, Xu Le would transform into a level 2 warlock. This career leap is quite big.

Seeing that Xu Le had already finished the introduction, Xu Lei also started to introduce himself.

"My name is Xu Lei, a level 3 warrior and the temporary captain of this mission. She is Xu Ting, a level 2 warrior. The two of them are Zhang Zichao and Liu Neng, both level 2 warriors. One of them is missing."

Hearing this staffing arrangement, Xu Le nodded silently.

His assessment was...weak.

too weak!

The captain of the lighthouse's night watchman started out as a level 4 warrior. How could he become the captain if he was less than a level 4 warrior?

Level 3 weirdness is very likely to appear at patrol level and defiler level.

That is, elites and mini-bosses. Ordinary level 3 warriors would have a hard time fighting against patrol-level monsters, let alone stronger polluters.

Xu Le has always felt that only level 4 warriors can prevail.

However, Zion's equipment is stronger, and perhaps their fighting style is different from that of the Lighthouse.

At this time, three strangely dressed people slowly walked toward them.

"We are mercenaries for this mission. Just call me Lao Wu, he is Lao Six, and she is Lao Seven.

Lao Qi and I are both level 3 warriors, and we will act according to Captain Xu’s arrangements this time. "

He is from Tianrui Lifeng!

Although Xu Le had never come into contact with people from Tianrui Lifeng, from the moment they met, he was sure that all three of them were from Tianrui Lifeng.

Heavy weapons, slightly exaggerated attire.

Spiked collars, bracelets, both men have bald heads, while the woman has a shaved head.

These three people exuded a fierce aura from their very bones.

They are different from the warriors Xu Le has seen before.

Wang Shu and Bai Jing are also very strong, but their auras are very restrained, while these three people are the ones who fully release their aura.

This feeling is like Chi Xiao!

Yes, Chi Xiao is also the kind of person who can hardly contain his aura.

Xu Le looked at this team configuration and felt a little worried.

"The mercenaries are two level 3 warriors. There is only one here. If something goes wrong, something could easily happen."

Xu Lei doesn't particularly care about this situation. If something goes wrong with the team, Zion will investigate the incident thoroughly.

Normally, mercenaries would not do this kind of thing in order to continue to survive.

"Okay, each of you will report on your respective abilities so that I can assign tasks, especially the abilities of the two warlocks. Try to be as detailed as possible."

Xu Le glanced at Levi, and he seemed to be used to this kind of thing.

"I am a rune warlock, good at combat and exploration."

Xu Le frowned slightly, he could understand that dolls are indeed very suitable for exploration.

Can fight?

Seeing Xu Le looking at him with suspicion, Levi actually rolled up his sleeves and showed off his muscles.

"What, you don't believe it? I'm very strong."

"Stop rolling up your sleeves, Brother Li, you are as thin as a piece of wood and have no muscles at all."

"Okay." Levis said with a smile.

After Levi introduced himself, Xu Le also spoke:

"I am a Red Moon Warlock. I am good at prediction, judgment, analysis, and early detection. As for combat... I should be pretty good at it."

After hearing the two warlocks introduce themselves, Xu Lei nodded.

The abilities of a warlock are different from those of a warrior. They are not as single as a warrior, so it is natural to have a general understanding of them.

The situation is different for warriors. All they need to know is their approximate level and their areas of expertise in strength and agility.

"Okay, everyone is almost here, let's get ready."

"Hey wait, isn't it a group of 10 people? There are only 9 people now."

Hearing Xu Le ask this, Xu Lei's expression became slightly tangled:


At this time, a slightly familiar figure ran over in a panic.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

Li Qingcheng, wearing the standard law enforcer combat uniform, nodded and apologized and ran to Xu Lei's side.

"Xu Lei, my mother has never let me leave before. I'm really sorry."

"Your mother really doesn't want you to go..." Xu Lei thought in his heart, but did not say so.

Now that people are here, it also means that Mrs. Li's persuasion has failed.

Then, he will need to take care of Li Qingcheng. These requirements were arranged by Li's mother in advance, so there is no problem.

But the biggest problem now is, Xu Le is here!

Li Qingcheng followed Xu Lei's gaze and opened her mouth when she saw Xu Le, not knowing what to say.

Levis, who was next to Xu Le, also felt the strangeness in the atmosphere of the team at this time, and he looked at Xu Le.

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem can delay us from making money." Xu Le smiled.

"That's right." Levis also laughed.

Seeing that Xu Le had no intention of greeting Li Qingcheng, Xu Lei said directly:

"Okay, everyone is here, let's set off."


After Xu Le and his party left, another group of Tianrui Lifeng mercenaries came to the enforcer hall in Area 5.

This group of people had cold expressions and looked quite murderous.

The woman in charge was negotiating with the law enforcer's task dispatch personnel.

It should be to receive the mercenary mission.

However, there was a very clever little girl in the team, who was circling around a man in a cloak.

"Ashu, when you just joined the team, the boss brought you to Zion to make money. The boss is really kind to you. Tell me, are you having an affair with the boss?"

The man in the cloak was Wang Shu, and his eyes were much calmer than before.

The pale golden light in his eyes gradually faded.

Looking at the mission hall, he asked thoughtfully:

“Where do Zion’s warlocks usually go?”

"Warlocks? Most of Zion's warlocks have gone to do research. Of course, if they are short of money, they will also participate in such field missions.

After all, those researchers don't regard money as money at all, spending money is just like running water, hahaha. "

Research? Would Xu Le do that kind of thing?

According to Xu Le's way of doing things, even if he was doing research, he should have tricked a few people into doing it for him.

Or, he will open a fortune-telling shop to tell legends and so on...

However, he probably only came to Zion not long ago, so maybe the progress is not that fast.

"Forget it, let's make money first."

Whether it is Xu Le or Wang Shu, the first step when they come to Zion is very similar, which is to make money.

Xu Le and the others followed Xu Lei and boarded the steam chariot dedicated to Zion's law enforcers.

As a capital of science and technology, almost all of this kind of tanks are developed by Zion itself, and they keep the most advanced models for their own use.

Then the old models and defective products are exported to other cities, and other cities have to serve as meat and potatoes.

It's like a lighthouse, a few tanks are too precious.

But what about here in Zion? Rows of brand new tanks were placed at the entrance of the law enforcement hall.

Xu Le feels that most of these tanks have never been used. This is probably the power of technology.

The group of people boarded the steam chariot, and Xu Le was slightly stunned by the roar of the steam engine.

When I was at the lighthouse before, I wasn't aware yet.

But when we arrived in Zion, everything could be done with Red Moon Technology.

Has anyone developed an engine from Red Moon Technology?

Moonstone instead of coal? Sounds a bit too luxurious.

"A brief introduction to the mission. Our target is 5-13-4, which is a relatively deep forest land.

The risk is estimated to be 3, which is not high. However, we all know about woodland tasks. The environment is harsh and exploration will be more difficult. The task time is 7 days. "

7 days?

Xu Le is not sure how big this so-called 5-13-4 area is, but with a 10-man team exploring for 7 days, the progress of this mission is too slow, right?

Can anima levels be maintained stably?

He looked at Levis again:

"Brother Li, do normal tasks last 7 days?"

"Yeah, I know you want to say that the mission is a bit long, but it's not actually that long.

Every extraordinary person in Zion, and even ordinary people, are valuable assets. We don’t want extraordinary people to make unnecessary sacrifices, so we lengthen the mission time and reduce the difficulty. "


The chariot was speeding, and Xu Le was studying the cards along the way. He wanted to decipher the second card and obtain the special ability of the destiny card, so he didn't want to waste any minute or second.

But it doesn't seem to be going so smoothly at the moment, and Xu Le is not in a hurry. There are some things that he can't rush.

The chariot stopped at a piece of desert.

Many workers remain here, using steam hammers to cut and break the gravel on the desert.

There are also explosions that appear from time to time in the distance, indicating that the mountain is being opened.

All signs indicate that these people are preparing to raze the Gobi to the ground.

It was literally razed to the ground.

Zion's pioneering mission is to obtain enough safe areas and then level them as a plains strategy.

It's an exaggerated approach, but it is indeed a very effective approach.

"It's really a century-old plan."

Hearing Xu Le's emotion, Levi's was also very proud.

"Yes, since Zion was officially established around the year 255 of the Fourth Age, the development has not stopped. Although this way of development is a little longer, it is indeed a century-old plan.

In the past, development was all done by manpower, but now with steam technology it has become much better. Zion has also transformed from a small town into one of the four major city-states.

Humanity has built many cities in the past, but they have all been lost in the long river of time. The rise of Zion as a young city is indeed remarkable. "

Xu Le nodded, only those who have experienced it can understand the difficulties involved.

Especially the weird way the dark ages appear, this kind of field work actually comes with huge risks.

"Let's go, the car can't drive through, we have to walk next."


After setting foot on the Gobi Desert, Xu Le also stopped studying cards. He scanned the surrounding environment while thinking about the mission.

Li Qingcheng was next to him, stealing glances at Xu Le from time to time.

However, she did not take the initiative to talk to Xu Le, and she maintained the vigilance of a warrior, which surprised Xu Le.

“The quality is pretty good.”

After walking for about 2 hours, there was a jungle not far ahead.

Xu Lei and other law enforcement officers each put on goggles, raised their guns and started to move forward into the jungle.

The combat uniforms they wore were made of extraordinary materials and seemed to have strong defensive capabilities. Judging from the performance of several warriors, they were also very light.

For this kind of equipment, Xu Le felt envious for no reason.

"Hey, only money is the passport to the extraordinary era!"

"I agree with this sentence." Levis agreed.

When he arrived at the jungle area, Xu Lei looked at Levis and signaled that he could proceed with the exploration mission.

Levis didn't waste any time. He took out a scroll and drew the curse seal to activate the spell.

"Spell - Summoning of Nothingness."

There was a burst of white smoke, and a monster like a giant scorpion appeared in front of Levis.

This scorpion is estimated to be 1.5 meters long, not counting the length of its tail.

The huge pair of pliers are made of bright metal and are overall gray-black. Although they are large, they are easily hidden in the shadows because they do not have any life breath.

"Doll No. 9, Scorpion."

Levi waved his hand gently, and the scorpion began to move quickly and penetrated into the forest.



The team operates as a collective of 10 people. Xu Le can understand this. There are three Tianrui Lifeng mercenaries and two of them recruiting warlocks. It is difficult to manage them if they are spread out.

What surprised Xu Le was that the person at the front of the team to clear the way was actually Xu Ting.

She put the big knife on her back, then pulled out two sharp daggers and began to cut a path.

The leaves and branches here are very sharp. It didn't take long for Xu Le to see Xu Ting's gloves were stained red.

As the team was marching, Levis suddenly said to Xu Le:

"The density of this jungle is a bit problematic."

"How dense is the jungle?" Xu Le was a little confused because he had never explored the jungle in the outer area.

So I don’t know much about the density of the jungle.

"Normal jungles are not so dense and lush. Every plant needs nutrients. If it is too dense, it will affect each other's nutrition."

"so what?"

"So there should be something here that affects the plant's nutrient acquisition, or..."

"Or maybe there is something... extremely nutritious here?" Xu Le said.

"That's the truth." Levis nodded.

Xu Le frowned slightly. What would be extremely nutritious for trees?

fertilizer? shit?

Or maybe even a rotting corpse!

The team's push lasted only about 15 minutes before Levi's raised his hand.

"Stop, there's something ahead."

"What?" Xu Lei asked.

"It looks like they are bears, one big and one small, mother and son. They don't have the aura of Gu Yin Duo, they are just ordinary beasts."

After listening to Levi's report, the mercenary Liu laughed loudly:

"I'm really lucky. I got bear paws when I arrived."

The man actually walked forward as he spoke. Xu Lei frowned slightly but did not stop him.

When he saw the female bear, he immediately raised the thick barrel musket in his hand.


The barrel musket was very powerful, and dense bullet holes appeared on the female bear's head.

The female bear is just an ordinary beast, how can it withstand such a violent weapon that is specially designed to target monsters.

After it wailed, it lay on the ground and became silent.

The little bear on the side was anxious, but he did not leave the mother bear's side because of fear.

Xu Le and the others had already followed.

After seeing the dead female bear and the cubs walking around, I probably understood the general situation of the matter.

No one is going to overflow with the Mother's Heart just because a mercenary killed a she-bear.

However, both Xu Le and Levi felt that his approach was inappropriate.

Levi felt the danger because of the warlock's intuition, while Xu Le felt it because of the traces at the scene.

"Here... I'm afraid there is a guy who is difficult to deal with!"

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